Five Benefits of Meditation That Will Change Your Life

Published on: 26 June 2018 Last Updated on: 15 October 2020
Benefits of Meditation

Meditating has been a life-changing experience for me in many, many ways. It’s my first best addiction, second best being the use of marijuana. For a long time, I used marijuana to treat my stress and depression because it is a psychoactive drug and it has the capability to cure our mental problems such as stress and depression to a significant degree if it is used in its raw form, read this article here. However, meditation has acted as a game-changer. I no longer roll a joint when I’m stressed, I sit in the designated corner of my room for fifteen minutes, and everything changes completely. The problems seem to disappear, and I encounter this wonderful peace which replaces the feeling of unsettlement. Let me briefly tell you about the few ways in which meditation can alter your whole life.

1. Instant Dose of Happiness:

Instant Dose of Happiness

My first ever meditation practice was guided and my yoga instructor helped me with it. Before I even hit the point of feeling serene and in peace, I felt happiness. It was as if a dark cloud has left the sky and it’s sunny everywhere. But it wasn’t just something I felt; there is a medical explanation for this phenomenon. Our left prefrontal cortex is active whenever we are feeling happy. But when everything is going downhill, you can safely assume that this part of your brain is dormant. Meditation can make it active, and positive emotion can flow through your body by the simple act of mindfulness. It also aids with decreasing activity in the right prefrontal cortex which encourages negative thoughts and emotions. Regular meditation can make you mindful of your day-to-day routine which can be especially beneficial for inducing positive thinking patterns.

2. Your Lifestyle Will Change:

Another major change that you’re bound to notice is that you’ll start living a healthier life. Meditation can change your life in many ways, for example, it can fix your sleep cycle. You won’t suffer from diseases like sleep apnea and insomnia anymore. You can meditate and do yoga side-by-side, so in a way; you can start working out because of meditation. Meditation promotes positive thoughts in our brain, as I have explained already. So you’re likely to give up bad habits like smoking cigarettes and pot etc. It helped me get rid of pot addiction; I can vouch for the rehabilitating effect of this activity. You might as well start eating healthier meals if you practice meditation regularly.

3. It Helps Battle Anxiety & Stress:

It is especially useful when you have to combat anxiety and stress. It might as well save you a trip to the psychiatrist. Regular meditation can turn you into a happier individual because it aims to reprogram your whole thought process. So, if you are suffering from anxious thoughts meditation can help you combat these thoughts very effectively.

The most devastating of all effects that anxiety can have on your brain is reducing the size of your hippocampus, which is responsible for keeping your memory sharp. But here’s the deal, meditation has the capability of reversing any damage that has been done to your brain, and it can even fortify your brain to combat anxiety in the future. Those who meditate regularly are less likely to be anxious. Does this explain the peaceful lives of shamans to you?


4. Age Gracefully:

Age Gracefully

Meditation can lead to graceful aging. Aging is a process that every individual has to go through, and while it seems unlikely that sitting straight for minutes, even hours, it could slow down the process of aging. You can find more than enough evidence of this fact now. Meditation has the ability to slow down the aging of cells of your body. Let me explain to you the whole process. When we stress out or suffer from diseases like diabetes type 2 and dementia etc. the length of our telomeres which are the DNA caps reduces. If this process continues, the chromosomes division process could be inhibited because they no longer have any protection from these telomeres. On a cellular level, your body has now started dying. Since practicing meditation can keep your stress and other chronic illnesses at bay, you are sure to keep increasing the age of your cells thereby ensuring a long and healthy life for yourself.


5. It Helps Your EQ:

Just like IQ, your emotional intelligence is measured by the Emotional Quotient, and trust me, you might survive this world without a high IQ, but success without emotional intelligence is a tough call. Since meditating more often can lead you to develop a better awareness of your surroundings, you would be able to read the emotions of others. This will give you an edge over the others, and you can succeed at many things in life by having a higher emotional intelligence level.


Read Also:

1. Easy Ways To Live A Healthier Lifestyle.

2. 10 Tips On How To Ditch The Stress And Start Living A Peaceful Life.

