How Does A Glycol Power Pack Work?


30 November 2023


Glycol Power Pack

If you brew large batches of beer, then you probably wonder how to organize the cooling of the drinks.

Among all the options available on the market, the most reliable and effective is the glycol power pack. By installing such a cooling system, you will be able to quickly cool drinks to the required temperatures, monitor the fermentation process, and much more, which is important for the quality of beer preparation.

After reading our article, you will learn what a glycol machine is, how it works, and where it can be purchased.

What is a Glycol Power Pack?

Glycol power pack draft beer chiller is a beer line cooling system based on a mixture of glycol and water.

Glycol is known for its antifreeze properties: its mixture with water helps to control the temperature of beverages within the limits required for the «correct» fermentation of beer, as well as for storing and serving the finished beverage. Typically, this temperature is 26-28 F (or other according to the recipe).

Top 5 main advantages of beer glycol power pack:

  1. Quick cooling, so you can cool alcoholic beverages without the risk of spoiling their quality;
  2. Ability to maintain the narrowest temperature ranges.
  3. Reduction of yeast activity, which is important for more accurate addition.
  4. Reduce the risk of wort caramelization: With a glycol power pack, you can cool wort below the boiling point.
  5. Increase the service life of your draft beer system due to the antifreeze properties of glycol.

How Does a Glycol Cooler Work?

The glycol cooling system works as follows:

  • There is a power pack inside the glycol system power pack that pushes the glycol through the entire circuit. 
  • The main line usually consists of 4 lines, each of which performs its function. 
  • The refrigerant line task is to control the temperature of the beer at the point where it is stored and at the point where it is poured.
  • The return line is responsible for cooling the refrigerant itself.
  • The outgoing line goes from the draft beer dispenser to the power supply unit.
  • Thus, all these glycol beer chiller lines provide a continuous circulation of the mixture of water and glycol, eliminating the risk of heating fermented beverages on their way from the barrel to the dispensing point.

Explore UBC Glycol Chillers for Sale

Do you know where you can find a good cooling system for your company?

Visit the UBC Group USA website. Here you will find a large selection of various UBC glycol chiller for sale, which will delight you with its quality and affordable price.

Glycol Chiller CHILLPRO 1150V

UBC Group USA has been known on the market for many years: this brand knows everything about beer equipment and can help you choose a glycol machine that will suit you in size, capacity, and other features.

By installing such equipment, you can be sure that you will be able to maintain the necessary temperature of your drinks in all sections of your draft beer system!

Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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5 Informal Team Building Activities To Break The Ice Among Co-Workers

Icebreaking among colleagues can be a difficult and awkward thing. But it is the first step towards building better understanding, trust, and cooperation among co-workers. A good icebreaker is a fun-filled team building activity whether indoor or outdoor. Here in Calgary, team building activities are serious business. Many offices have an extra working day only for engagement purposes so that the employees can be familiar with each other and develop cordial relations with each other. But what team building activities can be organized for this purpose so that the employees participate in hesitantly and have fun at the same time? Here are a few ideas to let that wall of ice down and let in some warm friendly relations : 1. Scavenger Hunt: This classic game is not only fun-filled by also competitive and exciting. Divide the participants into teams of 2 and set a time limit. You can either use a list of items each team has to collect or seed clues at particular spots and ask them to collect all of them. Next, you know how a scavenger hunt game works. The game requires minimum efforts and equipment to organize and can be played indoors as well as outdoors. 2. Escape Rooms: Escape room is a less popular but great team building activity. It’s a perfect activity for a day out. Pick out a theme locked room, divide the participants into teams and let the game unravel. This adrenaline filled game and Indiana Jones feels are bound to make everyone more comfortable and open with each other. The participants will escape awkwardness and hesitation with the locked room. 3. Binge Quiz: Use those Netflix binge sessions to break the awkward tension among colleagues. Organise a multi-series trivia quiz and divide the participants into teams of 2. If you have an entire day to play the game, plan knockout rounds by giving each team placards with numbers on them. Teams with the same number will face each other in the same round. This game can help the co-workers find more common grounds with each other. 5. Exchange A story: The most common way used to break the ice is sharing stories whether over lunch tables or around a campfire. But there’s a reason why this is so popular. This activity develops a personal connection among the participants and encourages them to be more open to each other. Some common phrases can be used to kick-start this fun activity like “Biggest pet peeve” or “first job”. GO from one topic to another. You can also use a chit system and bottle spinning to make it more fun. 6.Dumb Charades: The classic game of dumb charades is the best tried and tested team building activity. It is easy to organize and requires no equipment. Simply divide the players into two teams and decide on which team will go first with a coin flip. Dumb charades are usually based on movies but you can also use simple literary words or places or even books for the game. While there are so many formal activities, informal ones always work better when it comes to cutting the first turf among colleagues. Team building activities work better if more people are encouraged to participate. Use placards and other systems to randomize the pairing. This will also help mix up people from different departments in the workplace. So, plan out an activity today and get ready for some not so “Michael Scott” (The Office, US) moments with your employees. Read Also : The Business Networking Benefits Of Co-Working Spaces Are You Cut Out To Be A Supervisor?

