Fue Hair Transplant. All You Need To Know


27 September 2018

Health & Fitness

Fue Hair Transplant

Dr. Ashish Dutta who is also known as Dr. Ash Dutta is one of the few highly trained and accredited surgeons in the UK. He is the Founder of Aesthetic Beauty Centre, a highly equipped cosmetic clinic in London, Sunderland, Newcastle, and Liverpool.

When an average guy (or woman) starts noticing that the hair thickness on his/her head is reducing, it’s usually the internet, or sometimes one’s peers (if any of them happen to have had any sort of treatment), that are first ‘consulted’ for advice. Now the issue here is that the internet (or the peers) will generally come up with medical language like FUE, FUT, which sound like an alien language when heard for the first time. But before jumping in, we must fully understand what the aforementioned techniques actually are, and which is best suited for you.

For the ladies reading this post, you may want to check out our blog about thinning hair in women: http://blog.becosmetic.com/thinning-hair-in-women/

What is FUE Technique?

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a type of hair transplantation technique in which a patient’s hair is extracted in naturally occurring groups of 1-4 hairs, called follicular unit grafts. These grafts are safely removed from the patient’s donor area (usually back of the head) using a micro-punch of 0.8 to 1 mm size. The size of the punch minimizes the potential damage to the scalp, thus reducing scarring. Rather you are left with tiny dot scars instead of a linear scar, hence no sutures are needed and healing time is quicker. This is great news for those of you who like to wear your hair very short

How is FUE is performed and what are the pros and cons?

Preparation of the Donor Area:

Usually, the donor area is trimmed short/shaved so that the surgeon has the better sight of the donor’s scalp and can easily extract each donor follicle.

Follicular Unit Placement:

Hair follicles (follicular unit grafts) contain 1 to 4 or in rare cases 5 or 6 hairs each, and the careful placement of these follicles provides the foundation for recreating natural-looking results. The graft placement process for FUE and the other common hair transplantation technique FUT, is identical, although results may depend on the skills of the surgeon and the length of the procedure.

The surgeon makes incisions in the recipient area of the patient, keeping in mind the patient’s natural hair growth pattern. The hair follicles are then implanted one by one.

Donor Area Healing:

The small incisions on the donor area from where the follicular units were extracted heal completely in 7-10 days. The apertures shrink as they heal, meaning the dot scars are seen only upon close examination. As mentioned before, stitches are not necessary.

Hair Growth:

Implanted hair grows in the same manner as one’s native hair. After about 75-90 days following the procedure, new hair begins to grow. Generally by the 6-month mark patients may experience a good deal of growth, although it can take up to 12 months to reach full growth. The native hair in the donor area continues to grow naturally


FUT surgery involves taking a strip of skin from the scalp in the donor area, hence it requires good scalp elasticity so the strip can then be ‘closed’ (sutured). Therefore FUE is a better treatment for those with a tight scalp or for patients with fibrous skin

Here’s a summary of the FUE Advantages:

  • Patients can keep short hair
  • Compared to FUT, it is considered to be less traumatic and minimally invasive.
  • Patients may return to work soon after the procedure as the post-operative recovery time is minimal
  • The scars in the donor area of the patient are much less visible
  • Stitch removal is not needed after the treatment
  • With this technique, even the patient’s body hair be added for increased density
  • FUE method can be used to cover a pre-existing FUT linear scar

Here are some disadvantages of FUE:

  • In many cases, where the patient needs more than 1000 grafts, the donor area must be shaved
  • In instances of advanced hair loss, multiple sessions are needed to achieve higher graft numbers
  • The procedure is very time-consuming. Because of the time spent, the procedure is more costly, about twice the amount of FUT.

Finally, there is no ‘perfect’ method for hair transplantation, each method differs and comes with certain factors to be aware of and considered. Ultimately it is a decision you will make together with your consultant/surgeon – they can best advise which method is right for you personally. How you choose your surgeon, however, is another important aspect – (our previous blog link here)

The author, Dr. Ashish Dutta, Founder & Chief Surgeon of Aesthetic Beauty Centre is one of the reputed Surgeons in the field of hair restoration surgery. Having been in the field for almost 18 years, he performs on average 35-40 hair transplants a month and participates in congresses and workshops nationally and internationally.

