How To Prevent Catalytic Converter Theft

Catalytic Converter Theft

The catalytic converter is an important part of the car that turns the pollutants made from the car into a harmless gas. The converter can take many harmful things like platinum, palladium, and rhodium and then turn them into different gases.

While you might not think about this simple part of your car, it’s actually a target for thieves because they can sell it for a large amount of money. If you no longer need your catalytic converter for any reason, Core Masters buys catalytic converters.

This guide will cover how to prevent catalytic converter theft as well as explain how to know if your converter has been stolen.

How Do I Know If My Catalytic Converter Has Been Stolen?

Most of the time, you cannot tell your converter was stolen just by looking at your car. You will probably be able to tell once you start the engine though as the car might make weird noises. When the converter has been removed from the car, the vehicle makes a constant loud roaring noise that becomes louder as you push on the gas pedal.

If you drive the car, you will notice it cannot drive smoothly and it will make a weird sputtering noise.

Here are some of the other things you can look for when it comes to driving without your converter:

  • Loud roar as you start the car that becomes louder the more you accelerate
  • More exhaust fumes than usual and weird exhaust smells
  • You notice there are missing parts under the car especially the ones that lead to the muffler
  • Acceleration that is sputtering or uneven
  • The check engine light is on or your car fails an engine inspection

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Why Do People Steal Catalytic Converters?

There are many reasons why people choose to steal catalytic converters. While sometimes you can only get $50 for a converter, there are some that can be sold for thousands of dollars per ounce thanks to the precious metals that are found in them.

People that are used to stealing converters can take them in just a few minutes making them easy to steal and get away. It’s an easy way to make quick cash for some people so they take every opportunity they can to ensure they take them.

Catalytic Converters also cannot be tracked like other parts of the car. So people that steal it easily get away with it and the person who’s now missing it from their car has no way of getting it back.

Are Certain Cars Targeted For Catalytic Converter Theft?

Any car that is made after 1974 has a converter so there are many cars out on the road that thieves can target. Most of the time, thieves prefer to steal from taller cars like SUVs and trucks because they can easily go under the car and take the converter.

Hybrid cars are also another target because the converters are made with more metal and more precious metals which means they can get a higher value for them when selling. The more precious metals there are in the converter, the more money the thief can get for it so they often go for cars they know that have converters best for selling.

Ways To Protect Your Car Against Catalytic Converter Theft

Worried about your car’s catalytic converter being stolen? There are plenty of ways you can ensure this doesn’t happen. Most are simple tricks that can be done for free.

Know If You’re A Target

As stated before, SUVs, trucks, and hybrid cars are all easy targets for catalytic converter theft. If you own one of these cars, you need to ensure you always follow all safety tips because you know your car’s converter can be stolen easier.

Knowing that your target makes it easier to keep yourself safe and be aware of the signs that your converter has been stolen.

Put Your VIN On The Converter

There is no way to track a catalytic converter, so if yours is stolen it’s almost impossible to retrieve it back. This is why some people choose to put their VIN or their license plate number on their converter.

This way if someone goes to sell it, the person buying it might check if the person trying to sell it to them is the original owner. If they are not, they can contact authorities and say they think the converter has been stolen.

Park In Well Lit Areas

Every time you park your car or go somewhere, make sure you park near the street lights. You should also try and park as close to the entrance of places as possible. If you park in an apartment complex, try to park in different areas every time so that people do not target your car as being in the same place.

Install Cameras

If you can, put cameras in your parking lot or outside your home. This allows people to know you have surveillance and they will be deterred from stealing the converter because they know they can be caught more easily.

You can also install motion sensor lights so that every time someone walks by, the light turns on. This makes people feel like they are being watched and they will not want to get too close to your car.

Paint Your Converter

This often deters buyers because it makes the converter less valuable. Painting is also known as a common technique for avoiding theft so if a person tries to sell a painted converter, it looks more suspicious. Some police departments even let you go into their station and paint your converter for free.

Catalytic Converters And Thieves

Unfortunately, converters are easy to steal making them an easy target for those looking to make a quick buck. When your converter is stolen, you can even spend up to $3000 replacing it. This is why it’s very important to use the tips in this guide to prevent your converter from being stolen.

You also need to ensure your car is insured against catalytic converter theft so that you are never stuck paying for a new out-of-pocket.

