5 Hotel Housekeeping Tricks You Need To Clean Your Bathroom


15 October 2019

Home & Garden

clean bathroom

Keeping your clean bathroom reduces the likelihood of bugs living in there and spreading between members of your family and visitors. Of course, it can be difficult to stay on top of the cleaning when you’re already working, looking after children, and completing a host of other activities. However, by learning a few tricks from hotel housekeeping you’ll be able to keep the bathroom at home, or in the hotel clean in a fraction of the time.

1. Use The Right Products

Companies spend thousands of developing products for specific areas of your bathroom. To make your cleaning as easy as possible you should purchase a selection of the best products from a reputable supplier of hygiene services.

It’s also a good idea to use the right appliances. The finish of your toilet can make a huge difference to how easy it is to keep clean.

It is also important to read the product instructions. They will all say how long they should be left in situ to work effectively, make sure you leave enough time for each product to work. This will help to ensure all the bacteria are removed from the bathroom.

2. Open The Window

Opening the window allows fresh air into the room, this will help to remove any unwanted smells and give you more natural light. Natural light and the interior lights can work nicely together to ensure you clean every surface properly, you’ll be able to identify dirty spots more easily if you have plenty of light.

3. Empty The Room

The idea is to empty the room, giving you a blank slate. This is the approach most hotels adopt and it works! Simply take all the towels, bathmats, washing products and anything else you can find, place them outside your bathroom. You don’t want to throw them away every time you clean the bathroom!

You will then be able to wipe all the surfaces thoroughly which will prevent you from missing spots and actually make your cleaning job much easier.

Don’t forget, wiping around products will leave ring marks that can be very hard to remove in the future.

4. Sweep Before Mopping

Sweeping is generally preferably to vacuuming but it is acceptable to choose either method. However, you should do one or the other before you mop the floor. If you don’t the process of mopping will simply be moving debris and bacteria around the floor.

Sweeping first removes the dirt, allowing you to mop with a disinfectant spray and leave the floor properly clean. You could eat your dinner off it!

5. Use A Toothbrush

There are plenty of nooks and crannies in a bathroom and the best too for cleaning them is actually a toothbrush. Ideally, this should be one you reserve for cleaning, not your other half’s toothbrush.

Toothbrushes allow you to clean the screws around the toilets and close to the taps on the sink, just make sure the toothbrush is cleaned between uses to ensure you’re not simply transferring bacteria from one place to another.

As a final tip, you should keep all your cleaning products together in a box or cart, this will ensure you have everything you need to hand.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Salvage Your Furniture after a Flood

