5 Ways Technology Will Change the Hospitality Industry Post Covid-19 Pandemic

Published on: 06 November 2020 Last Updated on: 19 September 2023
Hospitality Industry

With the Covid-19 pandemic in the equation, the hotel industry is no longer the same. However, it’s here to stay, just as much as the pandemic might persist in the long haul. People will continue to travel, seek business accommodation from Northampton, dine, and hold business conferences, even as the pandemic rages.

With travel restrictions, lockdowns, and social distancing measures, the hotel industry has been hit hard by the effects of the pandemic. However, it’s only a case of being down but not out. Now is the time to prepare accordingly to equalize the damage caused by the pandemic and to prevent any possible future damage caused by the same or a different emergency.

By managing insurance policies and even conserving cash in the hospitality sector, the industry can acquire a comprehensive level of preparedness that can protect it, its team, and its customers in the long run.

How technology will transform the hotel industry post Covid-19

While focused on maintaining a business, the main priority of the hotel industry in this era is to protect guests and staff against the COVID-19 pandemic. With this on the table, the industry is keen on adopting cutting-edge technologies that can offer solutions without interfering with the underlying business prospects.

Across every industry, the pandemic has given birth to new norms. Mask wearing, hand-sanitizing, and social distancing have become universally accepted in all sectors including the hospitality industry. In addition to these, what more does the industry need to restore consumer confidence and revive its economy?

Across the globe, hotels have adopted scannable QR codes and contactless hotel-booking and check-in procedures instead of traditional tangible menus and catalogs. The hospitality industry can also take advantage of Google review QR code, so customers can easily rate their services online. Touchless payments, mobile room keys, in-app appointment booking, and orders have become the new norms.

With various types of technology in the offing to keep the economy rolling, the following are better placed and more relevant to the hospitality sector.

Compliance monitoring

Compliance protocols are gaining more priority as people try to remain relevant to the condition. For instance, the introduction of AI facial recognition engines with extra features to match the COVID-19 situation.

Such technologies have integrated mask-detection features that allow it to identify individuals even while wearing masks. This helps alert the management in real-time when someone accesses the premises without a mask or improperly wears one.

Another important component of compliance is thermal-camera integration. With social distancing procedures, temperature taking from a distance will become the norm going forward.

Location detection

Covid-19 pandemic has created a situation where people need to share real-time information. Some countries have already come up with location-detection apps, which passengers entering the country have to download immediately when they land at the airport.

Going forward, investing in location-sensitive apps and geofencing technology is becoming the new norm for travel brands. This will facilitate the acquisition and sharing of real-time information that can restore consumer confidence in the industry’s overall safety.

This practice will work especially for people who opt for road-trips to reinforce social distancing. For instance, hotels could install geofences that deliver push notifications to visitors within a certain radius. Importantly, the notifications could come with special offers or promotions, giving them an edge over their local competitors.

Location data could also help activate contactless check-in upon arrival at the hotels and during checkouts. Using the same technology, accommodation facilities can communicate on-site capacity limits and other conditions to their visitors in real-time. This could help avoid congestion in the facilities.

Similarly, rail and bus operators can use the same technology to alert their passengers on arrival times. This can help avoid overcrowding at stations and platforms.

Touchless communications

To enforce a new way of guest engagement during and after the pandemic, the hotel industry needs to go contactless. This would help lower the spread of the virus from surface-to-surface contact. Reliable providers are already helping boarding facilities integrate contactless technology in their Property Management System.

This technology facilitates real-time, secure communication between hotel staff and guests. The staff responds immediately to the guest’s needs even without asking for their name or room number. Another contactless option is to activate AI technology like chatbots that can communicate in multiple languages.

With contactless technology, guests would even be able to access hotel services through their mobile devices. Alternatively, they can pair their mobile devices with hotel electronics like in-room TVs. This can help them accomplish much more by just scanning a QR code.

Super sterilization and robotic technology

In addition to these technologies, the hotel industry should consider investing in super sterilization technology as well as robotic technology. Reliable tech companies are already coming up with FDA-approved solutions that would ensure surfaces remain super sanitized to prevent any chances of spread.

Similarly, robotic hotel staff will reduce person-to-person contact, aimed at minimizing the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic. Some tech companies have already invented hotel robots that can deliver water bottles, fresh towels, and other hotel amenities to hotel guests.

Apart from that, social robotics may also lead the industry to a better position with caretaking approaches. These can understand users better with unbiased approaches. Their consistent performance can be the key to the future development of the hospitality industry.

Final thoughts

Even as the hospitality industry reopens for business, we should be ready to adopt the ‘new normal.’ Besides, consumer expectation is going to be higher post-pandemic, which is why only facilities that will cater to consumer needs will be able to win brand loyalty.

