What You Need To Know Before Installing A Greenhouse

Published on: 26 January 2023 Last Updated on: 05 September 2024
Installing A Greenhouse

If you decide to up your game in gardening by widening your space and growing more crops, plants, fruits, and veggies, it’s time to consider investing in a greenhouse. Nothing beats the convenience of harvesting organic ingredients and producing straight from your garden. Not only does this help you save money, but it also allows you to explore more variety of seedlings to grow. 

Greenhouses are an excellent environment for fruits and vegetables to grow in their best state. Because of the safe enclosure, insects and external conditions cannot adversely affect their growth and condition. This safe haven ensures your plants’ nourishment to reap the best quality of produce later on.

However, before installing a greenhouse, you should acquire more knowledge and learn helpful techniques.  Here is everything you need to know before installing a greenhouse.

Type Of Greenhouse Design 

In order to buy or build a greenhouse, you first need to figure out how much-growing space you will need and what type of greenhouse design is best for you. You will have to continue using the same greenhouse for many years, so choose a size that will provide ample space for all the crops you wish to grow and care for. Opt for a reliable greenhouse company that includes installation services.  

Purchasing With Installation Included 

Some greenhouse specialists like Swgreenhouses.co.uk will include installation with your purchase, which means you don’t have to worry about installing it yourself in your own garden, which can save a lot of worries. 

Upon choosing the company or provider, don’t forget to seek advice on what type of greenhouse would best fit your needs and preferences. Here are two types to consider:


A lean-to or attached greenhouse offers the advantage of not having to build all four walls. It can significantly reduce greenhouse construction or installation cost. Since the foundation is already within your house, the greenhouse will remain stable and sturdy. Many home gardeners choose this greenhouse option because it’s easier to construct and cost-effective. The ideal area in your home to install an attached greenhouse is to find a place with enough sunlight.


The other option you can choose is freestanding greenhouses. It is the best bet if you want to place your greenhouse in different locations within your home. While they may require a heftier initial investment, you can see how cost-effective they can be in the long run since you can grow more plants in them. 

It also enhances your curb appeal as they become an extended sanctuary of your home. You can add decor or furniture and keep your greenhouse an additional space to entertain guests or spend time with the family. Because of their multiple purposes, freestanding greenhouses can be an excellent investment.

Consider The Plants You Want To Grow

Consider The Plants You Want To Grow 

Another important step before constructing or installing your greenhouse is deciding the kind of plants you’ll grow. This will help you determine the requirements for growing them and guide you in designing the greenhouse. If you don’t know what kind of plants to grow in your greenhouse, you can’t properly plan the proper temperature or lighting.

To care for your plants and vegetables, you have to factor in their sunlight and water requirement, temperature, humidity, and other factors. Choose plants that are matched to how your greenhouse can supply these elements. Also, note that you’ll need to buy greenhouse tools, equipment, and accessories based on your chosen plants. 

The good news is that you can grow any plant in your greenhouse. This is because the greenhouse’s main benefit is that you can control all these necessary elements to keep your plants strong and healthy. But you will need to decide what types of species grow well together and keep your greenhouse successful and effective. 

Whether you’re thinking of growing spiky plants that can be used to decorate houses or fruits and veggies that can be grown organically, the key is to be familiar with several plant species and their corresponding care requirements. After all, you’ll be able to plan which plants can grow together if you have a broad understanding of the plants you’re growing. 

Choose Your Location 

Choosing your location is important when deciding to invest in a greenhouse. If your greenhouse is near your home, you can visit and monitor it more often. However, if it’s a bit far, you might not be able to care for it frequently. Make sure it’s strategically located somewhere you or your family can easily access.

When choosing the best location, the general rule is to select a place where the sun shines much longer and more often. Thoroughly study and assess your residence, and see where the sun rises and sets daily. Consider these factors when deciding where to install your greenhouse. Find an area where your greenhouse will have protection against strong winds and frost pockets in case these instances occur. 

Light, Water, And Ventilation 

Finally, you have to ensure that your greenhouse will have convenient power sources, water, and air ventilation. This will enable you to install lighting and water fixtures easily. Your greenhouse must meet some requirements regardless of style, size, or construction method. Consider the aspects below:


You can control temperature easier when you install fans within the greenhouse. Wire the outlets safely and securely, and acquire all permits when installing a greenhouse. Aside from using a commercial power supply, you can consider installing solar-powered panels to generate electricity for the lights necessary in the greenhouse. 

Air Ventilation 

Air ventilation can be increased through the use of indoor greenhouse fans. They help alleviate extreme temperatures and climates. Airflow prevents warm air from rising, whereas cold air gathers below near the plants without airflow. Install fans or roof vents to promote more ventilation. 


