Best Ways to Maintain a Shower Cabin

Published on: 26 June 2018 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Shower Cabin

If you own a modern shower cabin, as opposed to a traditionally tiled shower enclosure, then the bad news is that you will still have to keep it clean.  The good news is that this is a whole lot easier than it is with old-fashioned shower enclosures, mainly due to the absence of tiling, which is just a time-consuming pain to clean.  What’s more, if you go about it the right way, maintaining your shower cabin can take very little effort.  These tips can help.

Wipe your feet (or put a towel down):

Wandering around in bare feet can be very comfortable but it means your feet can get very dirty, very quickly, so you might want to think about cleaning off the surface grime before you step into the shower.  Alternatively, put a towel down on the shower floor and then just stick this in the wash after you’ve finished.  Either of these approaches will go a long way to keeping the floor of your shower cabin white and gleaming.

Little and often is the way to go:

Ideally, all shower users should end their shower by going around the enclosure with the showerhead in one hand and a brush in the other to get rid of surface dirt.  They should then use a microfiber cloth to remove the water.  Back in the real world, at least give the shower enclosure a quick once over to remove any residue from the products used or, as an absolute minimum, run the water over any visible deposits.

Aim to give your shower a proper clean twice a week:

Before you gasp in horror, this approach will actually save you time and effort over the long term.  We’ll explain why as we go along.  As a minimum, clean your shower enclosure once a week for hygiene and practicality (plus it can help to extend the life of your shower).  Here are some tips on how to keep your shower enclosure sparkling.

Start with the showerhead:

Fill a container with white vinegar and leave your shower head to soak in it while you clean your shower.  If you do this at least every other time you clean your shower (assuming you clean it twice a week), then a short soak will be just fine.

Remove suds promptly:

It may seem like foam disappears all by itself if you just leave it but actually what happens is that the liquid content evaporates but the chemicals generally stay put, along with the dead skin cells and hair carried off your body in the foam.  The advantage of rinsing your shower after each use is that this will catch everything when it’s at its easiest to remove.  After this, a 50/50 mix of vinegar and water will probably do the trick, especially if you use it a couple of times a week as we suggest.  If you do let the dirt in your shower cabin build-up to the point where you have to resort to a commercial cleaner, then make sure to use a non-abrasive one.

Vinegar and water is the perfect cleaner for reflective surfaces:

That same mixture of vinegar and water will also do a great job on the glass in your shower enclosure (and if you have mirrored tiles it works on them too).  The key here is to get all the liquid off afterward to avoid streaks so a microfiber cloth is a good investment.  Again, if you opt for commercial cleaners, make sure they’re non-abrasive.

Give your shower cabin doors plenty of love:

Doors aren’t just glass panels, they have handles, hinges/rollers, and seals as well, plus they open and close.  Handles are easily dealt with; your vinegar/water mix will keep them looking shiny.  Hinges/rollers don’t typically need to be cleaned, but you could take the opportunity to give them a touch of lubricant to keep them moving freely.  The seals on the door, however, are places where dirt can easily accumulate, especially the one at the bottom of the door.  Use a stiff brush to get it off.

Keep an eye out for mildew:

One of the huge benefits of shower cabins and compared to traditional shower enclosures is that they are practically immune to mildew and mold due to the absence of both tiling and shower curtains, which are the main places it usually takes hold.  The only place mildew and mold could potentially attack a shower cabin is in the seams and you can avoid this by using proper sanitary silicone when you assemble the shower.  If, however, you have used ordinary silicone to assemble the shower, there is a small possibility that you may get some slight mildew or mold.  Ideally, you should take this as a sign that you should rebuild your shower using the right silicone, but realistically a simpler approach would be to apply that vinegar and water mixture using an old toothbrush and if that isn’t enough change to bleach and water and do the job again, very carefully and preferably wear gloves.

Pamper your plumbing:

If you live in a hard-water area then fitting a water softener to your shower can be a very good idea.  Even if you don’t (or you have fitted a water softener), taking care of your shower plumbing is still a good idea and it’s so easy, there’s really no reason not to.  As your first line of defense, put a protector over your drainage hole to trap hairs and such like.  Then pour some baking soda down the hole every time you clean your shower if you like add some vinegar or lemon juice.  If you start to notice a blockage (the water draining away slowly), then an old trick is to grind up some eggshells and put them down.  They are gentle scourers and will often do the trick cheaply and naturally.  If all else fails, then look for a good chemical cleaner.