The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly prompted the inclusion of new technologies into hotel operations. Tech features that could have been otherwise used as novelties or extra conveniences have become a solid part of the system. Integrating them fully into the hospitality system could see the industry thrive during and after the pandemic.

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Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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save time and money

Save Time And Money With Backup And Storage Of Data

There are many companies today offering backup and storage of data. In order to determine which one is best suited for your company's needs, you need to be familiar with the backup process itself and how it works. Because when you want to save time and money, this backup and data storage is the most effective way. Many companies use the same type of backup strategy to save time and money: file and document backup. However, many companies use three different cloud storage strategies: their own in-house data backup software application, third-party software solutions, and Amazon's cloud storage service. 4 Advantages Of Taking The Data Backup Most of the corporate companies are willing to pay a thousand for data backups.AS in the digital world the data are the most precious thing for every company. When you lose important data, you will face security issues because every company has many unique, valuable customer data. These data are not only the critical data on this data your company reputations are also added with. Here are four advantages to taking the backups to save time and money. 1. Protection Against Data Loss: A data backup system is designed to protect against data loss from hardware or software failures. The best cloud backup software typically stores copies of everything on your network: email, files, data, and even operating systems. This means that if your server crashes, the backup system will keep your data safe. This type of system is usually easy to install and maintain on its own, and it saves time and money for data losses. 2. Remote Server: Software solutions are designed to store data on a remote server. This solution is more difficult and requires more maintenance than backup systems. When you go with a computing resource that offers cloud computing, you are getting additional computing power that is not necessarily available on-site.  Cloud computing saves time and money because it allows you to save money on data storage costs, but you also have no maintenance costs like you would with a local computing resource. 3. Backup Schedule: Documents and data are divided into several categories based on how they are stored. These include images, PDFs, videos, audio files, and documents. All data is stored on servers that must be protected from accidental deletion or damage.  These backups can be built-in, or you can also purchase services that are based on your needs. You can select an automatic backup schedule, or you can select a time-based schedule to save time and money. 4. Data Loss Prevention: One of the best solutions available today is data loss prevention software. This is a software solution that is built into your PC. This data loss prevention software will monitor activity on your computer and will provide a backup if your PC becomes infected with viruses.  In addition, it will monitor changes in your saved data so that you know what to do in the event of data loss. How To Email Backup Services? With cloud service, you can also get email backup services. This type of backup service sends email copies of all your emails to the company cloud. When you have an online backup program, there is no need to install any software on the computer where you are putting the backup. The online backup system usually comes with a 30-day trial period. You can also download any updates for free. The cloud backup and storage services allow you to make as many backup copies as you want. You can do it once a day, once a week or when you get some free time which is going to save time and money during your working hours. Conclusion: When you use external hard drives, you can organize the data in any way you like. You can tag each folder or document to make it easy to locate at a later date. These four tips save time and money for your organization. The data backups and the data organizations are pretty costly processes( though free softwares are available), as well as quite complicated to choose the best ones, but these are the one-shot solutions.  Read Also: Wearable devices and data security: maximize the likelihood of success

Private Cloud

What’s The Difference Between A Public Cloud And A Private Cloud?

