New Technology in Business: 4 Inventions in 2019 That Are Changing the Game

Published on: 14 March 2019 Last Updated on: 15 July 2024
New Technology in Business

New technology has been changing business throughout history.

For instance, the invention of the printing press in the 15th Century had profound effects on the global economy and society overall. Mass production led to lower prices. Books and reading were no longer reserved for the rich and powerful.

The printing press enabled the exchange of information and reduced the class-divides that had been sustained through an uneducated, illiterate populace.

Of course, a modern-day equivalent would be the invention of the internet. But these are just 2 examples! Clearly, tech and business are often interconnected.

What are the latest inventions in tech that are influencing business around the world?

Keep reading to find out 4 pieces of game-changing new technology in business.

New Technology in Business: 4 Top Inventions:

Modern tech is changing the way business is run. Check out these 4 new inventions that are having a major impact.

1. The Internet of Things (IoT):

IoT is one of the hottest topics in tech right now.

It describes the interconnection of devices and everyday items through the internet. Think smart fridges ordering food whenever you’re running low.

Think calendars connected to self-driving cars, taking you automatically to your destination. Think kettles connected to alarm clocks, starting to boil shortly after you wake up.

The business opportunities are endless.

2. Conversation Intelligence:

Remember Wolf of Wall Street?

Jordan Belfort was a killer salesman who knew what to say to make a sale. He then took that insight and created a script for his employees to follow. Before long they were making sales with ease.

That’s the basis of conversation intelligence. You find what conversation works, then incorporate it into your sales pitch.

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems:

AI may seem like something from a dystopian future.

But it’s happening now. And the impact on business will be enormous.

Take customer markets, for example. Businesses will learn exactly what a consumer wants based on their previous decision making. Likewise, customer service can be done with a bot that can respond to customer needs and issues.

The business saves money and the consumer gets the answers they need, whenever they require it.

4. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR):

VR and AR remain in their early stages.

But their impact on business will be huge. It’s already having an effect.

Marketing is one example. Take the tourist industry.

Potential customers can walk through the hotel they’re interested in; sit in their flight seats; or explore their local neighborhood attractions…all before deciding whether to actually go.

In truth, there are immense potential opportunities for AR and VR in business.

Time to Wrap Up:

There you have it: 4 pieces of new technology in business that are changing the world.

Throughout history, technological advances have impacted business and society. From the printing press to electricity, to the internet, and so on, tech developments have profound effects on life.

Modern tech is developing at a staggering rate. Time will tell exactly how current advancements will change things. However, thanks in part to the developments we’ve discussed above, the business world is sure to be a different place in the future.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Digital Signature Technology

