How to become a good team player at work

Published on: 02 March 2019 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
good team player

or a lieutenant in the army, you should always show that you make time to lead. Therefore, know your team well, communicate with every single team member, and reward all of them including the underperformers.

Make time to lead

This part might be the most important one as a true leader must find time to lead, no matter how much the workload he or she has. This is also to ensure that you are reliable and find time to support your team by assisting and coordinating. In addition, you may as well pretend that you are not busy and provide the necessary attention to everyone.

Get to know your team

The time that you spend remembering your team’s names and dates of births will not be wasted. The most important part of these details is that you will make sure that everyone feels special in your team. Another part is that they do not feel left out. You will sense and see when your team members feel left out as they will not commit themselves at their fullest and probably will look for other opportunities at other places. will provide vital information on how to list your team’s birthdays and names, but also try to find other sources of information that provide similar suggestions.

Communication is the key to order

To make sure that your work is done appropriately and timely, dedicate yourself to the team and communicate to the completest. Therefore, establish a certain chat room on social media that everyone uses or develop a specific way in which you will communicate to all of your team members. A professional way is usually one of the email services, like Gmail or Outlook. There, you will be able to schedule meetings and be sure that everyone will attend by making them confirm attendance.

On the other hand, do not forget to speak in person to each one of your team members, as personal communication has always been essential. However, modern technologies are enabling the process of communication very easy, so make sure to use it appropriately too.

Lead by example

This attribute will ensure the team will view you as their role model. In particular, they will ask questions that they will know you are able to answer because you do that in front of them. In other words, if you tell your team to follow a specific order of their working style, look at what you do first to demand the same from others.

The example that you will show to your team will also lead to new ideas and improvements, from which you could assign responsibilities and be less busy with basic work. Surely, this would not be possible if you cannot show your team how to effectively work in your organization. Therefore, lead by example and you will also see the secret talents that people have around you.

Reward all your people no matter of their ability

By rewarding all the people from your team will ensure that everyone will feel like they are part of the family and their work is not overlooked. You will have the hardworking and not so talented employees. Yet, the rewarding process should cover all. Indeed, by giving prizes to your best workers, you should also ensure that the other office members are not left out. Some of the rewarding processes could include paying for a night our for all of your team associates, even the ones that did little for the job.

It may sound odd, but the power of persuasion will provide fruitful results. For example, instead of punishing your staff for bad work, encourage them to work hard instead. Therefore, try not to make too much of a big deal when something is done badly, but try to focus on the positive sides of your team’s efforts.

Indeed, some of your team members are not as skilled as others. This would be for a variety of reasons but try to not blame them for not knowing enough, yet, try to encourage them to improve themselves. For example, try to organize some training courses or even encourage your team to seek for some by financing them.

Overall, the tips mentioned above will surely help you in advancing your leadership skills, but try to look for alternative answers too. will answer most of your questions and provide you with a blueprint of your actions. The ability to be a good leader will increase your reputation at your work and it will be improving your team’s productivity and capacity.

