How to Get Copy of a Divorce Decree


27 June 2019


Divorce Decree

A divorce decree is a document which is the most authentic proof of the fact that a couple that was previously married is now divorced.  Therefore, the couple must be mindful of keeping it safely post their divorce. Most divorce lawyers in Delhi would also advise their client to continue to have possession of the divorce decree even years after their divorce since it is not always possible to foresee the purposes for which that divorce decree might be needed in future.

This blog shall aim to stress the importance of a divorce decree and acquaint our readers with the importance of keeping a divorce decree safe, even years after the divorce has been finalized.

The reason why a divorce decree is so important is that it bears the official seal and stamp of the court’s officer or the court clerk.

The decree duly delivered by a judicial magistrate is likely to contain, apart from the fact that the couple is divorced, also details pertaining to custody, alimony, visitation, maintenance, division of assets and liabilities, etc.

Why a Divorce Decree is Important?

Suppose that a divorced person wants to remarry. Before issuing him a marriage registration certificate, the first thing that the marriage registrar is going to ask for is a divorce decree relating to the previous marriage because, barring Mohammedan law, the personal laws of almost all other religions prohibit bigamy and polygamy.

Another instance where a party may require a copy of a divorce decree is to ascertain their rights before the court if the other party/spouse defaults in performing his duties under the divorce decree. For instance, if the other spouse, denies the first spouse visitation rights to the child, or the other spouse defaults in payment of monthly maintenance or alimony to the first spouse, then, to be able to enforce these rights before a court of law, the aggrieved spouse shall definitely need a certified and true copy of the divorce decree. The divorce decree shall act as conclusive proof of the rights to which the aggrieved spouse is entitled to and therefore cannot be rebutted by any other evidence in a court law. The court will then, on seeing a copy of the divorce decree, prima facie hold the defaulting party in contempt of court.

How can you get your Divorce Decree Made?

For all the above-mentioned purposes, possession of a divorce decree is incumbent. If the person fails to possess one, he or she must apply to the court for obtaining a certified copy of the same.

As a first step, what the party can do is to approach his or her lawyer, which he or she had hired for their divorce case. Lawyers usually maintain a record of documents of all their cases until a reasonable amount of time. This, they do because even they realize the importance of legal documents and in order to render to their client an enhanced service, they prefer keeping a file wise record of all the essential documents of all their cases.

If the party had not hired a lawyer and had obtained their divorce on their own, or if their lawyers also do not have a copy of the same, the party will necessarily have to approach the court, which had granted them their divorce decree.

Specific Details that a Divorce Decree needs to have

For this purpose, the party will require knowledge of certain details, pertaining to the year of his or her divorce, the court, which granted the divorce, the name of the judge or bench, which granted the divorce, etc. These details will help the court clerk to easily access the case and find the divorce decree for that particular matter. Once the decree is found, all that the party has to do is to collect the said, certified and true copy of the divorce decree, paid the requisite fee to the concerned court clerk and then that copy of the divorce decree shall be duly handed over to the applicant party.

However, notwithstanding the fact that the court clerk may obtain a copy of the divorce decree from the court clerk, there always exists the possibility that even the court loses track of such record and the copy of the divorce decree is not found in the court’s record even after an expansive search. It is therefore advisable that the parties themselves maintain a copy of such important legal document for as long as they live.

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Legal Aspects Of Wrongful Death Cases