Your greenhouse must have water access. Many greenhouses use garden hoses that are attached to a nearby resource. However, you can also go for automated sprinkler systems, which can be scheduled or turned on manually without having to go through all plants one by one.  


Your greenhouse investment will ultimately depend on you. You can do it yourself or hire professionals to install them successfully in your home. However, it’s crucial to know the details and aspects mentioned above to make your greenhouse construction project a breeze.


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HVO Fuel

HVO Fuel Uncovered: The Secret Fuel That Could Change Everything

The "fight" for a cleaner planet has been going on for a long time. People are trying to beat themselves because they and the things they use are the main polluters. Cars and everything that uses fossil fuels are among them, considering their emissions of exhaust gases into the atmosphere are huge. At the global level, governments make efforts to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, knowing these are the biggest polluters. That's why the desire to find alternative sources of energy from renewable sources has been present for a long time. While there are already certain options in use, as you can read here, new solutions are constantly coming up with improved performance and lower CO2 emissions. Alternative fuels are essential for sustainable carbon-free energy supply and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. And while you're probably already familiar with their use, HVO (which stands for Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) might be new to you. This low-carbon liquid fuel has gained attention lately because it seems like the long-awaited solution to pollution issues. About The HVO Fuel HVO implies using cooking oils and similar fatty waste as fuel. That's not an entirely new concept since the use of processed vegetable oils in diesel engines has been known for more than a century. Nevertheless, it's a new hype among eco-conscious consumers because it's plant-based and very clean. Its CO2 emission and the number of PM particles are almost 90% lower than diesel and kerosene, fossil fuels that are still widely used. The base of HVO is vegetable oil, that is, used cooking oil, such as sunflower, peanut, grapeseed, etc. However, it can also be made of both food-grade and non-food-grade oils (like palm or soy), animal fat residues, and tall oil. In their original state, these liquids could not be used as fuels, so they undergo hydrotreatment. It serves to change their consistency and composition for use in standard diesel engines. Hydrotreatment involves the use of hydrogen to eliminate oxygen from the oils. This treatment takes place at very high temperatures, and then glycerides, or fat components, are separated. That's a refining process that leaves this new fuel with minimal impurities, meaning that, during its combustion, there will be no harmful by-products and gases. That means less damage to the engine itself but also drastically less pollution. The Use Of HVO In general, HVO represents an alternative to fossil fuels, especially diesel, one of the major pollutants globally. So this new energy source can be used in all engines made for diesel. It means that its most common application will be in car engines. Still, it has found its purpose in off-road and agricultural machinery, boats, and generators. Some of the major truck makers have already made vehicles powered by HVO, as in this biodiesel-powered racing truck. This new fuel from reputable manufacturers like SyntechBiofuel.com is equally usable in modern diesel engines as well as in older types that don't have electronic fuel injection. They will have almost the same performance in operation as if regular diesel was used, only with much less damage to the engine, the entire circuit, and the environment. Alternative fuels also have a huge potential to become the primary energy source for heating systems. Oil and gas still dominate in this area, but more and more households and industrial facilities are turning to alternative solutions. For instance, heat pumps are a popular yet costly solution. HVO can be an even better and more cost-effective option if you plan to go green, that is, to switch to it from standard heating systems that use oil or kerosene. This venture won't cost you extra money because there's no need for system modifications and add-ons, as would eventually be the case with heat pumps. Benefits Of Switching To HVO Fuel As said, using HVO cuts the emission of harmful gases by up to 90%, depending on what makes the base of this fuel. That results from clean combustion because there are no impurities and PM particles in this processed liquid. Moving on, it means that engines will utilize a higher percentage of fuel, so their consumption will be lower. Simply put, HVO is a cleaner and more economical solution than diesel. This fuel is also sustainable, as it's made from waste (used cooking oil and animal fat). It also emits much less greenhouse gases than other fuels. As there's no carbon in HVO, there are no toxic and potentially carcinogenic combustion by-products. Another advantage of using HVO in standard diesel engines is that there is no need for their upgrades. But if you plan to use it as a replacement for heating oil in oil-fired boilers, there might be some minimal changes to your existing system. In any case, this can bring significant savings to both individuals and companies that, for some reason, have relied on fossil fuels until now. Because it doesn't contain oxygen molecules, HVO has a fairly long shelf life. So you can store it in specialized containers for up to 10 years without fear it will lose its properties and viscosity. For the same reason, HVO's freezing point is lower than that of ordinary diesel. Also, it won't harm the environment in case of accident spillage or leak. How HVO Differ From FAME? FAME is biodiesel, which isn't the same as HVO, although there are certain similarities. For starters, both are plant-based. But what makes a significant difference is how they're made. FAME utilizes esterification, which turns fatty molecules into esters and keeps oxygen molecules in it. As explained, HVO is obtained by a refinery process that removes oxygen from fats, leaving them ester-free, clean, stable, and non-prone to oxidation. So, unlike FAME, hydrotreated vegetable oils can't spoil, thicken, or degrade during storage. HVO is the fuel of the future, and there are many good reasons for that. It's a clean, non-toxic, sustainable, and economical alternative to diesel. It contributes to reducing the global carbon footprint, bringing no harm to the living world and the environment. Read Also: Fuel Storage Tanks: Ensuring Safe And Reliable Fuel Management 6 Effective Ways To Improve Your Car’s Fuel Efficiency 5 Ways To Improve The Fuel Efficiency Of Your Truck

