Dos and Don’ts of Marketing for Technology Companies

Published on: 22 November 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Technology Companies

Marketing is essential to the success of any business – and that includes technology companies.

According to The CMO Survey, tech companies spend 15% of their total budget on marketing. Second, to Consumer Packaged Goods industry, the tech sector has one of the highest budget allocations for marketing. In fact, tech giant Samsung is considered the second largest advertising spender worldwide with a total  $9.2 billion advertising spending. This underlines the importance of marketing in the technology industry.

When you don’t run an effective marketing campaign, you’re doomed to fail — no matter how impressive your solution is. Unfortunately, a lot of tech companies, especially startups, still fail to recognize this fact. While some technology companies have marketing plans, many of these are ineffective.

We’ve seen a lot of tech companies come and go. And many of those companies that failed didn’t give marketing the right attention it deserves. To these companies, hindsight is an amazing but useless thing!

The good news is that you don’t have to commit the same missteps of these failing (or failed) tech companies. They are avoidable – and you can learn HOW to avoid them.

Here are some do’s and don’ts of running an effective marketing for a technology company.

DO: Be bold and interesting

When a tech company grows, their marketing strategies tend to stagnate and settle with the ‘usual campaigns’ that may have worked for them in the past. But the problem is that the competition is ever evolving. As such, your marketing strategies need to stay bold, interesting and exciting too.

Always remember that the moment you settle with formulaic marketing techniques, you become less competitive. Don’t wait to become irrelevant. Study your market, know where it’s headed and be ahead of the pack.

DON’T: Set up and just wait for visitors

So you’ve built a website, social media networks and added some content. But it shouldn’t end there. Don’t expect people to find and visit your page. You have to invest in promoting and marketing your online presence. Great content, social media presence and effective SEO for technology companies are vital to connecting with your customers.

DO: Focus on your company instead of customers

Perhaps the cliché, “the customer is always right” also means “the customer is king!” Unfortunately, not all tech companies realize this. Marketing campaigns of many tech companies focus so much on their products or services, but never really about their customers.

But the fact is that customers only care about their problems, needs, and goals. They’d only want to know if you offer a solution to their problem. To engage their interest, talk about how you can help them and in the language they understand. Effective marketing talks about how you can solve a problem, and once you get their interest, you can then brag about your product’s features.

DON’T: Spend too much or too little

For your marketing campaign to be effective, it needs to be funded adequately. According to U.S. Small Business Administration, a company should devote at least 7 to 8 percent of your gross revenues for marketing and advertising. This underlines the importance of marketing. You will spend on various marketing channels, and maintain a good marketing and sales team. Scrimping on your marketing budget can do more harm than good to your tech company.

A 2016 Gartner Survey shows that budget allocations for marketing continue to increase, climbing to 12% of the company budget. The tech industry is a very competitive one and there is a need to keep abreast with competition.

However, this doesn’t mean you can spend all of your revenue on your marketing. You don’t want to pour in your budget on failing or badly-managed marketing techniques. Evaluate each of the marketing strategies you employ and see which one gives you the most ROI. Study your target audience and know how to engage them better.

DO: Delegate to experts

Maybe you’re a great developer or an experienced CEO, but that doesn’t make you a good marketing person or a salesman. This is a common mistake of many tech companies. While you can give your inputs and ideas, you should give your marketing team the flexibility to create an effective marketing campaign. Pick people who have the credentials to run your company’s marketing.

DON’T: Ignore your online presence

A lot of tech companies tend to ignore their website and social media channels soon after launching them. It’s a huge mistake! Launching a website or social channels is not a one-off thing. It needs a sustained marketing effort to get your website work for you. Consider your website as an investment and as a vital part of your marketing strategy. You’ll need the help of agencies providing continuous website development to ensure that your website remains up-to-date, functional and effective. Keep your web presence active and relevant – it’s an important part of your branding.

DO: Focus your marketing efforts

In an effort to get a wide audience, some tech companies create an unclear persona and a scattered, complicated marketing campaign. As a result, they end up wasting their budget. While you want to reach as much audience as possible, launching a marketing campaign without proper targeting can both costly and wasteful. You need a targeted and focused marketing.

Know your product or service and engage a specific market segment, particularly those with the highest chances of conversion. Do your research and discover where your target audience is. Take note that not everyone is a potential customer – focus on channels that bring you the best results. For example, if you are marketing a tech solution for gamers, you will have the best returns if you place your ads on a gamers’ forum instead of a woodworkers’ forum.

