Are You Wondering About The Risk Factors For Depression?

Published on: 27 September 2018 Last Updated on: 26 November 2021

Many people tend to think of depression as a temporary phase where someone is sad, and this makes many think that you need to get out of that emotional state. However, the illness is much more than that, as it is the result of changes in the chemistry of the brain.

Like all other conditions that can develop in your body, there are risk factors that raise the chances of you getting the illness, although it is possible you can develop it without the risk factors being present. However, it should be kept in mind that your risk of developing the illness is higher when there are more risk factors, so you need to ask your doctor about reducing these factors.

The risk can be related to a combination of various circumstances such as environmental, psychological, and genetic ones.  The NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) estimates that almost 16 million Americans have experienced a major episode of depression.

Different Reasons Of Sleep Dis-orders & Depression Are As Follows:- 

In this article, you will get the complete information of the depression and sleep disorder reasons that can bother you later on.

Risk factors:

Biochemical risks:

The beginning of depression occurs when certain neurotransmitters in the brain are off balance. Neurotransmitters are certain chemicals that the brain produces, and they assist the brain to communicate with other organs in your body. They also assist the brain to carry out certain physiological functions such as breathing.

When these neurotransmitters are at low levels, the person is more vulnerable to depression, particularly certain neurotransmitters – dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.

Genetic factors:

Genetic factors

When you have someone in your family who is suffering from the illness, there is a higher chance you will develop it as well. However, it can also develop when there is no family history of the illness, and this is why it is termed as a combination of life events and genetic reasons.

Sleep disorders:

There is a reason why your body needs sleep, as it is able to reduce the buildup of cortisol in the body, a stress hormone that is good for short periods but causes stress to the body when it stays for long periods.

Because of this, it is not surprising to find that people who struggle with sleep disorders will also tend to develop depression, especially those who suffer from insomnia – leading to bouts of low moods.

Suffering from chronic illnesses:

Because these conditions will cause you stress and pain, they can also take a heavy toll on your mental health. These include chronic pain, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, heart diseases, stroke, thyroid disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.

Social risks:



When a person goes through any form of abuse, whether as a child, teen or adult, they have a major risk of developing the condition, and also developing other mental illnesses as well. This abuse can range from emotional, physical, verbal or sexual abuse.

Gender factors:

Men are generally less at risk of developing depression compared to women, but this might be because there are more women who are open to seeking treatment for their symptoms compared to men. Some people also believe that the illness is due to changes in hormone levels throughout the person’s life.

In fact, women are vulnerable to developing the illness when they are pregnant and also after childbirth (postpartum depression), in addition to developing it during menopause.

The lack of a strong support system:

When a person spends a lot of time in isolation, and they have very few support systems or friends, it can be a common source of depression. It is important to note that this is not the same as introversion, and is more described as a feeling of loneliness or extreme changes in a person relating to their moods and emotions.

The occurrence of major events:

occurrence of major events

This is among the most common reasons for developing depression, mainly relating to stressful or sad events. These include losing a job, divorce or breaking off a relationship, retirement from a job, moving to a new place, and death of a close loved one. If a major event has occurred in your life and you have experienced sadness for more than two months without getting better, then it is best to see your doctor so that you can go through tests for depression.

Substance abuse risk factors:

Abuse of drugs and alcohol:

For many people who are struggling with substance abuse, it is mainly tied to mental health disorders, including depression. This is also known as dual diagnosis, and there are various rehab facilities that can help a person struggling with it, such as Colorado substance abuse treatment centers.

It is also important to note that drug abuse leads to significant changes in the brain, which in turn increase your risk of developing depression. Many people who have developed depression symptoms also tend to self-medicate as well, which increases their symptoms and overall risk.

The use of certain medication:

There are some medicines that raise the risk of developing depressive symptoms as a side effect, and they include blood pressure medication, steroids, prescription painkillers, sleeping pills, and sedatives.

Other factors:

Psychological reasons:

Psychological reasons

There are some psychological factors that will increase the risk of developing depressive symptoms. For instance, if you have low self-esteem, this makes you view your world through a pessimistic outlook, and raises your risk of depression. It will also leave you with an overwhelming feeling of stress and sadness.

There is also the case of perfectionism increasing your risk, as you do not see things going the way you want them. It also makes you very sensitive to errors, rejection, and losses, which increases your risk of developing the condition. In addition, if you are suffering from another mental illness, such as chronic anxiety disorder, as well as avoidant and borderline personality disorders, your risk of getting depression is significantly higher.

Low socioeconomic status:

You may not think much about it, but it is a major risk factor for the development of the disease. It may be due to cultural reasons, social status, stressful environments, and so on.