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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What to Do When You Feel that You are Getting Forgetful About Time

Time is essential for everyone because it cannot be prevented from moving or be taken back in case you forgot something to do that was due at a particular time. It is a different story if you happen to be forgetful about time. This problem is serious, and it can lead to unlikely circumstances like leaving all your work undone or failing to attend an important meeting with your clients. If you happen to experience any of these things, you should think of ways to prevent your forgetfulness from worsening. Make a to-do list including the time to accomplish things: To make yourself remember the things that you need to do, make a list that indicates when you need to perform your tasks at work or even at home. It is easier to do the list than exhausting your mind trying to remember everything that needs to be done. It will also help you to bring back your sharpness in responding within time according to the schedule. Set the alarm on your watch: To help you, even more, set your watch for an alert to remind you of the time and what you have forgotten to do. You do not need to bring an alarm clock with you. A simple wristwatch with alarm features on an Omega Nato strap can do it for you. You may also write down what you have done every time you hear the alarm to monitor any improvement in your forgetfulness. Eat memory-enhancing foods: To complement your efforts to be more aware of the time, also consider eating foods that can help boost your memory. And since forgetfulness is the most common sign of Alzheimer’s disease, better face the fact that you are prone to this condition and think of ways to prevent it. Some foods can keep your brain healthy and can improve specific tasks, such as memory and concentration. Foods such as fatty fish, blueberries, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, nuts, oranges, and eggs are suitable for the brain, specifically to help boost the memory. A cup of coffee, green tea or turmeric is also beneficial for the brain. Seek professional assistance: Acceptance is an essential step to take if experiencing forgetfulness and seeking professional assistance can help prevent your condition from getting worse. If you open yourself to the possible consequences that your forgetfulness might lead to, then your chances of overcoming it are high. Just take the professional advice seriously and pay a regular visit to your mental health provider to monitor your development from the time you started your treatment. Tell your family about your condition: To easily cope with your ordeal, inform your family about your situation. They are the ones who can help you along the way until you get well. All people are not spared from losing memory. What differs from one to the other is when forgetfulness will strike. But this can be prevented as long as you practice time consciousness and give your mind time to relax. Read Also: 3 Top Tips To Keep Your Eyes Healthy Stay Away From These Foods To Remain Healthy


Want an Amazing Photobook? Choose Mixbook

Designing and producing a photo book is a swift and secure – yet very efficient way of keeping the special moments or offering an exceptional gift without having to break the bank. If you want to prepare your pictures in a new photo book or a separate project, Mixbook retains your uploads Smartphones have transformed photography in various ways. However, one of the downsides of having all your pictures on your phone is that they become expendable. When last did you celebrate an important family vacation or get-together photo in an album? How about the last unforgettable trip you spent with your special someone or your holiday photos in an album together? A photo album is a great way to remember the special occasions in your life. The best photo albums let you sort your pictures down to the best and have them commemorated in hard copy, all organized in a glamorous album for you to relish with family and friends. Want the best-designed and best-quality, check out Mixbook photo books. They use software that is very easy to use, and it, in the long run, makes organizing your photo book fun. Besides, the finishing is so superb that you feel like you have fabricated a work of art rather than wooly printed photos. In a world where online photo book services have become very common, Mixbook has set itself apart among the best. It is among the best photo book website due to its wide range of features. There are plenty of magnificent, completely assembled layouts from which you can select. If you want to reorganize the photos that you have already placed on a specific page, you can use the Swap feature to ease the process. Choose You Should Mixbook: Lots of themes to offer With more than 374 themes available, Mixbook has got you covered regardless of the occasion you want. Whether you are looking for seasonal, family, travel, or romance, we`ve got you covered. Furthermore, the high-quality prints and delightful options of cover and paper guarantees that you get the best-designed collection of memories. Templates are easy to edit The templates are simple and entirely editable to allow you to be as creative or as swift as you prefer. The extra backgrounds make for a remarkable finish, which you can achieve by using different materials with stickers and much more. Moreover, if you want to make the photo book more personal, there are lots of different stickers and materials which eventually make your photo book exceptional. An archive for your photos If you want to rearrange your pictures in a new photo book or a different project, Mixbook retains your uploads. You do not need to start uploading again; you can source from the personal collection you had uploaded. Mixbook is considerate Everyone makes mistakes. If you find that something is wrong with the layout of your photo book, you do not necessarily have to live with the consequences. You have half an hour grace period after placing your order to notice and fix the mistake. Within this period, you can make any corrections without having to cancel the production. Secure and durable packaging They deliver their projects fast. The package comes in cardboard packaging, and it is usually enfolded in cellophane, this is nothing special, although the packaging is typically safe in transit. The cover of your photo album is thick and durable, designed to shield all the pictures in the photo book for a long time. The cover photo usually features accurate coloring and is printed very clearly. Their albums have a flyleaf that projects the pages further, and it offers the project a chic feel. Above everything, they are committed to quality. Their quality of customer care service is also another major reason why it is the best. Any alleged shortcomings all boil down to this one aspect. Featured Image Read Also: 5 Essential Tips for the Traveling Photographer Tips on project statement writing


