5 Marketing Tips to Help Grow Your Business on Instagram

Published on: 01 August 2020 Last Updated on: 16 June 2021
Business on Instagram

Instagram possesses over six hundred million active users that are scrolling feeds, liking comments, and responding to posts regularly. Since consumers engage with their favorite brands on social platforms, having a strong presence on this social platform is a smart move of bolstering your strategy, growing brand awareness, and connecting with your audience. When developing your Instagram marketing services, you will have to focus on specific goals and the type of results you desire.

Back in the day, people used to use Instagress to grow their Instagrams. However, that is gone, so now people are using services like these.

Here are 5 Marketing Tips to Help Grow Your Business on Instagram:

1. Use Instagram insights

Just like in the insights found on Facebook, there is an insights tool found on Instagram that is invaluable to the business. They provide vital metrics like the number of times your video or post has been viewed, the number of followers you are getting, and the total number of clicks your link is getting on a daily basis.

The results of this tool include demographic information that indicates the age and gender of your followers. You will get a quick peek at the general profile of the people viewing your profile. You will have the ability to customize your marketing campaign to match their requirements. If you want to get more views, then you can buy Instagram views from the most popular site.

2. Link your Instagram page to your site

Some businesses do not connect their Instagram profile with their websites. You will lose an opportunity when aiming at furthering your marketing options. You will have to stop flooding your page with photos of your products. Instead, you will have to use it as a chance of showing the human side of your firm. It is advisable to use your employees in your videos.

Your traffic will go up when people understand the real people that are behind your company. In your video and photos, do not forget to add the location for SEO and geotagging.

3. Engage your followers

Followers who are die-hard fans of your brand deserve a reward for their loyalty. For this reason, you need to assign an administrator who has to reply to relevant comments made by clients.

Engaging them will make them appreciate that you hear their voices when it comes to expressing complaints and giving suggestions. It is vital to follow back your followers so that you learn about their hobbies, likes, tendencies, travels, and any other information needed for your benefit.

4. Make hashtags relevant

Instagram marketing tips state that you need to use industry-specific hashtags when engaging in Instagram marketing. You need to identify the niche of your industry so that you differentiate yourself from the rest.

You can find some online sites that will help you tweak hashtags for optimization. It is advisable to use hashtags that relate to a video or image so that it prevents marking it as spam. A good idea that can help you when marketing on Instagram is piggybacking, but you need to make sure that you do not overdo it.

5. Host Instagram contests

One way of improving Instagram marketing is through investing in Instagram marketing services and getting followers to interact with your content through contests. This will generate a buzz around your business and also show the fun side of the business.

Contests on Instagram can be easy to execute, and you can hold them on a weekly basis to boost exposure, grow your followers, and create the expectancy of keeping the visitors coming back. For the giveaways of the contest, make sure that it is an item that will make your audience like to take part. You need to make it enticing and exciting to compel new people to join.


Instagram is an excellent platform for boosting your social media marketing strategies. According to Instagram marketing strategies, this platform will help in building awareness of your brand. Instagram marketing services by ExplodeGram will help to implement the tactics listed above, test the results, and start moving forward with Instagram. The key is implementing and discovering the aspects that resonate well with your site.

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How To Get More Likes On Instagram