Data storage is an integral part of most businesses, especially since, nowadays, most companies have an online presence to maintain. That online presence often necessitates the storage, access, and protection of data. If you're considering global cloud services, we'll help you understand the difference between a public and private cloud to discern which is better for your needs. What Are Cloud Services? Before diving into the distinction between private and public cloud services, it's essential to understand what it means for data to be stored 'in the cloud' in the first place. Simply put, data in the cloud is stored on the internet, hosted on a server rather than on your computer's hard drive, and remotely accessible to authorized users. As you might imagine, storing data online is an attractive prospect to businesses that either have vast swathes of data to protect or have services that need online functionality to run correctly. Public and private cloud services can allow companies to access crucial applications for their business and the personal data stored on internet servers. What Is a Private Cloud? A private cloud, sometimes called a data center, allows a company complete autonomy over its infrastructure. At the risk of sounding obvious, these clouds are private because they are built and maintained for a single organization. Sometimes, this infrastructure technology can be proprietary, although it's common for businesses to hire a third-party IT company to build their private cloud infrastructure. Typically, businesses hosting private servers have the infrastructure stored on the premises or somewhere close by so that they can integrate them with the applications or data storage software the company uses. Some of the significant advantages of private servers include the following: Immediate access to the hardware Autonomy and privacy of data Control of infrastructure Companies that choose private clouds usually need to invest heavily upfront; data centers are costly, and getting all of the infrastructure in place is often a significant financial investment. Of course, private clouds are well worth the investment for many business owners who value their privacy and autonomy. These servers do not have to share resources with other users. It's important to avoid the conflation of 'resources' with 'data.' Public servers do not allow multiple organizations to access each other's data. 'Resources' in this context refers to the computational aspects of the public cloud and its services. Private cloud owners shoulder the responsibility of both physical and cybersecurity, as well as the upkeep and eventual upgrade of the firmware and software. Those responsibilities may include: Infrastructure management Hardware maintenance Scaling Physical and cybersecurity Compliance Businesses may choose to shoulder these burdens when their data is too sensitive to entrust to a public cloud, exceeding their risk tolerance. Companies with government or high-security contracts may be bound by regulatory compliance, demanding the need for total ownership and control of the private cloud infrastructure. In these circumstances, it may be impossible for a company to marry the internal resources for security with the security standard of a public cloud that is out of their control. Specific proprietary applications or those that contain sensitive data, for example, are often best housed on private clouds. Of course, the level of security depends on the robustness of the security measures, which are the organization's main prerogative. What Is a Public Cloud? The key difference between a private and public cloud is one of utility. Public clouds appeal to many businesses because they operate based on usage. In other words, the more cloud service you use, the higher the cost of the services. The benefits of a utility-oriented system are twofold. First, a public cloud offers utility by use, allowing businesses to use the service as they need and only pay when using it. Second, a company can scale its usage with growth, relying on a more prominent 'portion' of the public cloud service rather than needing to upgrade infrastructure. To simplify, here are some of the key benefits of public clouds: Alleviates responsibility of infrastructure management Makes use of IT resources for problem-solving Scales cost based on usage Lower cost of use Because the infrastructure of a public cloud is for housing multiple tenants, businesses will generally pay a lot less for subscribing to a public cloud service than they would for the construction, maintenance, and upgrading of a private cloud. As much as we've talked about security regarding private clouds, public clouds, too, boast a wide range of security features. After all, it's in the best interest of the third party running the public cloud service to tout themselves as being reliable and trustworthy. To that effect, public clouds are often extremely reliable, with many safeguards against failure, loss of data, and malware. Public clouds do, however, come with a minor level of risk when it comes to data leakage, which is why businesses that handle sensitive data or have proprietary technology to protect may opt for a private server instead. Which Cloud Service Is Better? There's no right or wrong answer when choosing the best cloud service for your business, but it's fair to acknowledge that both private and public clouds tend to attract different types of business. Public clouds, for example, are ideal for businesses that are starting to scale up or have uncertain computational or storage needs. In this case, having a third-party cloud service provider manage the firmware with the option for unlimited scalability is highly attractive. On the other hand, businesses that handle sensitive information or have a very low-risk tolerance may choose to invest in a private cloud. Generally, these companies are more established and have a better idea of the computational resources their business needs. The Bottom Line There are several important distinctions between a public cloud and a private cloud. Public clouds offer scalability and flexibility, while private cloud services provide control and security. Both are valuable for businesses and are worth careful consideration as you take your next steps toward business growth. Read Also: Why Businesses Should Invest In Backblaze’s Cloud Storage? Benefits of Cloud-Based Quality Management Systems 5 Core Pillars Of Cloud FinOps

