Graduation Celebration Ideas: A Memory Of Lifetime!

graduation celebration ideas

Graduation celebration ideas will help you to rejoice in the best moments of your life that you left out. Not only achievement important but also the time you spend with your friends preparing notes is also important.

You should call your friends and peers who were there with you on the journey of your graduation. Celebrate it to remember every moment that you spend with struggle and overcome it with flying colors.

Ensure that your celebration must be complete from all ends and there should not be any wish left over from your end. Try to make sure that you do not make things too complex from your end.

Graduation Celebration Ideas Of 2024

Graduation Celebration

There are several graduation celebration ideas for 2024 that you must be well aware of while meeting your needs with complete ease. Some of the effective ideas that you can implement here are as follows:- 

1. Virtual Celebration

Utilize technology by hosting a virtual graduation party where friends and family from near and far can join in the party. Sending out graduation announcement cards adds a thoughtful touch. Set up a video call with decorations, music, and themed backgrounds to create an inviting atmosphere for raising a toast to your achievements and sharing moments with the people you love.

2. Mini Parade

Arrange for a parade where friends and family can drive past your home to express their support with signs and balloons. Spruce up your yard or driveway with decorations like banners and streamers to bring joy to the occasion.

3. Outdoor Potluck  

You can plan a potluck for your guests. Here, you can ask your guest to prepare some of the food items from their home and put them in the party. Make arrangements for some fun games so that together you can enjoy the party with a fun atmosphere spreading all around. 

4. Personal Graduation Celebration

In this form of celebration, you can call all your friends and share the entire story and journey of your graduation to proceed further in your life. This can be an interesting move from your end to start the new journey of your life before ending the days of graduation. 

5. Memory Lane Tribute Video

Create a compilation of photos, videos, and heartfelt messages, from friends, family members, teachers, and mentors to make a video honoring your graduation. Include words of encouragement from each of them. Play the video during your celebration while reminiscing about the memories you’ve shared.

6. Themed Graduation Feast

To celebrate reaching this milestone in your education, host a dinner party inspired by a travel destination or hobby. Choose a theme that reflects your personality and interests such as a fiesta night, a pasta dinner party, or a Hawaiian luau BBQ. Prepare the venue with care. Organize a selection of dishes and suggest to guests to dress up in outfits that coordinate with the theme. Remember to show appreciation by sending graduation thank you cards to all who attended.

7. Camping Adventure

Set off on a camping trip to celebrate your graduation amidst the beauty of nature. Whether it’s a laid back weekend in a park, or an adventurous backpacking journey in the wilderness. Camping offers a chance to disconnect from technology, connect with loved ones, and reflect on your achievements under the starry night sky.

8. Photo Booth Fun

Set up your photo booth at your graduation party with props, backdrops, and camera or smartphone for guests to capture fun moments. Design a backdrop featuring your school colors, graduation year, or personal message. Provide props like graduation caps and diplomas for posing with. It’s a great way to capture memories with friends and family.

9. Volunteer

Spread kindness by organizing a charity fundraiser or volunteer activity as a way of giving back. Choose a cause that’s meaningful to you such as education, healthcare, environmental conservation, or social justice. Encourage your loved ones to join you in making an impact on the community. Planning a charity event, organizing a donation campaign, or engaging in a day of volunteering are all wonderful ways to positively impact the lives of others. Celebrating with service work will make your graduation very memorable.

10. Time Capsule

Celebrate your graduation with a time capsule where you and your loved ones can contribute nicknacks, letters, and keepsakes to be sealed and opened in the future. Include photos, newspaper clippings, and handwritten notes that capture this time in your life and reflect your hopes for what lies ahead. Seal the time capsule and choose a date to open it. When you open it in a few years, you can reflect on your journey and the progress you’ve made since then.

What Things To Avoid In Graduation Celebration?

Things To Avoid In Graduation Celebration

There are certain things you can avoid in your graduation celebration as they can spoil your fun and enjoyment. So, you should stay away from these things from your end. Let’s find out the things that can spoil your party. 

1. Alcohol

You should stay mindful of the consumption of alcohol, especially if there are any underage guests. If you have a celebration outdoors, then you should encourage responsible drinking. Plenty of non-alcoholic options you must keep to your drivers. This will help you to avoid not ruining your graduation party with complete ease.

2. Food

Don’t spend lots of money on buying food items that can have the chance of being wasted. You need to take care of these facts as well while reaching your goals with complete clarity. Additionally, avoid waste of food as things can go wrong if you are not careful. 

