Factory Automation and Why It Has Been a Cause for Major Job Security Concerns


22 March 2021



Automation has been the source of concern for centuries, from the 16th-century mechanization of stockings production to the 19th-century industrial revolution that led to the UK’s textile riots. From the late 20th-century automation of car manufacturing to the 21st century, worries that Artificial Intelligence will eventually take up our jobs.

Job security is an issue that brings forth conflict among manual laborers—resulting from the automation of repetitive manual tasks.

Automation has replaced many jobs over the years but has also given rise to other specializations in industries. Major manufacturers have employed robots to level with consumer demands because they are efficient and fast in task completion while playing a massive role in keeping these businesses highly competitive.

To provide a clear understanding of the impact automation has had in industries, let’s dive deeper into the jobs’ technicalities in these places.

Automation by Job Type-

Automation by Job Type-

Robots execute blue-collar jobs faster and more efficiently than the human workforce, an effect that has highly optimized the production process.

However, jobs requiring intuition and creativity, such as product design, and artistry require empathy, making them reserved for the human workforce.

The human workforce also retains jobs that appreciate soft skills, such as effective communication, collaboration, leadership, and a problem-solving mindset.

That being an overview of the automation effect, let’s dive deeper into factory-related jobs and how automation has affected them.

Creative Jobs:

These jobs require a human eye and mind and combine procedural tasking with intuition in their execution.

While proper product design does require a certain level of technical know-how, it also asks for a deeper understanding of why people like the look and feel of these products.

In manufacturing industries, designing products may require a focus on the technical application of the product and cater to the look and feel of these products. An API valve manufacturer, for example, may decide to automate the production of the product. However, to tailor for customers that care for factory aesthetics, they require a human understanding of the design process.

Automation can play a role in tasks such as drawing, 3D printing, and data analysis.

These artistic job descriptions probably have a higher sense of security than others.

Technical Jobs:

Following product design is the manufacturing process involving technical activities such as assembling parts to come up with a wholesome product.

A car manufacturing factory may implement robotic arms, each responsible for joining parts of a vehicle together, working with more efficiency and speed than a human.

After putting together the product, there is a proper packaging requirement in preparation for shipping. A robot performs packaging tasks as they are repetitive and technical.

The packaging process does not engage in human creativity; thus, automation is probably the better option for such work. However, in other industries such as food processing, products’ packaging may require customization–a process requiring making phone calls, listening to ideas, and making constant changes to the product’s packaging.

We employ automation for the job’s technical and repetitive parts; however, to understand human needs, a human being is needed.

Transportation of the products to the expected locations is the final process in manufacturing. We can automate the package addressing systems in preparation for transport. Soon, however, there is a possibility that autonomous vehicles will replace transport drivers. Currently, smaller package delivery employs drones in some parts of the world.

Leadership and Collaborative Jobs:

Top managerial job descriptions have the least possibility of automation because they require effective coordination, communication, and decision-making. These professionals employ a combination of technical know-how, emotional intelligence, and in some, risk-taking– we cannot reach a balance through automation.

Automation cannot replace these individuals, partially because they might resist losing their jobs since they decide which tasks to automate and which not to automate.

The Solution to The Conflict:

The Solution to The Conflict

The fear that automation will eventually take up all jobs exists. To keep the conversation healthy, positive, and practical, we need to educate the masses on what automation means and the types of jobs it can take over.

The first step towards education is learning, learning the fear, and learning communication strategies. Understanding communication techniques will ensure that proper education occurs.

The second step is the actual training of professionals, which involves educating employees in preparation for the jobs they are to transition to during automation. However, it is essential to note that automating the training process might result in a larger conflict. Partially because we know that resolutions cannot be sufficient when executed by who causes the conflict.

The third step is to ensure regular training occurs by providing relevant and up-to-date information and training materials.

At first, individuals will be reluctant to change job descriptions, which we can resolve through the previously discussed process.


