Some Facts You Need to Know About Rainwater Harvesting

Published on: 18 October 2017 Last Updated on: 11 January 2020
rainwater harvesting

The practice of rainwater harvesting, also known as roof water harvesting, involves setting up systems that allow any rainwater that falls on roofs to flow to rainwater collection tanks and not on the ground. The rain stored in tanks can then be used for a few chores that require the use of water, like gardening and driveway cleaning.

While rain is clean, rainwater that’s already in the tank is generally not recommended for use in tasks like handwashing, dishwashing, and clothes washing. Drops pick up dust and other impurities when they land on roofs. In urban locations, it’s worse because drops pick up impurities whilst still on the way down.

As such, rain in tanks should be further purified to become suitable for more chores and important tasks.

That said, rainwater harvesting can cost much in terms of time and money. Despite all the effort and money needed to get the most out of a rainwater harvesting system, having one in your home is still better than having none.

Here are the benefits of having a rainwater storage tank in your property.

Benefits Of Rainwater:

You Save Money

If you live in an area that gets a lot of rain each year, a system that’s properly set up will allow you to save significant a good amount of money on water each month. Remember that you pay for every liter of water that is sprayed out a garden hose.

You Help Prevent the Depletion of Local Water Supply

Water that flows to the taps of houses comes from underground sources and surface bodies of water. If more people use water supplied by the utility companies, time will come when there won’t be enough for all. Thus, by building your own rainwater collection system, you help prevent shortages.

You Help Save Energy

Also, it goes without saying that water from underground and surface sources isn’t 100% safe for human consumption. It has to be filtered or cleaned using energy-intensive procedures. Thus, by building your own rainwater collection system, you take part in lessening the energy consumption involved in the filtering of surface- and underground-sourced water.

You Help Prevent Flooding and Erosion in an Area

The practice of rainwater harvesting can reduce erosion and flooding near downspouts. It also helps in controlling stormwater runoff. When heavy rains come, there is a tendency for stormwater infrastructure to be overwhelmed. When this happens, both sewage and contaminated water will overflow into groundwater.

If rain falls onto concrete, asphalt, and other impervious surfaces, it won’t go into the ground. Because it does not go into the ground, it cannot help replenish groundwater. When it flows across man-made structures like parking lots, it will pick up pollutants. This will eventually reach the water supply. With rainwater harvesting, you can reduce how much water adds to runoff.

If, by this point, you’re convinced that you need to build your own residential rainwater harvesting system, here are the best ways to go about it.

Rainwater harvesting systems are typically composed of the following:

A collection surface or catchment area

The catchment area needs to be an impermeable surface, and the best one to use is the roof of your home. Just make sure the roof to be used is made of non-toxic material.

Conveyance system

This can include gutters as well as downspouts which lead water from collection surface to water tank.

Filters and Diverters 

Both things prevent dirt and leaves from entering the water tank and mix with the water.


Choose one that can fit in your property and store enough water for your household.

Water treatments

The treatments to install in the system will depend on how you intend to use the water. Options include carbon filtration and drip irrigation.

Distribution system

Transports water from containers to parts of the home where water will be needed. Options include gravity systems or pumps.

How to Set the System Up

The first step is to evaluate the site. Determine where on the premises the rain pools, flow and drains. It’s also important to determine your property’s exact size, boundaries, and the exact location of electric and plumbing lines. From there, you can determine where to place the tank.

Next, determine the required components for the system. Consider tank location, tank size, collection surface size, treatment methods, and preferred distribution method. You may need to consult a professional rainwater harvesting system(rainwater collection system)  installers for this step.

Once you have determined the components your system needs to have, as well as the exact locations of these components, the next step is selecting an installation expert. Make sure the chosen installation expert is knowledgeable, experienced, and licensed.