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Instagram apps

Top 7 Free Instagram Apps To View and Enjoy Your Photos Like a Pro

In the present day, Instagram is too popular to not be recognized by millions of men and women from all over the world. iPhone, iPad and iPod users go mad over supplemental programs for this service. And they are right! Because the idea of taking photos, using and sharing them via social networks is so incredible and alluring that you can't stay beside. In the past (up to 10, I guess) your cell phone was simply a phone and now really a phone, a camera, a media player, and a computer – all in one small device. That's fantastic! So you should be ready to get the times and monitor the latest trends in the IT world. In case you do not have a lot of popularity on Instagram, you can always buy Instagram likes. In this article, I have gathered the top 7 free apps for Instagram which will help you make an awesome photo. The following apps are distributed via the Apple Store or Google Play Store for free. Instagram When it’s come to Instagram apps, it would be preferable to download and install the main app itself (in case you still no longer have it). Over million users are sure that Instagram is a great and convenient way to adapt, edit and share photographs. If you are a lucky owner of the iPhone you are welcome to have a great time with Instagram. The Android version of the app has also been released. InstaBAM If you miss some places in the world you are able to look at photographs from there employing this simple photography app. Adjust the desired location on the map and enjoy photographs obtained from and around that place. Postagram If you want to please someone having a long way away from you then this photography application is a real godsend. This allows choosing an image from your iPhone collection, Instagram or Facebook, to set up it like a real postcard. Followgram If perhaps you're a blogger or perhaps one Instagram-maniac with an obsessional notion of 'liking' all photographs on Instagram and following all of their authors then use this web image iPhone app right now. The account on the Followgram will save all the information about your friends, enthusiasts, and galleries. 52Grams This site allows users to share their stylish and trendy looks. It’s a growing community for men and women of fashion as well as for companies and brands. Lovestagram This awesome photo software was created by the girlfriend of the Instagram co-founder on St. Valentine's eve. The app creates an ecard with photographs distributed between you and your partner (a loved one, a friend or even a co-worker). It's possible to arrange pictures in a slideshow or to incorporate them into a collage in one body. Fotogramme Fotogramme is free of charge to use Instagram user. It’s a good tool searching at images which have already recently been published on Instagram and for viewing users' information. Now you're familiar with the most popular Instagram software and you could choose the best ones for your iPhone, iPad, iPod or PC. We all apologize if we overlooked a few of your selected photography programs. There are so many Instagram viewer apps and you are able to suggest other programs to be included in this list in circumstance you think they are interesting for Instagram geeks like you. So enjoy the collection and have a good time with it! Read also: How To Get More Likes On Instagram 5 Marketing Tips To Help Grow Your Business On Instagram

Instagram turning into a way of life now

Is Instagram Turning into a Way of Life now?

We all have been constantly obsessing over social media for a very long time now. Since the very introduction of Orkut, it has become imperative for people to get judged and approved by a hoard of people out there who do not even know each other. Is it a habit or a disease? Well, we will discuss that later but let us now explore some of the habits and trends that people have been showing on different social media platforms. Why do people go on different social media platforms? The answer is simple yet very complicated. They go for approval which is received in the form of likes over Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter, among many other platforms. It has become an immortal obsession of people to grow in the social media chart through a raging number of followers in their follower bank. People talk about social media and how many likes they received all the time like they are experts without being experts. It is always the talk of the town when someone gets a hit on any social media platform and people gossip over what they wore, what they ate, where have they been eating out or buying those stuff.  It has recently become a very predictable act of people to vouch over their social media profiles and showcase every bit of detail of their life. Why do they do it? Again yes for approval and then to be famous and also expand an online or offline business. People have a variety of reasons to be social media buffs. Either they are relatively very free or are in the process of creating a steadfast online image for future business purposes. Sometimes it is related to a hobby or talent that they want to show to the entire world without spending much on marketing. One of the most famous platforms that have recently gained traction in the social media industry is Instagram. With its different features and add-on emoticons, Instagram is now ruling over the social media arena, and not only informally, but formally also people are growing over Instagram for personal as well as professional expansion. Instagram has loads to offer and various concepts to follow. The features added in the story to vote, buy, and redirect to a different page and a link have gained a lot of appreciation as of now. The game of Instagram as an established social media platform is relatively very strong. Hacks Of course, having a wide friends group and a large number of acquaintances on social media helps in increasing followers and likes over Instagram, but being a great storyteller and photographer means that being Insta famous will not be a much of a difficult task. Moreover, Instagram along with other social media platforms has certain marketing hacks and strategies. Social Clout Club is a brand new service you can use to know more about marketing strategies. #hashtag is a concept that has recently gained a lot of popularity. Seeing its popularity Instagram has also added a feature that lets you follow hashtags as well and whenever someone with that specific hashtag posts it, you get it on your home page. Great Photography and Keep Readers Intact Good picture quality is a must. High-quality pictures always attract a good amount of followers. Writing good and original stories is also imperative. Research your audience along with the people whom you follow so that they can follow you back. Instagram has many more tricks but for beginners, this is the heads-up start hack. Read More: Using Social Media To Promote Start-Up Businesses Social Media Marketing Role In Technology How is Social Media Playing A Role In Career Building? Which Backend Keys Makes Social Networking Sites & Apps Works Smoothly?