Ensuring Compliance And Security In Digital Signature Technology

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the need for secure and legally recognized signatures has become increasingly vital. Digital signature technology offers a robust solution, enabling individuals and organizations to sign, send, and track documents with efficiency and confidence. Unlike traditional handwritten signatures, digital signatures provide enhanced security features and legal validity, making them indispensable in various industries. With the emergence of electronic signature (e-sign) APIs, such as Lumin, organizations can streamline their document management processes further. e-sign APIs facilitate seamless integration of digital signature functionality into existing workflows, allowing customers to sign, send, and track documents directly from their preferred applications. This not only enhances efficiency but also ensures compliance with regulatory standards and maintains high levels of security throughout the document lifecycle. Compliance Standards And Regulations Digital signature technology operates within a complex regulatory framework to ensure legal validity and compliance with industry standards. Key regulations, such as the Electronic Identification, Authentication, and Trust Services (eIDAS) Regulation in the European Union and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), govern the use of digital signatures and electronic transactions. Compliance with these regulations is essential for organizations to establish the legal validity of digital signatures and protect sensitive data. A. Understanding Key Regulations The eIDAS Regulation establishes a uniform legal framework for electronic signatures, ensuring their recognition and enforceability across EU member states. It outlines specific requirements for electronic identification, authentication, and trust services, including electronic signatures, to enhance security and facilitate cross-border transactions.  Compliance with eIDAS is crucial for organizations operating within the EU to ensure the legal validity of digital signatures and foster trust in electronic transactions. Similarly, the GDPR mandates stringent data protection measures, including the use of secure digital signature solutions, to safeguard individuals' privacy rights and prevent unauthorized access to personal data. Organizations must implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure compliance with GDPR requirements when using digital signature technology, thereby mitigating data breaches and non-compliance risks. B. Implementing Standards For Legal Validity Organizations must adhere to established standards and procedures to ensure the legal validity of digital signatures. This includes implementing robust authentication mechanisms to verify the identity of signatories and validate the integrity of electronic documents. By adhering to industry standards and regulatory requirements, organizations can establish the legal validity of digital signatures and ensure their enforceability in legal proceedings. Security Features Of Digital Signatures Digital signatures incorporate advanced security features to ensure the integrity, authenticity, and confidentiality of electronic documents. Understanding these security features is crucial for organizations seeking to implement digital signature solutions while maintaining compliance and protecting sensitive information. A. Encryption And Authentication Mechanisms Encryption lies at the heart of digital signature technology, serving as a fundamental mechanism for securing electronic documents. Through the use of encryption algorithms, digital signatures protect the content of documents during transmission, ensuring confidentiality and preventing unauthorized access. Digital signatures also employ robust authentication mechanisms to verify the identity of signatories and validate the integrity of electronic documents. Authentication plays a pivotal role in establishing the trustworthiness of digital signatures, allowing recipients to verify the authenticity of signed documents and the identity of the signer. Furthermore, digital signature solutions often integrate with existing authentication methods, such as biometric authentication or two-factor authentication, to enhance security and ensure that only authorized individuals can sign documents. B. Preventing Tampering And Ensuring Integrity One of the primary objectives of digital signatures is to prevent tampering and ensure the integrity of electronic documents. Digital signatures achieve this by incorporating mechanisms that detect any