How to Get a General Trade License Dubai

Published on: 23 October 2020 Last Updated on: 11 March 2024
General Trade License

Dubai is one of the most admired cities for various types of businesses. Many entrepreneurs prefer trading in the UAE because of the tax-free environment. and due to the UAE’s numerous Dubai visa types and easy application options, including online visa application systems, as well as many other types for entrepreneurs, investors, and businessmen. General trading is among the most profitable business ventures in Dubai. This is due to the huge local demand for various supplies because of the diverse cultures in the region. This includes essential items and even machinery.

As an entrepreneur or an aspiring business person, you should know that all businesses in the UAE require a trading license. It’s necessary to understand the different types of licenses. A general trade license allows you to conduct all your business activities with a single license.

General Trading License/Business in Dubai

A general trading license is ideal if you’re looking to start a business in the UAE. This license covers multiple trading activities in the same or various industries. These activities include import, export, and other activities like trading in electronics, furniture, clothes, etc. You should also get a general trading license if you wish to venture into the wholesale business.

This license allows you to trade in Dubai and other Emirates. However, you should understand regulations on specific products like pharmaceutical products, alcohol, and frozen goods. Many opportunities allow entrepreneurs to explore multiple businesses. There are 3 options for entrepreneurs to set up companies in Dubai; the Free Zones, Mainland, and Offshore.

Steps to Get a General Trade License in Dubai

The thought of conducting multiple tax-free businesses is very attractive to many individuals. However, you can’t do business in Dubai without a trading license. Below are the steps you need to follow to obtain your general trade license.

Choose a Location

You need to understand the different types of jurisdictions for business activities; these are the Offshore, Mainland, and Free Zones. There are 48 Free Zones in Dubai to choose from; they give you 100% ownership of your corporate and personal income. A Mainland business requires you to have a sponsor who will own 51% of the shares. An Offshore business operates in a different jurisdiction from its parent company which is usually in another country.

Business Activities

A general trading license allows you to conduct multiple businesses; you can choose up to 10 business activities. Apart from the restricted products like pharmaceuticals, guns, alcohol, and tobacco, you can trade in any other business.

Choose a Trade Name

One of the first steps is to choose an appropriate name for your company; this is one of the most important parts of your business. Choose a memorable, catchy name; it should help potential customers understand the type of business you run. You also have to follow name rules and regulations in the UAE. For instance, the name and the type of business should not contradict, you should not choose a name under copyright by another business in the UAE, it should not contain indecent or obscene words and should not offend the public, and you should not include God’s name or His attributes in English or Arabic. You can make your work easier by consulting a legal expert from a law firm in Dubai to guide you on how to choose a name.

Apply for the License

You need to apply for the license and submit various documents these include;

  • A license application signed by the manager or legal representative
  • Memorandum of association
  • A copy of your passport
  • 2 color passport photos with a white background
  • A No Objection form from your employer (where applicable)
  • Passports of all the partners
  • Complete application form.

You can consult your legal advisor from a law firm in Dubai if you’re not sure you’ve got the right documents. The Commercial Revenue Authority reviews and validates your documents; your business name is then included in the Commercial Registry. The Department of Economic Development forwards these documents to the Federal Ministry of Economy responsible for publication. After this, the ministry issues an approval letter. The next step is for the Department of Economic Development (DED) to issue you with a commercial registration certificate and original trade license. Your license expires after 1 year. Once renewed; the license is valid for 5 years.

Choose a Business Premise

You need an office and a warehouse; you need to store your goods. A Free Zone license has limitations on the location of warehouses to choose, while a Mainland license has more freedom. Some Free Zones are more flexible; for instance, IFZA allows entrepreneurs to operate in virtual offices. Consider the location of the warehouse and your office, size, security for your goods, utilities, storage environment, and climate control like having an AC for hot weather.

