Choosing Between Shopify and Crafting Your Website: A Guide for 2024

Published on: 29 February 2024 Last Updated on: 02 March 2024

Starting an e-commerce journey or considering a platform transition requires essential choices. This guide looks into Shopify and custom websites, breaking down their pros and cons. Whether you’re new to business or a seasoned entrepreneur, the aim is to give you valuable insights for making intelligent decisions.

Decoding Platforms: Shopify And Custom Websites In Focus

Shopify is an easy-to-use e-commerce platform with global reach. On the flip side, custom websites are tailored to specific business needs, giving more control and coding skills for setup and upkeep.

A Detailed Exploration: Shopify vs. Custom Websites



Shopify excels with its e-commerce-centric design, offering an intuitive interface and swift customization options. Custom websites demand technical proficiency involving web development, coding skills, and meticulous management.

Domain And Hosting:

Shopify streamlines the process by eliminating the need for separate domain and hosting decisions. On the other hand, custom websites require careful consideration for goals, structure, and usability.

Content Management:

Shopify serves as a CMS, facilitating easy content editing and reorganization. Custom websites rely on CMS platforms like WordPress but need a more intuitive nature of Shopify’s interface.

Website Construction Effort and Time:

Shopify allows rapid online store setup in just one day with guided instructions. Building a website from scratch is time-consuming and depends on factors such as size, complexity, and technical skills.


Shopify offers plans with additional costs for apps, themes, and domain subscriptions. Custom websites involve costs for hosting, domain, SSL certificate, development, extensions, and payment processors.

Design And Customization:

Shopify provides over 100 customizable templates and a user-friendly drag-and-drop builder. Custom websites offer complete control over design and functionality.

Maintenance And Updates:

Shopify integrates seamlessly with over 8,000 third-party applications. Custom websites require a more complex selection, investigation, and maintenance process.


Shopify ensures 24/7 customer support through various channels. Custom websites rely on the developer or agency, with support quality varying based on skills and responsiveness.

Unveiling Advantages Of Using Shopify

Unveiling Advantages Of Using Shopify

Advantages include a user-friendly interface, easy configuration, comprehensive e-commerce features, and robust support. Let us try to understand the pros of using Shopify for the sake of better understanding.

Easy To Use E-commerce Platforms

This is one of the biggest advantages of using Shopify. Shopify is built mainly for the average people and not the skilled developers. It’s quite simple to add the products and then create discounts. The web design of it is quite friendly. With the help of drag-and-drop editing tools, you can navigate the software for a pleasant experience. The platform itself provides software for hosting.

Supporting Wide Renge Of Busienss 

One of the benefits of using the software is supporting a wide range of products like outdoor gear, home goods, beauty supplies, clothing, and digital products. A study tells the fact that household storage containers, bike saddles, kitchen towels, and toy kitchens are considered the highest-trending.  Therefore, if your business involves one of these categories, you can bank on Shopify.

Low Startup Costs

Shopify’s relatively low monthly fees make the entire setup affordable. Shopify has a 14-day free trial period. Hereafter the users have to pay a monthly subscription fee. The basic plan starts at around $29 per month. The following level is $79 per month. Finally, the top package is $229 a month.

Customized Themes 

Once you sign up for the account in Shopify, you gain immediate access to around 70 themes that are free of cost. One can easily implement them. It may be easy to get carried away in the design elements. You can spend quite a lot on purchasing the theme from the Shopify store.

Drawbacks involve limitations in customization options, potential content and visual optimization issues, and relatively high transaction fees.

Unveiling Advantages Of Using Custom Websites:

Unveiling Advantages Of Using Custom Websites:

Advantages encompass heightened customization, freedom from platform constraints, extensive third-party integrations, and flexibility in coding and development. Drawbacks include the need for coding expertise, significant budget requirements, time and effort demands, high risk, manual setup, ongoing maintenance, and limited support. However, let us try to understand the advantages of using the customized software here in detail.

Unique Design

One of the advantages of using a custom web design is presenting uniqueness and individuality. This feature is exclusive only to the customized products where you decide with the designer regarding the website. It makes the brand stand out from the crowd.