Solar Panels

Ready Rooftops – How to Install Solar Panels

Solar power has risen in popularity rapidly all over Australia since the sudden decrease in costs at the beginning of the turn of the century and the advances in solar technology which have made commercial solar power much more accessible and affordable for all. With the continuing rise in the use of solar power, more and more home and business owners are moving to this renewable energy source and enjoying the benefits of green power. If you are deciding whether or not to make the switch to solar power, there are some things you need to consider before you go solar. Understanding the installation process is important to ensure that you install your solar panels for optimum efficiency. Most homeowners and business owners can install panels right away but there are a few things to be aware of so that your panel installation is a success and you can enjoy the benefits of solar power for many years to come. Let’s take a closer look at a few things that individuals and businesses should keep in mind before and during the installation of a new solar panel system. Determine How Much Power Will Be Produced: Before you install solar panels on your property, it’s important to take some time to do the necessary calculations in relation to the property you want to install your solar panels on to find out how much your solar system will produce. It doesn’t take long to do the calculations and once you have the results, you can determine how much power you can expect from your solar installation. Most solar installation companies can do an evaluation of your property before you install your panels to ensure it’s a suitable match for solar energy. Evaluate Your Roof: Evaluating your roof to see that it is appropriate to generate solar power is critical before you install your panels. This is usually done by the company before any contract is signed to ensure that the user will be able to make the most of the solar energy collected. However, it is not a bad idea to consider assessing your roof and position beforehand yourself too. If a roof is very shaded or the property is hidden from direct sunlight by another building or foliage, it may be necessary to reconsider your decision to go solar or come up with a different approach. For example, it’s possible to build solar installations on lawns which can equally benefit your property. Decide How Many Panels You Will Need: Prior to your installation, you should find out how many solar panels you will need, in terms of the size and scale of the solar installation and the number of photovoltaic cells. In order to find out this information, you should analyse your property and the energy capacity it currently works off. By carrying out an energy audit, you should be able to say with certainty how much power you need to use to fuel your home or business and therefore be able to decide on the measurements for your installation without any problems. Structurally Sound: If you have decided that installing a solar panel system on your roof is the right move, you will have to make sure that your roof is structurally sound and can take the weight and physical attachment of the system. Solar panel installations can last up to 30 years without any need to remove them so it is best to know that your roof will not need to be refurbished a few years down the road. Install Your Solar Panels And Enjoy A Greener Future: Once you have evaluated your home to ensure that the property is a good candidate for a solar installation, you will need to call your installation company. They will give the property one final look-over before and give you the green light before you complete the necessary paperwork. After the contract has been signed, you will be able to go ahead and prepare the orders for photovoltaic or thermal cells and the right inverter for your electric wiring. As soon as everything is set in place, you can set a date for the installation of your solar panels. Your installation company will do the rest of the work for you, install the panels and connect you to the national electricity grid so that you can take advantage of any excess energy that is produced through your system. With your solar panels installed, you can enjoy all of the benefits of solar power and look forward to a greener future. Read Also: Prepare Your Solar Panels For The Fall How To Start Living Off The Grid Feature Image: modernize.com