Coping With Loss: Legal Aspects Of Wrongful Death Cases

Experiencing the untimely loss of a dear one is a profound and painful experience. Especially when it results from the wrongful deeds or negligence of someone else; first, let’s understand what a wrongful death means, and then we will talk about the different aspects.  This article delves into the complexities of wrongful death cases, exploring the legal framework and avenues for seeking justice and compensation. So, make sure you stay tuned till the very end as we are about to unfurl some of the most interesting information about wrongful death claims.  What Does A Wrongful Death Lawsuit Mean?  When an individual faces death because of another person’s negligence, it is termed wrongful death. Most of us know it. But what’s a lawsuit related to it? Let’s have a closer look. The family members and close associates of those who die want to punish the responsible party, which is why they file a lawsuit against them.  The claims made against them are known as wrongful death claims. In such a lawsuit, the individual’s family might sue the person or the complete entity at fault for the death. It is important to remember that death claims do not bring back the victim. But it certainly strengthens the will to punish anyone who is negligent on-site.  The Role Of Legal Professionals Consulting with a legal professional, such as a Temecula wrongful death lawyer, can offer invaluable support and guidance. A lawyer with expertise in wrongful death cases can help interpret the law, manage the legal proceedings, and advocate for the maximum compensation. Their support can be crucial in ensuring that the legal process is handled sensitively and effectively, allowing families to focus on healing. Understanding Wrongful Death Claims Wrongful death claims allow certain family members or representatives to seek compensation for the losses they've endured due to the death of a loved one. California law specifies who can bring these claims, including spouses, domestic partners, children, and, in some cases, dependents who may not be directly related. These laws aim to provide financial relief and a sense of justice to those left behind, covering aspects such as funeral expenses, lost income, and the loss of companionship and support. Navigating The Legal Process Navigating the legal process in wrongful death cases can be complex and emotionally taxing. It involves understanding the nuances of the law, gathering evidence, and effectively presenting a case in court. Families often grapple with the legal system while still in the throes of grief, making the process even more challenging. A number of state laws restrict wrongful death claims only to immediate family members, parents, children, and surviving spouses. There might be varied requirements for heirs under the state intestacy laws or the will. But the legal professional files suit on your behalf and ensures that you win the case, attaching all necessary documents.  Seeking Justice And Closure Although there is no legal action to compensate for a loved one’s death, opting for a claim about the same can provide a sense of justice and closure. It holds the at-fault party accountable and helps prevent similar tragedies in the future. For many families, it’s a crucial step in the healing process. The emotional toll of losing a loved one in a wrongful death case is immense. It's not only a legal battle but also a personal journey of grief and loss. Finding a support system during this time is crucial. This can include counseling, support groups, and relying on the support of friends and family. Taking care of your emotional well-being is as important as managing the legal aspects of the case. Financial Implications And Compensation Wrongful death cases often bring significant financial strain, especially if the deceased was a primary breadwinner. Seeking compensation is not just about justice; it's also about securing financial stability. Compensation in these cases may cover lost wages, medical bills, funeral costs, and loss of future earnings. Understanding the full scope of financial implications is vital for the family’s long-term security. For financial compensation, you may have to fill out the claim form properly. It consists of every little detail that might be significant for the claimed purpose.  Time Limits For Filing Claims It's important to be aware of the statutes of limitations in wrongful death cases. These laws set the maximum time after an event within which legal proceedings may be initiated. Missing these deadlines can result in the loss of the right to seek compensation. Knowing these time frames and acting promptly is crucial in these cases. Also, there are instances when fraudsters have logged fake information just to get some money. To mitigate the possibilities of such fake cases, a time limit is imposed for filing claims. It also helps in managing the operational side of claim settlement.  The Role Of Evidence In Building A Case Gathering as well as preserving evidence is key to building a strong wrongful death case. This might include medical records, witness statements, and expert testimony. Solid evidence not only supports the claim but also helps in accurately quantifying the damages for fair compensation. Working with legal professionals to collect and present this evidence is essential for a successful outcome. Conclusion Wrongful death cases are about more than just legal claims; they're about seeking justice for a life unjustly taken and providing support to those left behind. Understanding and navigating the legal aspects of these cases are crucial steps in this journey. While the road to recovery may be long, knowing your rights and options can provide a path toward healing and closure. Read Also: 5 Common Types Of Personal Injury Cases Top 10 Colorado Springs Personal Injury Attorneys How Much Compensation Can You Expect Run Accident Claims