3. Unattended Guests 

If there are any pools of open bodies of water, then you must ensure that there exists adult supervision. You cannot make your choices on the incorrect end while reaching your needs with completely. Ensure that you follow the right solution from your end while meeting your objectives with complete clarity. 

4. Loud Music

You should be considerate of the neighbors if you want to employ loud music in the process of your celebration. As there can be heart patients who may not be comfortable with it. So, enjoy your graduation completion without disturbing your neighbors. Here, you have to stay alert about these types of facts while meeting your career goals in the future. 

5. Limited Guest List

You should prepare a limited guest list if you want to avoid the wastage of food and money. You cannot afford to make your choices out of the dark. Ensure that you know the means to have a better solution to your problems with complete ease. 

6. Activities Focused On Age Group

If you have a mix of ages who are attending your party, you must plan the activities that cater to everyone. You should keep things in proper shape while reaching your aims with complete ease. Ensure that you follow the correct process to meet your enjoyment goals with ease. 

Final Take Away

Hence, if you want to celebrate the victory of your life, like the completion of graduation.  Then these methods can be helpful for you. You should remember the reason for failure in your life as well as also celebrate the cause of success as well. This will boost your motivation level. 

You can share your views and opinions in our comment box. This will help you in meeting your needs with complete ease. Ensure that you follow the perfect solution that can assist you in reaching your objectives in life with ease. 

Celebrate the achievements of your life to remember them for your entire lifetime. You need to remember this day to explore the chances of future success in your life. 

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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Keep Remote Employees Productive

How to Keep Remote Employees Productive in 2022

The remote work movement is here to stay. That’s something we can say with confidence at this point, following a rapid shift during the pandemic. Even companies that at one point were very strictly against remote work now have hybrid options, or some are remote-first and remote-only. As companies transitioned, perhaps not willingly, but because they were forced to during the pandemic, they saw real benefits. A lot of employers say that their employees were more productive than they thought they would be and happier in many cases too. That doesn’t mean that it’s all smooth sailing, though. Managers and leaders are still looking at ways to keep remote employees productive and engaged over the long-term with remote work, now that the newness has worn off and the reality of possible downsides has set in. For leadership in 2022, the following are things to remember to keep your remote teams productive and thriving. 1. Give Them the Technology They Need to Succeed You want your remote employees to feel like they can access everything they need to do their jobs quickly and easily. At the same time, in providing that access, you can’t sacrifice your cybersecurity. Many bad actors have taken advantage of remote work over the past couple of years, wreaking havoc on businesses. To keep remote employees productive but also to protect your data and assets, think about investing in an identity and access management (IAM) security strategy. IAM makes it easy for your employees to access everything required to do their jobs quickly and efficiently but simultaneously reduces the risk of an identity breach. The more cumbersome your identity management or cybersecurity tools, the less productive and engaged your employees are going to be. Similarly, ask your employees if there are other apps or resources they might require to be more productive. Using good project management software goes a long way in any organization. Very little thought should be given to how they access the network and the resources they require day-to-day on their part—your focus should be on the provision of a seamless experience so this can happen. 2. Keep Your Employees in the Loop, No Matter Where They’re Working There’s a term that you’re likely to hear more of in the coming months and years, which is remote-first. In a remote-first organization, there is still a physical office space, but it’s not a hub of communication or decision-making. Instead, the online world is. The office may exist as needed or when someone prefers to come in, but managers and leaders make an effort to ensure that everyone who works remotely is in the loop and the conversations are happening digitally first and foremost. If there are any updates that need to be shared, or you need feedback or have company news, make sure remote employees have access to it. Even if you aren’t technically remote-first, keep employees connected through communication. 3. Rethink Your Onboarding Process If you’re hiring new employees right now, how you onboard them is going to have a ripple effect on their productivity throughout the entirety of their time with your company. Remote new hires tend to feel significantly less equipped to do their jobs. They need support, and your onboarding strategy should take into account the remote element. Your employees need access to login credentials and documents, they need training and orientation, and they also need training on less apparent drivers of success. For example, your onboarding program should include things like how your organization members communicate with one another. 4. Recognize If You’re a Productivity Killer Managers and leadership may be killing employee productivity, and they often have no idea they’re the problem. If you’re constantly holding long-winded meetings on video chat, you are killing productivity. Just like in the past few years there has been a big push away from pointless in-person meetings, make sure you’re not creating the same environment digitally. If you don’t need everyone to attend a video meeting, then don’t have everyone participate. Let your employees work in the ways that they think are going to help them meet goals and achieve, without trying to take up too much of their time or micromanage. The real advantage of remote work is that you can think less about how employees get to a certain endpoint. Instead, it’s about results. You’re not monitoring everything they’re doing, so allow employees to thrive and be more productive by meeting objectives you set but doing so in the ways they think are best or most effective. You’ll find if you set measurable, specific goals but then take a step back, it helps your remote employees thrive. Read Also: What No One Tells You About Working Remotely Tips For Calling In Sick To Work 5 Of the Highest Paid Remote Jobs

how much do police officers make

THIS is How Much Police Officers Make!!!