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Freelance Work

How Business Owners Can Better Utilize Freelance Work

Small businesses don’t always have a ton of cash or room to make costly mistakes, so every penny, every asset, every minute, counts. Often, small businesses will turn to freelancers for certain projects where they need expert help, but that can also take a hit on your bank account, so ensuring the freelancer does good work is crucial. Sometimes though, the freelance work falls short, leaving the small business low on funds with a deliverable that is unusable. So how do you avoid that? Let’s talk about a better way of finding freelance workers for your business. Revenue Sharing Model Each freelancer can be paid differently. Some are paid upfront or given equity, others are paid a percentage of the final revenue, and some are paid when the job gets done. Here’s the best thing a small business that is low on upstart funds can do when it comes to hiring a freelancer: Adopt a revenue-sharing model. What that means is the freelancer gets paid when you do. They’ll complete the project, deliver all final assets to the business owner, but they’ll only get paid if and when you start making money. There will be a percentage that is agreed upon by both parties before the project begins, and if your business starts bringing in revenue, you’ll then pay off the percentage owed to the freelancer. If your business never makes money, you do not have to pay the freelancer a dime. Why is this a good idea? First of all, it decreases the risk for the business by waiting to pay the freelancer until there is secure revenue coming in. Second, with this idea in mind, freelancers can do some of their best work. They aren’t just getting paid to finish a job, there’s a higher expectation of their work. They understand that if their work is mediocre, there’s a lower chance of them getting paid. It’s in their best interest to do the best work they can, not only to help you as a business owner but to help themselves as well. Develop a Relationship Far too often, businesses pay freelancers for work only to be unsatisfied with the end product. Many times this is due to a lack of communication on one or both sides. To ensure that you are getting quality service delivered from a freelance worker, it’s important to have an understanding relationship. Here are a few tips on how to accomplish that: Describe Your Communication Style If you’re not sure what your communication style is, it’s not a bad idea to find out or develop a system that works for you. Some people have very blunt ways of communicating while others are timider. Talking about your preferred communication style with the freelancer you hired will help to avoid conflict, assumptions, and hard feelings. Explain Your Needs Don’t be afraid to express where there are gaps in understanding. The freelancer is there to be an expert in an area that you may not be familiar with. It’s okay to say things like, “I’m not sure I understand that, could you explain how that works?” The more you can understand the process, the better you’ll be able to communicate and get an end product you’re happy with. Do Your Part If you feel there are gaps in understanding, take a step back, and see if there is anything you might have left out in communication with the freelancer. Sometimes we get in our own bubble and assume other people understand what we are talking about when in reality we need to explain certain things in more depth. Good Luck! Some of these tips may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how often business owners fail to communicate well with the freelancers they hire. If you can adopt these practices into your business model, your freelancers’ work will improve significantly and you won’t have to worry about an unfortunate loss of precious funds. Read also: 5 Office Organization Tips Every New Business Owners Must Know The significance of face-to-face networking for freelancers Five Reasons Why Freelancers Should Use a Coworking Space 5 Most lucrative home-based business opportunities


Factory Automation and Why It Has Been a Cause for Major Job Security Concerns

Automation has been the source of concern for centuries, from the 16th-century mechanization of stockings production to the 19th-century industrial revolution that led to the UK’s textile riots. From the late 20th-century automation of car manufacturing to the 21st century, worries that Artificial Intelligence will eventually take up our jobs. Job security is an issue that brings forth conflict among manual laborers—resulting from the automation of repetitive manual tasks. Automation has replaced many jobs over the years but has also given rise to other specializations in industries. Major manufacturers have employed robots to level with consumer demands because they are efficient and fast in task completion while playing a massive role in keeping these businesses highly competitive. To provide a clear understanding of the impact automation has had in industries, let’s dive deeper into the jobs’ technicalities in these places. Automation by Job Type- Robots execute blue-collar jobs faster and more efficiently than the human workforce, an effect that has highly optimized the production process. However, jobs requiring intuition and creativity, such as product design, and artistry require empathy, making them reserved for the human workforce. The human workforce also retains jobs that appreciate soft skills, such as effective communication, collaboration, leadership, and a problem-solving mindset. That being an overview of the automation effect, let’s dive deeper into factory-related jobs and how automation has affected them. Creative Jobs: These jobs require a human eye and mind and combine procedural tasking with intuition in their execution. While proper product design does require a certain level of technical know-how, it also asks for a deeper understanding of why people like the look and feel of these products. In manufacturing industries, designing products may require a focus on the technical application of the product and cater to the look and feel of these products. An API valve manufacturer, for example, may decide to automate the production of the product. However, to tailor for customers that care for factory aesthetics, they require a human understanding of the design process. Automation can play a role in tasks such as drawing, 3D printing, and data analysis. These artistic job descriptions probably have a higher sense of security than others. Technical Jobs: Following product design is the manufacturing process involving technical activities such as assembling parts to come up with a wholesome product. A car manufacturing factory may implement robotic arms, each responsible for joining parts of a vehicle together, working with more efficiency and speed than a human. After putting together the product, there is a proper packaging requirement in preparation for shipping. A robot performs packaging tasks as they are repetitive and technical. The packaging process does not engage in human creativity; thus, automation is probably the better option for such work. However, in other industries such as food processing, products’ packaging may require customization--a process requiring making phone calls, listening to ideas, and making constant changes to the product’s packaging. We employ automation for the job’s technical and repetitive parts; however, to understand human needs, a human being is needed. Transportation of the products to the expected locations is the final process in manufacturing. We can automate the package addressing systems in preparation for transport. Soon, however, there is a possibility that autonomous vehicles will replace transport drivers. Currently, smaller package delivery employs drones in some parts of the world. Leadership and Collaborative Jobs: Top managerial job descriptions have the least possibility of automation because they require effective coordination, communication, and decision-making. These professionals employ a combination of technical know-how, emotional intelligence, and in some, risk-taking-- we cannot reach a balance through automation. Automation cannot replace these individuals, partially because they might resist losing their jobs since they decide which tasks to automate and which not to automate. The Solution to The Conflict: The fear that automation will eventually take up all jobs exists. To keep the conversation healthy, positive, and practical, we need to educate the masses on what automation means and the types of jobs it can take over. The first step towards education is learning, learning the fear, and learning communication strategies. Understanding communication techniques will ensure that proper education occurs. The second step is the actual training of professionals, which involves educating employees in preparation for the jobs they are to transition to during automation. However, it is essential to note that automating the training process might result in a larger conflict. Partially because we know that resolutions cannot be sufficient when executed by who causes the conflict. The third step is to ensure regular training occurs by providing relevant and up-to-date information and training materials. At first, individuals will be reluctant to change job descriptions, which we can resolve through the previously discussed process. Conclusion: Automation and job security have been and will always conflict.; however, a balance is struck each time it has happened. We currently live in a world with fear of automation from watching various films, such as The Terminator, the Transformers, and others. Some still expect to see a world similar to that in the movies. The reality is that we use robots to perform repetitive tasks that we have complained about for ages. Do not be fearful, instead educate yourselves on automation. Do this with a keen eye on the jobs that seem impossible to automate. All the best. Read Also: 3 Encryption Trends and How They Make Communication More Secure Why Sensors are Essential in Machine Automation Seven Great Reasons to Use a Car Transportation Company

