How Many Jobs Are Available In Major Pharmaceuticals?

Published on: 08 November 2022 Last Updated on: 10 November 2022
how many jobs are available in major pharmaceuticals

If you want to know how many jobs are available in major pharmaceuticals, the answer is many. majoring in pharmaceuticals is a good career path for medical students. Making medicines to treat and cure diseases is a necessity for survival Why the field of pharmaceuticals is one of the most important in the world.

Getting a job in this sector means that you will be able to help humanity combat the reasons for death. You will be able to create drastic changes in people’s lives and help them lead happier lives. It’s a prestigious opportunity that a medical student should never miss out on.

But how great is it for you to make a career in this field?  Let’s find out!

How Many Jobs Are Available In Major Pharmaceuticals?

If you ask how many jobs are available in major pharmaceuticals, then there are many jobs available in this sector. Some of the highest-paying major pharmaceutical jobs in this sector are:

1. Pharmacologist

Average Annual Salary (USA): $83,000

The job of a pharmacologist is to create new medicines for people. Without new medicines to combat the effects of various diseases, many lives will be lost. Therefore, creating new medicines is a must for the pharmaceuticals department.

However, being a pharmacologist requires you to achieve a high-level degree and a lot of experience too. Therefore, it takes work being a pharmacologist. You also need to do a lot of research. It’s not easy, but the opportunities and pay are great.

2. Clinical Research Manager

Average Annual Salary (USA): $92,000

Clinical Research Manager

Clinical research is one of the most important tasks in the pharmaceutical industry. Working in tandem with pharmacologists, the job of a clinical research manager is to oversee various clinical research processes.

As a clinical research manager, you must ensure that the research program goes as smoothly as possible. Like the job above, you need a high-level medical degree and in-depth knowledge of the research being conducted. In addition, you need to oversee a lot of work and get paid handsomely for that.

3. Medical Writer

Average Annual Salary (USA): $100,000

Medical Writer

Writing about various developments in the field of pharmaceuticals is an important task. Doing so will further enhance and progress the research processes of various pharmaceutical firms. Therefore, the job of a medical writer is to write about every major development made in pharmaceutical research.

To get this job, you need a high-level medical degree and a vast knowledge of pharmaceutical research. In addition, you need to be good with your language of choice since you need to be a good writer as well.

4. Clinical Research Coordinator

Average Annual Salary (US): $55,000

Clinical Research Coordinator

As a clinical research coordinator, your job is to manage the various daily requirements of ongoing research. Therefore, you will not directly take part in the study a little. However, you need to have proper knowledge of the research being conducted so that you can manage it better. 

While lower in position than a Clinical Research Manager, your task is to ensure that all daily research gets recorded. In addition, you need to ensure that proper communication is set up between all the departments involved in research. Also, you have to report all daily findings to the Clinical Research Manager.

5. Clinical Research Associate

Average Annual Salary (US): $60,000

Clinical Research Associate

Your job as a clinical research associate is to assist more experienced pharmaceutical researchers. You will be helping them with all their research work. Therefore, this job is more of an entry-level job as a research assistant. 

This will be a very good job for you after you complete your post-graduate studies. You will see that many clinical research associates are just bachelor’s degree holders. Here, you will be required to take part in clinical trials.

6. Drug Safety Scientist

Average Annual Salary (US): $100,000

Drug Safety Scientist

Sometimes, drugs can have various side effects on humans after we consume them. Even if they are made for treating diseases, they can lead to various detrimental side effects if precautions remain unseen.

Therefore, a drug safety scientist is required to ensure that the effects of drugs in production are safe. Working alongside a pharmacoepidemiologist, you oversee the side effects of various medicines and figure out their causes.

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7. Microbiologist

Average Annual Salary (US): $55,000

Bacteria and other forms of microorganisms are some of the leading causes of various diseases in us humans. Therefore, researching these microorganisms as a microbiologist is important in modern pharmaceutical studies.

This is because having more knowledge of them will make it easier for medical researchers and pharmacologists to create antibiotics. In addition, having more antibiotics of various kinds will make it easier for us to stay safe from microbial diseases.

8. Quality Assurance Technician

Average Annual Salary (US): $38,000

Quality Assurance Technician

As a quality assurance manager, you must ensure that all the medicines are manufactured without any defects. This is an essential job since defective medicines can do more harm than good to people consuming them. Therefore, a quality assurance manager is a pretty important post in the field of pharmaceuticals.