Automation and job security have been and will always conflict.; however, a balance is struck each time it has happened. We currently live in a world with fear of automation from watching various films, such as The Terminator, the Transformers, and others.

Some still expect to see a world similar to that in the movies.

The reality is that we use robots to perform repetitive tasks that we have complained about for ages. Do not be fearful, instead educate yourselves on automation. Do this with a keen eye on the jobs that seem impossible to automate. All the best.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Business Card

10 Tips to Design the Perfect Business Card

Handing out business cards is a good way to promote your brand and foster personal connections. But, the creation of perfect and memorable cards clearly remains a challenge. Research shows: 88%—or 9 out of 10—of distributed business cards will be thrown out within one week. How to Design the Perfect Business Card So, what makes these tangible objects impressive? A lovely design. The perfect business card doesn’t only present your contact information. It also communicates your brand’s professionalism. So, if you’re interested in making a positive impression, consider the business card design tips below. 1. Adhere to the Principles of Good Design The perfect business card is a visual representation of your brand. It’s a determining factor in whether people trash your card. And, the following elements of good design are important in capturing people’s attention: Alignment and length Color scheme Content hierarchy Typography Kern Layout Tracking White Space 2. Avoid Complexity in Design When designing the perfect business card, you should aim for simplicity. Simplicity in color and contrast to prevent overwhelm. Simplicity in fonts to prevent difficulty in reading. Remember, you want a prospect or customer to reach out to you for help with their needs. And, by avoiding complexity, you make it easy for them to read your contact information, call your number, and partner with you for your services. 3. Provide Key Information Above, we discussed simplicity in design. And, you can keep it simple by only presenting the information required to communicate who you are, what you do, and how to contact you. Details such as: Name Title, role, or function Business name and logo Physical address Telephone number If space allows, for social connections, you can also add virtual information. For instance, you can include: Professional e-mail address Website landing page or blog address One or two professional social media handles QR code 4. Emphasize Benefit and Value You should also take it a step further and emphasize your benefits. In other words, the perfect business card should do two things: Tell (or remind) people about what you can do for them Tell (or remind) people about the value you offer Limit your explanation to a line or two, describing your service, specialization, and value statement. 5. Consider a Nontraditional Shape Can you choose the standard 3.5x2 inch horizontal rectangle/square? Yes. But nowadays, you also have more creative options available. With die-cuts, for example, you can choose from a variety of shapes: Circle Folded Half-Circle Leaf Oval Rounded Corners Single Rounded Corner Slim Vertical 6. Improve Your Card’s Appearance Additionally, you can improve the look and feel of your business card, through imprinting. Again, you have several methods to choose from: CMYK or Four-Color Printing Embossing Debossing Foil Stamping PMS or Pantone Matching System Depending on your chosen imprint, “finishes”—such as lamination, UV, and spot coatings—can also positively enhance your card’s quality and design. 7. Invest in High-Quality Materials Presentation is an important part of designing the perfect business card. And, the quality of your chosen material impacts your brand’s impression. You have a few choices, when choosing your card’s paper, weight, and thickness: regular, plastic, textured, thick, thin. But, high-quality material is a better investment. How do we know? The National Institutes of Health’s research on haptic sensations found: physical touch can influence the impressions and thoughts formed about people and situations. 8. Ensure Branding Consistency What you shouldn’t do, when designing your business card, is display a lack of cohesion in branding. If there are style, color, and typography inconsistencies in your marketing materials, then people will notice. Remember, your brand identity helps customers and prospects recognize your business. And, when consistent, your business cards reinforce your visual elements. 9. Double-Check for Errors and Unreadable Text You want customers to take you seriously. To trust you. So, double-checking your business cards, before printing, is critical. Read, reread, and edit. Search for spelling, punctuation, grammar, layout, and omission mistakes. But, don’t stop there. Also, make sure your business card is readable by: Using at least 8 point fonts Using font colors complementary to its background 10. Beware Printing Specifications When designing the perfect business card, you must ensure optimal printing. Many printers stop at a certain point. So, it’s important to consider the following specifications: Bleed Area. You should include at least a 1/8” bleed area as it eliminates white space during printing. Safe Area. The center of the business card is the safe area, so you want all your readable text and graphics there. Ready to Design Your Card? Now, you're armed with 10 good design tips for creating the perfect business card. Use this Vistaprint coupon code to save on your next order. Will you apply them? If so, you'll have what you need to increase your brand awareness, make a memorable impression, and even attract new clients. Read also: Tips For Small Businesses To Raise Funds For Their Projects

