Best Paying Jobs In Consumer Non-Durables

Published on: 21 November 2022 Last Updated on: 26 November 2022
best paying jobs in consumer non-durables

Are you looking for a job in the consumer non-durables industry? This industry is booming with new firms, which all have different products to sell. Since non-durables are always in demand, it’s essential to learn what are the best paying jobs in consumer non-durables industry.

To learn about which jobs to pursue in this industry, read this guide below.

Is Consumer Non-Durables A Good Career Path?

Yes, getting some of the best paying jobs in consumer non-durables industry will make your career pretty bright. This is because most firms in this industry give several employee benefits and perks that are of great use. In addition, this industry will never go out of business since consumer non-durable products will always be in demand.

Best Paying Jobs In Consumer Non-Durables

Some of the best paying jobs in consumer non-durables that you can pursue from now on are:

1. Quality Assurance Manager

Annual Average Salary In The USA: $120,000

Quality Assurance Manager

To get more sales and help your business earn more, all your products need to be of the best quality. Therefore, to ensure that the production cycle has no defects in them, a Quality Assurance Manager is required. If you get this job, you will need to oversee the production process and ensure that high-quality goods are created.

To get this job, higher degrees are required, like an MBA. Additional skills need you to be inventive and have a keen eye for detail. This is required to identify any faults in the production process and also come up with new means of improvement.

2. Human Resource Manager

Annual Average Salary In The USA: $110,000

It’s common knowledge that no business can be run by only one person. You need a team (or teams) of professionals to ensure that work gets done. Otherwise, no products or services will be generated, and no sales and revenues will be earned as well. Therefore, to organize and manage them all, businesses require a Human Resource Manager.

As an HR manager, you need to recruit new professionals, train them in their jobs, and keep them onboard. You decide their salaries and wages, along with what company policies they need to follow as per Federal regulations.

3. Information Security Analyst

Annual Average Salary In The USA: $95,000

As an Information Security Analyst, you need to keep all computers and connected networks running efficiently. This is more useful for bigger businesses where every employee has their own workspace and computer, connected to a singular network.

The importance of this job has increased since the advancements of computers and the internet, hacking has become easier. To protect the data of the business and all its employees safely, IT security analysts should be on board.

You need a good degree in computer-related fields, especially in data security. This is a tough job to get since you will face stiff competition here.

4. Food And Beverages Manager

Annual Average Salary In The USA: $90,000

In the food and beverages industry, ensuring that your employees get the best food for lunch is key to helping them work better. After all, an employee with an empty tummy is often the worsts one!

A Food And Beverages Manager ensures that cafeteria services provided by your firm for employees are healthy and tasty. Taking care of the health of employees is essential here. This is because they are the workforce of the business that helps in earning revenue. This is one of the best paying jobs in consumer non-durables industry.

5. Financial Analyst

Annual Average Salary In The USA: $85,000

Financial Analyst

Calculating your sales and revenue earned is necessary to analyze your financial standings at the end of a fiscal year. In addition, businesses also need to calculate what their total expenses are and how much it costs to run the business. These calculations are all done by the Financial Analyst of the company.

Apart from calculating expenses and revenues, a financial report will give key insights into what’s performing well on the market. Looking at your reports, the directors will be able to make better decisions as to spend more on production or marketing to earn more.

To get such a job, you need to have a good accountancy-related degree. An MBA will also do for higher, strategic positions.

6. Chemical Engineer

Annual Average Salary In The USA: $80,000

Chemical Engineer

In the production of chemical; based goods, having a Chemical Engineer on board is necessary. This is essential for firms in the pharmaceuticals and energy industries. Your job as a Chemical Engineer is to ensure that the right materials are used in the production process.

You need to have a good degree, like a Major in Physics or Chemistry, for this job. In addition, you must be updated with all the latest trends related to the production of good and their uses.