The custom website design cost is less, allowing you to create aesthetic aspects of the template. The design of the product serves. There are unique business needs and expectations. This is why businesses try to design their website to handle their overall personality regarding the product. Due considerations are also provided to the users’ experience, navigation, unique color schemes, and, in the end, the overall personality of the websites.

Seo Optimized 

Another benefit of personalized websites is their SEO optimization. The customized website design allows for the website to be designed according to the specific SEO technique. It surely facilitates better ranking on the search engine. The better the ranking, the better opportunity gets created for business development. This is one technical point where the customized versions are well ahead.

Growing Reputation 

The growth and development of business depend on reputation building. Brands try to make their best effort to ensure better connectivity. With the help of customized website design, you can establish a relationship, and through better networking, you can create a unique brand for your company.

Ultimately, with the help of a customized reputation, you can grow your ownership and control over your website. Therefore, customized website designs have their gateway to achieving success in the long run. Businesses take the help of these websites to attain a competitive edge.

Strategic Conclusion

Align your choice with unique needs. Whether opting for Shopify or considering a different platform, trust the adept Shopify developers at VT Labs for safe and precise site building designed to serve your requirements. Their commitment involves leveraging cutting-edge tools to facilitate a smooth digital transformation journey.

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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It was a real pleasure to read your article. You are a very good author. Awesome article.


ANSI Compliant

Make Sure Your Company Stays ANSI Compliant with these Hi-Vis Workwear Tips

Employee safety should be the top priority for any company or organization that works in potentially dangerous environments. Not just because it is the morally right thing to do, but also any violations or non-compliant practices on your part can make you subject to fines and lawsuits. Providing high visibility workwear to your employees is often step one for any company when creating safety guidelines. However, not all high visibility workwear is the same, and understanding the differences can help protect you and your employees. Continue reading the article below to learn tips and other information related to “Hi-Vis workwear” that can help your company stay ANSI compliant. What is ANSI? ANSI stands for the American National Standard Institute. They are a nonprofit organization that, as their name suggests, sets standards for equipment and other services in a multitude of industries. For construction workers or any employee who may work in a hazardous environment wearing high visibility gear is essential, so following the ANSI guide for high visibility workwear is crucial for employers. The ANSI 107 is the code for the standard requirements for high visibility workwear, so if your employer is buying safety gear for your employers, make sure it is rated at ANSI 107. Types of ANSI Hi-Vis Workwear ANSI workwear is broken down into three categories, each best suited for a different type of labor. Type O: Type O workwear provides the lowest visibility while still being ANSI 107 rated. It helps separate the wearer from their environment. Type o workwear is usually used for situations where the background environment is not complex, such as mines and other off-road sites. Type R: Has more visibility than the type of workwear used for workers in traffic areas. It helps separate the wearer from more complex environments. Type P: Offers the most visibility to the wearer. They are used for workers in complex environments with many moving pieces. Understanding Hi-Vis Performance Classes Classes are separated by how visible they make the wearer. Class 1: this is where type O High vis workwear would fit. It offers just enough visibility to meet the ANSI 107 standards. Still, it can’t be used in complex environments as it just doesn’t provide enough visibility for the wearer to separate them from their environment. Almost exclusively used in off-road sites. Class 2: class 2 high vis workwear offers Incredibly high levels of visibility and is used in worksites with incoming traffic nearby. Type R and Type P high vis workwear can fit into this class. Class 3: class 3 high vis workwear provides the highest level of visibility and is used for sites with a large amount of incoming traffic, such as busy highways or metropolitan areas. Any construction site prone to congested traffic usually requires class 3 workwear. Type p workwear is traditionally associated with class 3. However, type R can sometimes qualify. High-Vis Workwear Helps Everyone Involved Providing high vis workwear to your employees can protect you, your workers, and the general public from potentially fatal accidents. Hopefully, now you have a good understanding of selecting the best one for your organization. Read Also: How to Increase the Safety of Your Employees Things to Consider When Sourcing Employees for Manufacturing Plants 7 Best Employee Recognition Awards Ideas For 2021 What Are the Ways to Prepare a New Employee?

