Guide to Different Types of Water Flow Meters

Published on: 24 November 2018 Last Updated on: 13 December 2021
Water Flow Meters

In many industrial applications, there is a need to measure water as it passes through a pipe. To control the process, you use a water flow meters. There are different water flow meter technologies you can choose from according to the requirements of the application, the budget, as well as maintenance constraints. Each type of flow meter has a unique working principle, cost of acquisition and installation, as well as benefits.

The main concern for most process engineers is distinguishing which type of water flow meter suits the application at hand. Here are the four major kinds of water flow meters and their descriptions.

Mechanical water flow meters:

Of the four types of water flow meters, a mechanical flow meter is considered the most economical and also the most commonly used. The device measures water flow through a rotating turbine fashioned using a paddle wheel design. As water flows through a pipe and into the flow meter, it will cause the turbine to rotate. The rotational speed is proportional to the water flow rate. Although mechanical flow meters are simple and easy to use, they are prone to clogging when the liquid consists of large contaminants. A mechanical flow meter is also only suitable for applications with strong water flow.

Vortex water flow meter:

Just as the name of this flow meter implies, the device works by using a sensor that sheds vortices while immersed in the fluid. Water naturally creates vortices when it passes through an obstruction. The sensor inside the meter will move from one side to the other as each vortex passes through. This movement creates a frequency output which is proportionate to the water’s volume flow rate. There are vortex flow meters which can measure multiple variables using only one connection. Some of the variables measured include volumetric flow rate, temperature, pressure, density, and mass flow. You can also find vortex flow meters which are small enough for installation inside large pipes.

Ultrasonic water flow meter:

An ultrasonic water flow meter measures fluid speed as it passes through pipes. This flow meter uses the principle of ultrasound for measuring volumetric flow rate. A transit-time flow meter is one example of an ultrasonic flow meter. It works by transmitting an ultrasound signal in the same direction as water flowing downstream. Another ultrasound signal is transmitted in the opposite direction. The basic calculation of flow rate is the difference in time it takes for the ultrasound signal to travel downstream and the time it takes to move upstream.

Magnetic water flow meter:

This type of water flow meter uses the principle of magnetic fields to measure fluid speed. Since water generates a voltage as it passes through a magnetic field, the faster the fluid flow, the more voltage produced. Hence, the amount of voltage is equal to the speed of water. Using electronic processors, the signal output in voltage gets converted into the corresponding volumetric flow rate. A magnetic flow meter is not suitable for measuring pure water with no ions because it cannot create a magnetic field.

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Stainless Steel

Best Uses for Stainless Steel in Construction

Stainless steel is easily one of the most useful materials on earth. For several thousand years now, steel has been the standard choice for any purpose that requires extreme strength. Even though base iron may be harder, it is also more brittle and much more sensitive to oxidation (i.e. rusting). Stainless steel was a big leap forward because, for the first time, people had steel items that would not rust. Structural: Stainless steel isn't often what we think of as a material for structural supports, but it does an excellent job. If it were not for the fact that stainless steel is slightly more expensive than regular steel, it would probably be used for this purpose more often. There are many ways in which stainless steel can be used for structural purposes. Fittings from stainless steel are also very useful and reliable. For structural use, the best stainless steels to use are 304, 316, 409, 410-3, and 2205. These steels can be used for girders and other support members, as well as a rebar substitute for the reinforcement of concrete. Drainage Equipment: When it comes to rain gutters and downspouts, stainless steel is obviously your best choice. Its resistance to corrosion makes it uniquely suited for water-carrying purposes. Aluminum is a much more common material for this purpose, but it cannot even come close to matching the strength of steel. If you are adding gutters and downspouts to a large building, it is all the more important to use materials that will hold up to all of nature's abuse. Falling gutters and spouts can cause damage and injury to those below, so choose something that won't be ripped to pieces in the next large storm. Stainless steel is not only more attractive but also better-suited for this purpose. Barriers: Security is something that must be taken into account for any building project, especially if the building is located in a large city with a high crime rate. A stainless steel barrier is superior to most other choices in this regard because of its longevity, and also because it is very hard to destroy. For instance, you might want a few posts outside your building as a vehicle barrier, just to make sure that it isn't possible to ram a car through the front door. Concrete posts would work, but they will eventually crack from strain and weathering. This means you will have to pay for a new post. With thick stainless steel posts, you can be pretty sure that nothing short of a semi-truck is getting past, and that the weather will make no real difference. Roofing: Metal roofing has long been known as one of the best choices. Most homes are roofed with asphalt shingles that have an unpleasant habit of flying off in windstorms. Although they do a good job of shedding water, asphalt shingles just aren't very sturdy. They are only popular because of their low cost and high availability. Traditionally, tin has been the metal roof material of choice, but with the advancement of new and improved stainless steels, this is quickly changing. Check out this guide for the use of stainless steel in roofing, and you might be pleased with what you see. Read Also: Waterjet Vs. Laser Cutting: Which Is Worth The Hype? Maintaining Productivity: The Basics Of Industrial Safety