7. Medical Sales Representative

Annual Average Salary In The USA: $80,000

Medical Sales Representative

Pharmaceutical companies are in need of Medical Sales Representatives to ensure that their products are sold in bulk. In this industry, retailers and wholesalers will not directly come and buy your products. First, you need to influence them with your marketing tactics to buy your medicines.

Therefore, you need excellent communication and marketing skills to be a Medical Sales Representative. In addition, you also need good knowledge regarding the medicines you are selling to make the best pitch to clients. This is one of the best paying jobs in consumer non-durables industry.

8. Digital Designer

Annual Average Salary In The USA: $72,000

Digital Designer

Marketing your products is essential in the consumer non-durables industry. Therefore, you need someone to digitally design the products and their packaging elements first to pitch in design ideas to the directors. This creative task is handled by the Digital Designer of the firm.

To become a successful Digital Designer, you need to have excellent digital designing skills in 3D modeling products. For this, you need proper knowledge of the products manufactured, your branding strategies, and the latest design trends. Additionally, you need a strong portfolio of digital designs to show HR before you get the job.

9. Restaurant General Manager

Annual Average Salary In The USA: $70,000

Restaurant General Manager

If you want a job in the hospitality sector of the non-durables industry, then you can aim to become a Restaurant General Manager. Here, your role will be to manage a restaurant, from managing its cooks and waiters to providing the best service to diners.

Satisfying the needs of all customers is essential. Therefore, you must oversee the process pf cooking and presenting the dishes. In addition, you also need to deal with customer requests and grievances to better your services.

A hotel management degree quill suffix to get this job.

10. Creative Director

Annual Average Salary In The USA: $140,000

Creative Director

No matter what non-durable product you are selling, it needs to be made first. Therefore, why not build new ideas to develop new products for your company? As a Creative Director, you will be responsible for the creation of the product, along with managing its sales processes.

For this role, a higher degree in business management is required, like an MBA. In addition, you also need some core skills like great communication, in addition to perfect management and organizational skills. As a Director, you will be responsible for managing a team that creates new products according to market trends and consumer demands.

Read More: How To Move Your Career In Social Media Marketing Up A Gear?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Answers to questions related to the best paying jobs in consumer non-durables industry are:

Q1. What Careers Have A Lot Of Free Time?

Some of the best careers with a lot of free time are:


Q2. What Is A Low-Stress High-Paying Job?

Some of the best low-stress high-paying jobs are:

Political Scientist

Q3. How Fun Are High-Paying Jobs?

It’s a general rule of thumb that the higher your job pays, the less fun it will be. This is because you will need to work more and earn more, with very little time to socialize.


There are various best paying jobs in consumer non-durables industry. These range from being a digital designer to a financial analyst and even the creative director of a firm to oversee the production process. 
Why don’t you comment on which job you are interested in? Also, read more such guides here at Content Rally!

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Debamalya is a professional content writer from Kolkata, India. Constantly improving himself in this industry for more than three years, he has amassed immense knowledge regarding his niches of writing tech and gaming articles. He loves spending time with his cats, along with playing every new PC action game as soon as possible.