unauthorized alterations to the signed documents. Digital signatures include a unique digital fingerprint, known as a hash, which is generated based on the content of the document. This hash is encrypted using the signer's private key, creating a digital signature that is unique to both the document and the signer. Any modifications made to the document after it has been signed would result in a mismatch between the original hash and the altered document, thereby detecting tampering attempts. This tamper-evident feature ensures the integrity of electronic documents and assures recipients of the authenticity of the signed content. In addition to detecting tampering, digital signatures often include timestamping mechanisms that record the exact time when the document was signed. Timestamps further enhance the integrity of digital signatures by providing a reliable record of the signing event, enabling parties to verify the chronological order of signatures and detect any discrepancies. Best Practices In Digital Signature Management Adopting best practices is essential for organizations to ensure compliance and security in digital signature management, safeguarding against potential risks and vulnerabilities. A. Regular Audits And Compliance Checks Regular audits of digital signature processes and systems help organizations proactively identify and address compliance or security vulnerabilities. Conducting compliance checks ensures that digital signatures adhere to regulatory standards and legal requirements, mitigating non-compliance risks and ensuring electronic documents' legal validity. B. Training And Awareness For Users Effective training and awareness programs educate users about the importance of digital signatures, legal implications, and security best practices. By promoting user awareness and understanding, organizations can prevent misuse of digital signature solutions and enhance overall compliance and security. Technological Advances In Digital Signatures Technological innovations play a pivotal role in enhancing digital signature solutions' security and compliance capabilities. These advancements continually evolve to address emerging threats, improve user experience, and ensure legal validity in electronic transactions. A. Innovations Enhancing Security And Compliance Enhanced Encryption Algorithms: Recent advancements in encryption algorithms have bolstered the security of digital signatures, making them more resistant to cryptographic attacks. Advanced encryption standards, such as Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) and RSA, offer stronger cryptographic primitives, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of electronic documents. Authentication: The variants of biometric authentication methods, like facial recognition, fingerprint recognition, and iris scanning, have emerged as robust mechanisms for verifying the identity of signatories in digital signature solutions. By integrating biometric data into the signing process, organizations can enhance security and mitigate the risk of unauthorized access or impersonation. Multi-factor Authentication: In addition to traditional password-based authentication, digital signature solutions increasingly incorporate multi-factor authentication (MFA) methods to enhance security. MFA requires users to authenticate their identity using multiple factors, such as passwords, biometrics, and one-time passcodes, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access and enhancing compliance with regulatory requirements. Advanced Audit Trails: Digital signature solutions now offer advanced audit trail capabilities, allowing organizations to maintain detailed records of signature transactions. Audit trails provide visibility into the signing process, including the signatories' identity, the signatures' timestamp, and any modifications made to the document, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and facilitating forensic analysis in case of disputes. Conclusion In conclusion, ensuring compliance and security in digital signature technology is essential for organizations seeking to leverage electronic signatures in their document management processes. By understanding key regulations, implementing robust security measures, and adopting best practices, organizations can harness the benefits of digital signatures while maintaining legal validity and protecting sensitive information. Read Also: Ensuring Compliance And Security In Digital Signature Technology Behind The Filter: Understanding YouTube Restricted Mode’s Functionality Privacy In The Digital Age: Managing Your ‘My Activity’ On Google