When it comes to being a police officer, there is one thing that people think about apart from the danger. And that is: how much do police officers make? You see, the job of a police officer is full of risks. And it is obvious that people who are in this service are financially secure— not only for themselves but also for their families. So, if you are planning to become a police officer, you might be eager to know about the sum, right? Do not worry— I have you covered! So, keep on reading this blog till the end to learn everything about how much money police officers make… How Much do Police Officers Make in 2024? Among society's frontline workers are police officers. They must come forward and take charge even in times of emergency to guarantee that everyone is secure and that law and order are upheld. Additionally, their pay would justify their employment because they prioritize the safety of others above their own.  If I tell you that a police officer's beginning pay in the United States of America will be more than $50,000 in 2024, you won't be shocked. You did really read correctly! As of right now, the average base pay for a police officer in the United States is $65,308 annually. But this might be anything from $55,000 to $80,000, depending on the city. Besides, when it comes to the police officer's pay, the year of experience also matters. For example, you may need to sell for an average yearly pay of $55,000 if you have less than a year of experience. However, more than ten years of expertise will almost certainly secure you a salary of above ninety thousand dollars each year. As per the 2023 report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA, the hourly wage of the police officers is as follows: Percentile10%25%50%(Median)75%90%Hourly Wage$ 21.73$ 26.33$ 34.75$ 44.43$ 53.70Annual Wage$ 45,200$ 54,770$ 72,280$ 92,410$ 111,700 Highest Paying Cities Near the US for Police Officers As per, Washington is the place where police officers earn the most. To be exact, they earn about $87,176 annually. Here are the top ten places on that list: StateSalariesWashington$87,176California$81,023Minnesota$79,957Connecticut$75,366Oregon$73,530Alaska$70,221Colorado$70,202Wisconsin$67,065Utah$63,829Idaho$63,648 What Does a Police Officer Do? Firstly, what really is the task of a police officer? Well, let me brief you on that! A police officer's responsibilities include both active and administrative work. At the station, a police officer writes reports, confers with witnesses and suspects, obtains warrants, and responds to public queries. Furthermore, a police officer's responsibilities go much beyond the police station. They investigate accidents and crime sites, respond to emergency aid requests, and detain criminals. While on the job, a police officer employs a range of abilities, such as listening, critical thinking, and collaborating with other law enforcement personnel, including peace officers. To diffuse situations, a police officer uses sound judgment and prompt response. In addition, they can be in charge of maintaining order in particular areas to protect locals and property. Is Being a Police Officer a Good Career? You have read about the salary of a police officer, right? There is one last thing you should remember.  The national average wage for a police officer in 2020 was $67,600, which was marginally more than the average compensation of $51,960 for all jobs. In 2022, patrol officers made an average salary of $65,790. The highest 25% of earners received $84,520 in that year, while the bottom 25% received $50,210. This merely demonstrates how quickly salaries in this industry have been rising.  Thus, this can be a fantastic moment if you want to be a police officer! In addition to the pay, there are a number of other factors that make becoming a police officer a desirable career option. Benefits of Being a Police Officer Here are some of the major benefits of a police officer in the USA: 27 paid time off following six years of employment  Unrestricted sick leave with full compensation  Choosing health care benefit plans Dental, prescription, and vision coverage  Fund for annuities 401K, I.R.A., and Deferred Compensation Plan.  22-year service requirement with optional retirement at half salary $12,000  Variable Supplement Fund each year (after retirement)  Outstanding chances for promotion Promotional Opportunities Firstly, promotion exams for the levels of Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Captain are frequently offered by the Department. All positions above Captain and promotion to detective (note: you do not have to be a police officer to be a detective!) are determined by merit. Members have the ability to make much more money at each of these rankings. Military Veterans Secondly, the police department, especially the NYPD, actively recruits veterans because they have a special place in their hearts for those who have served. Additionally, they respect their training and talents, and believe that veterans will bring with them their own managerial experience. Additional benefits available to military veterans include: During the first two years, veterans are eligible to receive benefits under the GI Bill in addition to their pay.  