Best eSIM Plans

The Best eSIM Plans For Budget Travelers In The USA 

Hey there, fellow adventurers! If you're dreaming of epic road trips, exploring new cities, or just having a blast while traveling, you're in for a treat. We're diving into the world of eSIM plans, those magical cards that keep you connected without breaking the bank. So, buckle up, grab your favorite snack, and let's explore the best eSIM plans for budget travelers in the USA! What's An eSIM, Anyway? Okay, before we jump into the cool stuff, let's chat about eSIMs. They're like your regular SIM card but smaller and way more high-tech. Instead of a physical card you can touch, eSIMs live in your phone's digital world. Just imagine it as a tiny wizard that magically connects you to the internet wherever you go! Why Choose eSIMs For Budget Travel? Now, you might wonder, why bother with eSIMs when there are traditional SIM cards? Well, friend, eSIMs are the superheroes of the connectivity world. They're super easy to use, and you can switch between different plans without swapping cards. This flexibility makes eSIMs a budget traveler's best friend when looking for the cheapest esim plan usa. Key Benefits That Make eSIMs Perfect  The convenience of activating plans remotely and only paying for the data you use makes eSIMs a great choice for finding the cheapest esim plan usa. No Roaming Charges: You can switch between affordable local data plans at each destination rather than paying expensive roaming fees. Flexibility: Pause or renew plans anytime. Only pay for the data you actually use. Convenience: Activate plans remotely in just a few taps without locating a store. Multi-network capabilities: Use dual SIM functionality to manage multiple plans or providers. Enhanced security: Reduced risk of SIM card theft or damage compared to physical SIM cards. Clearly, the flexibility and convenience offered by eSIMs give budget-conscious travelers the freedom to stay connected anywhere in the world without incurring expensive international roaming charges. Top eSIMPlans For Budget Travelers  T-Mobile Connect Prepaid eSIM T-Mobile has your back with its Connect Prepaid eSIM plan. It's like having a secret weapon for staying connected on a budget. With this plan, you get a chunk of data and unlimited talk and text – perfect for sharing all those awesome travel stories with your pals. Plus, T-Mobile's got a strong network, so you won't be left stranded without a signal. Google Fi – Your Travel Buddy Google Fi is like that buddy who knows all the cool spots in town. It works with multiple networks, jumping between them to find the best signal. And the best part? You only pay for the data you use. So, if you're chilling at a beach or hiking a trail and not using much data, your wallet stays happy too! FreedomPop – Freedom To Explore If you're all about freedom (it's in the name, after all), then check out FreedomPop's eSIM plans. They offer free plans with a decent amount of data each month. Yes, you heard it right – free! Of course, if you need more data or extra perks, there are affordable options to choose from. It's like having your very own treasure chest of data at your fingertips. Airalo – Global Adventures Await For the globetrotters out there, Airalo's eSIM plans are a dream come true. They offer eSIMs for multiple countries, so you can stay connected wherever your wanderlust takes you. No need to stress about buying a new SIM card every time you cross a border – just keep exploring! Tips For Choosing The Right eSIM Now that you've got the lowdown on some awesome eSIM plans, how do you choose the one that suits your travel style? Here are a few tips to help you make the best decision: Check Coverage Maps: Before you commit to an eSIM plan, make sure to check the coverage maps. You wouldn't want to find yourself in a dead zone with no bars and no way to share that breathtaking sunset pic! Data, Data, Data: Think about how much data you really need. If you're a social media guru, you might want a plan with more data. But if you're more of a "disconnect and enjoy the moment" type, a smaller data plan could be just right. Flexibility Matters: Look for eSIM plans that let you change or cancel without too much hassle. Life on the road can be unpredictable, and you want a plan that rolls with the punches. Key Takeaways eSIMs are like Digital Magic Cards: eSIMs are like those tiny magic cards that live in your phone and connect you to the internet wherever you go. No more hunting for SIM card trays – just tap, and you're good to go! Budget-Friendly Adventures with T-Mobile: T-Mobile's Connect Prepaid eSIM is your budget superhero. It gives you data, unlimited talk, and text – all the essentials for sharing your cool travel stories without spending too much. Google Fi – Pay for What You Use: Google Fi is like your travel buddy. It works with different networks, finds the best signal, and the best part? You only pay for the data you use. So, your wallet stays happy while you enjoy your adventures. FreedomPop – Free Data Treasure Chest: FreedomPop's eSIM plans are all about freedom. They have free plans with a good amount of data each month. If you need more, they've got affordable options. It's like having a treasure chest of data without breaking the bank. Airalo – Stay Connected Globally: Airalo is for the global explorers. They offer eSIMs for different countries, so you can stay connected wherever you travel. No stress about buying new SIM cards – just keep exploring! Conclusion So, there you have it – the scoop on the best eSIM plans for budget travelers in the USA. These eSIMs are like your trusty sidekick, helping you stay connected without spending too much money. Whether you're road-tripping or flying across the globe, these digital magic cards are ready for your adventure. Happy travels! Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) What's the difference between eSIMs and regular SIM cards?  eSIMs are like tiny digital wizards that live in your phone, while regular SIM cards are physical cards you insert. eSIMs are super easy to use – just a few taps on your phone, and you're connected! Why choose eSIMs for travel?  eSIMs are perfect for travel because they're flexible and don't require swapping cards. You can switch plans easily, and some even work globally, saving you the trouble of buying new SIM cards in every country. How do I know which eSIM plan is right for me?  Check coverage maps to make sure your eSIM works where you want to go. Think about how much data you need – more for social media lovers, less for those who prefer to disconnect and enjoy the moment. Can I change or cancel my eSIM plan easily?  Look for eSIM plans that offer flexibility. Life on the road can be unpredictable, so having a plan that lets you change or cancel without much hassle is a plus. Do all eSIM plans work the same way?  No, each eSIM plan is a bit different. Some offer more data, some are free with basic features, and some work globally. Choose the one that fits your travel style and budget the best! Read Also: Transform Your Garage into a Home Office Seasonal Unemployment – Definition, & Examples [Complete Details] How Does Creativity Help In Entrepreneurship?