If you brew large batches of beer, then you probably wonder how to organize the cooling of the drinks.
Among all the options available on the market, the most reliable and effective is the glycol power pack. By installing such a cooling system, you will be able to quickly cool drinks to the required temperatures, monitor the fermentation process, and much more, which is important for the quality of beer preparation.
After reading our article, you will learn what a glycol machine is, how it works, and where it can be purchased.
What is a Glycol Power Pack?
Glycol power pack draft beer chiller is a beer line cooling system based on a mixture of glycol and water.
Glycol is known for its antifreeze properties: its mixture with water helps to control the temperature of beverages within the limits required for the «correct» fermentation of beer, as well as for storing and serving the finished beverage. Typically, this temperature is 26-28 F (or other according to the recipe).
Top 5 main advantages of beer glycol power pack:
Quick cooling, so you can cool alcoholic beverages without the risk of spoiling their quality;
Ability to maintain the narrowest temperature ranges.
Reduction of yeast activity, which is important for more accurate addition.
Reduce the risk of wort caramelization: With a glycol power pack, you can cool wort below the boiling point.
Increase the service life of your draft beer system due to the antifreeze properties of glycol.
How Does a Glycol Cooler Work?
The glycol cooling system works as follows:
There is a power pack inside the glycol system power pack that pushes the glycol through the entire circuit.
The main line usually consists of 4 lines, each of which performs its function.
The refrigerant line task is to control the temperature of the beer at the point where it is stored and at the point where it is poured.
The return line is responsible for cooling the refrigerant itself.
The outgoing line goes from the draft beer dispenser to the power supply unit.
Thus, all these glycol beer chiller lines provide a continuous circulation of the mixture of water and glycol, eliminating the risk of heating fermented beverages on their way from the barrel to the dispensing point.
Explore UBC Glycol Chillers for Sale
Do you know where you can find a good cooling system for your company?
Visit the UBC Group USA website. Here you will find a large selection of various UBC glycol chiller for sale, which will delight you with its quality and affordable price.
UBC Group USA has been known on the market for many years: this brand knows everything about beer equipment and can help you choose a glycol machine that will suit you in size, capacity, and other features.
By installing such equipment, you can be sure that you will be able to maintain the necessary temperature of your drinks in all sections of your draft beer system!
Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.
Your website is a great source of ideas, and I'm amazed at how much information it gives me. Good luck on your quest to change people's minds and bring them to knowledge.
It’s the end of your first day. You’ve completed a plethora of online applications, psychometric tests, digital interviews and hopped through all manner of recruitment rings of fire – and you’ve landed the job of your dreams. Or so you thought… But do you know what are the ways to prepare a new employee?
You arrived at your fancy new office, but there was no one to greet you. After waiting near an hour, your co-worker-to-be apologized and took you to your desk, only to find it hadn’t been cleared. Grimacing that your equipment hadn’t been set up, your ‘guide’ spun you around the office’s sea of blank faces. Did they even know you were starting? The awkward acclimations were interrupted by an irritated-looking administrator who lugged a thick binder of forms to fill in. You missed lunch with the gang.
After finally navigating through all the red tape, the person you were meant to shadow was never notified so you were given menial tasks to pass the time, while they were in an important meeting with a client. You stared at the clock, waiting, waiting, waiting.
With the day over, you’re just sad you didn’t get out sooner. Wait – is this really your dream job?
New hires expect and need their onboarding to run smoothly. The above scenario sounds like an exaggerated horror story, but in a survey, Cezanne HR asked new employees about their onboarding experiences and was shocked to find:
52% didn’t know what to expect on their first day
30% didn’t have a buddy
8% didn’t meet their managers
23% didn’t have a desk ready
6% didn’t get told about health and safety regulations
5% didn’t have data security training
6 didn’t have a laptop or computer.
Great onboarding is extremely important. It increases retention and reduces staffing costs. It delivers an engaging experience for new hires, so they connect with the organization and colleagues from the moment they’re given the offer. Also. it should turn first-day new employee anxiety into genuine excitement. It should make them feel prepared for the new job and welcome!
Of course, no one said it’s an easy process, and orchestrating the activities to get onboarding right is time-consuming for everyone. In addition, the burdens of paper-based systems or dancing between data spreadsheets, such as Excel, allow important processes to slip through the cracks – which shouldn’t happen in a modern workplace. However, with the right HR software, you can make new employee onboarding engaging and straightforward, while automating and streamlining the admin involved in bringing on new hires.
