How To Find Best Car Accident Lawyer Near You

Published on: 11 January 2019 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Best Car Accident Lawyer

An excellent lawyer can make the difference between winning a huge settlement and accepting a meager one. Car accident victims need an outstanding attorney to ease the burden of the lengthy legal process.

You should look for someone who is trustworthy and who can assist you in attaining justice for the damages inflicted upon you.

Here are a few tips to help you find the best car accident lawyer:

1. Look for Experts in Personal Injury Law:

Personal Injury Law

Personal injury law is complex so you should look for a lawyer who specializes in this particular field.

Experts like the team at are familiar with the specific rules and practices in this civil lawsuit. They know that most car accidents are caused by negligence and will work hard to be a champion of your rights.

Some traits that you should look for in a personal injury lawyer are:

  • Trustworthiness – An exemplary attorney must be reliable enough for you to share all the details of your case, even the sensitive ones so that they can help you win.
  • Compassion – The lawyer who you should work with must be able to empathize with you and understand how the car accident has drastically impaired your quality of life.
  • Meticulous – You must search for a legal counsel who will thoroughly prepare your case before presenting it to the judge and jury. They must be knowledgeable about the medical terms and diagnoses regarding your injury.

3. Get Reliable Referrals:

Obtain recommendations from people you trust, like family and friends. If they went through the same case as you, ask them who they turned to for help. Lawyer relatives and friends are also valuable sources of information since they have connections to people in the legal industry — they know who can help you.

Other referral sources include:

  • Lawyer Referral Services – You can contact local firms that refer potential clients to State Bar-certified lawyers as a service. They will interview you about your case and match you with experts in that particular area.
  • Client-Attorney Matching Services – They are different from the services above since you get to choose the lawyer that you want to work with through a bid. They bid in the form of consultations.
  • Internet – Browse online for attorneys who specialize in car accidents. Check online comments and reviews on their performance and how they interacted with previous clients.
  • Legal Aid Agencies – Depending on the severity of your case and your income, you can look to free aid from organizations that offer legal services programs.

3. Check Their Track Record:

Track Record

Opt for an attorney who can courageously take your case to court if necessary. Some lawyers say they want to bring you justice, but won’t help you get a large settlement for the damages you acquired after a car accident.

They expend little effort in fighting back against insurance companies who are persistent in offering you a pittance for your injuries. Look for someone who is passionate about fighting for your rights and have a proven history of winning verdicts and settlements.

4. Contact Their Previous Clients:

An attorney who has nothing to hide will not be afraid when you ask them to contact their previous clients. If a car accident lawyer shows hesitation when you request to speak with people they’ve represented in the past, that’s a red flag. It means that they may not have done an outstanding job for those clients.

5. Conduct Lawyer Comparison Shopping:

Conduct Lawyer

Just like buying gadgets, you compare the prices and specs of various devices before settling in for the one you’ll actually buy. The same way goes in looking for a remarkable car accident lawyer.

Create a list of potential lawyers and ask them some questions concerning your case. Write down and assess their answers to help you decide on which attorney to work with.

These are some questions you should ask potential lawyers:

  • How many similar cases have you handled?
  • When did you last handle a similar case? How did it turn out?
  • Will you be the one representing me or will it be someone from your team?
  • What is the estimated duration of this case?
  • Do you work on an hourly rate or contingency basis?
  • Have you ever been disciplined by legal or ethics committees before?


Some attorneys want personal injury cases to be over and done, which means that they may pressure you to accept a meager compensation for damages. An excellent car accident lawyer would gauge the situation and know the amount you should be compensated for, which will cover your medical expenses and other costs.

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What Are the Costs of Our Aging Infrastructure?