Creative Translation

10 Essential Facts To Know While Translating In Creative Translation

Translation is not merely about converting words from one language to another. It is a delicate art that requires finesse and creativity to convey the intended message accurately. While traditional translation focuses on maintaining the literal meaning of the source text, creative translation takes things a step further by infusing creativity and adaptability into the process. Ten essential facts to know while translating in creative translation In this section, we discuss the ten critical facts to know while translating in creative translation.  1. Context is Key When it comes to Creative Translation Services Singapore, context plays a pivotal role in ensuring the accuracy and effectiveness of the translation. Understanding the cultural background, target audience, and intended message of the source text allows the translator to adapt the translation in a way that resonates with the target readers. For example, consider a marketing campaign for a new car targeting Singaporean customers. While translating slogans or taglines, a creative translator must be aware of the local culture, preferences, and values. Adapting the message to Singaporean colloquialisms or incorporating cultural references can make the translated text more engaging and relatable. 2. The Power of Adaptation Creative translation goes beyond the literal translation of words. It involves adapting the content to suit the cultural and linguistic context of the target audience. The goal is to maintain the essence and impact of the source text while ensuring it resonates with the target readers. For instance, let's say you are translating a novel set in London for a Singaporean audience. The original text may reference British landmarks and cultural references that may not be familiar to local readers. A creative translator would adapt the text by replacing these references with Singaporean equivalents, maintaining the same impact and immersing the readers into the story. 3. Multilingualism in Singapore Singapore is known for its cultural diversity and multilingualism. The country has four official languages: English, Mandarin Chinese, Malay, and Tamil. This linguistic diversity presents both opportunities and challenges when it comes to creative translation. A creative translator in Singapore must be sensitive to the nuances of multiple languages and their speakers. They must navigate through the intricacies of code-switching, language choice, and cultural variations to create translations that are not only accurate but also resonate with the different language communities in Singapore. 4. Cultural Nuances and Idioms Every language has its own set of cultural nuances and idioms that are deeply ingrained in its speakers' everyday communication. Creative translation requires a comprehensive understanding of these cultural nuances to effectively convey the intended meaning of the source text. Consider the English idiomatic expression "It's raining cats and dogs." A creative translator would not translate this phrase literally when targeting a non-English-speaking audience. Instead, they would adapt it to an equivalent idiomatic expression in the target language, ensuring the translated text captures the same essence and impact. 5. Varying Degrees of Creativity Creative translation is a spectrum, with varying degrees of creativity depending on the project at hand. While some projects may require a more liberal approach to translation, others may demand a more conservative and accurate rendition of the source text. For example, translating a work of fiction allows for greater creative freedom, as the focus lies on evoking emotions and capturing the essence of the story. On the other hand, translating legal or technical documents requires a more precise and accurate translation to ensure legal compliance and clarity. 6. The Role of Technology In today's digital era, technology has become an integral part of the translation process. Machine translation tools and computer-assisted translation (CAT) software have improved the overall efficiency and accuracy of translations. However, when it comes to creative translation, the human touch remains essential. While machines can assist with linguistic accuracy, they often lack the creativity, cultural understanding, and adaptability that human translators bring to the table. Creative translation demands the subtle nuances and expertise of a skilled translator to truly capture the essence of the source text and engage the target audience effectively. 7. Personal Experiences As a translator myself, I have had the privilege of working on numerous creative translation projects. One particularly memorable experience was translating a series of children's books from English to Malay for the Singaporean market. The challenge lay in preserving the humor and playfulness of the original text while adapting it to the local cultural context. Through creative translation, I was able to introduce local folktales and idiomatic expressions that Singaporean children could relate to, making the books more engaging and enjoyable. Witnessing the positive response and seeing the children connect with the stories on a deeper level was truly gratifying. 8. Balancing Authenticity and Adaptation One of the key challenges in creative translation is finding the right balance between authenticity and adaptation. While it is crucial to maintain the core message and style of the source text, it is equally important to ensure the translation resonates with the target audience and reads naturally in the target language. For instance, translating a famous literary work requires preserving the author's unique voice and writing style. However, a creative translator must also consider the preferences and reading habits of the target audience to create a translation that captures the essence of the original while remaining accessible and relatable. 9. Translators must Be The Negative Speakers The ultimate need for translation in business is to look out for deeper penetration. You need to connect with the audience and the potential customers to get a better example. The bilingual individual responsible for the translation consciously takes the pathway of biasedness. It means they must be negative individuals. Their translations must have to be local enough. But at the same time, they also have to ensure that they do not turn out to be negative speakers minus any kind of bias. Creative translation does not imply that you alter facts straight away with the help of biasedness.  10. The Machine Will Never Replace The Translators With the rise of technology, the employees related to this very sector think that one day they will be obsolete due to the rise of machines. Machine translation has evolved a lot in recent years.  But when the discussion comes to creative translations, machines will never be able to replace humans. Firstly, the machine needs to have the power to accumulate a set of ideas and completely reproduce them into an artistic rendition.  The machines have their limitations. They have information but zero creativity. Let us be assured of it. This is a capability that only stays with the human being.  Conclusion Creative translation is an art that allows for the seamless transference of ideas, emotions, and cultural nuances across languages and cultures. By harnessing the power of context, adaptation, and cultural understanding, translators can create translations that not only convey the meaning accurately but also engage and resonate with the target audience. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the need for effective and creative translation continues to grow. So, if you find yourself needing to translate marketing materials, literary works, or any content that seeks to captivate your target audience, consider the expertise of IPPWORLD. With their deep understanding of the creative translation process, IPPWORLD can help you unlock the full potential of your content and connect with audiences across various languages and cultures. Read Also: What Should my Content Cover to Rank on Google? How To Use Google Ads To Your Advantage The Basics on Google Local Algorithm

READ MOREDetails A Key Resource for Versatile PowerPoint Templates A Key Resource for Versatile PowerPoint Templates