Here are the ways to prepare a new employee:
Stay in touch after the job offer
It’s very important for a new employee to engage with employers from the moment they’re hired. This can go beyond a simple email. Make sure you consider the following:
Welcome portals are a very common feature in HR software because they do precisely that: they welcome people. Welcome portals act as an information hub and enable constant communication. They are a platform to share all essential details, including the new hire’s start date, office location, and contact details. It’s also a great way to prepare the new hire by letting them know how their first day will be structured and what their first projects will be.
Make sure you send your new hire links to any documents they need. Provide them with essential advice including what they should bring with them on the first day or week, including items like their passport, P45, national insurance number and other relevant work documents. You could use your HR software system’s welcome portal to deliver this information and advice.
Get the paperwork out of the way in advance of the first day. Signing a lot of forms can delay more pressing tasks, such as the relevant introductions, training, and the new hire’s first projects. HR software can be especially effective here. Instead of wasting time filling out form after form, new hires can sign documents electronically. It streamlines admin processes and makes everything available in one place – and it can all be done before the starting date.
Making use of welcome portals and their visual content is a powerful way of engaging with new hires and allows companies to add photos and embed company videos – it might be a hello from a CEO, or a video demonstrating the company’s culture, or brand values and goals. Portals can also allow new hires to self-serve, adding a profile, information, bank details and the like.
Moreover, all information you collect should flow straight through to your HR system. Cloud HR solutions should come with onboarding modules that are simple to set up and accessible 24/7. Storing information in one place also cuts back on the task of re-entering the same data into multiple systems.
Prepare the desk
When your new hire’s first day comes, ensure you’ve got a plan:
assign someone to receive and greet them at the door
put in an order with IT and prepare all the relevant equipment: a computer, phone, email, and network access, and office supplies
moreover, ensure security and compliance policies are explained as appropriate.
Spread the duties for onboarding tasks across different departments. For example, the IT department might be responsible for setting up the new hire’s laptop and email; the finance team might organize payroll, and the line manager will arrange inductions as well as check-in meetings. HR software’s task management systems can help significantly here.
HR software makes it much easier for these departments to fully understand their roles in the onboarding process. Task managers and checklists make use of notifications, meaning important processes don’t get forgotten about. It gives an overview of what’s been done and what needs doing.
Involve your employees
Send the first-day welcome announcement to the organization and share the news of the new hire with the team. Give their name, title, and something that distinguishes them: it might be a hobby or interest, for instance. This allows current employees to easily see if they have anything in common, making everyone more prepared for the big day. Moreover, give your current employees details of the new hire’s background, making sure the new employee’s biggest strengths are acknowledged.
Find a peer and assign them to mentor/buddy the new hire. This will help the new hire to get settled and to be comfortable enough to ask any questions that are on their mind. This also helps build relationships with the team, integrating the new employee into the company significantly faster.
Also, consider explaining who’s who – HR software can create a staff directory mapping this for you. This will help your new hire to familiarise themselves with their co-workers and assists them in directing their queries to the right people from the right departments, so they don’t feel like they’re barraging their mentor with questions.
Planning welcome social help breaks the ice, too – and not just between the company and the new hire. From team lunches to company happy hours, both new hires and current employees can benefit from getting to know each other in a more open and casual environment, building stronger relationships and channels for collaboration.
Establish a formal training program
The importance of setting a clear and comprehensive training program can’t be overstated. Doing so helps prepare and motivate the new hire for the first day and sets a precedent for the weeks and months ahead as they approach their new projects. Such a structured program does much to ease their potential short- and longer-term worries. Indeed, the HR portal assists here, too. By being able to provide access to important training documents, setting out a comprehensive program schedule through calendars, and by making use of notifications to make clear to current employees what is expected of them in the onboarding process and when. On top of this, it’s an effective and simple way for new hires to view set assignments and tasks, as well as their own schedules.
Check-ins are a series of regular discussions between managers and employees about their progress. They are:
ongoing and build a rapport, setting short and long-term goals
an extremely effective way of ensuring employees are continuously aware of their professional development within the company, allowing them to express any concerns and ask questions, and
they form a crucial part of the onboarding process.