Business Systems

The Value of Business Systems

Creating a business is always exciting. The challenge of building an organization from the ground up is more than exhilarating. Running the company, however, is another story. It can be a chore (and sometimes, even a big bore), especially when foolproof systems are not in place. So if you're looking to improve your business performance and spend more time outside the office, you need to recognize the value of business systems. What are Business Systems? Business systems are a series of procedures that help employees implement a specific type of service consistently. These systems usually come with business processes, which many know as standard operating procedures. With this series of checklists, the team can follow a work step even without undergoing training. Why Companies Need Business Systems and Processes It goes without saying that these help you effectively manage day-to-day operations. Without this, your company will crumble. Just think of it this way: it's like losing a vital piece of the puzzle when one management worker resigns or calls in sick. That said, the value of these systems are summarized into these five benefits: A Business System Provides Consistency Zak Frazer once said: "The key to success is consistency." With systems and processes, you deliver consistent services to your customers. After all, these procedures and checklists keep your efforts aligned. When you have happy customers, they will keep coming back to your business. You generate the revenue you need because they keep spending money on your services over and over again. Business Systems Improve Service Efficiency Some companies fail to be consistent because they don't have systems and processes to follow. The employees do one thing, while the management does another. So if you don't want to sow some business discord, you need to have a system in place. That way, everybody meets the objective because everyone follows the same written process. Business Systems and Processes are Indispensable Assets Say you want to sell your company's stakes in the future. You have a bigger chance of getting investors if you have a business system in place. It's your way of telling them that you have an established work process, a solid customer base, and a steady stream of sales. Businesses With Systems Scale Faster When you have a system in place, you can focus on other things. You're no longer bound to implementing any one program. Since the business process offers the support you need, you get to work on other strategies instead. So if you want unprecedented business growth, you need to have system resources in place. That way, you can develop other products and services that appeal to other customers. A Business System Can Bring Down Labor Costs While no software can replace the human touch, there are some business operations that systems can efficiently complete. Many of them are mundane and repetitive, which is a waste of money on your part. By giving these non-essential processes to business systems, you can make the most out of your team. For example, you can install software that helps them answer generic queries. That way, your workers can spend more time creating marketing strategies instead. The Different Business Systems You Need to Have in Place As mentioned, systems offer many benefits to businesses. So if you want to be as successful as every other owner, here are the four essential systems you need to have in place: Marketing System Marketing is all about promoting your products. It allows you to have a good flow of leads. With this, you can market your items without putting in a lot of effort. Think of it as a passive way of generating customers for your business. Sales System With marketing systems bringing in leads, it's up to the sales system to nurture them. Such programs make customer follow-up easier. Your employees could work on another strategy since the business systems can do this repetitive thing for them. Fulfillment Systems Now that you have sold your products, you have to make sure that the delivery process is seamless. You can please your customer with fulfillment programs that do everything for you. All you just need to do is wait for them to pick up the parcels at your place! Administration Systems If you've managed several workers, you know how stressful it is to do clerical activities. With administration systems, however, you don't have to worry about this aspect of your business. Such programs can help you with human resource management, customer accounts, and reception. Now, all you need to do is focus on business growth, just like other business owners do! As you see in this article, quality business systems will benefit your organization and help you scale to greater heights. Grow your business right now by setting up these processes as soon as you can. Read Also: Insurance Business: What Startups Need To Know What Are the Alternatives for Small Business Startup Loans? Startup Business Management: How to Effectively Incorporate Use of SEO