Here, you will be tasked with overseeing the manufacturing process of medicines to ensure that no defects can take place. This is another entry-level job that you can apply for after graduation. Have a look at what companies are in the consumer services field if you are interested in this job.

9. Toxicologist

Average Annual Salary (US): $75,000


Understanding what causes various diseases in humans is a very important task. If you do not understand what causes diseases, how will you make medicines to treat their effects?

As a toxicologist, you will be researching various samples from patients. This includes blood samples, tissue samples, and various other samples. Finding out the root cause of diseases is the essential first step to creating medicines to prevent and treat them.

10. Pharmacoepidemiologist

Average Annual Salary (US): $78,000


While it’s important to do research to create various medicines for the population, its after-effects can vary. Some drugs can perform well in the market, being effective in the treatment of various diseases. However, many new drugs have been known to cause a lot of health issues and side effects.

Therefore, to measure the efficacy of new medicine in the market, a pharmacoepidemiologist must record its effects on people. Their job is to identify various side effects and report them to firms that have created those medicines.

If you are interested in this job, read this post related to whether is marine transportation a good career path?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

The answers to various questions related to how many jobs are available in major pharmaceuticals are:

Q1. How Many People Are In The Pharmaceutical Industry?

Currently, more than 4 million people are working in major pharmaceuticals. Out of this, 50,000 are from the USA alone.

Q2. What Is The Pharma Capital Of The World?

Many consider Hyderabad, India, to be the pharma capital of the world. This is because many pharmaceutical companies exist in the city, especially various production and research centers. 

Q3. What Is The Biggest Challenge Facing The Pharmaceutical Industry Today?

Due to the Covid pandemic slowing down production, a declining supply chain is one of the major issues plaguing the major pharmaceuticals industry.

Q4. How Big Is The Major Pharmaceuticals Industry?

Currently, the major pharmaceutical industry in the US is worth $430 billion. Out of this, $305 billion is generated from domestic sources.


If you wish to build your career as a medical student, the major pharmaceutical industry will be a great choice. This is the reason why you should know how many jobs are available in major pharmaceuticals.

There are many jobs in major pharmaceuticals, most of which are pretty high partying also. This includes various positions like that of a pharmacologist, clinical research manager, toxicologist, pharmacoepidemiologist, and lots more.
To learn about job opportunities in various fields, leave a comment below about which industry you would like to know about next. Also, remember to check the other posts here at Content Rally!

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Debamalya is a professional content writer from Kolkata, India. Constantly improving himself in this industry for more than three years, he has amassed immense knowledge regarding his niches of writing tech and gaming articles. He loves spending time with his cats, along with playing every new PC action game as soon as possible.

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Ideal Jobs for Gap Year Travellers

