How To Crack Civil Service Exam In One Attempt

Published on: 01 August 2016 Last Updated on: 19 August 2019
ias exam

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts its prestigious Civil Services exam annually to fill the posts of civil servants in government organizations, let it be at the central or state level. Major vacancies that are filled by the UPSC include Indian Forest Service (IFS), Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and so on.

If a candidate is able to crack the civil services examination, that would be deemed as a remarkable achievement and the value of such a person would skyrocket in the society and also among his peers. A simple fact about passing the civil services exam is that one who passes such an exam would have to put a serious effort. This eventually means that passing the UPSC exam would not happen just by working hard or by being lucky.

To pass the IAS Exam a candidate has to craft a time table that should be practical and customized to fit his/her study requirements. That would be one of the most important ways that would make sure the exam is cleared in the first attempt.

A candidate should give importance to the notifications provided by the UPSC which clearly states the syllabus for the UPSC exams (Prelims and Mains). The best way would be to keep the Syllabus in a format which ideally should be a printed one which should be viewable from their desks for a glance.

Also, the candidates should definitely remember as to what are the exam dates which would help them to customize their timetables as per the exam requirements. This would also help the candidates to give maximum attention to the subjects which they find difficult and so on. The following points provided below might turn helpful to crack the civil services exam in one attempt.

Get familiar with the subject by knowing the syllabus

It would be really beneficial to understand the UPSC Syllabus thoroughly as it covers all the subjects including the optional ones.  The best part about knowing the syllabus is that it would reduce the stress of the candidate to a great extent as he/she has a clear understanding of even the optional subjects.

Have a timetable that should be practical

From the moment the candidate gets an idea about the syllabus, the next step obviously would be to create a timetable that would cover every subject and simultaneously easy to implement. However, care should be taken regarding not to make the time table neither too rigid nor too flexible and balance would be the key.

Make use of sample question papers (including previous years)

As everyone is aware of the fact that sample questions papers are a replica of the exam pattern followed by the UPSC, it would be of no surprise that most candidates make use of them during their preparation by solving them. Solving them would boost the morale of candidates as they have at least a little bit of idea as to what they can expect from the upcoming exams.

It has been heard from various study circles that there are various institutes providing training for UPSC preparations and everyone has been speaking unanimously about Byju’s learning app. While preparing for UPSC exams, one needs proper guidance right from the start like creating a time table, attend the training courses of high quality, know the tips and tricks to crack the exam, etc along with notifications on exams and so on. The Free IAS prep section provided by Byju’s comprises thing like:

  • video lectures
  • sample question papers
  • complete UPSC Exam syllabus
  • topic-specific articles
  • textbooks
  • test series
  • current affairs
  • list of NCERT and other reference books etc

Finally, they have important sections in their site for things like Daily News Analysis, Notifications, Exam simulation, Answer writing practice and the like which would be helpful for the candidates to take their preparation to the next level.