How to become a Professional Barista

An article related to Barista Coffee should begin with one of my most favourite quotes on coffee: “Coffee is a way of stealing time which should by rights belong to your older self.” - American Heroes Coffee In the last decade, the coffee making industry has experienced a lot of changes. Also, a lot of coffee shops are opening daily. As a way of competing for customers, these shops have to come up with the best cup of coffee in the cities.  Barista is one of the most important factor of  American Heroes coffee. In this way, demand for a qualified coffee superstar is on the rise and therefore generating employment opportunities. If you plan to join this field, this article contains all you need. We discuss how to become a professional barista, the approximate amount to invest and the challenges you have to overcome. Consider reading through the whole text so that you may understand the entire process clearly. Who is a Barista? A barista is a technical name that refers to a person who prepares and serves coffee in a coffee shop. Unlike the early days, today’s coffee maker machines in UAE need a lot of skills as well as practice to operate efficiently. For these reasons, most of the coffee shops only consider employing professional baristas. So, with these high demands, how do you become a professional barista that you may secure yourself a job in UAE? 1. Go for Extra Training: Most of the baristas you find in regular coffee shops have a high school diploma or certificate alone. That qualification is enough to make you a barista but not a professional. If you want to be an expert, you should consider registering for training programs. Most of them are online based tutorials and therefore are convenient and flexible to your daily schedules. Through the training sessions, you learn all the basics in grinding coffee beans. You also get a guide on how to steam milk, and importantly you learn how to operate the espresso machines. What is unique about the training programs is that they offer additional lessons on how you can start and manage your coffee shop. However, consider picking tutors who offer certifications after the training program. 2. What will the Course cost you: Most of the online courses will cost between $120 and $199. The cost gets depending on the selected course levels. You can consider taking a class on the basic barista or master barista. The basic barista course will cost you less than the later. Note that, in coffee making lessons, you get what you pay. The more cash you invest, you get better skills. However, with these prices, there is always a course for everyone’s pocket. You also need to use more of your time on the classes if you want to complete faster. The sessions will take at most 8 hours. Therefore, if you’re a serious student, you can make it within two days or at most four days, and you’re through. 3. Communication and Physical Requirements: If you want to be a professional barista, you need to have excellent communication skills. You should be polite to customers and when offended, never display your anger in front of the buyers. Also, you don’t want to deliver orders that customers didn’t place. That’s why you must have a good hearing as well as listening skills. Physically, you need to be in a capacity to stand and walk for long hours. Also, you should be in place to push at least 40 pounds of weight without stretching a lot. An excellent eye vision is also essential both at near and far distances. Excellent customer services will also make you a professional barista. You should, therefore, express acceptable personal attributes. First, you must show a neat appearance and look attractive to the customers. If you’re always looking dirty, you appear unprofessional, and customers will walk away. Also, you should act in honesty and integrity while offering your services. When serving under pleasure, do not panic, but always stay calm and keep a smiling face. 4. Get a license: If you want to come out as a professional, there’s a need that you obtain a permit from the authorities. Having a permit proves that you’re a qualified barista and increases customer’s trust in your services. The process to get a license requires you to follow universal laws on certification of jobs that deal with foods. Note that, the regulations will vary from one government, state or region to the other. Therefore, pay attention and avoid possible attempts to take it for granted. 5. Use the Internet Wisely: If you didn’t know, a lot of the information on trends in the coffee industry is available online. Use online free learning materials to add basic tips into your knowledge. Also, follow up on the successful baristas across the globe and learn about their secrets. Following on the customer reviews is always a great way to know what the customers want. Buyers will at most of the times give facts of what they want and what is going wrong. By knowing what matters to them, you’re able to enhance your services. 6. Research about Baristas: If you're going to be a professional barista, you should spend time learning about how much a barista can earn. Also, learn about how many hours you’ll be working in a day and the pressure you will have to deal with at the shop. If you rush into the job, you can end up with a frustrating experience. However, taking the time to learn about the expectations of becoming a barista can be very rewarding. Learn about the challenges you’ll come across as a barista and make a strategy on how to deal with them. Therefore, if you want to operate as a professional barista, you need to be smart. 7. Take the Right Attitude: If you're going to appear as a professional, you need to show up at work in the right mood. Note that, if your spirit is terrible, you’re likely to mess up with your customers. Your clients need to see a happy face and get served with a kind heart. It’s crucial that you be in love with what you’ll be doing if you wish to be successful. Being a barista is a simple thing to do but becoming a professional barista comes with extra efforts. You decide to stick on being a basic barista or a master barista. Whichever decision you make, consider employing the needed shot. Read Also: 10 Best Coffee Places In The US 7 Fantastically Unusual Uses Of Old Coffee Beans Investing In Office Space For Your SME: What To Consider How You Can Create A Coffee House Experience In Your Own Home Finding Your Path In Life: 5 Ways To Determine What You Want To Do In Life