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Working Abroad

Great Benefits Of Working Abroad

Embarking on an international work assignment presents an exciting opportunity to expand your professional horizons, enrich your life experiences, and foster personal growth. Working abroad is not just a career move; it’s an adventure that can lead to a wealth of benefits.  With this and many more, we have curated this article that tells you all about working ahead. Stay tuned as we delve into the multifaceted advantages of taking your career to the global stage. Getting Started With Moving Abroad For Work When you decide to take your career international, you’re not just changing locations; you’re stepping into a realm filled with new challenges, perspectives, and possibilities. This transition enables professionals to push the boundaries of their comfort zones, embracing the unknown and learning to navigate diverse cultural landscapes. It’s an invaluable chance to gain a global perspective, enhancing your ability to think critically and solve problems from a holistic viewpoint. Working abroad exposes you to different business practices, management styles, and corporate cultures, providing a unique learning environment that can significantly sharpen your professional acumen. It offers a platform to showcase your adaptability, resourcefulness, and resilience – traits that are highly prized in today’s ever-evolving job market. Top Benefits Some of the benefits you can expect from an international experience are: 1. Professional Growth: Delving into the diverse terrains of international markets and business practices through working abroad serves as a catalyst for significant enhancement in your professional aptitude and expertise. It gifts you a global vantage point, invaluable in navigating today’s highly interconnected professional landscape, and cultivates a comprehensive understanding of varied business methodologies. 2. Networking Opportunities: The international work arena opens doors to an expanse of networking possibilities, enabling you to forge connections with professionals spanning different corners of the globe. These relationships become integral assets, potentially unlocking doors to future career advancements, collaborations, and insights into global trends. Networking with people from all across the world truely gives you a heads up for your career.  3. Cultural Exposure: Immersing yourself in a new country transcends the ordinary, offering a once-in-a-lifetime chance to dive deep into unfamiliar customs, traditions, and societal norms. This exposure significantly widens your cultural horizon, enriching your life with diverse perspectives and understanding. And let’s admit it, who doesn’t enjoy a bit of popularity?  4. Personal Development: Navigating the challenges of adapting to an entirely new environment cultivates a robust sense of resilience, fosters a newfound sense of independence, and hones your problem-solving skills. It’s a transformative journey that propels you towards self-discovery and substantial personal growth. When it comes to moving abroad, both good and bad experiences develop your personality significantly.  5. Increased Adaptability: The experience of integrating into a different cultural milieu inherently cultivates an enhanced level of flexibility and a capacity to gracefully adapt to fluctuating circumstances and unfamiliar situations, skills that are indispensable in both your personal life and professional career. Moving out of your comfort zone eventually teaches you a lot about adaptability. So, you don’t have anything to worry about! 6. Get Global Perspective: Acquiring a deep understanding of the nuances of international markets and the intricacies of global issues stands as a highly prized asset in the contemporary world. Working abroad is undeniably one of the most effective strategies to cultivate this global perspective. 7. More Quality of Life: The geographical shift often brings with it potential enhancements in your quality of life. This could manifest in a more balanced work-life dynamic, a more serene and relaxed daily lifestyle, or even access to superior healthcare and educational facilities, depending on your destination country. 8. Enhanced Resume: A stint of international work experience is a remarkable addition to your professional portfolio. This thereby illustrates your capability to thrive in diverse environments and collaborate effectively with individuals from various cultural backgrounds. At the time of any job recruitment, you have a higher chance of selection when the recruiter looks at your diverse, thriving regions.  9. Access to International Resources: Being stationed in a foreign country can provide unparalleled access to unique resources and specialized knowledge. Some of them might be scarce or completely unavailable in your home country, further broadening your professional and personal horizons.  So, make sure to consider this factor once before you move out of your hometown. Because trust me, international resources can heighten your skills significantly! 10. Learning More About Yourself: The adventure of working abroad serves as a mirror, reflecting profound insights about your own values, beliefs, and personal capabilities. It encourages a journey inward, promoting introspective thought and catalyzing a process of continuous personal development and self-realization. Summing It All…  Embarking on a journey to work abroad brings with it a treasure trove of advantages. It ultimately presents numerous avenues for both personal development and career advancement. Moreover, it affords individuals the unique opportunity to fully immerse themselves in entirely new and diverse cultures. Thereby providing a holistic global perspective that is invaluable in today’s interconnected world. This immersion in different ways of life not only broadens one’s horizons but also nurtures essential skills. A few of them are adaptability, open-mindedness, and the ability to communicate effectively in varied multicultural environments. Working internationally, particularly for a US-based company or directly with the US government, presents a unique set of circumstances. Both necessitate careful consideration and preparation. Conclusion It’s imperative to ensure that you are fully covered and entitled to all the necessary benefits. Furthermore, they will facilitate a smooth and enjoyable experience while living and working abroad. This includes having a comprehensive understanding of your legal rights and entitlements as an overseas employee. In such cases, seeking guidance from a DBA (Defense Base Act) employment lawyer can prove to be invaluable. These legal professionals specialize in navigating the complexities of working under US jurisdiction in foreign territories. Thereby ensuring that you are well-informed and adequately prepared for your international assignment. They can provide crucial advice as well as assistance. It ultimately helps to demystify the legal landscape and ensure that you are fully aware of your rights and entitlements. Read Also: Living In Kuwait: A Guide For Indians Planning To Work Abroad Everything You Need To Know About A Post Office And Its Services How Do You Absorb a Foreign Culture? Live and Work There