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introverts college

5 Communication Tips for Introverts in College

Introversion is a sensitive topic of debate in the education sector. Psychologists, educators, and administrators alike go to great lengths to understand introverts in schools. It is also a great subject to give your dissertation expert for your research project. Student life as an introvert is tough. While most of the world around you can’t stop talking, you find energy from silence and solitude. While joining college is an exciting prospect for most students, it is another dreary phase if you are an introvert.  The awkward moments, taunts, and struggles in forming friendships are just a few of the problems you will encounter. One way of dealing with this challenge is to leverage your qualities of introversion and boost them with the best communication skills. This guide highlights a few communication tips you can use as an introvert in college to make your life more comfortable. 1. Leverage Online Communication With the advent of digital technology, it is now easier to reach out and make friends. In college, you can collaborate and bond with other students online. It is more comfortable than face to face interactions, and it will also boost your confidence. By communicating online, you still manage to speak your mind on class subjects and other issues while maintaining your privacy. With time, you will form closer bonds with some of your online collaborators, and you will find it easy to interact. 2. Use your Listening Power Extroverts like speaking out, and it is terrifying to introverts. In college, you will have to interact with all kinds of people, and they expect you to chip into arguments. However, you can use your intense listening skills to your advantage. You need to show your acknowledgment of the speaker for them to leave you at peace. You can also defuse tense and awkward moments by nodding in agreement to move on the discussion. 3. Trust Yourself In college, you have to cope with pressure from different angles. Everyone wants you to join into whatever they like. As an introvert, this is one of the most daunting phases of your life, but you have to trust yourself. This is the only way to make the right decisions. You have always thought through decisions, and this should not change due to peer pressure. Stick to your guns and take your time when making decisions. Always consider your needs and wellbeing before making a decision. As the other students discover your introverted nature, they might want to exploit you. You have to use your personality as a strength to always make the right decisions. 4. Learn from a model Extrovert You have to prepare yourself for several years of life amidst hundreds of extroverts. It is good to prepare yourself and learn how to communicate with everyone around you. You should consider learning from an extrovert with whom you share some interests. Create a solid foundation for this relationship. As you gain their trust, speak out your mind, and seek their help to communicate more freely. It is a tough decision to make, but it will help you go through college more comfortably. 5. Learn To Speak Up If You Feel Ignored This is the toughest communication tip for an extrovert but also the most important.  Extroverts will readily speak up whenever they want, but for you, this will not happen. However, your input is still important in class discussions and other important forums. You should practice to speak up at the most appropriate moments.  Look for an opportunity to put across your thought when no one else has the floor to avoid awkward moments. Wrapping Up Life as an introvert in college can get tough, but if you work on your communication skills, things will get better. Use these tips to boost your interactions in college and enjoy more comfortable school life. Read Also: Online Schools The Only Source For Personalized Education 7 Reasons Why Online Education Is Very Popular How Contents On Web Influence Students

Learning: 7 Ways To Train Your Brain 

Speed Up Your Learning: 7 Ways To Train Your Brain 

Learning is a key trait of human beings. But for some, practicing this human experience is cumbersome. From the school stage to university standard, we all are accustomed to the process of learning. But most of us rely on the important information that is necessary to get good grades or enhance our career. Frankly, getting good grades does not relate to individual learning and development. To some extent, it can help you stay in the loop, but if you are slow learning, you will find it difficult to follow. Brain development is a customized approach that can deal with flexibility and newness. The daily boring study process is not enough to deal with brain development. Instead, you need to dig into the ingenious ways of learning and development. The human brain is the most critical part of the whole body. The tricky concept of it is like newness! So, a conventional method does not produce something exceptional, especially when a person’s brain is slow. If you are a slow learner, don't worry! We have got you covered this time! It's time to build your memory and learning capacity! Best Ways To Sharpen Your Brain Functions  Learning and development are the common choices of humans, and if you are poor in them, you need to find ways to accelerate them. However, you are not alone in this mess! Many people are suffering from slow brain activities. Well, you cannot change the formation of your brain structure, but you can excel in the development of your brain with proper training. However, we are already accustomed to a particular process of learning. In different ways, we do not have much time to do something extra in our lives. Well, this is the modern world approach which is making our life boring! People filled with frustration try to commit suicide to get out of everything at once. Well, this is the worst scenario, while most of us with a slow brain work on boring steps without any prior changes in lifestyle and learning. But brain development through appropriate activities is a must! Using your brain in the fast-paced world is crucial to deal with all the dilemmas in life. Here we go! Concentrate On One Task At A Time  Multitasking is an excellent option to maximize your productivity! Do you agree with this statement? Well, most of us find it to be a positive way to excel in productivity and ensure completing tasks. However, this conventional process is not a better choice for learning. Learning and development need attention and focus. Your concentration needs to adhere to the activity you are doing. Well, multitasking, in this modern world, can be fruitful in several conditions, but in the long run, it affects our brains in negative ways. While you are on a multitasking approach, your concentration may work in diverse ways. This is not a good step for brain development. Slow brain functioning may also occur with these steps! So, it's better to concentrate on one aspect at a time to engage more attention and let your brain function to its highest potential. Play Connect 4 Online  Online learning and development is a common approach for students these days. But no matter your age, if you try to connect 4 online, it can help you deal with slow brain activities. Gaming is a must-try approach to dealing with the boredom of life. But we need to choose our games wisely so that they can affect our brains in positive ways. This is where the inspiring and easy-to-learn connected game can deal with slow brain problems. The best part is that you can play with your friends and family members from anywhere. So it does not take much effort to work on it. It just allows your brain to work much while you are fully chilling! This fun online gaming activity can be your best solution to deal with- Boringness Enjoy with family and friends Strengthen your brain's working process So, why not try it for a few days and see how it affects your brain function? Ask Questions At The Right Time  If you do not ask right at the moment when your mind arouses the question, it may affect your brain in negative ways. How? Well, while your brain is functioning to the fullest, you need to appreciate it and help it learn more. To reduce your slow learning approach, you have to deal with proper questions and inquiries. No matter where you are, if you are confused, ask for it! The more you deal with this on-time approach, the better your brain will learn and function. Look For Intuitive Ways To Understand Concepts While working on a new concept, you need to understand it completely without any confusion. Complete learning is the only solution to excel in life. Your brain is always ready to take more, but it will be your choice whether to work on it or not. Don't ever let your brain find laziness! Some intuitive approaches, like visual representation or practical application, can strengthen your understanding. Do not stop until it's fully understood! Take Regular Breaks  A break might seem like a waste of time during a project! But do you know that a small nap or break can heal your brain in positive ways? It's not like taking a long break, but while working on a particular process, small breaks can help your brain refresh and work better. Break Down Bigs Into Smalls  Our mind works in different ways than we think. It should not feel like you are overburdening it! So, whenever you need to work on something big, try to break down your task into small projects. Try to achieve those small tasks and celebrate them from the inside to refresh your mind. It's an inspiration to work more, and thus, your brain will function better automatically! Test Yourself Regularly  Consistency is the key to dealing with brain functions! If you think that you can do things better, try to test your regularity. This is the only way to help your brain get advanced. The more it works, the sharper it gets! Down the line, we all have to work hard and go for a bright future! So, what are you up to? Read Also: How To Foster A Growth Mindset For Continuous Learning And Improvement 4 Lessons Content Marketers Can Learn from E-learning Courses 5 Advantages of Online Learning in Germany