Scores from the Police Officer Exam are retained on file indefinitely.  Veterans have six months from the time they leave the U.S. Armed Forces to begin the hiring process.  Veterans may increase their maximum hiring age by four years or by six years if they served in a time of war or other national disaster. This is only applicable to veterans under 40.  Three years of their military service may be redeemed by veterans and utilized toward their retirement from the NYPD.  Furthermore, in addition to their vacation time, active reservist officers are entitled to 30 paid military days annually. Work Hours Police officers rarely work regular 9–5 shifts. Their work schedule may be more erratic.  For instance, a police officer might work late into the night or early in the morning so they can spend the day with their family.  Besides, some firms provide their police officers with a weekly three-day weekend in exchange for four 10-hour workdays. Job Security This is probably one of the most important things that you need to know about. Indeed states that “this career has a 7% projected growth rate, which is about as fast as the average for other careers. If you become a police officer, you're likely to find employment in both rural and urban areas.” Community Additionally, a police officer's actions might affect the community they serve. They seek to lower crime rates while defending the area or the community as a whole. Furthermore, a police officer can prevent criminal activity in the community by apprehending individuals and overseeing investigations. How to Become a Police Officer in 2024? So, if you are happy with what you have learned about the salary of police officers, it is time to learn how to become one. It is 2024 and, obviously, the steps have changed a little. Here are the things that you will have to go through to become a police officer in 2024: 1. Complete Education Firstly, you must have completed at least your high school education or earned a GED in order to apply to the police academy and seek a career as a police officer. Besides, it is occasionally necessary for police officers to have an associate's or bachelor's degree in a relevant discipline, such as criminal justice. This criterion might be waived for those having a military background. 2. Other Requirements Secondly, to work as a police officer, you might need to fulfill additional prerequisites. Among them are:  It's possible that you must be at least 18 or 21 years old.  You must possess a current driver's license and a spotless driving record because your position may require you to operate a police car.  Passing a criminal background check and a medical and physical examination are also required.  To make sure you can act and react appropriately under pressure, you must pass a psychological test. 3. Pass Law Enforcement Exam Thirdly, becoming a police officer may also mean passing a law enforcement test. These tests frequently consist of the following:  A written exam that includes multiple-choice, short essay, and true/false questions will assess your understanding of the position.  These could assess your knowledge of math, grammar, reading comprehension, reasoning, and decision-making in real-world situations.  Your general presentation and communication skills will be tested in an oral exam, which could include an interview.  You can also be asked to compose an essay to assess your logical reasoning, clear thought expression, and ability to cite relevant information to back up your assertions. 4. Police Academy Training Fourthy, the police academy is a prerequisite for becoming a police officer. The following will be covered in your training: Instruction in the classroom: This will give a comprehensive overview of law enforcement, covering techniques for conducting criminal investigations, laws and regulations, methods for making arrests and holding people, and strategies for public safety and police in general. Developing your abilities: You will hone abilities including communication, negotiation, and stress management during your course.  Field training: This will cover administrative responsibilities, firearm safety, defence strategies, vehicle operation, appropriate use of force, and handling hazardous materials. 5. Apply for Jobs. Lastly, you can start applying for positions as a police officer once you've finished your schooling, passed your law enforcement exam, and undergone police academy training.  Other job options are available to you, such as investigator, K-9 representative, sheriff and her deputy, officer of the state police, and officer of the highway patrol. Wrapping It Up! In case you wanted to know how much police officers make, I hope that this blog has been helpful to you. If there are any other questions that you might have related to the same, please feel free to let me know. All that you need to do is scroll down until you reach the bottom of the page. Then, leave your comments in the box below. I will be there to answer them all for you! Additional Reading: Tips for Hiring a Private Investigator to Prove Infidelity Want To Become A Detective? Here’s What You Should Do! 51 Blue Collar Jobs/Career Options to Pursue If You Get Laid Off From Big Tech In 2024