Q&A: Things You Need To Know About SSDI

In the United States, almost 10.9 million people receive Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI benefits. This benefit offers them an average pay of $12,000 per year. Despite the benefits SSDI offers, for most of our working lives, SSDI remains a background concern. Most people avoid this insurance program because of how much the federal government charges to run this program. However, people are now getting aware of the importance SSDI has to offer. What Is Social Security Disability Insurance? Social Security Disability Insurance is a federally supported benefit program. The sole purpose of this program is to offer financial assistance to individuals with disabilities. In general, the SSDI benefits can only be offered to individuals who can no longer work or for at least 12 months because of their disability. SSDI is an earned benefit. This means that in order to benefit from this program, you must invest in this program and accumulate credit points. The credit points accumulation is also determined by your work history. Why Does SSDI Matter? Most people realize the importance when tragedy strikes. When people are unable to continue with their work, they think about how they will support themselves and their families. Guess what? If you have taken SSDI, you wouldn't have to worry. After an accident or illness that takes away your capability to work, SSDI becomes the lifeline for those who can no longer work. SSDI is a federal-controlled program where you pay a certain amount every month. And when you are ill or injured and cannot continue to work, you receive a certain portion of your paycheck to support yourself. How Is Eligibility Determined? To qualify for the SSDI benefits, you must - Have worked in jobs under the protection of social security.Have medical conditions and documents to prove the condition. The general rule states that if a person is diable and is unable to work for one year, they receive a monthly benefit under the SSDI program. The benefits continue until you can return back to work and continue working how you used to before disability. If you want to get a clear view of how this transition happens, get help from a Paducah disability attorney. What Do We Mean by Disability? It is important to understand that the definition of disability under the SSDI benefits is different from other programs. SSDI benefits are liable for paying only complete disability. No benefits are payable for any partial or short-term disability. You can qualify for the benefits under the disability program if the following stands true for you. You cannot work or engage in any activity that helps you earn because of your medical condition.You cannot work a previous job or any similar job after your current medical condition.Your condition has lasted or is expected to last for at least 12 months. This is the strict definition of disability that SSDI follows. This is because the Social Security program assumes that the person will have access to all the necessary things from their family members, including worker’s compensation, savings, and investment. Consider Reading the facts we have shared for which most of the SSD claims get denied When Does the SSDI Payment Start? Under the law, the payment won't start unless you have been disabling it for 5 full months. That means SSDI payments start from the 6th month. However, you can avoid the waiting period if your disability originates from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and has the approval of Social Security benefits. When you receive your confirmation notice, the notice will clearly talk about how much you will receive as a benefit and from which exact date the benefit will start. How Long Does The Payment Continue? The tenure of payment is decided on your medical condition. The general rule states that an individual will keep receiving the benefits till they recover and get back to work. If the medical condition is not improving, they will keep getting benefits. However, the benefits will not continue indefinitely. The official will keep a close eye on what the individual is doing to recover themselves. That being said, with advanced medical science and rehabilitation techniques, many people recover from injuries and disabilities. When an individual is receiving the benefits, officials will keep track of them, and the individual will be responsible for answering any question asked by the officials. Do You Need To Stop Working To Collect The Retirement Benefits? No, you don’t have to stop working to receive retirement benefits. Once you have crossed the retirement age, you can work and still enjoy the retirement benefits. But, if you are below full retirement, your monthly benefits will be reduced. Only after you reach retirement age will the reduction be eliminated. And the benefits will be increased to make up for what you have lost over time. How Can You Boost The Number Of Benefits? The longer you wait for the payment, the more amount you will receive. Let’s understand this by an example. Let’s just say you were born in 1960. This means your current age is 62. So, if you start receiving the benefits, it will be 70% of your last paycheck. However, if you wait for more than 5 years till you reach 67 and then claim the benefits, you will get 100%. This is because delaying past full retirement age and Social security increases your benefits by 8% per year until you hit 70. After 70, it becomes constant. Do You Owe Taxes On Social Security? Social Security Disability benefits are subject to tax. But most people end up not paying taxes on it. The taxation of SSDI benefits depends on your total income. However, there is a way to avoid paying tax on your SSDI benefits. If your total income - one-half of your disability benefits + tax-exempt interest - is below the bottom line where taxation starts. If you are single, the threshold of the tax amount is $25,000. And if you are married and file the benefits jointly, the amount increases to $32,000. Additionals: How To Replace Your Social Security Card OnlineIs Social Work Getting Enough Praise In Today’s Society?Social Entrepreneurship – Entrepreneurship Strategies And Many More!Why You Should Hire A Social Security Disability Attorney Vs. Taking On The Legal Matters Yourself!