PowerPoint is a presentation program created by Microsoft. For the longest time now, Microsoft PowerPoint has reigned as a market leader. Many organizations mark the beginning and end of their business meetings by PowerPoint presentations. PowerPoint is commonly used in business situations, conferences, strategy sessions, in the presentation of proposals or even to outline plans. At some point, this program is used in the progress reports in various quarters by using timelines and roadmap slides. It is then used in the presentation of findings and conclusions. This piece tries to demystify why and how PowerPoint has been able to outsmart other products such as Google Slides and Keynote. A key focus will be on the renowned provider of the diverse PowerPoint templates, SlideModel. Benefits of’s PowerPoint Templates PowerPoint is a complete presentation graphics package that will help the presenter to design and deliver a presentation to a small or large audience. In order to produce a professional-looking presentation, it would be ideal to get visual appealing graphics from reputable presentation template providers, such as SlideModel, among the numerous benefits that the SlideModel PowerPoint templates will come with include: Increasing Visual Impact. The use of the presentation templates in your presentation will improve the audiences’ focus. This is because you are able to include images, audios and even videos (multimedia content). This in turn helps the presenter to be more interactive and have an impact o0n the audience. Content Sharing. In a world where the Internet is the trend, it would be ideal to have your PowerPoint presentations put online for people to access. It may also be a perfect source of income. In sites like YouTube, SlideOnline or SlideShare, you can upload presentations where with each view you bare paid. The use of professional PowerPoint templates enables you to be flexible in terms of the delivery. For instance, you could have a presentation that text-heavy or image-heavy. This flexibility enables an individual to have different approaches to the audience. In turn, the message can be put across effectively. Time saving and easy to use. Using the highly customizable templates for PowerPoint enables businesses save time. This is because old school visual methods such as chalkboards are time wasting and may end up not effectively sending the message home. However, the use of appealing images and text will make the presentation cohesive and effective. The templates provided by SlideModel come in simple forms that allow you to quickly make and customize your content. Compatibility in mind. The templates can be reused in other popular presentation tools, such as OpenOffice, Keynote or even Google Slides. 100% Editable PowerPoint Templates from On SlideModel, all the templates are 100% editable and customizable. They are created with built-in PowerPoint shapes producing high quality graphics that can be resized to any size without losing image quality. That helps toward preparing presentation with a finished, satisfactory look. Various users can download the templates from the site. In addition, they have a perpetual license purchasing any of the Annual Unlimited plans. The only requirement is that the user has to comply with the End User License Agreement. The site also provides free PowerPoint templates on a weekly basis. This enables the various users to choose from a wide range of products. Among these free powerful templates include the color splash slides, stairway concept slides for PowerPoint, Creative Thinking Slides for PowerPoint, Creative Business Diagrams for PowerPoint, Layered Light Bulb Diagram, Circular Concept Diagram for PowerPoint among others. There are tons of templates at our site and you will be sure to find the perfect template to effectively implement your ideas in presentations. Editable Presentation maps SlideModel offer editable map templates for PowerPoint. For those who are involved in geography or location presentations, as well as sales presentations by region, this is the perfect site for you. Businesses and individuals will find editable maps from all over the world. These maps include those of individual countries, regions and even continents. These presentation maps will save you the hustle of drawing maps-which are hard to draw. In addition, much time will be saved and your audience will enjoy the simplicity and uniqueness of our map presentation templates. Data-Driven Design Templates Our PowerPoint data designed templates will help your presentations in a great way. Sometimes, there are comparative presentations that will involve setting data in bar graphs, charts and even figure placeholders. These data templates are readily editable which allows information to be recorded in a simple manner. In addition, the designs come in a variety of styles. As a result, the user is able to get unique graphs that reduce the monotony in the presentation. Despite the fact that the charts and graphs are data-driven, the user can even put them in 3D effects. This further makes the general outlook good of the presentation. Final Words It is therefore evident that this site is the problem solver when it comes to the PowerPoint templates. The templates by will come in handy in your business, results or even in the pitching of ideas. The use of the PowerPoint templates will ensure that the various ideas that are intended to be put across are done so in an effective yet an appealing manner. Therefore, the next time your business requires a well-structured presentation, consider checking the wide array of templates provided by Read also: Why Lead Generation Is Essential For Business?