After World War II, America became a global leader of commerce and saw an incredible boom in the prosperity of its citizens. This was fueled, in large part, by the building of infrastructure and the rise of the middle class in our country. Over a 50-year period, beginning in the 1950s, the United States invested billions of dollars into its infrastructure by building roads, airports and schools that were innovative and ambitious and that literally paved the way for one of the most impressive stretches of growth experienced by any nation in global history. This small bit of U.S. history is vital to understanding a major problem we currently face. The ambitious undertaking of building America’s infrastructure has slowly become a serious economic challenge. There is a seemingly endless stream of news reports and columns devoted to the daunting task of fixing all parts of our infrastructure, including our roads, bridges, airports, oil lines, water lines and waterways. But we don’t have to look to newspapers or scholarly essays about the challenges posed by our aging infrastructure. We experience it on a daily basis, from the potholes that cause tire blowouts to the corroded service lines that have unleashed dangerously high levels of lead and caused upheaval in a number of communities across our nation. There has been much effort devoted to examining the challenges, the costs and the need for fixing our infrastructure. Let’s break down just a few of the categories to get a better perspective on what we need and why we need it. Roads - Our roadway infrastructure, which includes highways, interstates and local roads, received a “D” grade from the American Society of Civil Engineers. Fixing our infrastructure will be costly, and the fact that federal funding accounts for only a small percentage of road funding is a reflection of the fact that our crumbling roads impact us at a very local and personal level. The costs come in the form of stretches of roads plagued with structural deficiencies that cause our vehicles to break down and roads whose initial design, while once adequate, now fails to keep pace with the traffic they currently need to accommodate. For example, think of the long list of cities that experience incredible congestion on a daily basis or the potholes which are left unattended on our neighborhood roads. Read also: Experts Recommend: Top Interior Design Trends for 2017 Bridges - The ASCE actually gives our bridges a “C+” grade, which - believe it or not - is one of the three highest grades given to 16 categories graded by the organization. Even though it is graded slightly higher than other sectors of our infrastructure, it is still in dire need of repair. The cost to drivers also comes in the form of breaks in surfaces and inability to accommodate traffic flow, but perhaps more alarming is the possibility of collapse. Another important statistic before we move on to the next category: One out of every 10 bridges in the United States is structurally deficient. Pipelines - While our roads and our bridges are often several decades old, many of the pipes used in the United States are even older. It is not uncommon for certain systems to have been built over a century ago, long before we knew just how dangerous the materials used would become for future generations. Two examples highlight our challenges in this particular area. First is the lead contamination of our drinking water that has caused lead poisoning of communities across the country. The ASCE’s latest report card gives our drinking water infrastructure a “D” grade. The costs, they say, could be up to $1 trillion over the coming decades. The second example is frequent gas line explosions, one of which occurs, on average, every other day in the United States, as reported by USA Today. Our energy infrastructure gets a “D+” grade from the ASCE. Airports - Just like many other structures in the country, our airports are struggling to meet the demands of more passengers and higher volumes of traffic. The average airport in the United States is around 40 years old, and our country is struggling to fund the maintenance of these facilities, even as other countries are making available significant investments to improve their airports. The ASCE gives our airports a “D” grade and points to the Federal Aviation Administration’s estimated cost of congestion and delays at roughly $22 billion. The investment needed to modernize and fix the infrastructure of our airports is even greater, over $75 billion, according to the Airports Council International-North America. Schools - One of our biggest challenges is fixing the infrastructure which accommodates our young people. The majority of our schools were built for the baby boomer generation, according to the ASCE, who gives our school infrastructure a “D” grade. It will cost around $270 billion to modernize and maintain these facilities. The aging school buildings present a number of threats for children and teachers alike. Old water lines carry contaminated water into several school systems across the United States, and structural deficiencies also make these buildings hazardous to students. Yet another danger is the presence of asbestos in school buildings.  Any school building constructed prior to 1980 is likely to have asbestos. Once asbestos deteriorates or becomes airborne, it can cause serious complications to those who are exposed to it, including lung cancer or mesothelioma. Meeting Our Challenges The costs of fixing our infrastructure are great, but the costs currently being suffered by Americans are already taking a significant toll. We are paying for the challenges we face in ways that go way beyond tax dollars and construction projects. Unfortunately, we are paying the price through injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. The same country that built these incredible stretches of roads, bridges, and pipelines is also capable of repairing them, despite the large price tag that comes with such a task. When we consider what we need to do to move forward in this country, let’s not forget about the actual roads that lay in front of us. Ignoring this responsibility will not just place a burden on future generations -- it is a burden we are already carrying. The Law Offices of John R. Colvin focus primarily in the areas of Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Workers’ Compensation, and Social Security Disability. They represent clients in the Tennessee Valley region, including Tennessee and Alabama.