Is Investment Managers A Good Career Path

Is Investment Managers A Good Career Path In 2021?

Is Investment Managers A Good Career Path in 2021? How many jobs are available for investment managers? What are the best paying jobs for investment managers? Let’s proceed to discuss the above-listed queries in detail. Actually, investment managers give advice to companies and people on what to do with their money. The best part about this career path is that the field is varied, and you have all options available in your hand. In finance, investment managers are paid high from the beginning. Moreover, those who are talented and qualified can get more opportunities in the long run. In the United States and also other popular countries, the investment manager is like a room full of rewards. What Is Investment Management? Investment management is a field that specializes in providing investment advice to clients. Investment managers work with clients to meet their investment goals, and they develop a strategy to help them meet those goals. However, the requirements differ from person to person. They require an investment manager to take a unique approach to help them meet those goals and capabilities. Most investment management positions only require a Bachelor’s degree to apply, and this is regarded as one of the best opportunities for millennials who are looking for rewarding career options. Is Investment Managers A Good Career Path In 2021? The answer to this question is an absolute Yes. This is the best career path that you can consider in 2021. You get lots of career options and financial benefits after becoming an investment manager. To reduce your time and effort, we have listed several reasons why investment management is a rewarding career option. Let’s discuss the same in detail. 1. Investment Management Is Satisfying Investment managers solve all kinds of investment issues of clients. With each discovery, there is satisfaction and peace. I agree that you may not be right every time with every client. But at least you would gain some experience and be an expert in that particular field. 2. You Can Be Creative And Innovative As An Investment Manager Yes, it is true that you can become innovative and creative as an investment manager. Investment management offers you diverse fields to become more creative and innovative. Besides, as compared to similar investment-based career opportunities, working as an investment manager often requires less time. 3. The Hiring Outlook Is Bright There is no doubt that most industry analysts expect powerful employment growth in the investment management area. Moreover, employment in the investment field is expected to rise rapidly in the coming years. 4. Investment Management Is Fascinating Investment management is so fascinating as it gives companies and people advice on what to do with their money. It can happen that one day you are helping a company to build an app, or another day you are helping a fashion designer. 5. You Have Several Options Yes, as an investment manager, you have diverse options available in your hand. You can become a hedge fund manager, private equity associate, rating analyst, risk analyst, stockbroker, investment analyst, and much more. 6. Serving Your Community If you have an interest in serving your community, then investment managers can be a great career option. In addition, you can improve the quality of life in your local community by helping them as much as you can. 7. Career Stability Investment management is an industry that provides strong growth projections. There are many individuals who need investment advice, and by helping them, you are making your career stable in this domain. How Many Jobs Are Available For Investment Managers? There is no doubt that there is a wide range of jobs available for investment managers. There are more than five lakhs of jobs available in the investment management field, and you can pursue your career in the same. Now, let’s discuss some of the best paying jobs in investment managers that can interest you. 1. Hedge Fund Manager The hedge fund manager is one of the best fields that you can choose in 2021. They perform duties similar to investment bankers and must monitor the market to protect investors. This investing is rarely a career with typically full-time hours. 2. Financial Analyst Financial Analysts is also one of the great career paths in investment management. They help business stakeholders make informed business decisions about company finances. 3. Insurance Advisor These advisors help clients to find the most suitable insurance in order to meet both short and long-term insurance needs. They guide in making a perfect purchase decision. 4. Financial Advisor Financial advisors are actually professionals who help clients meet both short and long-term financial goals and lead them to services that make sense. They are the primary point of contact for customers. 5. Investment Banker If you have an interest in investment banking, then you can choose your career as an investment banker. Here, you need to manage the portfolios of government agencies and businesses that invest in a number of firms. The Final Thoughts I hope you have got an answer to your question “Is Investment Managers A Good Career Path In 2021?” and I have tried my best to explain the same to you in detail. The best-paying jobs in investment management can encourage you to consider your career path in this sector. Read Also: Is Finance Consumer Services A Good Career Path [Updated 2021] Is Commercial Banks A Good Career Path In 2021? Is Other Consumer Services A Good Career Path In 2021? Is Public Utilities A Good Career Path? - Top Utility Jobs Is Packaged Foods A Good Career Path In 2021? - A Detailed Guide Is Consumer Durables a Good Career Path In 2021? Is Energy A Good Career Path? - A Detailed Guide Is Photography A Good Career Path? 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Benefits that Employees Actually Look For