Final thoughts:

If you know someone struggling with the illness or you are struggling with it, it is very important to seek medical help. The illness is not well understood, as it is a complex medical condition. The good news is that is easy to treat and manage.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Dental Hygiene

5 Dental Hygiene Tips for a Healthier Smile

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How Supplements Complement Your Daily Routine

There was a time when humanity could ingest every nutrient the body and mind required to function with peak performance. Health supplements, like Phytage Nerve Control Supplement, can be beneficial for you or may just be an unnecessary additive. Unfortunately, as technological advances moved societies from "hunter/gatherers" to the complexities of modern civilization, "progress" came with a cost. As a result, today's "average" citizen does not receive optimal nutrition from the primarily processed foods consumed. Even fresh produce grown in mega-agricultural farms does not contain maximum nutrients as the soils become depleted after successive plantings. In addition, many of the traditional soil reconditioners and weed and insect control farmers use to maximize crop output can be harmful. The detrimental effects only became apparent when there were adverse findings in consumers far down the production trail. There are routine news alerts about "organic" vegetable recalls due to toxic chemicals or infective contaminants like DDT, E. coli, or other chemicals or pathogens. Creatures Of Habit From the time we are infants learning to potty train, the concept of routine becomes ingrained. Throughout the educational system, instructors teach and enforce a rigid routine. People then carry those routine structures into their professional and personal life. Those that fail to conform or develop healthy routines often end up in institutions that force stricter rules and regulations, jails and psychiatric units, for example. The good news is that as creatures of free will, we can choose to change our routines to maximize health and well-being. We can eliminate behaviors that are counter-productive in the long run and add things to our habits that can enhance life experiences. Transcendentalists There was a movement in the mid-twentieth century that sought to reconnect consciousness to living the moment. It was a meditative approach to changing the routine. One of the teachings involved "rewriting your script." It purported that most people kept replaying a "script" or narrative they had ingrained into their lives. The movement sought to "reprogram" the negative messages that led to recurrent, predictable, less-than-optimal outcomes. Instead, it gave the individual control over what the recurrent patterns of thought and emotions had established. It gave hope for a different path and different outcomes. The process worked for many of those who put proper effort into it. However, considering how long people had programmed the negative input, many did not realize how long it would take to reprogram. Modern generations have become accustomed to "immediate gratification." Adding supplements to an augmented diet is a much simpler and easier practice to incorporate into a daily routine, and the results are more quickly evident. Due Diligence Some common complaints about supplements may have their roots in an underlying medical condition. Therefore, if you are not getting the results you expected or are experiencing unforeseen side effects, you may wish to have a medical professional evaluate you. Thyroid dysfunction, for example, can influence how supplements affect your body. Hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormones) is a common condition that a medical professional can evaluate with a simple blood test. It can cause fatigue, weight gain, and depression. Therefore, screening for easily treated common conditions before adding supplements to your daily routine would be prudent. Another consideration is vitamin B12 deficiency. Most lay people do not realize that vitamin B12 requires an enzyme called intrinsic factor, produced by the gastrointestinal tract, to absorb B12. Often, B12 deficiency is not the last of B12 in the diet but a lack of intrinsic factor for absorption. Consequently, taking oral B12 will never improve serum B12 levels. Only B12 injections or sublingual (absorption through the blood vessels under the tongue) can resolve most cases of B12 deficiency. No One Pill Fixes All The first step in using supplements to complement your daily routine is deciding what you want to enhance or change. Of course, several things overlap, for example, energy and memory, but finding the correct supplements to address a specific issue is fundamental. The second step is understanding the dynamics behind a perceived deficiency. For example, excessive daytime sleepiness may be the result of inadequate rest during sleep. Taking natural stimulants to remain alert during the day may further interrupt healthy sleep patterns compounding the problem. A natural substance to enhance REM sleep may be the solution to obtaining more daytime alertness. Incorporating Supplements Into Your Daily Routine The easiest way to link a daily supplement to your daily routine is by attaching it to another daily habit, for example, when taking other prescribed medications. For example, adding a supplement to the morning medication is the easiest method to incorporate the supplement. If you do not currently take routine medications, attach the behavior to another everyday function, like brushing your teeth. Keep the supplement close to your toothbrush, and let the toothbrush serve as a visual cue. After several "reminders," the supplement use becomes ingrained. It becomes an automatic part of your new routine. Self  Reinforcement It has become commonplace for many to develop a sense of self-worth through external input. Unsolicited opinions from anyone in the environment subtly affects feelings of self-worth. And, many times there are hidden agendas in what views others offer. They may only sometimes be in your best interest. It is why a regular check-in with yourself is necessary to maintain emotional balance. When a self-preserving or reassuring behavior is applied routinely, it serves as a mental "pat on the back." It allows your internal compass a chance to realign. Fortifying a sense of self-worth through self-care is another means supplements complement your daily routine. The exact mechanism that reinforces your self-concept as combing your hair or wearing clean clothes that have become routine, adding supplements to feel your best, complements your daily routine. Be Your Best You How supplements complement your daily routine is multifaceted. It complements your health and well-being in addition to improving your self-esteem. Scientists have researched and well-documented the mind-body link. Feeling better physically and improving self-awareness and confidence are only a few of the benefits of supplementation. So, when is the best time to start supplements? Before you begin to exhibit symptoms that might necessitate them. Right now is the best time to consider supplements to complement your daily routine. Maintaining homeostasis is significantly preferable to treating the effects of stress, poor diet, and processed foods. Read Also: How To Stay Healthy And Fit Despite A Hectic Schedule A Little On The Side…Or Not? Your Guide To Supplemental Insurance What Are Virtual Reality Workouts And How Will They Affect Exercise?