General trade businesses are some of the most lucrative businesses to start in Dubai. You can trade include 10 activities and enjoy a tax-free lifestyle. However, every company in the UAE requires a license. It’s necessary to follow all the steps for the license application to save time and avoid issues.

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Passenger Rights

Along for the Ride: Passenger Rights in Vehicle Accidents

Although we are aware of the risks, driving is just a routine activity many of us do automatically, like brushing our teeth or grabbing a cup of coffee. We climb in the car intent on the destination or lost in thought, which is why automobile accidents are so jarring. Even a mild fender bender seems to stop everything in its tracks, instantly negating the importance of everything we were thinking or saying. Whether the situation results in serious injuries or none at all, it demands immediate attention. Passersby jockey to catch a glimpse of something interesting; police officers fill out reports; tow trucks haul away damaged cars. Sometimes, there aren’t even minor injuries, but, obviously, not everyone is so lucky. Trusting ourselves is one thing. Trusting someone else is entirely different. Every time someone gets into a passenger seat or the back seat, they're trusting that the driver will get to the destination safely. Some passengers are happy not to have the responsibility of driving; others have a hard time giving up control. Regardless of your feelings, where does that leave you if you're injured in a vehicle accident? The accident certainly wasn't your fault, so what exactly are your rights as a passenger? Recovering for injuries suffered as a passenger in a car, truck, or motorcycle accident is really a claim against an insurance company rather than against the driver himself. Passengers can file a claim under the bodily injury or liability insurance coverage of the driver or owner of any vehicle responsible for causing the accident. If that is insufficient, there may be coverage available under uninsured motorist or underinsured motorist policies. Injured passengers are also allowed to file a claim under their own Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and/or Medical ­Payments (Med Pay) policies. With all these funding possibilities, passengers should be able to secure compensation for their damages, though in no instance are they allowed to collect any more than the total value of their claim. Many passengers are initially reluctant to seek compensation for damages because the driver is a close friend. It’s important to note that in most situations, the driver will not even know of the claim because it will be settled by lawyers and insurance companies before it gets to trial. The strain on any personal relationships should be minimal unless the insurance company does not act in good faith to resolve the claim and it must be litigated instead. Even at that time and although the driver will be named in the lawsuit, the true conflict is between the driver’s insurance company and the passenger. There are special rules that apply when the passenger is related to the driver and shares the same household. In most of these cases, the passenger is barred from collecting under the driver’s liability policy because he or she is an “insured person” and such persons are not permitted to file a liability claim against their own liability policy. A claim can still be brought against other drivers who are at fault for the accident. Read also: TIPS TO KEEP YOUR KIDS SAFE IN A CAR The seat next to the driver has a reputation for being the most dangerous one in the car, even having been referred to as “the death seat.” Of course, it is more common to have one passenger than several, so the front seat is occupied more frequently than the rear seats. There is also some truth to the idea that in a crash a front seat passenger has nothing to stop him or her from being ejected through the window, whereas the driver has the steering wheel. Or, at least, that used to be the prevailing line of thought. The last few decades have brought about major advances in safety that have reduced the probability of being seriously injured while riding in the front seat. Seat belts, airbags, and crumple zones equally benefit drivers and front-seat riders. According to a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, adults over age 55 were more likely to die in a crash while seated in the back than in the front – even if they were wearing seat belts. The study found that adults in the rear were more likely than adults in the front to sustain chest injuries, and there was some evidence of an elevated risk of head and neck injuries for restrained women seated in the rear compared with the front. The IIHS also recently performed front-overlap crash tests of seven small SUVs and found that certain models may have a big gap in safety between drivers and their passengers. The seven models received good ratings after the front driver's side corner of the vehicle hit a barrier at 40 miles per hour, but only one model – the 2016 Hyundai Tucson -- rated as good when the same test was performed on the front passenger side. While three models received acceptable ratings and two models received marginal ratings, the 2015 Toyota RAV4 was rated as poor. The IIHS suspected that the difference was partly due to a greater emphasis on the vehicle frame and structure for the driver's side, but there is no excuse for inferior passenger protection. Read also: How To Shop For A Car With Your Teen Driver? If you were a passenger in a vehicle involved in a collision and were seriously injured as a result, or if you lost someone you love in such an accident, you should contact an experienced personal injury lawyer who can examine the circumstances of your case and advise you of your rights. Personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, which means you don’t pay them unless there is a settlement or verdict in your favor. Passengers with serious injuries are entitled to appropriate and thorough medical care for their physical, emotional, and psychological injuries suffered as a result of the accident, as well as full compensation for their pain and suffering, mental anguish, property damage, and lost wages. It is also critical that you at least consult with an attorney before speaking with an insurance company investigator or adjuster. Their job is to spend as little money as possible while quickly settling a large number of claims, and they are well-trained in the fine art of getting you to make statements that can come back to haunt you later. Since you are bound by what you say, it is often wise to let an attorney speak for you.