After the installation, make sure to ask the installer the best ways to keep the system clean and functional at all times. This way, your system can last several decades in your place.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Building a Brand for Your Small Business

Building a Brand for Your Small Business

One of the most essential aspects of building a business, no matter how small it is, is establishing an effective brand—especially if you want to make an impression in today’s highly competitive market. But what really does branding mean? And what does it take to create a brand that truly defines what your business really is?  Defining Your Brand Think of your brand as your promise to your customer. Its purpose is to deliver a message to your audience, which includes what you have to offer and how your products and services differ from your competitors. Basically, it describes who you are and the image you want people to perceive you to be. However, defining your brand may be easier said than done. After all, it is a journey to your business’s self-discovery. Specifically, it involves defining your company’s mission, your offerings, your reputation, and your qualities. You may have to do some research to find a branding that truly represents your business. Creating Your Visual Brand While a brand is more than just your company’s logo, you’ll want to establish the look of your company by choosing the right image, colors, fonts, and tagline that perfectly represent your ideals. Failing to establish defined brand guidelines is one of the most common mistakes small businesses are doing, which eventually puts all their branding efforts down the drain. Following these guidelines to build a visual brand invokes consistency and gives your brand a clear direction moving forward. Knowing Your Audience If you’re in a rut in developing your brand, you may be failing at getting to know your audience. According to marketing head, Matthew Creole Rees, it is essential to first determine what resonates with your target market before trying to develop a brand. Know your audience by finding out their wants and needs and understanding their habits. This is especially a must for start-ups that are still trying to get their brand across their customers. Using Social Media Social media is a great way to market your brand and to reach out to your target audience, especially for start-up businesses that are still on a tight budget. In this digital age, people spend most of their time on social media, and if you fail to build a consistent social media presence, your business basically does not exist to many. Once you’ve established your presence, the next most crucial thing to do is to maintain it. Being consistent in showing your presence creates a positive impact on your brand’s perception. Your company’s brand dictates the language of your external and internal communication. The people of the marketing team in your company need to know exactly what the company’s brand is so that they can always integrate it in their campaigns and look for better ways to raise the consumers’ awareness of your brand. Going beyond Your Logo Your brand’s logo may create a significant impact on your audience at first glance, but a brand has to go beyond the visuals in order for it to become effective. In the end, it’s not just about what you do but more about why you do it that makes a brand more impactful. A brand should reflect your culture. For example, if you are keen on maintaining a drug-free workplace, get your workers to understand your cause before administering blood drug tests. This way, they will understand the implications of such health requirements, especially in occupations and industries where safety is of the highest priority, such as in operating machinery. Building a brand may seem like an overwhelming phase—and you may think that getting started is already difficult as it is—but it’s maintaining that brand that’s actually more challenging. Read More: How Personal Branding Online Can Help Your Job Search Top 5 Graphic Design Trends For 2017 5 Most Common Challenges Faced Bye Commerce Businesses Toda Tips For Creating Effective Portable Trade Show Displays Source:


The Need to Settle End of Tenancy Issues Before Leaving

Small businesses usually rent a small office space given the number of employees who need to work in the same place. If you decided to rent a small office in a popular commercial establishment, you could sign a lease for about a year. Once the contract is over, you can decide to continue it or not. After a year, if your business has already grown drastically, and you intend to hire more employees to join you, it does not make sense to stay in the same place. You need to find a bigger office where you can successfully conduct all your operations. Before you leave the current office, you need to deal with the end of tenancy issues. You don't want to have problems with the owner of the space and not get your deposit back. Read the contract: You need to go through the agreement again to determine what you need to do as your tenancy is about to end. You might have to inform the landlord a month or so in advance that you don't intend to continue your lease. There might also be other stipulations you need to be familiar with before you decide to pursue the next steps. Deal with repair issues: A part of the contract is to keep the place in good condition. Some contracts might have clauses about damage due to wear and tear, which is perfectly fine. However, there might be other severe damage that you need to repair before you leave. Otherwise, the landlord could charge the amount to your deposit, and you won’t get it back in full. Clean the office: If you intend to leave soon, you need to start looking for a new place at least three months in advance. You will then have enough time to ask your employees to pack their stuff and move to the new office. If they will be busy packing their things, you can’t expect them to deal with general cleaning too. Besides, they are also doing their regular job while moving. You need professional cleaners like the ones at to do the job. They will make sure that the place will look as good as new. When the landlord checks the site, it will feel like no one rented and used it. If you feel satisfied with the services provided by the cleaning company you choose, you can partner with them again when you move to your new office. Pay any outstanding bills: you won't leave, you need to settle all your bills. You might still have packing them to pay. Tell your employees to do the same if they borrowed something from nearby establishments. You don’t want to start in a new office elsewhere with issues still unresolved in your old office. Once you finish doing all these things, you will be ready for a fresh start. Keep in mind everything that you do when you leave the old office since you might go through the same process again in the future when your new lease expires. Read Also: Necessary Spaces To Include In Building Your Office Choosing Open Office Space Vs Cubicle Office Space