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Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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Car Accident in Fort Worth

7 Things to Do After a Car Accident in Fort Worth For Your Protection and Safety

If you’ve ever been in an accident in Fort Worth, you know the shock and confusion that follow such an unexpected event. However, there are several things you need to do immediately following any car accident in Fort Worth, from protecting yourself from injury to documenting the incident to taking steps to ensure that your vehicle undergoes repairs or adequate replacement takes place. What are these things? Find out by reading this article on the seven things you need to do after a car accident in Fort Worth. 1. Contact Fort Worth Car Accident Lawyer While it’s natural to be worried about your injuries or those of your passengers immediately following an accident, it’s imperative to call a Fort Worth Car Accident Lawyer as soon as possible. Even if you don’t think you were at fault or are unsure of who was, contact an accident attorney in Fort Worth. They will handle the accident scene to protect you and help you make appropriate claims. It’s vital to preserve all evidence for your claim, such as photographs of the damages before moving the cars, tickets or written warnings issued before the accident, medical records, witness accounts. There is a two-year time limit on filing injury claims or lawsuits arising from auto accidents in Texas. An experienced attorney can help you understand your legal rights and options as quickly as possible so that you can get proper treatment without worrying about whether or not you have enough funds to pay for it. 2. Gather Details of All Involved Parties When there’s been an accident, it’s essential to gather all details from both parties and write them down. These details may include driver license numbers, insurance information, names of witnesses, etc. Keep everything organized and safe until your case is over. If a witness provided their contact information, be sure to ask for their phone number or email address. You never know when you might need to get in touch with someone for more details on how your accident unfolded. 3. Take Pictures With Concrete Details of the Accident While your mobile phone’s camera may not be as good as those found on digital cameras, it’s probably better than nothing—and it could be vital if police and insurance adjusters ever question who was at fault. Take photos of your vehicle’s exterior before calling anyone; photos of damage can help prove what happened during an accident. Taking pictures of your body and other injuries is also a good idea since it lets you document them for any legal proceedings. 4. Contact Your Insurance Company Another crucial thing you will want to do after an accident is contacting your insurance company, regardless of who was at fault. Since auto insurance claims can be complicated, especially if there’s another driver involved, it’s always best to talk with your carrier and let them know what happened. Updating your auto insurance company is crucial since they can give you tips on the next steps or even assist with filing your claim with another party. At this juncture, the accident photos showing damages may help for documentation purposes. 5. Call The Police: A Law Enforcement Officer Witness In Fort Worth, TX, it’s illegal for one driver to flee an accident scene. If you are involved in an accident with another vehicle, call law enforcers, 911, remain at your location, and wait for law enforcement to arrive. If another driver runs from the scene of an accident, report their license plate number and any other identifying details of the driver, such as hair color, length, and clothing, immediately. If you leave the scene of a car accident without complying with the state law requirements, they may charge you with a third-degree felony if there were injuries and a second-degree felony in case of death. Therefore, it’s essential to call the police and remain within the accident scene until you comply with the legal requirements. Consequently, it would be of great importance to contact the Fort Worth Car Accident Lawyer to help you comply with the legal requirements at the accident scene and handle the process as they keep track of the accident and the unfolding events. 6. Notify Your Family and Seek Medical Attention If you were injured, your first instinct might be to call your loved ones and let them know that everything is okay. The move is wise—but it’s just as crucial for your family and friends to know not everything is well. They may hear about it from somebody else first, but it’s vital they hear from you and get a clear picture of what happened. Don’t delay getting in touch with your family or close friend, more so if you suffered severe injuries or if someone died as a result of the accident. Also, don’t hesitate to seek medical attention, even if you feel fine. Many people go wrong after an accident by not seeking medical help until tomorrow. Every minute counts when it comes to diagnosing and treating injuries! Conclusion When there’s an accident, our emotions can sometimes get in the way of making good decisions. Take a step back and contact Tate Law Offices if you have suffered injuries in an accident. You will protect your rights, guide you through what to do next, from dealing with insurance companies and filing claims to getting your medical bills paid and your life back on track. Read Also: 7 Reasons Why Teenagers Pay Extra For Car Insurance Tips For Reducing Car Insurance Costs 10 Causes Of Uber Accidents In The United States 5 COMMON CAUSES OF MISSOURI TRUCK ACCIDENTS 5 Different Types of Car Accident Claim