At the end of the first week, give the new hire the opportunity to ask any outstanding questions. This helps demonstrate your enthusiasm towards the employee’s start beyond just the first day and will help set a clear and lasting relationship between the new hire and the company.
HR software can make continuous performance reviews and check-ins an integral part of company culture. Cezanne HR, for instance, provides a seamless and engaging way of recording conversations, achievements and agreed goals or outcomes, so it’s easier to ensure everyone is aligned.
The right HR systems are equipped with performance management functions that allow employees to make use of their flexibility and to collaborate in an online forum where others can easily and securely request feedback, record check-in conversations, and track outcomes.
Poor onboarding is a wasted opportunity
The benefits of great onboarding are infinite. It reduces unnecessary barriers that might otherwise inhibit the new employee from settling in or performing at their best. It gets new hires up to speed swiftly and immerses them in the company’s values, vision, and culture.
Furthermore, great onboarding protects your new investment. A robust, systematic onboarding process boosts new hire retention by 50%, and new hires that experienced strong onboarding are 58% more likely to stay with the company for more than three years.
Why would you waste all your efforts with a dissatisfactory onboarding process?
Onboarding can be the difference between a quick and costly new employee turnover, and a long and lasting productive relationship.
Above are just some of the boxes to tick to ensure an engaging onboarding experience. Do you have any more? Let us know!
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Is your current mindset holding you back from your true business potential? If you don't know how to answer this than chances are it is. How do you change it though?
Developing a new business mindset might put you out of your comfort zone but anything that's halfway worth it does. For the good of your company, you'll have to mold yourself into a top-notch businessman or woman. Be courageous, create a vision and then make goals to make it happen, and most importantly, believe in yourself.
To help get you started, we're going to go over these ideas as well as other's that you should be adopting if you want to continue going forward.
1. Be Courageous:
It's okay to be nervous and scared, what's not okay is to let those emotions hold you and your business back. If you want to be successful you need to go far beyond what you think your limits are.
If you're afraid of failure just look at it this way, each failure is a learning experience, and each success is a step forward. You have to learn from your failures to gain successes so one can't exist without the other.
2. Believe in Yourself:
Speaking of success, the first step in creating it is to believe strongly that you can. If you constantly expect failure then without even realizing it, you'll go into each project with that mindset.
What you want to do instead is to picture your version of success with every project you go into and then believe you can do it. This will cause you to work that much harder to not let yourself down.
3. Adopt Goals:
Everyone works better with a plan. Adopting goals is the start of the foundation for a good plan. You know what you're working towards and you can start making plans for it.
It's also true that when it's your goals that you're working toward you are more likely to achieve them so if you want to be a corporate boss, you have to get used to setting goals.
4. Have a Vision:
Having a vision shouldn't be confused with setting goals. The Vision is all the little things that you're going to do to make the goal happen. The best way to go about creating your vision is to get it out of your head.
No, we don't mean dismiss it, we mean creating mind maps and visuals so you can see your plans laid out before you rather than keeping it in your head. If you keep it locked away, you're less likely to carry it out.
5. Accept New Challenges:
Some people are terrified of new challenges, this brings us back to being courageous. Creating new challenges will allow you to constantly one up and put you in competition with yourself.
When you're in competition with yourself to do better each time and take on harder tasks, you'll continue to move up. In other words, accepting new challenges keeps you from sitting still. Instead of being afraid of it, you need to go for it full force.
6. Love What You Do:
If you absolutely hate what you do, that will show in your work ethic. Creating your business and helping it thrive should be your passion and if it's not, then what are you doing?
We're not saying you'll love every aspect of your company, or that nothing won't ever get under your skin. That will inevitably happen.
What we are saying is that you need to look past it and not hate your business as a whole for these things. If you go through life abandoning everything because of a minor inconvenience then you won't get very far.
7. Be Willing to Take Risks:
You've probably heard people say the worst a person can say is no. This is how you should always handle the thought of rejection. Rather than not taking the risk in putting an idea on the table, or doing something in your business, you should just go for it.
Rejection is going to happen in life, it's something that you'll never get away from, but you need to take the risk and try. If you don't you'll never know what will happen, and that's a waste of potential.
Think of it as how many nos can I possibly go through before I get a yes or somebody has to tell me yes eventually.