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Embarking on the medical journey is akin to setting sail on an adventurous odyssey. Spanning between seven and 15 years, physician training is a formidable yet exhilarating commitment. The education landscape constantly evolves to synchronize with the latest medical breakthroughs, emerging public health challenges, and the dynamic needs of communities. As future physicians dive into the labyrinth of USMLE Step 1 preparation, it's more than a test they are gearing up for – it's a rite of passage, a bridge to the evolving landscape of healthcare. It's a chapter in a narrative that started with a passion for healing and is destined to unfold into a saga of medical excellence. The challenges are embraced, the excitement acknowledged, and the realization that this journey is not just about becoming a doctor but about evolving into a guardian of health. The curtain rises on this captivating act, and the future physicians stand ready, appreciative of the demanding but exhilarating path that lies ahead. At the heart of this transformative journey are medical schools and teaching hospitals, hives of innovation where future physicians immerse themselves in cutting-edge learning. It's a journey sculpted not only by rigorous academic pursuits but also by the ever-expanding horizons of medical knowledge. From the intricacies of groundbreaking research to the pressing demands of public health, every facet is meticulously woven into the fabric of physician education. Enter the stage of exams – a series of checkpoints demanding diligence and determination. Foremost among them is the USMLE Step 1, a pivotal milestone that gauges not just knowledge but the adaptability essential for a dynamic healthcare system. The preparation is an intensive undertaking, a convergence of dedicated study hours, practice tests, and a profound appreciation for the vast expanse of medical science. Importance Of USMLE Step 1 The USMLE Step 1 is a pivotal milestone in the journey of medical professionals, holding profound importance in shaping their careers. This exam serves as a critical assessment of a candidate's foundational medical knowledge, testing their grasp of basic sciences and their ability to apply principles in clinical contexts. The Step 1 score plays a crucial role in residency program applications, often influencing the selection process significantly. A strong performance not only opens doors to prestigious specialties but also reflects a candidate's preparedness for the challenges of clinical practice. Beyond its immediate impact on residency opportunities, the Step 1 score can influence career paths, research opportunities, and even international practice. It stands as a testament to a candidate's commitment to excellence, making success in this examination a cornerstone for a successful and fulfilling medical career. Everything About Step 1 USMLE Exam Embarking on the USMLE Step 1 journey is a significant milestone for medical professionals. As a pivotal examination that assesses a candidate's foundational medical knowledge, here are eight crucial aspects you must grasp to navigate this challenging yet transformative experience. Exam Format The USMLE Step 1 is a computer-based test administered over a single day, typically lasting around eight hours. It consists of seven 60-minute blocks, each containing 40 questions. The total number of questions can vary, but it usually ranges between 280 and 300. Question Types Questions in Step 1 can be categorized into multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and matching questions. The majority are single-best answer MCQs, where you select the most appropriate response from the choices provided. Some questions may involve interpreting graphs, charts, or images, and testing your ability to integrate information. Content Overview The exam primarily assesses your understanding of basic science concepts and their application in clinical scenarios. Major content areas include anatomy, biochemistry, pathology, pharmacology, behavioral sciences, microbiology, immunology, and physiology. It's crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of these subjects to excel in Step 1. Integrated Clinical Vignettes Many questions are presented in the form of clinical vignettes, requiring you to apply your knowledge in realistic patient scenarios. This integration of basic science principles with clinical context reflects the exam's emphasis on evaluating your ability to think critically and make sound clinical decisions. Score Reporting Starting from January 2022, there has been a significant change in the reporting of USMLE Step 1 scores. The traditional numeric score system, along with the pass/fail outcome, has transitioned exclusively to a pass/fail model. This shift reflects a departure from the previous practice of assigning three-digit scores. As a consequence, candidates will now receive a simple pass or fail designation on their Step 1 results. Test-takers can anticipate receiving their scores approximately four weeks from the date of their Step 1 examination. This modification in the scoring and reporting mechanism aligns with the evolving standards and preferences in medical education, offering a streamlined and simplified approach to evaluating candidates' performance on this critical examination. Dedicated Preparation Time Successful preparation for Step 1 often requires several months of dedicated study. Many candidates allocate a significant portion of their preclinical years to build a strong foundation, followed by an intensive dedicated study period closer to the exam date. Establishing a well-structured study plan is essential for efficient and effective preparation. Use Of External Resources Many candidates supplement their medical school curriculum with external resources to reinforce their understanding and prepare for Step 1. Popular resources include review books, question banks, flashcards, and online forums. UWorld, First Aid, Pathoma, and SketchyMedical are commonly utilized tools in this endeavor. Test-Taking Strategies Developing effective test-taking strategies is crucial for success. Practice exams, time management, and simulated test conditions can enhance your ability to navigate the exam day with confidence. Familiarize yourself with the test interface, and practice pacing to ensure you allocate your time wisely across the various sections. Conclusion: The USMLE Step 1 is more than just an exam; it's a gateway to the next phase of your medical career. Understanding its format, content, and the strategic approach required is essential. A well-rounded preparation, complemented by a solid grasp of foundational medical concepts, will not only lead to success on this examination but also set the stage for your future success in clinical practice and specialized training. Read Also: How To Foster A Growth Mindset For Continuous Learning And Improvement 4 Lessons Content Marketers Can Learn from E-learning Courses 5 Advantages of Online Learning in Germany

Is Telecommunications Equipment a good career path

Is Telecommunications Equipment A Good Career Path In 2023?