Immigration Attorneys

Getting Legal Advice from Immigration Attorneys

Leading sources of reliable news can help you understand what's going on in the world and when, but leading sources of immigration news can help you know when you need to update your Visa, or when you might consider one Visa over another. Using well-known immigration lawyers means you can get information on how to extend spouse visa applications or hearings, or what you need to do to extend spouse visa deadlines. Do I need a consultation? If you need to get legal advice for an immigration matter, it always starts with a patient. A consultation is a primary interaction you will have with a law firm. This is an opportunity for you both to evaluate the situation and determine if it is a good fit. The consultation is where you can discuss different aspects of your case. Most law firms make it very easy for you to set up a consultation. When you are looking at their website you might easily see buttons that allow you to click on them in order to facilitate consultation. They might even have a phone number you can call. Consultations typically last about 30 minutes. Most experienced immigration attorneys will charge anywhere between $100 and $300 for the consultation during which time you can get rudimentary legal advice. In very minor cases that consultation might be all you need and the information you get can be completely sufficient. In more complex cases of course you might need to pursue help from a qualified attorney and the consultations will let you know which attorney you should pick in the end to be your legal representation. What do I have to bring to a consultation? When you head to your consultation you should bring any materials that are relevant to your situation. This might include criminal history documents, immigration documents, visas or passports, a green card if you have it, marriage certificates, and so on. In order to make sure that your limited time together is used wisely, all relevant materials should be labeled in folders that make it easy for one attorney to flip through them during the course of your meeting. You might divide it by the type of document with proper labels or by the time frame. It's completely up to you how to organize it, it's just important that you do organize it so that your attorney isn't constantly flipping through a stack of papers during your limited time. What questions should I ask during a consultation? During the course of your consultation, you want to note right out of the gate that no qualified attorney will make you promises or guarantees for a specific outcome. In fact, it's against the bar for them to promise that they will get you a green card or guarantee that they will get you the Visa you want. A good attorney will immediately go over your situation and give you a healthy perspective as to what problems you might face and what to expect moving forward. Use this time to ask questions about the law firm and the attorneys, and what their qualifications are especially in relation to your case. You can ask questions like: What are your current qualifications? Who else will be a part of my team and what are their qualifications? How much do you charge and what is your payment plan policy? What is included in the flat fee? How many people at your Law Firm speak my language? Have you taken on cases similar to this and if so what was the outcome? Are there other areas of law you practice? Do you have any previous clients with whom I can speak? How do I choose an attorney after the consultation? After you have completed consultations with multiple attorneys, take some time to reflect. Consider whether you felt the attorneys with whom you met were honest. In most cases, if you have consultations with a handful of attorneys, the information they give you about your case should be somewhat similar. If one particular turning gave you information that was wildly different from the others, they might not be a good choice. Go over whether the attorneys gave you upfront information about the strategy they're going to use in your situation. Review whether they were open about previous cases and willing to share their credentials with you. If you don't speak the same language, it's going to be important that the law firm you consider is multilingual and has someone who can translate for you. Read Also: How Hiring A Lawyer Can Help You Get The Best Possible Outcome Rocket Lawyer And ZenBusiness Services For Business Things To Consider Before Hiring A Lawyer Is It Possible To Get A Settlement From A Car Accident Without A Lawyer?