Social Security Disability in Deland

Learn More About Social Security Disability in Deland

There are medical conditions that the Social Security Administration lists explicitly, and they can include both mental and physical conditions. The listing manual where all the disabilities can be found is called the Blue Book, and it has various tests, limitations, and symptoms that applicants should have to meet to get the benefits. Read more about the benefits on this page here. If an individual meets the criteria on the Blue Book, they will automatically become qualified for the SSI or social security income or SSDI or social security disability insurance benefits. When the applicants meet the criteria on the list, they need to show the limitations that prevented them from adjusting to their new work or doing their previous job through documentation and medical reports. Medical Impairment Present in the Listing Joint injuries, back pain, and other musculoskeletal issues Cardiovascular conditions such as coronary artery diseases or heart failures Speech and sense issues like loss of vision or hearing Respiratory problems involving asthma, cystic fibrosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, and other neurological disorders Anxiety, intellectual disorders, autism, depression, and other mental disorders HIV, AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and other immune system issues Skin disorders like burns, dermatitis, or soft tissue injuries Problems with the digestive tract like inflammatory bowel diseases or liver diseases Genitourinary problems or kidney diseases Cancer Blood disorders like bone marrow failure or sickle cell anemia If you have a disability listed in the SSA’s list of impairments, the first thing you need to do is get a physician who can confirm and diagnose your medical condition. However, you will not automatically get approval after the diagnosis. You need to apply first, and this is where a Deland SSD lawyer can be helpful. They will help you know all the benefits you are entitled to, submit completed forms on your behalf and make appeals when the application gets rejected. There are a few conditions that automatically get approved, such as: You have Lou Gehrig’s disease or ALS Conditions that need kidney, liver, or another organ transplant Severe cancer like mucosal melanoma, esophageal cancer, small-cell carcinoma, anaplastic carcinoma of the thyroid gland (cancer of the ovaries, prostate, lungs, bladder, intestines, pleura, or breast. For any other conditions, the Social Security Administration will look for medical records and diagnoses to determine if you meet a specific criterion for an impairment. They will look for test results or x-ray results and blood tests for more information. The criteria may involve limitations on your cognitive or physical abilities. Some of the listing requirements may be complicated. There are illness-specific articles that can simplify the listings so patients can understand whether they can qualify for disability benefits. If you have not done any lab tests that are required on a specified listing, you can always ask a certified physician to perform them for you. There is also an option to wait for the SSA to pay for the consultative exam on your behalf but know that this will take longer. It is always a better option if all the required medical records are already attached to your application forms before applying. This way, you can check the results if you meet the listing requirements. Does Your Medical Condition Need to Match a Listing? Applicants who are filing for the SSD benefits will not need to be precise with the requirements to get approval. They do not need to have the same illness or condition before they can get the benefits. Instead, it is the SSA that considers all the aspects regarding your current condition and determines if it’s medically equivalent to the disability listing. According to the recent statistics, only 6% equaled a listing, and 37% “met” a listing. On the other hand, you can be eligible for disability benefits if your condition is not “equal” to the medical listing’s criteria. Suppose your condition can limit your entire functioning so much that you will not be able to work. In that case, there is the SSA’s consideration of the effect of your condition and how it is going to affect your work routine and daily activities. The personnel will then determine if there is something that you can do safely based on your current condition. This is termed as a “qualifying” vocational for disability benefits. An applicant does not necessarily have to experience a listed impairment before they can get awarded the benefits. As an example, some headaches or migraines are not necessarily included in the “Blue Book.” Learn more about claiming disabilities due to headaches here: However, if these headaches are well-documented and are severe enough, this will enable the applicants to get disability benefits because their condition makes it impossible to work at a full-time job. One of the key essentials for those who have a condition that is not in the listing includes meeting the following conditions: Have a “medically determinable impairment.” The condition should reduce the residual functional capacity of the individual. This should be more than enough that they cannot get things done or do any jobs at all. Social Security will determine your residual functional capacity by looking at the amount that you can carry or lift and how long you can stand or walk. The agency will then assign you to an exertional level of sedentary, light, medium, or heavy. If your exertional level does not allow you to do work that you’re well-suited for, you will have a chance of qualifying for the vocational benefits in Deland. Other common impairments that are not necessarily listed in Social Security’s blue book may include: Carpal tunnel syndrome Fibromyalgia Degenerative disc disease Reflex sympathetic dystrophy Celiac disease Chronic regional pain syndrome If you have any of the above conditions, there is a chance that you may get approved into the SSI and SSDI qualifying disabilities. Some may have higher chances of getting approval than others. The conditions that stand a chance of getting approved include some types of cancers and multiple sclerosis. Others who have joint diseases or respiratory disorders may find themselves a priority on the list. You can consult an expert in Deland to know more about these. Read Also: How To Replace Your Social Security Card Online