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tarot card reading

Universal Guidance: 4 Times You Need a Tarot Card Reading

There comes a time in all of our lives where we're going to need guidance from someone else to help us find the right path. It should come as no surprise that over 40 percent of Americans have received some form of counseling. But, mental help professionals aren't the only people that those in need seek out for answers to their questions. Tarot readers can be a great (although unconventional) method to help you look inside yourself and obtain the knowledge you need to move forward. Not sure where to start? Don't worry, we got you covered. There might be multiple times in your life when you will feel the need to talk to a Tarot Card Reader. Complicated personal issues or professional stresses leading to an uncertain future are reasons why many search for the Best Online Tarot Card Reading Site. With COVID-19 norms still in effect, getting help from online platforms regarding Tarot Card Reading is a great alternative. Let's take a look at everything you need to know about getting a tarot card reading. 1. You Struggle With Self-Esteem Issues: For some, confidence is a natural gift that requires little (if any) work to maintain. Whether it stems from beauty, talent, or a little bit of both, there are people out there who always seem to be able to keep their heads held high. For most of the rest of us, we struggle with self-esteem issues from time to time. Although it's perfectly normal to occasionally feel negative about yourself and your abilities, it can be easy to slip into a downward spiral of self-loathing. And, once it starts, it can be very challenging to put a stop to it on your own. A tarot reader will help you figure out where this negativity is coming from. Common scenarios include ending a relationship or getting skipped over for a promotion at work. Regardless of where it comes from, your reader will help you develop a plan to handle it. You'll walk away from your session with an actionable goal and a way to get there, and you'll find that your self-care regimen will be better than ever before. 2. You're Having Trouble Confronting The Past: It's easy to hold onto negativity from the past. Real strength lies in being able to let go. Unfortunately, this is far easier said than done. Issues that happened in the past are frequently the cause of the dissolution of friendships and romantic relationships. Things can seem exponentially worse if you're in an environment that constantly reminds you of these conflicts. Through a tarot reading, you'll be able to finally face what's been eating away at you (even if you've repressed it) and begin the healing process. Most importantly, you'll also learn how to forgive those who wronged you or accept the blame yourself. Once you've shed light on the shadows that haunt you, you'll be able to ensure your future is bright. 3. You're Feeling Burned Out: Burnouts can happen to the best of us, and they can happen as a result of almost anything. Have you been working overtime every week recently and having very few moments to yourself? Maybe you've been giving a relationship your all and you're not getting back what you put in.  Or, you could be fed up with the countless responsibilities that come with being an adult. Talking to friends and family doesn't seem to help, and in some cases and makes you feel worse. All of these things (can plenty of others) can cause you to reach a breaking point where you feel like you're just done. Before you let your life go off on a collision course, take a deep breath and see what a tarot reading has to say about it. Having an objective viewpoint analyze your situation can help far more than you may think. Not only will you find choices that you didn't know were available, but you'll also be able to choose the right path toward overcoming your mental exhaustion. 4. Nothing Seems to Go Your Way: Unlike burning out, this scenario doesn't involve working yourself away or giving all you've got until you can't anymore. Instead, it involves you being a constant victim of the universe. While it may sound dramatic, unfortunate events can quickly pile up on anyone. For example, let's say your car breaks down on a Monday morning on the way to work, and your boss berates you in front of your coworkers. You begrudgingly dip into your shallow savings account to fix your car. On top of all of that, you had to spend even more money on transportation and eating out while your car was in the shop, leaving you in a state of financial disarray. Then, you have the realization that staying at your current job will only make you better at performing a role in a field you don't even like. While this is only a general scenario, it's not that unlikely to happen to most of us. It also proves that it doesn't take much to overwhelm people within a short period of time. While a tarot reading isn't going to magically put cash in your hand, it will help you determine what your life goals are and develop a plan to reach them. This could be as simple as saving an extra few hundred dollars per month or as extreme as working toward a career change. Knowing When to Schedule a Tarot Card Reading Can Seem Difficult: But it doesn't have to be. With the above information about tarot card reading in mind, you'll be well on your way to gaining the clarity that you need to take your next step in life. Want to learn more lifestyle tips that can help make things easier for you? Make sure to check out the rest of our blog! Read Also: Understanding New Age Spirituality A Guaranteed Approach To Raising A Little Genius 5 Questions You Should Not Ask During Your Tarot Reading


What to do if you encounter a black bear?