car care

Car Care for Newbies

Car shows are pretty popular. We love to watch people ‘pimping their rides’ and getting car make-overs. Meanwhile, our own vehicles are lucky if they get a weekly car wash. For many drivers, fuel is the only maintenance their car receives. And even this becomes a problem because they ignore their fuel indicator light until the last possible minute. For the record, you should never dismiss your car’s lights or sounds. They were put there for a reason, and if you’re unclear, you could always Google it. Check your car’s user manual, and if it’s too dry and boring to hold your interest, spend some time on WikiHow and YouTube. You can find some pretty detailed, user-friendly tips for your car model. But what exactly does car maintenance involve? Wash your car two or three times a week, or opt for a deep detail. These are offered by mobile car wash services that will drive right to your door and clean your car without it ever leaving your driveway. These detailers may suggest additional car care options, like defogging lights, deodorising car smells and protecting your paint job. Do a manual check Apart from cleaning the car, you should do a cursory inspection each time you step out of the car. It’s that thing guys do when they squat beside the car, kick the tyres and raise the bonnet, except it’s never quite clear what they’re looking for. Here are some suggestions. Stroll around the car and peek underneath, checking for any water puddles or oil spills. Rev the engine and listen to it. If you’ve been driving the car long enough, you can tell when the engine sounds ‘off’, even if you can’t detect the exact problem. If possible, you can use your phone to record the unsettling sound, then you can text it to your mechanic and see what they think. It may be something simple like loose ball joints, or it could be a worn-out clutch plate! On that note, get your car regularly serviced. It’ll only spend a few hours at the garage, and some mechanics will even give you a substitute vehicle to use in the meantime. Back to your car check, kicking the tyres has two goals. One, you’re assessing tyre pressure, in case you need an air refill. Two, you’re inspecting your tyre treads – it may be time for a new set of wheels. Top up your car fluids Your car does not live on fuel alone. You have lots of other car fluid, such as brake fluid, engine oil, lubricant, radiator water, and steering fluid for automatic cars. These need to be refilled at regular intervals, and your car owner’s manual (or YouTube) can guide you on what to check, where it’s located on the car, and how often you need to top up. This keeps your car running. Think of your car like your body. Some days, you wake up off-kilter. You’re not always sure what’s wrong, but you don’t feel like yourself. Put the same amount of focus on your car. As you drive, pay attention to smooth shifting, strange shudders, squeaks, rumbles, or vibrations. Learn what’s normal and what’s not, so that you know when it’s time to call the garage. Read Also: 7 Important Car Driving Safety Tips You Should Not Skip! Washing Your Car: 7 Dos And Don’ts What Do You Need To Change Car Rims?

Car Shipping

Why Use Car Shipping Services & How A Cost Calculator Can Help

As one of the most valuable possessions you have, your vehicle is one of those assets that you always take good care of. Or, at least you’re trying to take good care of it. Thus, when relocating to a different city or state, for example, you’ll think twice before deciding to drive a car such a long distance. Instead of driving, you’ll start thinking about using car shipping services. Yet, you won’t really be sure if that’s a good idea, and if you come across a car shipping calculator, you won’t know how helpful it can exactly be. Both of those questions are certainly highly important, so what I’ll do now is answer them for you, helping you both make the right decision and figure out what to do with the calculator should you choose to use these services. Why Use Car Shipping Services Unsurprisingly, we’re going, to begin with the question of why using the car shipping option is a great idea. There are quite a few reasons to do this, and you’ll now get familiar with some of them. Learning about those reasons will help you ultimately decide if this is the right solution for you, or if you should perhaps decide to drive after all. I highly doubt that, but still. It’s a possibility. In addition, if you need to transport your car consider using the reliable car shipping services offered by" Reduce the Risk of Damage Driving your car a very long distance can certainly take a toll on it and lead to some damage. Some issues you could face with it could be minor and insignificant, while others could be quite serious and, of course, expensive. Using the car shipping option, you’ll reduce the risk of damage, because your vehicle won’t be driven, but instead transported by a professional who has done this numerous times before and knows how to do it safely and successfully. No Stress The stress of driving for far too long is something nobody wants to experience. When you first think about driving a very long distance, it may sound like a fun road trip, and you may get excited about it. After you’ve been on the road for a while, though, stress will replace excitement, and you’ll regret the day you decided to drive instead of using the shipping option and avoid any kind of stress whatsoever. Here’s what to know about car shipping: Avoid Injuries Being behind the wheel for far too long can not only be stressful but also lead to some injuries. No matter how comfortable your car is, sitting for long periods of time can lead to back injuries. And then, there’s also the fact you may have an accident on the road, which can result in even more serious injuries. Using the car shipping option will help you completely avoid the risk of those injuries. Save Time Time is certainly among those resources that you don’t want to waste. Saving it is, instead, your goal, because saving time on one thing means you can focus on other important things, or even just relax and recharge your batteries. With the car shipping solution, you’ll definitely get to save time, as you won’t be trapped behind the wheel. Save Money On Unforeseen Expenses Since talking of saving things, we can’t fail to mention money. Sure, you’ll be paying for the shipping service, but there are a lot of things you won’t be paying for if you decide to go for it instead of driving yourself. Basically, you won’t pay for gas, road trip food, accommodation, etc. And, you won’t incur any unforeseen costs, such as those that could arise from your vehicle needing repairs after being damaged on the road. Read more on how to transport your car. How a Cost Calculator Can Help After mentioning money, we have to start dealing with the next important thing that you’re wondering regarding these particular services. How can those shipping cost calculators actually help you and should you use them? Well, they help by providing you with a clear estimate on the amount you’ll pay when transporting your car with a specific company and on specific dates, allowing you to set a clear budget for it aside, as well as to find the best and the most reasonable deal. Using them can and will help you pay a fair price. Read Also: 6 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Shipping Company AutoTempest: Is It The Best Search Engine For Cars? Is Marine Transportation A Good Career Path?