DO: Build a strong organic relationship

Nowadays, it’s very easy to buy traffic or page visits from dodgy merchants. But the problem is that these numbers mean nothing to your business. Sadly, this remains one of the most common mistakes of many tech companies. In an attempt to boost their online presence in an instant, some companies resort to devious digital marketing schemes that promise to increase their web presence overnight. This is a major and wasteful misstep you should never do.

Your marketing campaign should focus on building your product. Letting people know what solutions you offer, engaging your audience and building strong organic relationships. Invest your time and efforts into marketing strategies with good returns – and you’re on the right track.

Read More: 

  1. Social Media Marketing role in Technology.
  2. Importance of Flexibility with Business Technology.
  3. Securing Mobile App Development with Blockchain Technology.



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Automated Testing

Why Automated Testing Is Important In Oracle: Key Insights

More and more businesses are moving to Oracle Cloud to take advantage of the regular updates that Oracle offers. Organizations can now use Oracle's newest features and functions without having to wait months or even years for updates to come out. But as the rate of change has sped up, so has the risk to the businesses of Oracle's clients. This is because traditional business procedures are more likely to fail with every quarterly and ad hoc change. When a company's procedures aren't working well, teamwork breaks down and output drops by a lot. Enterprise software needs to be tested regularly to reduce the chance of a business process failing, and automated testing is the most effective, efficient, and cost-effective way to do this. Manual testing methods are simply not good enough for a modern, agile business. It's too expensive, takes too much time, and the testing coverage isn't good enough to get rid of all possible risks to each important business function. Importance Of Using Automated Oracle Cloud Testing: Companies have to make changes to their operational procedures and implement EBS testing regularly so they can keep up with how the market is always changing. Testing should be done every time a process is changed or a new one is added so that it has as little effect as possible on operations. Automated testing is the best way to make sure that these updates work as planned. Oracle is truly one-of-a-kind because it can be changed to fit the needs of each business. With each quarterly Oracle Cloud release, there is a chance that changes may no longer work. Oracle testing automation gives you confidence that important changes are safe. Oracle is rarely used by itself in a business's ecosystem. Oracle Cloud Apps are often connected to other systems and productivity tools in an organization, Office 365, and third-party systems. After each quarterly update, it's important to make sure that all of the important integrations still work, since these updates often break compatibility. An End-To-End testing tool is a must if you want to be sure that none of these hundreds of integrations will fail. A role-based system is in place to protect the Oracle Cloud Apps. Every three months, the Oracle Cloud may reassign some or all of your security jobs. After every upgrade, businesses need to check their security and user permissions to make sure they are still legal. Because each role has about 500 Functions and Data security rights, it is almost impossible to manually check a large number of roles at once. You can avoid this problem by using automated testing. Companies that want to go for e-business suite upgrade and Oracle cloud apps should know that manual testing won't give them the speed and accuracy they need to keep up with how often and how many changes Oracle Cloud makes. Also, they need to be aware that the risks they are taking in their business processes are not worth it. By using high-velocity Oracle Cloud test automation, businesses can avoid most of the business interruptions and project delays that come from manual testing. Conclusion: Automated testing from Opkey will cover all of the system's most important processes and integrations in depth. This will ensure that the system will continue to work after an Oracle upgrade. Automation is a must for thorough Oracle Cloud testing if you want to make sure your company is safe and your testing cycles move faster to avoid business interruptions. Read Also: Which Is A Benefit Of Using Server–To–Server App Conversion Tracking Over An SDK? Mark Stiffler Gives You 7 Ways To Automate Your Business For Success 9 Ways To Improve Efficiency At Your Manufacturing Business Complex Supply Chains Network and Business Complexity