As company culture is changing across US workplaces, potential employees are being more choosy about the things they’re looking for from an employer. Employees needs are different today, and so are the benefits people are looking for. To attract top talent, you’ll want to offer a strong benefits package with benefits employees are actually looking for. Recruiters are working harder to find top talent by helping companies create more attractive benefits offerings. Benefits Offerings Should Change With the Times In a recent survey by GlassDoor, approximately 60% of those asked said they strongly consider benefits and perks before accepting a job offer. A full 80% said they would prefer better benefits over a bump in pay and feel valued when employers offer good benefits. Job seekers are looking for a robust benefits package, that includes at least some of these. Benefits that Employees Actually Look For: Flexible Work Schedule: This might mean the ability to work from home or adjust your work schedule on occasion. The goal is for employees to achieve a better work-life balance, especially those with children. Companies like Netflix are leading the industry in employee flexibility, giving workers autonomy to create a schedule that works for them, while still being productive. It may mean that parents of young children come in earlier than their co-workers and leave earlier to pick their kids up. This flexibility also allows for self-care and a sense of independence and helps companies attract and retain top talent. Good Health Benefits: Employees are not interested in bare-bones, fall down and break something insurance policies or those with high deductibles. More businesses are listening and offering more benefit-rich insurance, with the option for Flexible Spending Accounts or a wider variety of plans to choose from. Employers can also opt to cover a portion of employee’s coverage as a benefit. Health insurance may be the most expensive perk that you can offer employees, but it is one of the most important. Better Vacation Time: Employees want to be able to take time off as needed. Americans are notoriously bad at using vacation days and leave $224 billion dollars in vacation time behind annually. More companies are beginning to adopt open, or unlimited, vacation policies. This can be a win-win for both employers and workers, saving an average of $1,898 per employee annually. Companies save time and money by no longer having to track employee vacation or having to pay out unused vacation days. Employees benefit by taking days as they need them, delivering more flexibility and autonomy. It sends a message to employees that the company trusts them to make their own decisions, so long as their work is not affected. Other Perks: Things like paying for parking, offering tuition assistance or a free gym membership also rank high on the list for employees. Small gestures like free snacks go a long way with employees, making them feel valued. If you aren’t working hard to create meaningful personal connections with your employees, you are making a mistake. Showing genuine interest in them, and their families if applicable, goes a long way. By offering meaningful benefits for your employees, you’ll boost morale, and retain a better workforce. Read Also: Is Your Company Offering Enough To Potential Employees? 5 Major Tips To Increase Employee Engagement In A Call Centre Industry