8. Show Gratitude:
When you do reach success chances are that you didn't reach it all on your own. If you don't show your employees that you are grateful for them, then that could cause you to not have employees at all.
You need to show gratitude for each and every person that has believed in you or helped you along the way. If you have a company like BrokerBreakUp help get your business off the ground send them a card, give your vendors a quick shoutout, compliment a customer, or just give an employee a pat on the back. When you're pleasant to be around, that will create a more positive work atmosphere.
Do You Think You Have the Right Business Mindset:
Before you start building yourself up to be a company leader, ask yourself if you have the right business mindset. How you view yourself, the business and those who work for you will make a huge impact on your success.
You also need to be able to visualize your goals so you can work towards them. At the end of the day question yourself. Are you being a boss that you would want to work for?
Do you have the mindset and passion but not the knowledge? Visit our business section to get in the know.
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Every business’s lifeline is its customer base, which is why big companies allocate a large budget to create strategies to reel in more customers. For a small business like yours, you don’t have to go to such extensive lengths to grow your number of customers. You can start with simple methods and build from there.
4 Strategies To Attract More Customers To Your Business
Big giant companies are spending thousands to attract more customers but your budget is small. How you can organize your branding and promotions and going to attract more customers? Every time you do not have to spend thousands if you are going to follow some easy tips you can accomplish your work within a small budget.
Here are a few ways you can attract more customers to your small business without breaking the bank.
1. Treat Your Customers Well:
Customer satisfaction is vital in every business, which is why you should make sure to treat the few customers you already have with care. Word of mouth is always an excellent method to gain more customers.
Let’s say you’re a company like Capstone, and you provide a service that requires you to interact and communicate with your clients. The way you treat them, the tone of your voice, your body language, etc. affect how satisfied they will be by the end of your meeting.
If you treat them well, they will be satisfied with your service and are more likely to recommend you to their friends or relatives. If you treat them poorly, they might badmouth you which might cause you to lose potential clients.
2. Create Social Media Accounts:
People, when looking for something, usually search for it online first. If you have a social media account, there’s a high chance they will find you. The best thing about it is that the potential customers can quickly send you a message to ask for details about your products or services. They won’t even have to get up from their bed to ask a query, which makes things easier for them.
However, not every business with a social media account can always succeed. It takes more than just setting up your page to create a successful social media strategy. As a small business, you probably don’t have the human resources yet to manage all of your accounts.
Here are a few tips to make sure your social media accounts benefit you:
Start with one platform first. It’s better to have one platform which you regularly manage than to have multiple ones but don’t get to handle actively.
Create useful, informational, and quality content.
Be a little witty or funny sometimes, but make sure that what you say is appropriate for your business.
Respond to comments and messages as soon as possible and always be respectful.
3. Start A Contest:
Contests are always a fun way to create a buzz. People can get competitive especially if there’s a prize waiting for them. There’s something about emerging as the winner or being the lucky one that makes them feel special in probably some egotistical way.
Word of mouth and social media are both excellent ways to spread awareness of the contest. If you offer a prize that benefits the winner and a family or friend of their choosing, they will immediately talk about it and might even share the news with other people they know.
For a social media contest, you can require the contestants to like and share your page, tag a few friends, or even invite as many as they can to like and share their page too.
If you do plan to run a contest, make sure to set an appropriate budget. The prizes you will give out should not cost you too much. Stick to your budget so that the costs during the entire duration of the contest do not make you lose more money than the sales you gained.
4. Get Involved In The Community:
You don’t have to conquer the entire country to achieve success in your business. Everybody starts small. You can begin with your local community. Being involved in the place closest to your business’ location is an excellent way to attract more customers.
It’s a good strategy to attract first the persons nearest to you since it’s more convenient to have business transactions with them. Usually, the target market of a business involves most of the people within their community.
You can attend or sponsor some local events like charities or sports leagues. People are supportive of the people who also support their community. Your brand name can get associated with those activities, and you’ll build a good reputation, which will attract more customers.
Try these simple steps, and you might grow your customer base. Small businesses don’t have to risk time, money, and effort for campaigns that will cost them more than what they gain. It’s all about good strategy and excellent customer service. Once you earn a substantial amount of customers, make sure to maintain good relations, so you don’t lose them.
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Your website is a great source of ideas, and I'm amazed at how much information it gives me. Good luck on your quest to change people's minds and bring them to knowledge.