Is Telecommunications Equipment a good career path in 2023? How many jobs are available in telecommunications equipment? What are the best paying jobs in telecommunications equipment? Let’s discuss these queries in detail.  The telecom industry is booming. Its global revenue is expected to reach 1.5 trillion by 2022. According to financial experts, new technologies such as 5G connectivity, augmented reality, and the Internet of Things will play a key role in its development.  Those millennials who are looking to switch jobs or start their career can consider telecommunications equipment as their profession. The equipment that is shaping the telecommunication industry is mobile and wireless technologies.  Telecommunications Equipment - What You Need To Know? Telecom equipment technician setup installs, rearrange, or removes routing, distribution, switching, and dialing equipment used in headends and central offices. These technicians receive on-the-job training that usually lasts a few months or weeks. The precise tasks of telecom technicians alter with their work and specialization. Several telecom technicians work with diagnostic equipment, specialized hardware, and computers. The demand for customer service representatives, telecom equipment installers, and engineering specialists is slowly rising, and this is going to rise in the future too.  Job Description Of Telecommunications Technicians Telecommunications engineers are generally responsible for the following tasks: Installing telecommunications equipment and appliances. Maintaining, testing, and erecting aerial and background wires and cables. Joining cables and sealing sheaths  Installing cabling for internet transmission, radio, and telephone  Adjusting and testing electronic equipment  Attaching cables and wires to appliances Locating faults in telecommunications equipment using ammeters, voltmeters, and ohmmeters  Examining work areas, specifications, drawings to determine connections and positioning.  Is Telecommunications Equipment A Good Career Path? The answer to this question is an absolute Yes. Telecom technicians typically want postsecondary education in computer networking, telecommunications, and electronics. You will get a chance to work with experienced technicians and enhance their work skills to a great extent. Telecom technicians perform the role of upgrading and maintaining companies and evaluate customers’ needs, and download telecommunication systems that fulfill those needs. Besides, some skills and qualities that can be useful for telecommunication technicians include physical strength, communication skills, and attention to detail. Entering this field usually requires a certificate relating to Telecommunication Technology or a diploma. How Many Jobs Are Available In Telecommunications Equipment? There are more than 10000 jobs available in the telecommunications equipment industry. However, this number can rise in the future, and the job role and duties in each sector vary to a great extent. Now, let’s not make you wait any further; here are the best paying jobs in the telecommunications equipment industry. i). Telecommunications Specialist You can work as a Telecommunications Specialist if you are accustomed to all types of telecommunication systems and networks. The day-to-day duties include managing policies and procedures, implementing innovative networking solutions, troubleshooting potential issues, securing computer systems, etc.  Depending on your skills and expertise, you can earn an average of $55,000 per year as a telecom specialist. They develop and implement communication networks and provide technical suggestions. ii). Data Analysts & Scientist Analysts Another best paying job in the Telecommunications equipment sector is Data Analysts & Scientist Analysts. According to the reports, the accumulated volume of data will reach 5.2 zettabytes by 2025, and the information needs to be analyzed and sorted out.  So, you need a bachelor’s or master’s degree in business intelligence, computer science, or mathematics for this role.  iii). Telecom Project Managers If you are interested in Telecom Project Managers then you need to have a broad range of skills. This can include staying up to date with all the trends, managing time efficiently, being good communicators, etc. The key responsibilities in this sector include implementing network security policies, ensuring timely installations, making adjustments when required, directing specific projects, developing personnel policies, etc.  iv). Equipment Installers & Repairer You can also consider Equipment Installers & Repairers as a career path in the telecommunications equipment industry. These are also called Telecommunications Technicians and handles telecom equipment repair and maintenance. Besides, post-secondary education in electronics and computer science is favored. Workers are urged to attend technical workshops.  v). Telecommunications Engineers Now, comes the most popular field in Telecommunications Equipment, i.e., Telecommunications Engineers. The more experience you gain in this sector, the higher your salary will be Here, you need to interact with technicians, customers, and co-workers. At the same time, you need to have excellent communication skills, analytical capabilities, and advanced math skills. The Final Verdict Is Telecommunications Equipment a good career path in 2021? Now, you know why the telecommunication industry is high in demand and how you can benefit from the same. Choosing this career path can be the best decision that you can take for your career. Besides, let us know your thoughts in the comment section below! Read Also: How Many Jobs Are Available In Precious Metals? How Many Jobs Are Available In Other Consumer Services? How Many Jobs Are Available In Real Estate Investment Trusts?