Business Loans

Benefits of NBFC Business Loans

Being a small-business owner, you have been putting your whole-hearted efforts to make your business venture a success. You have been working long hours, traveling for client meetings to different cities, staying away from home for days on stretch and also investing all your personal savings and assets to take your business to new heights. Now that you have put your business on the path to growth, it suddenly dawns on you that you have not been able to pay adequate attention to your financials. Now when there is a significant opportunity in front of you in the form of a brilliant idea, which will change the future course of your business, you find that you do not have necessary funds to put that into practice. You feel anguished and frustrated, but that is not going to serve any purpose. So rather than ruing your ill-luck, its better you start looking at other options that you must explore, to meet your financial requirements. One of the most obvious options is availing an Unsecured Small Business Loan. What is an Unsecured Small Business Loan? Business Loans that are available to small business owners for their desired purpose without any requirement of collateral are called Unsecured Small Business Loans. These loans are extended by all financial institutions in India, private sector as well as public sector. You are free to utilize the loan amount for any purpose you may deem suitable including the purchase of machinery, upgradation of infrastructure, renovation of office premises etc. There are two types of unsecured business loans in the market NBFC business loans and Bank business loans. The repayment of these loans is to be made in monthly EMIs. Advantages of Small Business Loans Small business loans offer a flexible source of funding for you to meet your urgent financial requirements. There are various advantages provided by small business loans such as: - No dilution in ownership : When you take a small business loan from a financial institution, you need not provide any collateral and are free to utilize the money in any way you want for your business purpose. The lender does not have anything to do with the way you have spent the money, as long as you repay your EMIs on time. This ensures that the ownership of business stays with you and is not diluted. This is a better option compared to other sources as venture capital or personal borrowing, where you must give up a part of your ownership of your business in lieu of money. Taxation Benefits : Small business loans are to be repaid in monthly installments, which comprise principal component and interest component. The interest that you pay on loan is allowed as an expense, and you can claim tax benefits against the same. This, in turn, reduces your tax burden, and the loan in effect costs less in practicality. No other source of funding offers this option. No Collateral required : If you do not have any collateral to be hypothecated with the financial institution, then unsecured business loans are your only option. This is an ideal situation for new businesses or start-ups who have a great idea but do not have any collateral to be mortgaged. If required by the lender, you can get a guarantor on board. Lower Interest Rates : Unsecured small business loans have a more moderate rate of interest as compared to various other sources of finance such as credit cards or private money lenders. Lower interest rates mean lower EMIs which translate into a lesser burden on your finances. In some cases, the government also offers subsidies on unsecured business loans to help small business owners have easy access to credit at lower interest rates. No stress on working capital : When you are able to avail an unsecured business loan, you get spare money at your disposal, which can help you in getting better deals from your suppliers and vendors. Moreover, this ensures that you need not withdraw money from your working capital and thus you can meet your daily expenses conveniently. Also, as the EMIs are to be paid on a monthly basis only, you do not have to put pressure on your cash cycle by withdrawing huge sums together. Flexibility in Repayment : some NBFC business loans come with the option for EMI holiday or flexible repayment options, where you only need to pay interest on the loan as your EMI for a specified period, in the beginning, this way your EMI payments, in the beginning, is reduced and you get time to manage your financial position. The principal amount for this mortarium period is adjusted over the remaining period of the loan. Unsecured small business loans offer a lot of benefits for you. But you must conduct proper research and analysis before you take a final decision regarding the loan. Read Also :  Top 5 Types Of Startup Business Loans Major Financial Problems That Can Affect A New Business