If you know you can get in touch with Dr. Ashish Dutta, you can follow him on Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook or Vimeo.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Hospice Chaplains

Journeying With The Dying: How Hospice Chaplains Facilitate End-Of-Life Spiritual Transitions

When individuals approach the twilight of their lives, they often confront a whirlwind of emotions—fear, regret, hope, acceptance, and more. This intense period termed the end-of-life phase, sees many grappling with existential questions and seeking answers to life's most profound mysteries. This search for clarity and solace is where the spiritual dimension of human existence comes to the forefront. Many turn to spirituality as a source of comfort, a beacon of hope, and a framework for making sense of their experiences. It's within this complex tapestry of emotions and spiritual quests that hospice chaplains, representing the realm of hospice chaplaincy, emerge as pivotal figures. These professionals dedicate themselves to guiding individuals through this intricate journey, helping them find spiritual serenity amidst the tumultuous currents of approaching mortality. The subsequent sections delve deeper into understanding the multifaceted role of these spiritual caregivers. The Integral Role of a Hospice Chaplain Defining the Role in Greater Detail: Hospice chaplains stand at the crossroads of spirituality and caregiving. They aren't just religious figures; they are trained professionals skilled in offering spiritual support tailored to the unique needs of each individual. Their role goes beyond mere ritualistic practices. They act as confidants, counselors, and guides, providing a listening ear, heartfelt advice, and spiritual interventions tailored to the individual's beliefs and wishes. Whether helping patients find peace with their life's journey, facilitating forgiveness and reconciliation, or simply being present during moments of deep reflection, hospice chaplains are there to ensure that the spiritual dimension of end-of-life care is addressed with the utmost sensitivity and respect. The Spectrum of Interfaith Approaches: One of the most remarkable aspects of hospice chaplaincy is its inclusiveness. Recognizing the diverse tapestry of beliefs and spiritual outlooks in our globalized world, hospice chaplains are trained to cater to various religious and spiritual traditions. Whether a person identifies with a major world religion, a lesser-known spiritual path, or even if they consider themselves secular or agnostic, chaplains are there to provide support. This approach ensures that every individual, irrespective of their belief system, has access to spiritual care that resonates with them. By adopting such an inclusive approach, hospice chaplains affirm the idea that every end-of-life journey is unique and every individual's spiritual needs deserve to be met with understanding, respect, and personalized care. The end-of-life journey is a deeply personal and transformative phase. While medical professionals focus on alleviating physical pain and discomfort, hospice chaplains address the soul's yearnings, questions, and quest for peace. By offering tailored spiritual interventions and an inclusive approach that honors diverse beliefs, they ensure that individuals and their families find the spiritual solace they seek during these poignant moments. Delving Deeper: Spiritual Needs, Interventions, and Family Impact in the End-of-Life Journey Spiritual Needs at the End of Life Seeking Meaning and Purpose: The imminence of death often prompts deep introspection. Many individuals reflect upon their life's journey, trying to discern its purpose. These reflections might encompass personal achievements, missed opportunities, unfulfilled dreams, and significant life events. In such times, spiritual guidance assists individuals in navigating these contemplations, helping them find peace with their life narrative, celebrating accomplishments, and making peace with regrets. Reconciliation: Estrangements and unresolved conflicts become especially poignant during the end-of-life phase. Many individuals desire to reconnect, apologize, or seek forgiveness from loved ones. The urge to mend relationships, settle old disputes, or express unspoken feelings becomes vital. The spiritual guide aids in facilitating these reconciliations, offering counsel, and, if necessary, acting as a mediator. Fear and Hope: The mystery of what comes after death is a source of both trepidation and anticipation. The fear of the unknown contrasts starkly with hopes or beliefs of an afterlife, reincarnation, or spiritual continuation. By addressing these concerns, chaplains help balance these emotions, emphasizing the transformative nature of death in various spiritual traditions. Cultural and Traditional Rites: Every culture and religion has rituals that honor the dying and the deceased. Whether it's a specific prayer, a song, a way, or even silence, these rites are paramount for the person passing and their family. Respecting and facilitating these practices is crucial to providing a sense of closure, continuity, and respect for the individual's spiritual and cultural identity. Interventions by Hospice Chaplains Active Listening: One of the most profound gifts a chaplain can offer is the gift of presence—simply being there, offering a listening ear. By actively listening, they provide a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to voice their deepest feelings, concerns, and reflections, guided.  Meditations and Prayers: Tailoring spiritual practices to individual needs, chaplains might guide patients through meditations or prayers that align with their beliefs. These sessions can instill a sense of calm, acceptance, and connection with the divine or the universe. Scripture Readings: For those who find solace in religious texts, chaplains can read passages that resonate with the patient's current emotions or questions. Scriptures, whether from the Bible, Quran, Torah, Bhagavad Gita, or other religious texts, can offer comfort, guidance, and a sense of continuity. Ritual Facilitation: Be it sacraments, candle lighting, or even non-religious rituals like listening to a specific song or watching a sunset, chaplains assist in organizing and facilitating these rites, ensuring the  Grief Support: The dying process isn't just about the individual; it encompasses the family and loved ones. Chaplains extend their support to these grieving souls, offering a shoulder to lean on, words of comfort, and guidance through their emotional journey. The Impact on Families Emotional Anchoring: In the tumultuous sea of emotions, chaplains act as an anchor for families. Their calm presence and experience in navigating such situations provide a stabilizing effect, helping families cope more effectively. Guidance through Rituals: Families often seek direction in performing end-of-life rituals correctly and meaningfully. Chaplains offer insights, respect cultural nuances, and sometimes even take the lead in ensuring these rites are conducted reverently. After-death Support: The journey doesn't end with the passing of a loved one. Grief, memories, and the void left behind are real and profound. Chaplains continue to support families, providing bereavement counseling, helping them process their loss, and guiding them toward healing and acceptance. The spiritual dimensions of the end-of-life journey are intricate, deeply personal, and encompass more than just the dying individual. Hospice chaplains, with their nuanced understanding, play an instrumental role in ensuring that this journey, for both the individual and their families, is navigated with dignity, respect, and profound compassion. Continuous Education and Self-care Training: The importance of ongoing training for chaplains to stay updated on best practices and religious rites. Self-care Rituals: Chaplains must cultivate personal rituals or practices to manage their well-being. Peer Support: Engaging with fellow chaplains or professionals to discuss challenges and share experiences. Conclusion The journey towards the end of life is deeply personal, and the spiritual terrain can be complex. Hospice chaplains, with their expertise and compassion, play an indispensable role in facilitating spiritual transitions during this phase. Their ability to address the deep-seated spiritual needs of the dying and their families ensures that the end-of-life journey is one of meaning, reconciliation, and peace. Read Also: Navigating Healthcare: Exploring The Harvest Tech Achievers ETF Seven Stages To Creating A Patient-Friendly Healthcare App The Future Of Healthcare: Adapting To An Aging Society