You can enjoy your adventure to the fullest only when you are confident about encountering dangerous animal comfortably while camping or hiking. Whenever you are camping or hiking in the wilderness, you are likely to encounter a bear. So, it’s very important to know how to deal with the situation keeping your head cool and calm because panicking might only make it worse. So, whenever it happens to face a bear, remain as composed as possible. Your action will depend on many things- the species of the bear, your surroundings, and your expertise. To deal a bear-encounter comfortably, follow these simple guidelines: Avoid bear altogether: Bears usually want to avoid human contact and hence, by avoiding them altogether, you can avert an unpleasant encounter. To be in the safe zone, avoid moving through bear-habituated area silently and alone. Try to travel in groups with lots of sounds- like talking or singing. And obviously, remain alert all the time. In encounter: If you bump into a bear surprisingly, remain calm and keep your bear spray ready. Try to figure out what type of bear it is. It will help you to deal with it accordingly. First, as a general rule of thumb, follow simple basics like if the bear is at a distance, give as much space as possible. If possible, turn around and leave the way you came. Or, simply walk away giving the bear a wide berth. But never try to approach it or take a photo. And if the bear is close to you, like in your campground or on the trail, compose yourself and evaluate the situation confidently. Back away slowly, but never try to run. Keep an eye on the bear, most probably, it will flee. Survive an attack: If your encounter turns into a stand-off, you need to determine, whether the bear is a black bear or brown one. One thing to keep in mind is that the only color is not the determining factor, as a black bear can be brown colored and vice versa. There are some physical characteristics that will tell you the species of the bear. Black bears are usually smaller and have smaller claws while brown ones are much bigger and have a distinctive lump behind their neck and their claws and paws are also bigger in size. Black bears are timid in nature, so if you can, try to escape. Or if you don’t see any option to escape, fight back. As the bear gets closer, strike on its nose and face with a rock, a stick or whatever you find. If you don’t get anything near you, use your fists. The bear will flee as it doesn’t tend to be aggressive. On the contrary, brown bears can be quite aggressive and large in size, it won’t be wise to fight back. Instead, you can lay down on the ground, acting as dead. Put your shoulder over the head and spread your legs so that it can’t turn you over. Leave your backpack on to protect your shoulder and back. Remain as still and motionless as possible. The bear will lose interest in you and walk away. Use bear spray: One of the best ways to deal with a bear is using a bear spray. This powerful pepper spray can stop a bear immediately and compel them to back off. But, using this spray needs some precaution and trial. Or else, you might end up exposing yourself to the chemicals. When you need to use the spray, don’t wait for it to come closer. Spray from a distance as it takes some time to show the effect. Don’t waste your time on aiming its eyes, nose, and face, just spray thoroughly or else, the bear may approach you while correcting the aim. However, to ensure exciting camping or hiking, get yourself educated on how to deal adverse situation. Bears are a generally calm natured animal but might get aggressive because of assuming you as a threat. Knowing how to deal with such adverse situation can go a long way towards handling it calmly and getting you home hale and hearty. Once you feel comfortable handling such a situation, your adventure-trips will be more exciting and enjoyable, see more on review night for more about outdoor adventure. Read Also : 7 Elk Hunting Tips To Follow


Tips To Help You Plan Your Long-Awaited Wedding

Now that we're done with social distancing, wedding planning is back on! The next several months can be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, so it's important to keep things in perspective and start planning as early as possible. Your first step, if you don't already have one, is to create a binder to keep all related materials in, with a checklist to reference and keep you on your timeline. Pick a Date or Time of the Year Unless you have a specific location in mind and you are sure that availability is not going to be an issue, you should decide on the time of year you want to have your wedding, keeping in mind how easy or challenging it could be for friends and family to attend – especially those loved ones coming in from out of town who may have to take time off work, travel and find accommodation. The time of year you choose will also drastically affect the price of your largest expense – the venue. You might want to start making calls right away as banquet halls and other popular wedding locations are often booked well in advance. Set a Realistic Wedding Budget Your wedding budget will determine almost every other decision you make, so it's important to use a realistic number that makes sense for you financially. This means knowing how much you have available to you (i.e., if you're getting any help) and creating an itemized list that includes estimates you get from vendors such as: 1. The venue operator2. Caterer3. Photographer4. Flower supplier5. DJ6. Valet parking servicesetc. Be sure to add at least a 10-15% buffer to account for emergencies, higher prices than you were quoted, or in case you come across something you hadn't planned to include but now have to have. Create a Guest List Now that you have a budget and an expense list, you'll know what your guest capacity is, and you and your partner can start figuring out who you want with you on your special day. Start with both sides of the family and close friends who you are sure will make it to know your minimum head count. If any of them are single, decide if you're giving them a plus one on the invitation and add them to your current total. You can then decide if there are others you really want to come, but don't feel obligated to invite everyone you know or everyone who's ever invited you to their weddings. Book a Venue This should be done as early as possible,  but you need to have your total number of guests before a venue accepts your reservation. Also, remember to contact the city if you want to have pictures taken or hold part of the ceremony in a public park. Have a Vision for Your Wedding Whether you and your partner have a particular theme you're passionate about, there's a certain style that resonates with you, or you're simply choosing a color palette, having a clear vision for how you want your wedding to look can make your life easier and guide the myriad of decisions you'll have to make before the big day. Keep in mind, however, that the esthetic you choose should also fit with the time of year, venue, and your indoor or outdoor wedding. Additionals: Tips for Having a Weed-Friendly Wedding3 Tips For An Amazing Wedding Reception6 Tips For Having A Perfect City Hall Wedding!What’s New And Innovative In The Realm Of Perfect Wedding?