What Items Are Most Commonly Stolen During Break-Ins?

The prospect of someone breaking into your home is terrifying. In the best-case scenario, you and your family will be out of the house at the time, and the only at-risk things will be your possessions. This is no small violation, however, considering elements ranging from something’s price to its sentimental value. Here is a list of the items most commonly stolen during a break-in that will have you on the lookout for the best home security systems on the market today. 1. Cash This one is probably a no-brainer. Chances are that if someone is searching your household and belongings during a break-in the most lucrative thing for them to take is cash. Keeping wallets and purses out on the open, on counters, or somewhere easily visible once someone enters the house, is inadvisable. Though if you’re not home, it would be hard to keep them from finding them in closets or other closed areas. Try to keep cash wherever you think it is safest and most concealed in the house. 2. Prescription Drugs It should come as no surprise that in the current economic climate in the United States, people are having greater difficulty obtaining their medications, whether it is due to the inflated cost of copays, insurance dropping their prescription coverage, or losing their health care altogether. This creates two dangerous scenarios. One, it makes people desperate enough to contemplate committing robbery. And two, it makes prescription drugs more attractive items to career robbers who can sell them on the black market. While it is always wise to keep your prescription medications out of the reach of children, be aware that they may not be out of the reach of robbers. 3. Jewelry It’s a tale as old as time… precious jewelry being stolen and sold for either a fraction of the price or for a massively inflated price. No matter the destiny of the piece after it enters the hands of the robber, the reality is that jewelry is uniquely vulnerable to robbery due to its assumed high market value. Even if your jewelry isn’t expensive, chances are that you have some family heirlooms that hold precious sentimental value, and your heart would be broken if they were vulnerable to robbery. 4. Car Keys What could be more lucrative than stealing and reselling a car, or bringing it to a chop shop to sell parts? The key, no pun intended, to a car heist is in your home. Car keys are one of the most highly-sought items by thieves because it allows them to gain access to your vehicle without making a lot of loud noise and damage, which benefits them both in terms of the potential to sell it and to avoid being caught. Other commonly stolen items include electronics, fine art, important documents, computers, and firearms. While these are not the only items that are attractive to thieves during break-ins, they offer the biggest monetary value to their takers, and chances are, the biggest financial and/or emotional loss for you and your family. By investing in a reliable home security system, you can avoid a crisis like this and keep your items, and family, safe. Read Also: How To Find A Locksmith To Trust With Your Home Security, Locks & Keys Deciphering the Myths About Home Security Cameras 3 Home Upgrades to Make Your Property Unique Top 5 Trending Home Renovation Ideas For Australian Families Home Maintenance Plans And Cleaning Tips During Covid-19