How to Stay Healthy and Fit Despite a Hectic Schedule

With our busiest schedules to follow, we often get reluctant about hitting the gym or following a proper diet plan. Nobody has the kind of time to spend hours pampering themselves. The good news is health and fitness is not all about investing too much time in cooking healthy meals and working out at the gym, it is much more. Even the littlest healthy habits and avoidance of unhealthy habits can improve your overall lifestyle and turn you into a healthier YOU. Want to know what such habits are and how you can add them to your daily routine? They might not sound very new, but they are exactly the ones you usually miss out on. So, here is a reminder for you to follow them for a healthy and happy life. Read through and thank me later! How to Stay Healthy and Fit Despite a Hectic Schedule: Carry a Water Bottle: We all are aware of the fact that drinking 7 to 8 glasses of water is necessary for healthier skin and body. However, most of us get reluctant about it because it is way out of our reach and we are too busy to fetch a glass for ourselves. Therefore, I would suggest you carry a medium-size water bottle wherever you go and finish it at least twice to hydrate your body well. Drinking water is not only best for hydrating the body but it also helps flush out any toxins prevailing inside the body. Stay Socially Active: By staying socially active, I do not mean to stay updated with and connected to social media. It means taking time out for catching up with old friends in person and making new friends as well. Put all the gadgets away and spend some quality time with your family on the weekend. Staying socially active helps us relax and give us immense emotional strength. It is great for mental health and wellbeing. Get Rid of All Kinds of Addiction: If you are addicted to anything in your life, either it is some high-quality weed, video games or smoking cigarettes,  try to get rid of it. It is tough, I know. However, where there is a will, there surely is away. Telling yourself to avoid something takes you closer to it. Therefore, instead of doing that, just distract your mind by engaging in better and healthier activities whenever you feel the need for it. You will gradually be able to get rid of it without even knowing it. Proper and Uninterrupted Sleep: With all the smartphones and wireless gadgets in our room beeping every other minute, going deep into sleep has nearly become impossible. We all are so addicted to checking every notification immediately that we do not even keep our phones silent while going to bed. As a result, we end up staying up till late and feeling restless throughout the day. If you want a healthier lifestyle, start turning your phone on silent mode before you go to bed and put all your devices away at least half an hour before you go to sleep. If you want something to do in that spare time before you doze off, take a good book to read while sipping on chamomile tea. Read More: 7 Ways To Kick Off Your Fitness Routine Go Trampolining To Have Fun And Maintain Your Fitness Who Can Benefit From The Elliptical? You Can’t Out-Diet Your Training