Criminal Lawyer Rockville MD

Know Your Rights: Right Reserved For A Criminal Suspect

In case the police suspect you of any criminal case, but they do not have the legal warrant to arrest you or to charge you, you have a number of rights which will keep you safe from making any mistakes that might take you to a troubling situation although you are innocent. You always should have a clear idea about these rights. Your Criminal Lawyer Rockville MD will be able to guide you with all those criminal defense rights; you can just go through this article. Major Rights To Know If The Police Suspects You Suppose you know that you are innocent and you have not committed any crime. So, you might be thinking that if you cooperate with the police, your problem will be solved. No. That is not the reality in most cases. You might find yourself being charged with a crime that you didn’t even commit. In case the police are getting in touch with you about a criminal investigation, you need to exercise the below-mentioned things. Right To Leave In case you are not under arrest and have also not been provided your Miranda rights under the Fifth Amendment, you have the right to leave. You should, actually. In case the police stop you, you might not be certain whether you are being arrested or it is for some simple questioning. It will be best if you ask the officer directly, and the police say, you are not under arrest; you must leave and immediately contact an experienced Criminal Lawyer Rockville MD. Right To Privacy It falls under the Fourth Amendment, which provides you the right to be protected from unreasonable searches and seizing of yourself and your property. Until and unless the police have search warrants, you have the right not to allow them to search your car, house, or any other property. Right To Remain Silent Under the Fifth Amendment, you hold the right to stay silent and not incriminate yourself. In case the police start questioning you, you should invoke this particular right and stay silent. You also can say to the officer, you want your lawyer to be present here during the questioning. You should never answer the questions of police officers or talk to them because they have the capability of making incriminating statements. Right To An Attorney You have the right to have a Criminal Lawyer Rockville MD, under the Sixth Amendment. In case you are a suspect or are even worrying about yourself, you should go for that right of retaining a lawyer. Here, you should contact a Criminal Lawyer Rockville MD, who will be able to guide you during the questioning and will also ensure that you are not saying anything that might bring you in danger. The Police Want To Interrogate: Things To Do In case the police bring you or ask you for questioning, you should never go there alone. You should take advantage of your ^th Amendment to retain an attorney. So, before having any further discussion with the officer, you should ask for a Criminal Lawyer Rockville MD. Being firm and not saying a single word before your attorney reaches it is truly critical. The police officers are trained to use several tactics in order to get people to talk to them. Your Criminal Lawyer Rockville MD will always be able to spot these tactics. Read Also: How to Download Game Of Thrones Putlocker Online for Free?How to Plant Grass Seed on Hard Dirt? Craigslist Seattle – Weirdest Things You Can Buy