Home Generator

7 Specifications You Should Look for When Buying a Home Generator

Pretty much everyone has wished they had a backup home generator at one time or another. Whether you want a generator just so you won’t be left in the dark during a power failure or you need to know your family will be safe from the cold should a prolonged power outage happen during the dead of winter, buying a home generator requires some careful thought. Past the obvious choices of cost and reliability, there are a number of factors you should carefully consider before buying a home generator, such as price, your expected power needs, installation requirements, and maintenance issues. The variety of options and requirements can turn a seemingly simple purchase into a complex problem if you don’t know what you need. Here are seven specifications you should look for when buying a home generator: Specifications You Need To Look For Home Generator  There are several factors you need to look at while seeking a home generator. Work out the plans that can work well for you. 1. Power Requirements: Power needs are often dictated by your budget, as the more powerful a generator is the more it will, typically, cost. However, initial determining factors for calculating the size of the generator can be addressed with this query: During an electricity failure, does the generator need to power the entire house, or just handle emergency needs? When considering a generator that is able to handle the electrical demands of all the appliances in your home, factors such as peak demand during the months you use the most electricity is a deciding factor. Common generator voltages are 120/240 volts. If you are unsure, your electrician can provide this information. If you live in the south, where the temperatures are moderate throughout the winter, you will not need as powerful a generator as if you live in the far north where temperatures can be deadly in the winter months. A powerful home generator can make things easier for you. On the other hand, when calculating needs for backup supply, only the requirements of the reserve need to be calculated. In the north, this should include the furnace and a couple of lights. In the south, a smaller unit that can power a few lights and the refrigerator is probably adequate. For emergency loads, you may need to have an electrician install a dedicated emergency circuit from the main service panel to a distinct backup panel. However, this is typically up to the homeowner’s liking for a whole-house system. 2. Fuel Type: While it might seem convenient, gasoline is usually an inferior fuel choice for emergency generators as it tends to go bad quite quickly, especially gasoline with ethanol. Better choices include propane, natural gas, and diesel fuel. Powerful home generator can make things easier and effective for you. Prices can be a major contention when choosing between a natural gas generator, or propane and diesel since the price of the generator will depend on the amount of fuel the generator uses. The accessibility of the form of fuel is an additional important element. Propane and diesel fuel generators will have to be refilled during extended outages, whereas the utility company provides a continual source of natural gas. Local laws may dictate what type of fuel is available in your area. For example, the fuel element, propane is not usually permissible to be used within the limits of the city 3. Installation: Depending on the type of unit, you may need to hire a licensed electrician to install the generator. While smaller portable units simply require you plug a power cord directly into the unit, larger whole-house generators will need to be hardwired into your electrical system. Additionally, you will probably have to hire an authorized and insured plumber if you will be connecting the generator to a natural-gas fuel source. However, for simple emergency situations, a portable unit like gasoline-powered online Honda generators can provide up to 10,000 watts of emergency power and be stored in your garage, basement or on your porch. Some of the larger generator companies have their own installation staff or may subcontract the work. However, in some areas, depending on local codes, a homeowner with the proper skills may be able to perform their own installation. The important consideration is to use a trustworthy firm with a proven record of accomplishment of installing standby power-generator systems. 4. Placement: Where your generator will be located is an important consideration. The home generator should be installed as close to the fuel supply and service panel as possible. The generator must also be positioned where it can be easily reached for servicing. This is especially important if the unit is not being powered by natural gas, as you will have to fill the tank periodically. Additionally, it must be located at a comfortable distance from the ground to prevent any form of water from coming close or entering the unit in case of flooding. Outdoor installations may be required to be a secure distance from flammable structures to meet codes, as well as for safety in the absence of any local requirements. Indoor installations should adhere to norms and rules regarding exhaust, closeness to flammable materials, fuel-supply, and ventilation. Even if local codes don’t require it, the power back up should be placed in some type of enclosure to protect it from the elements and possible vandalism. Consider if there are Outdoor Noise Regulation imposed by the local Council or government body for installing the home generator outdoors. Some municipalities require the noise level of a generator is restricted to a specified decibel level at the property line closest to the unit. If a noise ordinance exists, the required level of sound will dictate the kind of power generator that will be used. Quite a few residential generators are supplied with sound deadening enclosure. 5. Options: Accessory options can vary widely, depending on the home generator make and model. Some systems will offer a remote panel that can be installed in a convenient spot inside your home that will have controls and displays to allow you to control and monitor your system without having to go outside. Larger whole-house systems will typically have an automatic transfer switch that will switch the generator on when a power disruption is detected and may be an option on some smaller units. 6. Maintenance: Like any piece of mechanical equipment, and home generators require regular and proper maintenance to ensure it will do the job you bought it to do when the time comes. Unfortunately, because it isn’t typically used on a regular base, maintenance often isn't thought about, until the generator won’t start during a power outage. Some companies will include routine maintenance in the cost of the unit or you may be able to purchase a separate maintenance contract. If you are a do-it-yourselfer you can perform maintenance on your generator yourself, just be sure it won’t void the warranty. 7. Warranty: The typical warranty for residential generators usually varies from one to five year, based on the manufacturer and model. Be sure to study the warranty coverage, including the duration, and what is and what is not covered. Many companies will offer an extended warranty for an added fee. Read Also: Advantages Of Using A Portable Solar Generator How To Maintain Your Garden Railings? Winter Is Going! A Monthly Home Maintenance Checklist To Get You Ready For Spring Featured Image: generatorpalace.com