How to Get Copy of a Divorce Decree


27 June 2019


Divorce Decree

A divorce decree is a document which is the most authentic proof of the fact that a couple that was previously married is now divorced.  Therefore, the couple must be mindful of keeping it safely post their divorce. Most divorce lawyers in Delhi would also advise their client to continue to have possession of the divorce decree even years after their divorce since it is not always possible to foresee the purposes for which that divorce decree might be needed in future.

This blog shall aim to stress the importance of a divorce decree and acquaint our readers with the importance of keeping a divorce decree safe, even years after the divorce has been finalized.

The reason why a divorce decree is so important is that it bears the official seal and stamp of the court’s officer or the court clerk.

The decree duly delivered by a judicial magistrate is likely to contain, apart from the fact that the couple is divorced, also details pertaining to custody, alimony, visitation, maintenance, division of assets and liabilities, etc.

Why a Divorce Decree is Important?

Suppose that a divorced person wants to remarry. Before issuing him a marriage registration certificate, the first thing that the marriage registrar is going to ask for is a divorce decree relating to the previous marriage because, barring Mohammedan law, the personal laws of almost all other religions prohibit bigamy and polygamy.

Another instance where a party may require a copy of a divorce decree is to ascertain their rights before the court if the other party/spouse defaults in performing his duties under the divorce decree. For instance, if the other spouse, denies the first spouse visitation rights to the child, or the other spouse defaults in payment of monthly maintenance or alimony to the first spouse, then, to be able to enforce these rights before a court of law, the aggrieved spouse shall definitely need a certified and true copy of the divorce decree. The divorce decree shall act as conclusive proof of the rights to which the aggrieved spouse is entitled to and therefore cannot be rebutted by any other evidence in a court law. The court will then, on seeing a copy of the divorce decree, prima facie hold the defaulting party in contempt of court.

How can you get your Divorce Decree Made?

For all the above-mentioned purposes, possession of a divorce decree is incumbent. If the person fails to possess one, he or she must apply to the court for obtaining a certified copy of the same.

As a first step, what the party can do is to approach his or her lawyer, which he or she had hired for their divorce case. Lawyers usually maintain a record of documents of all their cases until a reasonable amount of time. This, they do because even they realize the importance of legal documents and in order to render to their client an enhanced service, they prefer keeping a file wise record of all the essential documents of all their cases.

If the party had not hired a lawyer and had obtained their divorce on their own, or if their lawyers also do not have a copy of the same, the party will necessarily have to approach the court, which had granted them their divorce decree.

Specific Details that a Divorce Decree needs to have

For this purpose, the party will require knowledge of certain details, pertaining to the year of his or her divorce, the court, which granted the divorce, the name of the judge or bench, which granted the divorce, etc. These details will help the court clerk to easily access the case and find the divorce decree for that particular matter. Once the decree is found, all that the party has to do is to collect the said, certified and true copy of the divorce decree, paid the requisite fee to the concerned court clerk and then that copy of the divorce decree shall be duly handed over to the applicant party.

However, notwithstanding the fact that the court clerk may obtain a copy of the divorce decree from the court clerk, there always exists the possibility that even the court loses track of such record and the copy of the divorce decree is not found in the court’s record even after an expansive search. It is therefore advisable that the parties themselves maintain a copy of such important legal document for as long as they live.

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Criminal Defense Attorneys

What Do Criminal Defense Attorneys Do?