business benefit

How can your business benefit from bespoke software development?

Many businesses rely on off-the-shelf applications and stock software to run their operations. As much as such software comes with different features, it might not provide all the functional requirements that come with running a business. You might also run into challenges as stock software also comes with other unnecessary functions that might not be relevant to your policies. One of the solutions to this challenge is to hire professionals for bespoke software development. It comes with a number of benefits that could help your business as shown below. Control over design and functionalities : Bespoke software development helps a business to customize its applications to accommodate its requirements and needs. The developer uses tools to come up with designs that are useful to their clients. The advantage of bespoke software development is that the entire development process is monitored and your feedback helps in ensuring the developers include only features that your business needs. Complete ownership : As a business owner, you will have complete ownership of the software designed for your business. This might not be the case with third-party applications as there are terms that bar you from making any changes to the way the software operates. Working with a Bespoke Software Development Company that deals with web and software development gives you an asset that you can manage freely and you don’t have the compulsion to upgrade your software. You can only do this whenever you feel that your business needs an upgrade of operations but not because a third party has decided it’s a mandatory procedure. Expansion of existing tools : If the business owns tools for managing data and other processes, you can hire a bespoke software development agency to have these tools expanded to transform repetitive tasks through automation. Tailored multi-user tools can store data and use a central repository and this would help to save time for the business. It also enhances transparency, access and reporting, and data validation. Such a system brings together an array of operations together to transform how the business runs. Integration : Developers can make bespoke software to integrate with other applications installed to help the business. This is not to say previous integrations are rendered obsolete, but it’s a way to enhance the efficiency of systems by providing backing technology. Bespoke software should be introduced as a measure to improve operations. Potential marketability : In other cases, you might decide to sell software that was developed for your business. Although the application was originally developed for internal use in your business, a bespoke solution could be turned into an off-the-shelf application that can be used by other businesses. This creates room for your business to earn more money by leasing the software. Software integrations can help a business to run more efficiently. Although many businesses use third-party applications, it is cheaper and more convenient to have bespoke applications developed with the needs of the business in mind. Such an application is the property of the business and you can make any upgrades or tweaks you want to suit your business. Read Also : What Are The Benefits Associated With Crowdfunding For Businesses? The Business Networking Benefits Of Co-Working Spaces Get The Details On How Sferic Protect Can Benefit Your Business & Its Safety