Succeed in University

Top Five Tips on How to Succeed in University

If you want to succeed in University, you can take certain steps to improve your experience. It can be overwhelming to juggle your schoolwork, your job, and your social life, but if you are organized and follow this advice, you will find it to be manageable. You can keep a schedule and use an essay writing service to help manage your time, and if you plan out your semester, you will find that it falls into place more easily. Continue reading to learn the top five tips on how to succeed in university. 1. Make a Schedule: One of the best things you can do is create a schedule to make sure that you get your assignments done on time. Your professors will give you a syllabus, so you will know what assignments are due throughout the term. You will know when your exams are scheduled and when you have papers due, which makes it easy to create a schedule. You can plan ahead and start working on more difficult assignments before they are due so that you have enough time. Making a schedule will also help you if you are trying to make your work schedule and your social plans. 2. Get Help When You Need it: It can be intimidating to ask your professors for help, but they often have office hours set aside specifically to help students. If you have questions about an assignment or any difficulty understanding the material, your professors will be happy to meet with you. If you find that you are struggling, you can ask your professor for help before you get behind. 3. Focus on the Important Assignments: When you are in University, some of your classes are general requirements. You may have more work than you can handle some weeks, but you need to stay on top of it. If you have too much to do, you can use essay writing services to get some of your work off your plate. These professionals will follow the directions exactly and make sure that you have your work ready to turn in on time. This way, you will be able to stay focused on the assignments that are in your major. 4. Make Time for Your Friends: No matter how busy you are, you need to make sure that you have time for your friends. It is easy to get caught up in your assignments and feel as though there simply isn’t any time. However, it is important to take some time for yourself. When you make your schedule, set aside time each week to let off steam. This gives you a chance to recharge and reset so that you will be more focused when it is necessary. 5. Learn How to Take Great Notes: When you are in class, it is important to learn how to take great notes. Your professors will share information they expect you to know when you have your exams, and you will be better prepared if you have notes. Learn how to listen to your professors and determine what they find important. This will help you prepare for your exams. Read Also: 3 Tips For University Application Worldwide How Education Powers a Better World? Benefits of Vocational Education