weight loss

Why have a diet chart for weight loss?

A dream is a dream for many overweight people when it comes to losing weight and getting back to their fitter self. However, this is not really the case with all. The people that are dedicated to get back into their healthier self-work hard and get back to their healthy figure. Are you also on the track to lose weight? If yes, the Indian diet chart for weight loss could be of great help to you in this regards. Here are some of the reasons why having a diet chart for weight loss should help you in this area. Is a diet chart for weight loss helpful? Well, this is one of the most common questions when it comes to the Indian diet chart for weight loss. You can be sure that having a diet chart will be greatly beneficial for you in the long run. However, it is important for you to follow a set pattern and enjoy it. Most researchers show that when a person starts to eat healthily, it helps him/her to lose weight in the most natural way. You also need to remember that it is helpful provided that you put forth your dedicated efforts along with following the best diet course. Helps you intake healthy food : It is a true fact that you become what you eat, and if you eat healthily you will also become healthy. On the other hand, if you eat food without appropriate nutrition it will make you unhealthy again. This will not only help you lose weight, but it will also help your body from within and make it strong again. Rather than making your body look fit from only outside, it is always best to strengthen your body from within because only this will ensure that you benefit in the long-term process. Helps boost your metabolism : Metabolism is a core functioning that results in you being able to efficiently digest your food. If this is strong, it will help you to burn the food that you intake rather than only converting it to fats. Indian diet chart for weight loss will help you because slowly you will make your body used to eating in appropriate proportions and also healthy food will go inside. This will help you to get back your healthy organs functioning that are required to become fit again. The overall process will take some time but if you are dedicated, you will notice some great changes to your weight loss. Weight loss that is sustainable : It is your sedentary lifestyle that has caused you to put on weight and lead an unhealthy life today. However, all of this has resulted in long-term habits. So you need to be practical and not expect overnight changes to your health. Losing weight all of a sudden is not good for the body and it can lead you to go to a shock at times. However, diet chart for weight loss will ensure that you experience great results at a steady pace. What things do you need to do? You will come across plenty of options when you look for a weight loss diet. However, it is best to not choose an exotic diet plan, but rather go for the one that is simple for you to follow. If you try to go for a diet chart that involves going for highly exotic fruits or vegetables not easily found in India, one day the efforts and cost of availing these things may become a pain. On the other hand, if you choose items that are easily available it will help you follow the diet chart on a regular basis and within your budget as well. Here are some of the tips to help you in this regard: Thirst is marked by the body like hunger, and so it is good to ensure you drink plenty of water per day. This is one of the effective ways to fill up your stomach and then not gorge on food later. So keep drinking water in your list and ensure that you follow it as well. Some of the foods that are nutrient-rich such as millets, fiber-rich fruits, green leafy vegetables, and other such superfoods should be of great help. These food items are also recommended by experts when it comes to experiencing the best of taste and health benefits. You need to ensure that there is no inclination for you to eat at all times and so spread out your daily meals. Try to spread your diet from 3 to 5 times a day so that you always feel full. In your weight loss diet, it is important for you to make sure that you always have protein in it. If there is no protein in your diet it will not provide you with the essential energy needed to convert food into energy. Put forth dedicated efforts : You need to make sure that you always put forth dedicated efforts in order to follow through with your diet chart. If you are not focused on health goals, you may end up going back to the same sedentary lifestyle. It is your dedicated efforts that will result in your good health and so you need to make sure that you are focused on your cause and get the great benefits in the long term. The time and efforts that you spend in following your diet chart will go a long way for you in achieving your health goals. So make sure that you make a list of things and get the benefits in the long term for your health. Health is not something that you can never take for granted because it is what will define your good life. If you spend time in this regard you will experience the best weight loss goals. Spend time in this regard so that you can be aware of what all best things are available for you. Read Also : 10 Best Protein Shake Recipes For Weight Loss If You’ve Reached A Weight Loss Plateau, Fix Your Sleep 6 Imbalances In Body Hampering Weight Loss Efforts