Criminal defense attorneys play the most important role during a criminal case. Starting from the assignment to the interview, investigation, evidence analysis, and more. They defend the person who is charged with a crime. The defense attorneys defend on behalf of the accused person. A criminal defense attorney investigates different facts and deals with the case for the accused person.  They also deal with the prosecutors to defend the clients.  In this article, you will clearly understand what do criminal defense attorneys do. Work of Criminal Defense Attorneys: A criminal defense lawyer gathers facts and theories to deal with the case on behalf of the defendant. If you want any legal advice for any criminal case, you can consult the Patrick Griffin criminal lawyer. 1. Case Assignment A defendant may directly contact a criminal defense lawyer, or the court can also assign a lawyer. Some criminal defense lawyers are also public defenders appointed by the courts, and the government pays them their fees. There are many private criminal defense lawyers who work independently or under a private legal firm. Private defense lawyers get more salary than public lawyers. Public lawyers get more cases than private lawyers because of referral processes. Sometimes courts also appoint private lawyers for some specific cases. 2. Interview the Client About the Case The criminal defense lawyers try to get more details about the case from the client. The lawyer asks some specific questions to the client to learn about the case and figure out the defenses and strengths of the case. The lawyer also identifies the weaknesses of the case. It is possible through questioning the defendant. 3. Investigation of the Case After asking the questions, the criminal defense lawyers also investigate the case for finding any possible defenses. The lawyer also questions the police about the procedures followed in the case. In addition to that, the lawyers may also talk to the witnesses who have some information about the case. The criminal defense lawyers also have the rights to review the case submitted by the prosecutor to the jury. This may help the lawyer to find some holes which can save their clients. 4. Evidence Analysis The criminal defense lawyers also analyze the evidence. This helps the lawyer to figure out different facts of the case. The lawyer can also test the evidence independently. Furthermore, the lawyer can also examine the evidence that may help him/her to determine if the legal theories working against the accused. 5. Communicate With the Client The criminal defense lawyers also stay in continuous contact with the client to offer the developments about the case and inform about the case. It’s important to keep the conversations confidential both for the lawyer and client. The lawyer also explains every possible consequence of the case that gives a better understanding of the client. 6. Assists Jury Selection Process The defense lawyers also assist with the jury selection process. If there is any biased feeling against the defendant of the jurors, the lawyers may try to remove them. 7. Trial Participation The criminal defense lawyers try to prove wrong the allegations made on the client. They participate in the trial process and fight against the case made by the prosecutor. The criminal defense lawyers also deal with the prosecutors for a plea bargain. More importantly, the criminal defense lawyers also convince the jury to reduce the sentence. Conclusion Hopefully, the above information has helped you to understand what is a criminal defense lawyer. The defense lawyer works on behalf of the accused person and defends the allegations or cases made on him/her. The lawyer works closely with the client to help them out of the case. If you have any queries, you can ask in the comment box. Read Also: Your Federal Disability Attorney and Lawyers 5 Top Tips to Help You Hire The Perfect Attorney Protect Your Rights Today With Domestic Violence Lawyers

Sexual Assault Attorney

How A Sexual Assault Attorney Can Psychologically Help A Victim Deal With Their Trauma

If you have been a victim of child sexual abuse but you are not sure how to get help, get your life back, or move on with your life, you are not alone. You can feel stuck like you are in a rut, and you are replaying the incident over and over again in your mind. This is not healthy for your psychological or physical state, so getting help as soon as possible can be the difference-maker between living in a post-traumatic stress state and getting the tools you need to get your life back on track. By firing a group of professionals who are well qualified, experienced, and educated in the way to help deal with childhood trauma, you can learn the coping skills and the mechanisms to understand what happened - but put it behind you. Instead of self-forgetting what happens to you, hiring professionals can help you work through your issues to deal with what happened to become a stronger person on the other side of it. Hire a sexual assault attorney to help you deal with past trauma from sexual abuse A sexual assault attorney is a professional who can help you fight your court case when it comes to cases of abuse or assault to children, teens, or adults. In this case, if you were a victim of child sexual abuse, you may be bringing up old wounds that never healed. A sexual assault attorney has the skills and the professionalism needed to help you mentally deal with the stress, talk to you about what happened, build a case for your argument, and bring your case to trial. A sexual assault attorney can help refer you to other professionals who are also able to help you with your past trauma. By building a team of professionals, including therapists, counselors, doctors, and lawyers, you can form a team that is well-versed and educated to help you deal with your childhood abuse and form a base for a healthy life moving forward. Fortunately for you, there are many resources to help you if you have been a victim of childhood abuse. There are many organizations that your sexual assault lawyer can refer you to, such as the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, American Psychological Association, American Public Human Services Association, National Respite Network, and Resource Center, Darkness to Light, Friends National Center for Community Child Abuse Prevention, Futures Without Violence, National Association for the Education of Young Children, and much more! These organizations will help past victims of abuse and current victims get the help they need to get out of their harmful situation. Bonus: Check out our exclusive guide on protecting self-right with the help of a lawyer. Conclusion If you have been a victim of childhood sexual abuse, you may feel like you do not know where to start when it comes to getting help and moving on with your life. By hiring a professional sexual assault lawyer, you can start to build a team of professionals who will help you heal in all ways. The sexual assault lawyer can refer you to organizations that are meant to deal with trauma such as yours, along with referring you to other professionals like therapists, counselors, and much more! Read Also: DWI: 7 Major Reasons You Need A Legal Expert To Represent You 5 Things To Do Immediately After You Get Into A Car Accident