How to Salvage Your Furniture after a Flood

There are many reasons why flooding occurs, and it also comes in different shape, form and amount. It might be due to severe weather conditions or a leak in the plumbing. What you need to think about following a flood is how to salvage anything that wasn’t damaged beyond repair, primarily your furniture. As water damage can wreak severe havoc on your home, you are likely going to have to call in a restoration contractor like KIC Restoration to take care of your home’s infrastructure. But salvaging your furniture can be a less complicated process you can deal with on your own. If flooding is a consequence of a storm or hurricane you would probably get a notification in advance to prepare and avoid as much destruction as possible. Get all the furniture to a safe space in your home like the upper floors or cover them to protect them from the water as much as possible. After the flood is finally over, the first thing you need to do is check is if it is safe to return. While you’re at it, make sure to wear proper clothing. Another useful piece of advice is to bring a camera with you and take pictures of all the furniture because you will need to do a report for your insurance company. When you’ve made sure that it is safe to enter and you’ve put on protective gear, you can start inspecting the furniture and roughly separate them into salvageable and unsalvageable. Next, you can focus on the salvageable pieces of furniture and inspect if repairs would cost more than just replacing the items. Sentimental value also comes into play as you would want to save all the pieces that have been in your family for long, no matter the extent of the damage. But this is up to you. Upholstered Furniture Some types of furniture like upholstered furniture might be difficult to save especially if it has been in the water for too long. Chances are these items have already developed bacteria, fungi, mold, mildew, etc. This might have severe consequences to your health later on. You should move the furniture to someplace to dry. If it’s too heavy to move you can place aluminum foil or a similar material underneath it, just to keep it away from wet floors. As mentioned above, upholstered furniture might cause problems because it is a great absorbent. It is particularly dangerous if it has been sitting for too long in contaminated water. If the flood wasn’t too big, you might still have a good chance of salvaging it. You should then remove the upholstery fabrics from the wood or any other colored parts to prevent color bleed. Then you need to dry it to the fullest to prevent mildew and mold from developing, which is likely to happen if the piece of furniture is more than 20% wet. It is worth noting that this kind of furniture is very hard to salvage and the best and easiest thing to do is just to throw it all away unless of course it is antique or has a high value. Then it is best to hire a professional to do the job, as it would probably be necessary to completely strip it down and replace some parts. Mattresses Mattresses are also very difficult to handle. If the flooding wasn’t too severe, if the mattress hasn’t been soaked in water for too long, and if the water was clean it is possible to salvage it. The best thing to do is take it out and let the sun dry it naturally. You can use blocks to keep it above ground and a fan to speed up drying. If you sense a musty odor then mattress probably has mildew growing inside, in which case you’ll need the help of a professional to restore it. If your mattress has been underwater for too long mold has likely already spread, and it is probably contaminated beyond salvation. The only thing you can do here is to replace it. Wooden Furniture Wooden furniture might have the best chance to get salvaged especially if it wasn’t in the water for too long. It is possible to restore if the damage was not too big. It is crucial to clean it and dry it as much as possible to prevent mold and fungi development. Wiping and blotting can do the trick here, but only for furniture that was not in the water too long or was lightly damaged. You can clean white mildew spots by using turpentine or a mix of water and ammonia. The sooner you start drying the furniture, the higher the chance of salvaging it. Heavily Damaged Furniture Heavily damaged furniture which was in the water for too long is a different story. The best plan is to separate all easily removable parts like drawers and doors. Avoid forcing them if they are stuck. Just let them dry out and you will be able to pull them out later on when bloating is reduced. You can clean mud and dirt with a hose and then dry it in a room or other area with good ventilation. You should definitely avoid exposing it directly to the sun as it might cause it to deform. The process of drying takes several weeks or months. Only after it is completely dry can you start restoring the furniture. Contact KIC Restoration Inc of San Diego at 12170 Tech Center Dr, Poway, CA 92064, USA; 858-859-1998 or visit kicrestoration to learn more. Read More: 3 Tips On How To Plan The Best Cheap And Fabulous DIY Bedroom Makeover Top Expert Tips For A Stunning Condo Interior! 5 Innovative Ideas To Lend Your Bedroom With More Space Home Decor Is An Art Itself – Things To Know


List of Most Durable Kitchen Flooring

There is so much to look upon when you have to choose the perfect kitchen flooring for your kitchen. It is not an easy task because you have to look at so many factors. Deciding on a kitchen flooring you have to consider numerous factors like the look, will it merge with the rest of your interior or not, the climatic effects on it and the most important factor “durability”. The durability factor is the one which has to be reconsidered because you don’t change your kitchen flooring every week. It’s an investment which lasts for an average of 5-7 years or even more. Sometimes it’s just twice or thrice in a lifetime for a middle-class person. Also Read: Use Floor Polishing for Keeping Your Flooring Looking New Hardwood Timber Flooring: Gives a Classic Look to Your Home These days when people do not have time to go even for grocery shopping and instead buy it from the online grocery store then how would people get time to go for a consultant who would suggest the best flooring for your home. It is expensive as well that everyone cannot afford it. So here we have come up with some of the best kitchen flooring options which you can go for, you just have to choose the best for your home as per the features which we will be discussing here: Hardwood Flooring: Hardwood timber flooring is flooring which never goes out of fashion and is highly durable. It needs low maintenance You can have an open floor plan with this type of flooring. Vinyl Flooring: Vinyl flooring is good when you are tight on a budget and want easy maintenance. It is an excellent choice if you love cooking and have a huge family for whom you have to cook a lot. If you want to buy grocery and other kitchen appliances in a budget, you can visit Askmegrocery store where you can take benefits of coupons too and can really shop in a budget. Cork Flooring:  Cork Flooring is good when you want to go for an eco-friendly option. It is softer than wood or tile. It is slip-resistant. Stone or Tile: Stone or tile is an option for people who want to do it for one time. You have the option to change it but if maintained properly, it can last for a very long period. It comes in various textures and colors. You can easily decide the appearance based on this type of flooring. Wooden flooring: Wooden flooring is quite classy and gives you a good feel under the feet. These days it’s used in the way that it is also resistant to water stains. Laminated Flooring: Laminate flooring is an alternative option of wooden flooring in a cheap budget. They provide the same look as of wooden flooring and that too in a less budget. So, after going through this list I think it will be much easier now for you to choose the best and the most durable flooring for your kitchen. Go for the most compatible flooring considering the factors texture, color, look, durability. Read More:  Pressure Washing- Why It Is Necessarily Important For Your Home? How To Make Your Home Look Like A Splendid Hotel? Best 5 Designer Secrets To Make The Most Of Small Spaces Experts Recommend: Top Interior Design Trends For 2017