how to delete Instagram account

No More Filters: How To Delete Instagram Account Permanently

Do you want to know and understand how to delete Instagram account? It isn't as quick or simple to delete Instagram as it ought to be. And it could be because you no longer require a certain finsta or because its parent company, Meta, is stirring up controversy, AGAIN. It couldn't even be done from within the Instagram app up until recently. If you want to make the required "I'm deleting Instagram" post, feel free to do it because now is the time. There are two options available for you going forward. Using the app to delete the app is the simplest method for iPhone users to erase Instagram. To do this, go to your profile, and click Settings from the hamburger menu in the upper right corner. After that, select Account and navigate to the bottom of the menu. Under the Branded Content button, there will be a Delete Account button. When you see it, pressing on it will bring up a choice asking if you want to delete or deactivate your account. You can learn more about those other alternatives in the "Temporarily suspending your Instagram account" part. A notice stating that you can stop the deletion process by logging back in by a specific date will appear. This will happen when you click the Delete Account button. When you click the Continue deleting account button highlighted in red, the program launches a website. After responding to a question about why you're doing so and entering your password to confirm, you can finish deleting. According to Apple's policies, Instagram's iOS app must allow you to terminate your account. The feature hasn't always been accessible on the Android version of the app throughout our testing. If you don't see it, you'll need to use the web. You can check for the Delete Account option by using the previous procedures for iOS. How To Delete Instagram Account?   If you can't remove your account using the app, you'll need to follow the instructions below. It can be done on a computer or phone as long as you're using a browser. You must first visit Instagram's specific page to request account deletion. It is accessible by clicking the link in the support article for account deletion on Instagram. You'll need to punch in your credentials if you are not already signed into Instagram (the majority of users won't be). In fact, it's possible that you will need to enter your password twice while the file is being deleted, so you should probably review it right away. The original Instagram logo and a dropdown box asking why you wish to deactivate your account should appear on the final page. Depending on the option you select, you can see a variety of links to Instagram's support center. It will display a message that advises you to double-check the account you are deleting. Whichever option you select, a popup asking you to reenter your password can be found below the links. When you're finished, press or click the Delete (your account name) button to be certain you want to do it. Your data won't be instantaneously deleted, as Instagram mentions several times on the account deactivation page; Meta will retain it for 30 days. Your posts and profile, however, won't be visible to other users. Don't forget to uninstall Instagram from your phone if you're ending your relationship totally. By doing this, you will be able to save a little space. It will also reduce the likelihood that you will sign up for the service again. When You Should Delete Instagram?    If you want a reason to delete your Instagram, maybe you don’t need to do it. However, if you do and are confused, that needs to be addressed. There are options to temporarily deactivate the account before you think about permanently deleting it. Deactivation is on way to take a short break from the app and whatever has been bothering you on Instagram. It will give you the much-needed time away from the public eye, and help you gain mental. It will make you gain emotional strength and maybe come back to the app with a renewed and fresh perspective. Here are some of the reasons why you might want to delete the app, so decide accordingly: You have lost your focus. Using the app makes you want to compare your life to others, leaving you with a sense of depression and failure. Instagram is starting to prove detrimental to your mental health. You have become addicted to the app and doom-scrolling (scrolling for hours) instead of doing something more productive. You have tried to work your way around Instagram for quite some time, but it has not yielded the desired results. There could be many more reasons that we did not enumerate. Anything about the app that makes you feel less of yourself or proves disadvantageous can be a good enough reason to delete it. Whether you start over sometime later or not is a personal choice. How To Un-Delete?   Now that you know how to delete Instagram account, let’s say you have permanently deleted your account. It has been more than 30 days since you deleted it. You will no longer be able to reverse the process. You will need a new account because your old one will be erased, and your username might already be taken. However, you can get your account back and all of its posts and direct messages if you have 30 days left on your subscription. Simply return to Instagram and log in there to accomplish this. You'll get a notification stating that you asked to have your account deleted and the date by which you can expect your account to be deleted. Wrapping Up   Whatever your reason, deleting a social media app is really as easy as installing them. Instagram does have a few twists to its deletion process, but it's not above usability. Have you deleted your account recently? Or are you looking for ways to permanently delete your Instagram? Instagram can be pretty useful for many reasons and also mess with your mind at times. If you want to know how to delete Instagram account, we hope this article helps. If you have thoughts to share or questions to ask, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you! Learn More About: Want To Get Instagram Unblocked? Here’s What To Do Instagram Marketing Mistakes That May Get You Unfollowed Get Rid Of Boring Instagram Theme: Learn How To Change Theme On Instagram