Digital signage

Using Digital Signage to Improve Your Business

Digital signage is making a huge impact in the business world today. From outdoor LED neon signs to indoor menu boards, the digital signage industry is changing the way companies connect with customers. Businesses that utilize digital signs are able to engage with their audiences in more meaningful and memorable ways. Having digital led signage shows you are innovative, ahead of the curve, and interested in connecting with millennial customers. It invites your guests to fully immerse themselves in the interactive experience with your brand. The best part is that digital signs are versatile—there are multiple ways to use them to your company’s advantage, and how you incorporate them will largely depend on your brand identity. Let’s examine a few ways that businesses are using custom LED signs to improve the way they interact with customers. Using Digital Signage to Improve Your Business: 1. Digital Menu Boards: If your business utilizes a menu of items for purchase or consumption, a digital menu board could be a valuable addition. Digital menu boards use LED sign technology to dazzle your customers with bright, gorgeous colors and vivid images that pique their appetites. They are easy to update, making seasonal item rotations easy and cost-efficient. They also add a sense of freshness to a guest’s encounter with your brand. While printed menu boards remain static and immovable, digital menu boards allow constant refreshing of your space with minimal cost. What does the future hold? Some companies are exploring ways to customize users’ visits by adapting menu boards to their preferences and local or seasonal events in the area. Digital kiosks directly at the table are becoming more commonplace, allowing guests more control over their dining experience. Also, having a live screen during the ordering process can eliminate mistakes if guests notice their order isn't listed correctly. In the end, all of these things merge to enable you to run a more efficient business with happier, more satisfied customers. 2. Connect Via Social Media: Many businesses these days are using in-house digital displays to share what guests on social media channels are posting about them. This is a fantastic way to engage your audience, especially the younger demographic. Better yet, all of this is user-generated content, which takes the burden off you. It enhances the customer experience and really makes them feel like part of your brand. It also offers you free viral marketing as customers become excited about the possibility of seeing themselves on the board, and it gives them a chance to see what other people are saying about your brand in real-time. Read also: Social Media Marketing Role In Technology To encourage participation, make sure you include a call-to-action that will flash on the screen, inviting users to share their thoughts. You could even add an incentive, such as the chance to win a free treat in a random drawing. People love to win, and they’re more invested in businesses when they feel like they’re an integral part of the brand. 3. The Various Uses of Digital Displays: Interactive Digital signage offers a valuable way to convey information in a variety of places. It can be used to transmit valuable information or health and safety notices. Companies can use them internally to motivate employees by showcasing company values or exciting news about business successes. Movie theaters use them to show their constantly updating array of showtimes. And they can help save lives. Healthcare facilities use them to assist patients, both with wayfinding signs and with digital displays in rooms and hallways that provide relevant information about their visit. The point is that anyone can find ways to integrate digital signs and displays into their market; it's just a matter of figuring out how they can best benefit your brand. However, your business can use digital signage, simply having it is the first step toward future innovation. A study by local business marketer Yodle shows that while consumers prefer supporting local brands, they also expect them to be digitally-savvy. And what better way to set yourself apart than being at the forefront of the digital revolution? Read Also: How Continuous Improvement Can Benefit Your Business 5 Intelligent Sources To Boost Business Strategies All Over The World Why Email Marketing Is The BEST Digital Marketing Outreach In Singapore Start-Up Business Management: How To Reduce Risk And Guarantee Success

good team player

How to become a good team player at work

or a lieutenant in the army, you should always show that you make time to lead. Therefore, know your team well, communicate with every single team member, and reward all of them including the underperformers. Make time to lead This part might be the most important one as a true leader must find time to lead, no matter how much the workload he or she has. This is also to ensure that you are reliable and find time to support your team by assisting and coordinating. In addition, you may as well pretend that you are not busy and provide the necessary attention to everyone. Get to know your team The time that you spend remembering your team’s names and dates of births will not be wasted. The most important part of these details is that you will make sure that everyone feels special in your team. Another part is that they do not feel left out. You will sense and see when your team members feel left out as they will not commit themselves at their fullest and probably will look for other opportunities at other places. will provide vital information on how to list your team’s birthdays and names, but also try to find other sources of information that provide similar suggestions. Communication is the key to order To make sure that your work is done appropriately and timely, dedicate yourself to the team and communicate to the completest. Therefore, establish a certain chat room on social media that everyone uses or develop a specific way in which you will communicate to all of your team members. A professional way is usually one of the email services, like Gmail or Outlook. There, you will be able to schedule meetings and be sure that everyone will attend by making them confirm attendance. On the other hand, do not forget to speak in person to each one of your team members, as personal communication has always been essential. However, modern technologies are enabling the process of communication very easy, so make sure to use it appropriately too. Lead by example This attribute will ensure the team will view you as their role model. In particular, they will ask questions that they will know you are able to answer because you do that in front of them. In other words, if you tell your team to follow a specific order of their working style, look at what you do first to demand the same from others. The example that you will show to your team will also lead to new ideas and improvements, from which you could assign responsibilities and be less busy with basic work. Surely, this would not be possible if you cannot show your team how to effectively work in your organization. Therefore, lead by example and you will also see the secret talents that people have around you. Reward all your people no matter of their ability By rewarding all the people from your team will ensure that everyone will feel like they are part of the family and their work is not overlooked. You will have the hardworking and not so talented employees. Yet, the rewarding process should cover all. Indeed, by giving prizes to your best workers, you should also ensure that the other office members are not left out. Some of the rewarding processes could include paying for a night our for all of your team associates, even the ones that did little for the job. It may sound odd, but the power of persuasion will provide fruitful results. For example, instead of punishing your staff for bad work, encourage them to work hard instead. Therefore, try not to make too much of a big deal when something is done badly, but try to focus on the positive sides of your team’s efforts. Indeed, some of your team members are not as skilled as others. This would be for a variety of reasons but try to not blame them for not knowing enough, yet, try to encourage them to improve themselves. For example, try to organize some training courses or even encourage your team to seek for some by financing them. Overall, the tips mentioned above will surely help you in advancing your leadership skills, but try to look for alternative answers too. will answer most of your questions and provide you with a blueprint of your actions. The ability to be a good leader will increase your reputation at your work and it will be improving your team’s productivity and capacity. Read also: 5 Informal Team Building Activities To Break The Ice Among Co-Workers