Iron Clothes

How to Use Iron Clothes With Steam

Believe it or not, the amount of people that don’t know how to iron clothes is amazing. There’s no shame on it since most of us were thrown into society without really practicing skills that would definitely help us fight back as we become independent. These skills include things like cooking a proper meal before going to work, knowing what groceries to buy without spending all our money on unnecessary things, being able to pay bills accordingly without becoming a mess, cleaning the house every now and then, and of course, knowing how to use steam irons and what to do to properly iron our clothes to not look like folded toilet paper. Don’t worry though! In this guide, I’m going to teach you the essentials of how to iron, and how to deal with different types of fabric. To be honest, ironing is not something as complicated as many think. It’s all about knowing what to do, which is what most people lack. The process may require a little preparation and patience, though, so be prepared to practice with different pieces of clothing to get the main idea. One thing is sure, though. You have to be careful when using an iron because they can be harmful if dealt with without precautions! How to Prepare for It The first thing you’ll need is a flat surface where you can prepare your clothes to be ironed. Try to have everything neatly organized to avoid possible accidents, and if you can, try to do it on an ironing board. Some clothing is too delicate for the heat produced by the heated metal of the device, so have a piece of fabric to protect these. Read more: A Complete Guide on Using IRON on Transfer Paper Connect the Iron Irons can take some time before they are ready to be used. They usually show a sign that they are ready, so be sure to be attentive about them while you take care of the next step. Never try to do it before its ready, since it’ll lead to a slower and far less efficient process. Know the Differences Between Materials, and Sort Them Beforehand Depending on the type of fabric you are dealing with, you might want to change your approach while ironing. You can’t deal with a silk piece the same way you would deal with a cotton one, for example. Some pieces of clothing will require you to use the lowest setting of heat possible, while others may require even more heat. Separate silk, wool, rayon, and acetate to be dealt with the lowest settings. Wool clothes may require the protection of another piece of fabric that was previously dampened, so take that in mind! For polyester, go with the medium heat setting, and for cotton, you can go either medium and high heat setting. Both of them should be dampened to be protected from the heat. Before the iron is ready to go, you should have them sorted out. How to Iron Clothes When you deal with shirts with a collar, you should start with it. You can start with a pattern that follows the inside part of the collar, starting from the center of it, until you reach the edges. Then, fall back to the center, and keep moving between both sides. Once you’ve finished with it, you can work the outside. Lay down the shirt in a way that you can flatten it with the iron with simple movements. After that, you have to work your way down, slowly moving the shirt. Then, work the sleeves then the cuffs. Pants are much easier than shirts with a collar. You just have yo lay them down in a way that you can work both legs at the same time. Start with the waist, gently work with the pockets, and go your way down. Repeat the process until you are satisfied with the results, but make sure to be gentle and careful with the heat and the ironing. Considering that there are way too many types of clothing to teach all of the proper methods and techniques to iron them accordingly, you should check this guide on how to do it without fail. Safety Recommendations Ironing can be a pretty dangerous process if you are not attentive while you do it. If you don’t take safety measures, you might harm yourself or others, so make sure to pay attention to this part of the guide. The very first thing you should always make sure is that the iron is unreachable for children. Children can be curious and do things without knowing, so you will be the one to blame if you allow them to get closer while they are heated up. This is important even after you’ve finished ironing. These devices tend to remain heated up even after disconnecting them, so you should still be attentive to any possible situation. I recommend you to wait at least 10 minutes before taking your guard off. Remember to check just in case. While it rests, don’t leave it face down. You might burn something or damage the iron if you do. If an accident happens and you burn yourself or someone else gets burned, treat the burn with cool water for as much time as you can. 20 minutes should be more than enough. Don’t use things like butter or oil, since it might infect the injury. if the burn is too big, you should check yourself with a doctor. Read Also: How To Choose A Washing Machine? How to Pack Clothing Properly for Shipping Choose The Latest Collection Of Women Clothing For a Stylish Look 6 Benefits Of Buying Clothes Online – Why People trust online shopping