Texas Department Of Criminal Justice

How The Texas Department Of Criminal Justice Inmate Search Works

The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) is a state agency that oversees prisons, jails, and other correctional facilities. The TDCJ monitors these institutions to ensure they meet specific standards related to security, health, and other factors. If you have a friend or family member who has been arrested in Texas and is currently serving time in jail or prison, it's important to know how to locate them. The TDCJ Inmate search makes it easy for you to locate an inmate based on their name and ID number. Follow this guide to learn more about this helpful tool. How To Use The TDCJ Inmate Search? It's important to note that the TDCJ inmate search is a database containing information about offenders currently incarcerated in Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) facilities.  The database was created so citizens could easily search for information about inmates, only showing inmates currently in TDCJ facilities. Some people want to find out if a convict was released, and others seek information about when family members imprisoned may return home. Thus, this database should only ever be used for personal purposes. TDC J's online prisoner portal displays specific information about each prisoner. A prison profile page displays charges, custody, and other details. Anyone wishing to locate an inmate can use the direct link or search online for the offender information search page. To perform a successful search, you must enter at least the following details: Inmate name(last name and initials of the first name)SID (state identification) numberRacegender The system searches for a match with the last name provided Other Ways Of Finding An Inmate The texas department of criminal Justice is a big and vast system. If you like to seek help in finding the inmate, there are many other alternative solutions as well as that department. Here are the other alternative ways for finding an inmate. Read it and learn about the other alternative ways of finding the inmates. 1. Email Request The Texas department of criminal justice jobs is complicated. Especially when you want to do the job with the help of pen and paper. But there are certainly some other ways for finding the inmates by simple information gatherings. You can obtain the following information (please be specific in your email about what you are requesting): Inmate locationTDCJ numberOffense of ConvictionPrior and current incarcerations: offense, county, and court for which the inmate was previously imprisonedDate of projected release Send the TDCJ number and inmate's full name to You may also provide their approximate age and county of conviction if you do not know their TDCJ number. Your email subject line should include the name of the inmate. NB: You do not have to pay for this service. Also, inmate photographs or Social Security numbers will not be released. 2. Telephone Request If you have the contact numbers of the inmate, the finding process is going to be far more accurate and streamlined. Here are some of the ideas following which you can find the inmate status and locations. You can find out an inmate's status/location by calling the following numbers: Call (512) 406-5202 for inmate parole release status (following approval by BPP). Date of birth or TDCJ or SID# is required.(936) 295-6371 and (800) 535-0283 - Inmate Locator/General Information Line *NOTE: You must provide the EXACT date of birth of the inmate if you do not know about their TDCJ or through the SID number. CONCLUSION Digitalization has become easier than ever to access TDCJ or federal inmate records. If an inmate has been arrested and charged, you can use the TDCJ website to find the charges and other information about them. You can also look up current inmates eligible for parole or probation. What is your opinion? If you think we are missing any of the points, then let us know your opinion through the common section. Read Also: 3 Personality Traits of a Successful and High-Ranking Criminal LawyerHow to Choose the Best Murfreesboro Criminal Defense AttorneyCriminal Case – Dos And Donts