Here Are 10 Tips On How To Get Motivated For Work, School, or Life

They say it is all in your head. whether you are trying to lose weight, get a new job or otherwise improve yourself. Often your biggest obstacles are psychological. It's hard to get and stay motivated, especially if you have gotten knocked off track a few times. Many of us start feeling a decline in confidence and an increase in hopelessness when we fail to achieve our goals over and over again. There are many ways to stay motivated both long-term and immediately when you feel that drive start to ebb. If you are looking on how to get motivated, try some or all of these ideas to kick start your ambition and get you back on the road to success. Here are ten ideas for improving your motivation. 1. Set a Goal: Sometimes you need to be clear and specific in articulating your objective in order to achieve it. Instead of just hoping to "lose weight," give yourself a specific target: "this year I will lose 20 pounds." You might write it out in an inspiring sign to paste on your refrigerator or bathroom mirror, to remind yourself every day to stay focused. 2. Lay Out Achievable Steps: Not only must you define what you are going for, you need to layout steps that will get you there. If your goal is to open another office, you will want to set out a budget and timeline to help you work towards that result. Many goals are the accumulation of actions, so you need to be clear what steps you need to take along the way. Before you can improve your stamina, you need to join a gym or engage a personal trainer. Before you can meet the man of your dreams, you need to join a dating app in order to start meeting people. 3. Check in with a Mentor or Friend: Another important component to getting motivated is to be accountable.  It's less easy to slack off when you have to report your progress to someone else. By setting professional goals with a mentor or supervisor,  you give yourself the motivation to report your progress back to them.  If you think people are expecting something of you, you are more likely to work harder to please them and get the job done. You may also receive the added bonus of feedback: others can buck you up when you are feeling discouraged, and give you alternate ideas to try when your strategy is not going well. 4. Ingest Some Caffeine: Don't overlook the physical factors involved with motivation. It is hard to keep going if you are hungry, tired or depleted. Many people need a cup of coffee to get their engines revved in the morning. Caffeine can actually improve memory, productivity, and performance. If you are looking for a quick fix to your motivational blues, a cup of joe or a bite of chocolate may perk you up to get your short term goals accomplished. 5. Take a Walk: To change your mind you often need to move a muscle. If you are in a rut,  change your perspective by literally getting out of your house or office and going for a walk. Many cultures extol nature as a way of cleaning out the mind and reinvigorating the body. The Japanese call this practice forest bathing, or shinrin-yoku. Being in nature can reduce stress and help you regain focus and energy. 7. Eat Something Healthy: Lack of motivation may be a sign that you are physically run-down, or you are failing to keep your mind and body properly fueled.  By incorporating healthy nutritional habits into your daily routine, you will be better able to face the ups and downs of work and life and stay more focused on achieving your goals. You may need to examine what you are eating as well. Maybe eating too much dairy or gluten is sapping your energy. As our bodies get older, we may no longer be able to process certain foods the way we used to. By cleaning up your diet to include fewer toxins and more fruits and vegetables, you are likely to experience higher energy levels. 8. Try a Nutritional Supplement: Some people need a boost to keep their bodies functioning at maximum capacity. Many take nutritional supplements to increase their memory function, energy and wellbeing. This website shows the kinds of products available called nootropics, which are intended to assist with a mental performance by supporting creativity, focus, intelligence, and motivation. Some ingredients used to enhance brain function include bacopa Monnier, an ancient herb used in Ayurvedic medicine to enhance information processing and reduce reaction times;  Rhodiola Rosea, an herb that helps your body handle stress more effectively, ginseng root, which reduces fatigue and helps with high-level problem solving; and ginkgo Biloba, which improves memory and reduces stress-related high blood pressure. 9. Keep Going: Sometimes you may not be as inspired as other times. Sometimes a deadline will not wait and you just have to rally. Perfection can be the enemy of the good. That means: don't let your own perfectionism stand in the way of just getting your task accomplished. You may not achieve your objective with the highest marks and the best results that you might have liked, but often getting something done is an achievement in and of itself. Maybe tomorrow you will come back with renewed insight and innovative ideas. By pushing yourself, you will eventually get to where you want to go. You may not get As all the time, but by refusing to give up you will eventually persevere and triumph. 10. Take a Break: A lack of motivation may indicate a deeper issue. Maybe you are no longer inspired by your line of work. Maybe you need to try an alternative route to your ultimate destination. When scientists tackle problems, sometimes they have to give up and come back to the problem at a later time. Sometimes only time and persistence can give you the perspective you need to either solve the challenge or move on. You may realize that you really want to focus on a different goal. You may decide that your energy should be channeled in a different direction. How to Get Motivated- Physically and Mentally: Searching for how to get motivated may lead you to question the goals towards which you are directing that energy. You may ultimately find in yourself the reasons why you are struggling to achieve something and new strategies for attaining that mission. On the other hand, you may also discover that you would prefer to focus on that motivation elsewhere. For more tips on improving your physical and mental fitness, check out our blog. Read Also: Summer Body Inspiration 6 Ways To Promote Healthy Brain