Personal Injury Laws

Personal Injury Laws And Statutory Rules In Utah

Have you had an accident? Are you injured badly? Did the accident make you lose your wages? And, are all these the result of someone else’s fault? If Yes, you can file a personal injury claim and ask the at-fault party to compensate the damages. For different states, the personal injury law and case filling vary. It means you need to know the rules and regulations of the particular state you are living in. In case you are in Utah, you will have the usual understanding of the basic personal injury rules and regulations in Utah. Here in this article, we will offer you the necessary information about Utah personal injury rules. So, let’s get started now.   Filing Utah Personal Injury Lawsuit: Deadline Just like all the other states, when it comes to filing the claim or case in court after any kind of injury or accident, you have a particular limit of time. This specific rule of filing the claim within the time period is known as the statute of limitations. As per the statute of limitations, you will have 4 years of time for bringing a personal injury case to court. In case you fail to file your personal injury case within these 4 years, the time period from the day of the injury or accident, the Utah court might refuse to hear your case at all. It is extremely crucial that you keep track of the statute of limitations. At any cost, you have to ensure that you are filing your Utah personal injury case in court within the particular time period. To know more detailed information on personal injury claims in Utah and the Utah personal injury Statute of Limitations, you can contact Swenson & Shelley; they will guide you with all legalities. Shared Fault In Utah Injury Cases After filing your personal injury lawsuit or insurance claim in Utah, you get to know that the entity or person against whom you are filing your case also insists that you are partly at fault for your injuries. In case you find out that you are sharing some of the liability for your particular injury, the comparative fault rule of Utah might reduce the number of damages which you might recover from the other party that is at fault. And, in case you are found to be 50% at fault or more than that, you might be restricted from getting any type of damages at all. Let’s understand this concept with a simple example. Suppose you met with an accident at the grocery store due to a broken tile. You didn’t see the broken tile and tripped because you were busy scrolling through your Facebook feed. Now, when your personal injury case was represented in court, you were found to be 20% at fault for the particular accident, and the rest of 80% at fault is applicable to the grocery store.  Now, after calculating the damages, you will not get compensation for the complete damage, or just a part of it, because you were also at fault for that accident. As per Utah’s comparative fault, you will not get compensation for the percentage of your damages that is equal to your at-fault percentage. So, in case your total damage is $20,000, you will get $16,000 because you were 20% at fault and the other party is 80% at fault for your injury. Now, in case you are found 50% or more at fault, your compensation will automatically get reduced to “0.” Whenever an injured person is found that be or is sharing fault in a court-based injury case, the comparative fault rule is applicable as per Utah State law. Caps On Injury Damages In Utah Like a lot of other states, Utah also caps or limits some particular types of damages in personal injury cases. This is so true specifically for non-economic or pain and suffering in medical malpractice cases. You will find all the details regarding this on the Utah Courts website. There you will also get the process of determining the cap for different cases. Here, you also have to keep in mind that the cap does not at all apply to all types of injury cases. It is applicable only to those coming from any kind of medical malpractice. The Utah Government Involved Injury Cases Now, come to the Utah government-involved cases. If your injury is the result of any government agency or employee’s negligence, a whole different set of rules and regulations will be applied to your personal injury claim. In this case, you will get only 1 year to file your personal injury claim or case that involves the Utah state government. So, you have 1 year time to file your personal injury case that involves the Utah state government, and in case your initial claim is denied, you will also have 1 year to file an appeal. This one year is calculated from the date of injury or the accident. A number of injury claims where the Utah government is involved are governed by the Utah Governmental Immunity Act. Utah Is A No-Fault Car Insurance State Now let’s talk about the car accident cases. In Utah, a no-fault system is followed. It means that after any car accident injury or damage, the insurance company of the injured person will offer coverage for all medical expenses along with lost income. Here, it doesn’t simply matter which party is actually at fault. The injured person’s own insurance company is bound to pay for the damages. Unless your case meets a “serious injury” threshold, you can not hold the other driver liable for your injury after a car accident. Therefore, most minor accidents fall under the no-fault rules. However, if you can demonstrate that your accident case involves “serious injuries,” you might be able to come outside of the no-fault system and also can file a liability claim against the at-fault driver. To Conclude Now, you get a basic understanding of Utah personal injury rules and regulations. We know it is a lot to keep in mind. Also, when you are already suffering from injury, it becomes tough to keep track of everything and file a claim. Here, a personal injury lawyer will be able to help you. Additionals: What Personal Injury Law in California Involves Top 10 Colorado Springs Personal Injury Attorneys Hagen Rosskopf Explain What to Look for in a Personal Injury Attorney Filing A Personal Injury Lawsuit In South Carolina: Here Are 7 Things You Should Know