Website Translation

5 Business Website Translation Tips

When a company is already succeeding locally, business owners usually turn their thoughts to expansion. It makes good financial sense to expand by replicating your efforts and building on what you already have. After all, this is how some of the largest and most successful chains in the world started out. Make use of Website Translation to improve your business to the next level. With the internet making global commerce a standard way of conducting business, the landscape has changed, opening up new opportunities. A worldwide presence is not just for big corporations like McDonald's or Coca-Cola. The ability to do business across the globe is now within reach of even the smallest companies, thanks to globalization. One of the most cost-effective ways to expand into new territories is by utilizing website translation services to increase your global reach. Making it easy for people in other parts of the world to access your goods and services can give you a far more competitive edge over your competition than opening a physical retail outlet. What was once a highly specialized and very costly field is now a global industry. Many inexpensive opportunities exist to hire professional translation agencies to help you reach a multilingual audience. The global market is wide open. You can start small with just one language at a time or choose to expand into many countries at once. The choice is yours – it just depends on how ambitious your vision is! For those who decide to take the plunge, we have five tips to help you enjoy a successful website translation process. Different Ways To Develop Your Website Translation Tips To Develop Your Business    There are multiple ways you can opt to develop the translation of your business. Working on this matter you have to make your choices in the right direction. 1. Avoid Machine Translation: One of the biggest mistakes people make when they decide they want to go global is attempting to rely on machine translation. Yes, there are plenty of apps that can translate entire pages into a wealth of different languages, and they can be quite helpful in certain situations. However, translating your business website is not one of those situations. Website translation tips can help you to work things well in your favor. Although machine translation is improving every year, it is not advanced enough to replace human translators, especially when it comes to business purposes. Chatting with foreign friends on Facebook is one thing. Product descriptions and important terms of service pages that have legal implications are an entirely different thing. There are many humorous yet unfortunate examples of words literally being lost in translation. For example, in 2018 the tourism authority in Fiji created a video promoting travel to the country by highlighting everyday Fijian words. This was all well and good, but one of the terms, Vale ni Lotu was mistakenly translated as “toilet” instead of its actual meaning: “church” or “place of worship.” Understandably, Fijians were not amused. 2. Globalize Where Possible but Localize Where Not: Globalizing and localizing are both a part of the translation, and there is a place for each approach during website translation. If you want to save time and effort, start with globalization. Work on similarities between regions as opposed to differences and avoid the need to adapt to multiple cultures where possible. However, there will be some instances where localization is essential in order to reach a specific audience. Employ localization tactics for the most critical information, like local industry language or regional idioms and figures of speech. In this way, you will avoid inadvertently offending your audience before you even make your brand known. 3. Use a Sector-Specific Translator: There are translators available in every possible language and for every possible sector. If you sell medical equipment, use a medical translator. If you are in the hospitality industry, hire a translator who specializes in hotels and travel. There is no reason to hire a general translator if your field is specialized; there are too many talented language service providers not to find one that fits your exact needs.   4. Check the Quality, Even When You Don’t Speak the Language: If you don’t speak the language you are having your website translated into, how are you going to know if you have a high-quality translation? Don’t worry though, help is at hand. You can use a professional proofreading service or another translation agency to double-check the quality of the work. It doesn't mean you need to spend a lot of time or money: simply use them to check a few paragraphs of your translation to ensure that it’s flawless. 5. Allow Plenty of Time for Your Translation Project: Every project is different, and some translation jobs are harder than others. Depending on the industry in which you operate, it may require more time and research on the part of the translator to provide you with the highest quality deliverables. Translation, like writing, is an art. It should not be rushed if it can be helped. Not only will rushing frustrate the translator, but it could affect the outcome of the project. If you follow these tips, you should be well on your way to expanding your business into foreign markets in the near future. Now is the time to seize the opportunity, before your competition gets there first! Read Also: Riding The Wave Of Popularity: 7 Most Popular IT Buzzwords And What They Really Mean English As A Second Language: Ways To Find Great Teaching Materials On A Budget Language And Speech Disorders In Children: How Speech Therapists Can Help The Importance Of Exploring And Knowing The Language Hindi Tips To Help You Learn A New Language In A New Country 5 Golden Rules Of Children Language Learning