Immigration lawyer Orlando reviews

5 Benefits Of Hiring An Immigration Lawyer

Let’s be honest about it. If you have gone through an immigration procedure before, you probably already know how tiring the whole situation can be. And, if you make even a single mistake, you will have to do it all again. It’s pretty frustrating, we know. That’s why; whenever we have had to get through an immigration process, we always chose a dependable person, like an Immigration Lawyer Orlando. Here is how they have helped me out with my endeavor. Benefits Of Hiring An Immigration Lawyer In this section, we will talk about how an immigration lawyer can help you out through the procedure. But, before that, let’s learn a little about them and their job first. So, as the name suggests, an immigration lawyer is someone who can help you complete the whole immigration procedure. If needed, they will also represent you in the court. The following are some of the benefits that you can get with them. Advantage - 1: Will Help You Avoid Mistakes. When it comes to immigrating, filing the right paperwork and providing the correct data will be crucial for you. And, if you make even a small mistake, your application will be rejected. However, an experienced immigration attorney can help you understand each and every term written on the paper properly. If needed, they can finalize the paperwork themselves too. Advantage - 2: Maneuver Regulations And Permits. Whether it’s about acquiring a work permit in the USA or something else, your Immigration Lawyer Orlando can get you anything you want. After all, they are the veritable experts here. But, before you begin, don’t forget to tell your lawyer about whatever you’re dealing with. It will help them plan out everything and ensure that you’re not hitting any roadblock at all. Advantage - 3: Can Offer More Options. No matter what your current situation is, you’ll always have more than one option in front of you. And, your Immigration Lawyer Orlando is going to lay all of these on your table. So, ask them about the best choice amongst them and choose the one that will be suitable for you. It’ll be even more important for you when you’re facing deportation. Advantage - 4: Offer Assistance In Finding A Legal Job. As mentioned before, if you’re getting deported to a new place, it’ll be nearly impossible for you to get a job. And, if you have a criminal record, then forget about it. However, this is where having an immigration lawyer can be beneficial. With their experience and connection, they can offer a clean slate of background for you. In addition, they might also be able to find a specific job for your expertise. Just let them know about whatever you need at the earliest and they’ll prepare everything as needed. But, they might ask you for a little bit more money for this “additional” service. Advantage - 5: Unparalleled Experience. Thanks to their unparalleled experience, they can get you out no matter what you are dealing with. Even if you are stuck somewhere, they’ll easily get you out of the zone. However, when it comes to working with a lawyer, you should always be as open-minded as possible. Tell them whatever they’re asking truthfully. Or else, they won’t be able to help you out at all. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): In this section, we’ll talk a little more about our titular topic in a question-answer format. So, let’s get started with it. 1. Why Is Having An Immigration Lawyer So Important? The core job of an immigration lawyer is to offer strategic and pragmatic advice to the issue you’re dealing with. Besides, they can also do all of your paperwork for you. 2. How Much Would Be The Cost Of Hiring? The overall expenditure will depend on the person you’re hiring, their reputation, how much assistance they’ll offer, and so on. So, it’s not possible to guess the expense beforehand. The Bottom Line So, there you go. That’ll be all for this article. We hope we could offer the answer you were looking for from this article. However, if you still think that you need to ask something else, don’t forget to use the comment section. We do check it regularly and, therefore, will answer you as soon as possible. Good luck! Read Also: Is Precious Metals A Good Career Path?Is Medical/Dental Instruments A Good Career PathWhat Are The Three Components In The Youtube Ecosystem?