Clutter-Free Home

5 Health Benefits of a Clutter-Free Home

Are you sure that your home is thoroughly clean? Maybe, it's not! There are several reasons for having a clutter-free home. Perhaps, your home is looking clean, but have you checked all the hidden areas that you may not look adequately due to your hectic lifestyle? If you often feel stress and other health issues when looking at your messy home in Santa Cruz, then it's the right time to hire Anita's Housekeeping services in Santa Cruz; they'll clean it right away! Different Ways Clutter-Free Home Can Make Things Easier For You There are several ways Clutter-Free home can make things easier for you when you want to stay in your dream home. You Will Feel Peaceful: You may don’t realize the reason of getting stress and anxiety often. It is because of the huge mess inside your home as the level of stress directly linked to your area you are living in. Remember, visual chaos lead to mental stress. You may think to live with the piled on things, but they are most influencing intensely than you notice. Moreover, it is advantageous for your overall health as clean home drives no health issues in the long run. Thus, do plan and check to clean your home from time to time. Especially if you have a small area, you can go for self-storage units to put your random stuff inside it. Clean Home=Better Health: Your body has a natural tendency to crave for junk food when you are feeling stressed. What have you done so far to reduce these bad cravings? If nothing, then here's what you have to do: Your kitchen should be your priority to make sure that it is super clean so that you will feel encouraged to cook something healthy. Clutter and untidiness are stressful, cleaning up not only means to stop craves bad food but also really help encourages nutritious choices. The clutter-free home also doesn’t let insects, germs, pests, and bacteria to enter in that benefit your health. You Will Not Get Ill: If you don’t want to become sick often then cleaning and dusting your home regularly is a must. A tidy space gives no chance to bacteria and germs to hide. Adding to your carpets, bedding, and curtains carry most of the dust, so make sure to clean it regularly. Vacuuming should not be the only task; decluttering your floors is also essential.  Try to keep fewer items in your home or organize them to their specific places. It makes your job easy to remove dust and sanitize open items. You Will Be More Active: Don’t you feel more energetic and productive when you find less cleaning work at your home? Disordered home makes it simple to procrastinate something you have seen. When everything is organized, you will think to do some other stuff, and you will less indulge yourself in cleaning. A clean home makes you physically involved in some tasks rather sitting in your bed. A clean home will make you active and productive throughout the day. You will be more proactive towards other work like cooking, watering plants, and other household work. Dust-Free Home Reduce Breathing Issues: It is not necessary that you should clean your home only if you have some health issues. Even when you don’t, keeping your home clean and area around like garages and basements is a must. Dust and dirt sitting on the floor or your things can drive allergic reactions, bad air quality, and encourage breathing problems. You are more likely giving scope to dust to enter if you have clutter all around on the floor. It actually helps you not to become sick if you clean your home regularly. Conclusion: We hope all of the above health benefits of a tidy home give you some motivation in your home-cleaning step. You will definitely feel the difference once you are done. Happy cleaning! Read Also: 7 Tips To Increase The Value Of Your Home 7 Benefits Of A Clean And Decluttered Workspace 5 Tips On Effectively Picking A Tile Floor Cleaning Machine