office manager

Tips To Be An Effective Office Manager

So you have decided to start a business. While financially rewarding, it can prove to be a challenging task with unlimited obstacles ahead of you. One of the reasons for these obstacles is the fierce competition that they are faced with. Unlike before, where a unique idea can guarantee you a monopoly of the industry, today, everyone is faced with the dilemma of competing for customers. To get an edge over your competitors, there are simple steps that you can take. For example, constantly striving to learn more is important. There are new advancements coming up every day and it is crucial that you stay updated with the latest innovations in your industry. Even the simplest of inventions could revolutionize the market. Here we have listed some helpful tips on running a business Take Care Of Cash Flows Mismanaged cash flows are one of the most common reasons by companies that already went under. After declaring bankruptcy, it is revealed that these companies were not able to manage their assets properly. One asset that must be managed most properly is Contracts. As legally binding documents, they ensure that the company form proper and mutually benefitting relationships while protecting both parties. Invest both time and resources in perfecting your contract management system. Fire Bad Employees There’s no such thing as firing bad employees too fast. However, before you remove them from your company, please ensure that they are actually the ones with a problem and not your management style. Take Care of Good Employees Just as you should fire bad employees, you should also take care of good employees. Boosting the morale of the entire department will also improve their productivity. Take care of your employees by fostering a professional work environment with open communication. Recognizing the talents and skills of each individual employee are important for them to feel that they are an integral part of your company. One advantage that you should look for in an employee is a data science skillset. It has become a necessary skill among job applicants as it is considered to be the future of marketing. Learn How To Say No There’s being lenient and there’s being a push-over. Don’t let yourself be pushed around by your staff. Learn how to say no when their requests have become outrageous. Learning how to control your staff before it becomes a zoo is an important skill that you must master. All your decisions must be in alignment with the company’s mission and vision. Any request that goes against this must be properly examined. Create A Proper Business Model Consult with a business professional and create a proper business model with plans for scaling and growth. This is especially crucial to guarantee that your company survives the changing of the tides and has the necessary resources for when it is ready to grow into a bigger organization. A business owner without any goals for the future is an ineffective one that is doomed to fail. Learn From The Mistakes Of Others While it is true that history, more often than not, repeats itself, there are a lot of steps that you can take to ensure that your company does not meet the same bitter past of its predecessors. Study their tales and take lessons from them, vowing not to follow in their same footsteps. If there were previous mishaps, take the time to examine what went wrong and take the necessary precautions for it not to happen again. Ask Help You can’t do it alone. This is one thing that you have to realize. You need to ask for help from everyone. Only with the entire organization helping each other will the company be able to establish itself as an authority figure of the industry. Ask for help from your employees, from those around you, and from business experts. Utilize all the available tools at your disposal. Creating an online presence, for example, can vastly improve the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Read Also: Thinking Of Becoming An Entrepreneur? What Is The Cost To Start A Business? Five Things To Consider Before Starting A Business Start-Up Business Management: How To Reduce Risk And Guarantee Success