job interview

Red flags of a job interview: 8 reasons to turn down an offer

Changes are exciting, but they also fill us with doubts. Do you know an old English proverb, "better the devil you know than the one you don't know"? Many will argue with it, as knowing any bad information on anything is more of a repulsive factor than a reassuring one, but still, going into a new work environment is scary. What if the reality is different from what you've been told in a job interview? Does logic drive your decisions, or are you just following your emotions? Will your life improve after accepting the offer? Changing jobs is stressful enough for any employee, especially if it is done more because of the external circumstances, but it may sometimes provoke regretful thoughts after getting to work. This happens mostly because the hiring managers often describe the work environment better than it really is to create fake impressions and help the candidate 'swallow the bait.' Do you want to see the company as it is and be able to detect the so-called 'red flags' from the very beginning? If your answer is 'yes,' this article is just what you need! 8 Prime Reasons For Job interview Red Flags 1. Inaccuracy and hesitation Let's start from the most logical part: we all seek clear and honest answers while asking about the corporate values and important job conditions. If the hiring manager tries to avoid the direct answer to your questions, gets defensive, stammers, or even hesitates, it might be a sign that something is fishy 2. No consistency between the interviewers The best way to detect red flags in any recruitment process is to ask different employees the same questions. During your job search, you may be involved in a multi-leveled interview process, so this is the best way to double-check the facts the recruiters told you. No matter who you are speaking with, whether it is a top manager or a regular employee, asking similar questions at meetings with them is a great way to check if the answers coincide. If the main point of all the answers stays the same, but with different wording and perspective, it's even better, as it helps to build a complete picture of certain aspects of the company. But you have to be suspicious if the answers cardinally differentiate from one or the other or are directly contradictory. For example, the recruiter says they are seeking someone who could integrate a words to pages converter tool like this into a corporate site. Still, the team lead mentions that you should also create it from scratch, run all the tests yourself and integrate it. It seems to be a far bigger job than you expected, right? Or just the lack of understanding and communication between employees. 3. Completely altered information from what you saw in the job description If you find out that the conditions and your functions as an employee are different from what you saw in a job description before sending a CV, it is also a good indicator of something being wrong in the company. Sometimes the hiring team tends to embellish the real work conditions to attract more specialists. Still, if the interview points out that the real expectations differ from the description, it is confusing and shows the company's lack of professionalism. Who knows, maybe the salary here is also not that high, and the collective turns out to be problematic. 4. The selection progress takes an eternity No matter the reason, slow and time-consuming selection processes are signs of faulty organization. If the final decision requires too much time or the number of job interviews knows no end, you might have a thought or two about the adequacy of the company's scheduling or requirements. A healthy recruitment process should never take longer than a few months. 4-5 interview sessions are more than enough to learn about the candidate's skills and helpful personality traits, but exceptions also happen. You Consider Going Through Some High Paying Energy Jobs We've Sorted. 5. Constant rescheduling of the meetings Let's get things straight: we are no robots, and changing plans is fine in some serious unplanned circumstances. Having a rescheduled job interview is fine, but it gets really suspicious if the recruiter changes the date several times in a row. Accepting an offer from a company with a poor organization may lead to neglecting a new employee's time and needs further on. It is way better to spend more time searching for a more organized team and getting all the necessary work-life balance. 6. Poor or toxic internal relationship If some of the interviews in the selection process involve people from different departments, observing their interactions with each other may be helpful to see the overall atmosphere in the company. Any signs of criticism, arguments, repulsive non-verbal language, or out-of-place cruel remarks may be a sign of tension or toxicity between colleagues, so if you value friendliness and positivity, it may not be the collective you are looking for. 7. Any signs of discriminative behavior These are the easiest to detect. If you detect unnecessary, discriminatory questions or mentions of sensitive topics like religion, gender identity, race, etc., it shows that discrimination is regular for this company. It is not only offensive for you as a specialist but may also be uncomfortable for you to survive in a collective like this. Remember: you spend most of your adult life at work, so it must not harm your psychological well-being, even with a high salary rate offered. 8. Your personal feelings and comfort Professional Job interviews involve a conversation between any amount of people where they try to know more about each other and the environment that surrounds them through both verbal and non-verbal signs. Suppose you feel uncomfortable in the process for whatever reason (it may be the recruiter's questions, gestures or personality, the room you are in, future work conditions, or even a reason you haven't figured out yourself). In that case, it is also a legit factor for you to move on and find yourself in a more appealing position. Of course, if some of you have had a rough day and could not connect or have a decent conversation with the recruitment team or any other employee once, it is not the reason to cross the company out of the list. Still, if you feel out of place all the time, you have the right to move on and look for professional happiness elsewhere. Additionals: Clicka Jobs USA – Why It Is Making Headlines?Part Time Job To Consider In Singapore During Covid-19How to Get a Job as a Pharmaceutical Sales Representative9 Best Entry Level Marketing Jobs When Starting Your Career