big data

Big data software development services

Information that is unstructured or time touchy or basically extensive can't be handled by social database motors. The application of big data software is quite interesting. Take climate for instance. For a climate forecaster, the measure of information gathered the world over about neighborhood conditions is extensive.  This sort of information requires an alternate handling approach called Big data. These days the organizations have a simple access to information with the exponential development of rising computerized Big data software development services. This represents a test to deal with the expanding volume of information consistently. Be that as it may, Big Data programming advancement administrations enable you to deal with the information well notwithstanding the size and additionally enable you to rethink your business through our engaged research. The significance of big data doesn't rotate around how much information you have, however what you do with it. You can take information from any source and break down it to discover answers that empower cost decreases, time diminishments, new item advancement and improved contributions, and savvy basic leadership. Big Data has turned into a pattern, giving your business upper hand over others while likewise gives a wide range of access to Big Data that is developing in volume, assortment, speed and multifaceted nature. Regardless of information is neighborhood, in the cloud or both, you're expeditiously overflowed with monstrous measures of data. All that is required is involvement, aptitudes and instruments keeping in mind the end goal to flourish and transform your business issues into business bits of knowledge. When you consolidate huge information with powerful investigation, you can achieve business-related errands, for example, Determining main drivers of disappointments, issues and imperfections in close constant. Generating coupons for the purpose of an offer in view of the client's purchasing propensities. Recalculating whole hazard portfolios in minutes. Detecting false conduct before it influences your association. Huge DATA IS A BIG HELP IN BOOSTING SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Big data software development services give advancement benefits that are proficient and viable. With innovation advancing always, numerous frameworks were incorporated into the product advancement process. Compelling programming advancement administrations give true serenity and dependability, money saving advantage and also adaptability to any business. Programming organizations oblige customers crosswise over industry verticals and different sizes. The relationship is worked from common advantage, trust and regard. It's turned out to be important for a product advancement specialist organization to stay refreshed on the present frameworks and innovations to oblige the changing needs of the customers and to be more effective in the entire programming improvement process. THE ROLE OF BIG DATA IN DEVELOPING SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS Big data software development services are best portrayed as tremendous information volumes or huge pieces of information that need exceptional procedures to be handled and investigated. The present reality is information driven. Individuals all add to the age of huge information as tremendous measures of information are created once a day. Tremendous information implies comprehensive information created in shape or pictures, instant messages, recordings, archives, messages, and the sky is the limit from there. Indeed, even an individual could make gigantic measures of information every day. Think about this for a whole association with several individuals.

Google Map Marketing

Google Maps Marketing: Guides on How to Boost Brand Advantage

If you own a local business which serves clients at a particular address, you must seize the rare opportunity to gain a customer’s attention through using the essential local guide on cellular. The location of an individual is the basis of ⅓ of mobile online searches, according to Search Engine Land. That’s why in general, local online searches are growing 50% faster than general mobile online searches. Google Maps Marketing is the process of using the functions of Google Maps to make businesses easier to find. Even though it is very useful for large enterprises, it is even more essential for smaller firms. The primary objective of Google Maps marketing is to attain the highest ranking possible in the listings of the local business page on Google Maps related to the Google search engine results pages. Read also: Methods Of Optimizing Local SEO That Is Essential For Small Business Make sure to optimize the business listings, and the citations should be precise One way to make your business easier to find on Google Maps is to go to Google My Business and have a listing for your company. It is a listing that will show up when someone looks at the search and maps results. Google makes sure that the information you give about your company should be accurate. Google identifies your online business location and provides your listings in its results based on the presence and reliability of NAP or Name, Address, and Phone number. You need to be very careful while providing information about your business. Provide the address, including the floor number and the street.  It should appear precisely the same on your website and other directories. Reach for customer reviews As soon as you attain the right fundamentals, you should request the clients to leave a review. According to the study done by Search Engine Land, 72% of customers said that good reviews made them trust a local enterprise more. The hindrance is that most consumers are more likely to post their negative online experiences rather than positive ones. The first step is to remind and encourage your customers how easy it is to provide a review on their mobile devices. You can also embed Google reviews on your website in order to motivate your audience to leave more positive feedback on your business. Second is your need to remain on top of the reviews, with appointed customer service people in place. It is a good thing that the Google My Business dashboard enables you to view all of the recent studies efficiently and respond to them quickly. Paid marketing method: Google Maps Ads and Local search ads Google has previously tried ads inside maps and pressed AdWords location extensions. Google also launched new types of local search advertisements. The newly released Google Maps Ads can drive base traffic to your physical store. But marketers and entrepreneurs should know that paid advertisements cannot cover all your organic marketing efforts since they can only intensify them. You also need to know that Google decided to display only two ads on top of the organic search results. The results depend on the past behavior of the user and other signals which make sure that the ad spots tend to be full of relevant listings. Another excellent feature that you can obtain from the ad is an in-store promotion. It is an area to expand promotions and discounts, attract potential customers nearby and promote visits to your store. Search ads can produce three kinds of clicks and a perfect way to determine the triumph of your campaigns. Mobile clicks-to-call - This mobile clicks-to-call are valuable leads, and it is up to your client’s representatives to convert them. Get direction - It can specify how well the advertisements are driving traffic to your store. Get location details - It is a good signal of interest in your business. The newest Google Map ads are still rolling out to local companies. Soon enough, you can have access to them. An excellent feature is an offline map to help your clients save energy for their batteries while getting into the location. Takeaway Google Maps is probably one of the most useful apps by Google. Many Gold Coast and Sydney SEO  experts suggest that it is better to begin your marketing on Maps by enhancing your Google My Business listings and asking consumers to leave a review to increase local guide results. And, the Google Maps Ads should roll out to AdWords account very soon. Read also: The Importance Of SEO Based Digital Marketing Services Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing