Poppy Playtime’s Huggy Wuggy – Should Children Play This Game?


17 March 2023


Huggy Wuggy

I was surprised to find that parents are scared that their children might come across Huggy Wuggy in Poppy Playtime. This fuzzy-blue character from the game seems alright to me. Therefore, I decided to give this game a try.

And now, I understand why parents are concerned with this game. There is, however, nothing to worry about in the slightest.

Let’s see what this ruckus is all about.

What is Poppy Playtime?

Poppy Playtime is one of the latest additions to the ever growing list of horror games based on children’s concepts. This game was released in an episodic style and was inspired by other episodic horror games like Five Nights at Freddy’s.

The game’s first episode was released in October 2021, with the second charter being released in March 2022.

After the release of its first episode, this indie-horror game quickly gained a lot of popularity, especially due to various Poppy Playtime TikTok reels going viral. This sudden jump in popularity made this game land under the radar of big Twitch streamers and YouTube content creators, which made it even more popular.

In this game, all the staff of the Playtime Co. toy factory inexplicably disappeared, leaving you stranded within. Now, you must get out of there quickly. However, things are more complex than they sound.

You quickly discover that the toy factory has been abandoned because the toys are alive. Not only are they creepy, but they constantly crave human blood due to a previously failed experiment on them.

Now, you must use your wits to survive bloodthirsty toys and dolls. I swear Chucky would have been proud to be here, commanding a legion of murderous dolls behind him!

Who Is Huggy Wuggy?

No matter how creepy and unsettling the atmosphere of the game is, its star attraction will always remain to be the nefarious Huggy Wuggy Poppy Playtime.

Introduced in Chapter 1 of the game, Huggy Wuffy appears to be the main antagonist of the game. He is the big bad monster of this game that you should be running from at all times. More or less, he reminded me of the Xenomorph from Alien: Isolation.

This furry, 10 feet tall blue Teletubby appears to be the main mascot of the company Playtime Co. However, despite his fuzzy and cute appearance initially, he can be the scariest toy you have ever seen, especially when he opens his mouth and reveals his blood-soaked fangs.

One of the main aspects of Huggy Wuggy that makes him famous is the abundant jump scares he provides people. He often appears at the darkest depths of the factory and typically creates a bloody mess most of the time.

His sudden appearances in the game have made him a famous attraction for gaming content creators. There are numerous montages and reaction videos where gamers get heart attacks after unexpectedly spotting him on television.

What Parents Should Know

After seeing all the TikTok videos and various YouTube videos, many parents have voiced their opinions regarding this game. Most of their concerns about this game steam from experiences their children might have with Huggy Wuggy.

The main reason parents are talking about this game is because of its horror elements. At various parts of the game, from abandoned rooms to suffocating air vents, Huggy Wuggy will chase you around the plant. Along the way, there are various instances where you can see lots of blood and guts smeared on the floor.

Although there are no scenes in this game where players are brutally murdered or beheaded by Huggy Wuggy, the sheer volume of blood smears on the walls was enough to make many parents scream “Blasphemy” at the top of their lungs.

Children viewing various fan-made YouTube videos added to the severity of all these worries. In such videos, creators took the liberty of showering Huggy Wuggy as the flash-ripping monstrosity he is.

Since Huggy Wuggy is a character from a “children’s video game,” YouTube has applied no age restrictions on these videos. Therefore, minors and pre-teens using YouTube quickly found these videos after searching for Poppy Playtime. This exposed them to the seedy side of growing up, where your innocence is put to the test by obscenity and profanity.

In addition, YouTuber TryHardNinja composed a song as a tribute to Huggy Wuggy, titled “Free Hugs.” Because Poppy Playtime’s ESRB Age Rating tag indicates that it is appropriate for 8-year-olds, YouTube assessed it to be “kid-friendly”. However, the song itself is far from it.

In this song, Huggy Wuggy sings about his darkest desires of – you guessed it right – eating human flesh and drinking human blood. While I would have loved such content and lattice as a five-year-old (I was weird even as a child), modern-day children might not. This is why their parents are afraid that their children might turn into adults a bit too soon.

Should Children Play This Game?

Children should play Poppy Playtime. It’s a great game with various dark and gruesome undertones in its creepy setting, with engaging and thoughtful encounters.

Yes, there are sights of blood and other “adult stuff” here and there, but that shouldn’t detract your kids from playing this game. If they can watch horror movies like the Evil Dead and The Conjuring, why not play this game?

However, I do get your concerns as a parent. But I also do believe that, as children, we all deserve to have some liberty and free will. Therefore, if your kid is playing this game, you can keep an eye on them and play this game with them. This can turn horrific experiences into great family-bonding activities!

Plus, if I were a parent, I would have gifted my children Huggy Wuggy toys and Huggy Wuggy plush pillows!

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Children Love Huggy Wuggy, But Should They?

A deceptively well-designed character from Poppy Playtime is Huggy Wuggy. While it appears as a harmless toy at first, wait till it opens its mouth. If it does so, you better run because it will keep chasing you wherever you go. Many parents are concerned with the traumatic shock this horror game and character might have in store for their kids. Despite this, I still recommend parents allow their children to play this game. If you are still concerned, play it with them. You will love it too.

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Debamalya is a professional content writer from Kolkata, India. Constantly improving himself in this industry for more than three years, he has amassed immense knowledge regarding his niches of writing tech and gaming articles. He loves spending time with his cats, along with playing every new PC action game as soon as possible.

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drone racing

Top 10 Tips for Drone Racing

Are you looking to become a perfect drone racer? Then read this article to the end. With the knowledge you are about to receive, becoming a pro will not take long. Especially when determined. If you are reading this article. It will be for either of these two reasons. You just started drone racing or you are just looking to get better at racing. Either way, both of those reasons commonly mean you lack the ultimate control and understanding of an fpv quadcopter. Getting this control and understanding will help improve your flight time, maneuvering, speed, and other necessary features to become one with the best drone maneuvers. Drone racing : Before we move into the tips, let’s discuss the competition. Drone racing is a new competitive sport, played in several technologically advanced cities. Generally, cities that use drones in their daily activities. Cities like New York, Germany and so on. The sport involves several players in the control of quadcopters. Each of the quadcopters has a camera fixed to it. This enables them to view what the drone sees as if they were the drones itself. This is possible due to the 3D display which shows live feed directly from the camera. The goal of each player is to complete the set course the fastest way possible. The race involves you making twists, turns and tearing through open spaces all in great timing, in order to escape obstacles for laps after laps. Usually, these maneuvering leads to the pilot breaking his controller stick. It’s really an intense sport. Being a pro is not an exception. Drone racing league : The drone racing league (DRL) is an official competition or sports media company. Similar to Formula 1. The difference is the use of drones to race. The DRL host games to be played by professional drone racers all around the world. It is as popular as other sports like the formula one, yet. But as time goes by there will be more interest. The media company itself is making efforts to increase its awareness by teaching newbies how to play the competition. DRL hosts competitions like the preseason gates of hell, level 1-5 and the main event, the world championship. Like any other sport, the DRL has a system of awarding each of the points gained by its players and assessing of their performances during the race. Before you are able to race in the DRL, your skills will have to be assessed. This is to be the sport of the future that will soon be adored and enjoyed by billions. Getting better at drone racing will be a great plus. As the sport is growing in recognition. Being a professional drone racer by the time drone racing is very popular will earn you lots of money. After reading the tips, you can see the racing drone review. In case you are interested in finding one. Tips for flying FPV racing drone : Get more batteries for more practice : By getting more batteries, I don’t mean piling up equipment or purchasing quality batteries will make you an instant professional drone racer. But what I do mean is, as you practice your flying your battery runs down. Once it does you will be able to replace the battery, since you’ve purchased enough batteries. The aim is to have uninterrupted training sessions. This tip is practiced by most professional drone racers. This scenario approves of the saying “practice makes perfect” and as a drone racer, you should hold to this. The more you fly, the more familiar you get with controls, the more tricks you get to develop and pile up. This will lead to you becoming a professional drone racer. The process is as simple as this, you start with learning how to take-off and land. Then you move to fly and hovering around large open places far from residents in order to prevent violation of the law and accidents. From there on, you advance to flying in a challenging environment which is similar to a set course. You could maneuver around obstacles in the park or woods, like the trees, walls and so on. With time and enough training, you should be among the best FPV drone maneuvers. Join a group : Being a part of a group wanting to achieve the same goal will make you good at what you do. Join a drone flying group is a step forward to becoming a perfect drone racer. Having a group is perfect for training especially if you are in a place where there is no drone racing.  You could make a home-made course with your group and race together. The big plus is, you will achieve a lot with a group than alone. Visit drone Racing Events : Attending racing events will is a sure bet at making you good. Competing with the best from different places will give you more experience whether you win or lose. Each time you participate in an event, you will learn something new. Update yourself on the knowledge of flight and board software Learning the flight board software and how it works generally. There are several models of the flight board but understanding the system is important. It enables us to use the flight board. If you are good at programming, it is a big plus, because you get to set the board to your preference. This will improve your understanding of your drone. Conclusion : Following these tips are sure to make you a pro. Follow them with determination because nothing works without determination. Read Also : 6 Coolest Uses For Drones Today

how to get better at warding league

How To Get Better At Warding League Of Legends? – Best Tips And Tricks

League of Legends ranks among the most popular competitive multiplayer games ever. However because there are so many heroes to choose from and there is a high learning curve, inexperienced players frequently have to quickly catch up. Hence, read this article to learn how to get better at warding League of Legends and improve your warding skills! The most perplexing thing that beginners encounter is wards. These little accessories initially seem to serve no use. It's a requirement in every game, though, and professionals appear to comprehend its application. To enhance warding and lead your team to victory, follow this tutorial. What Is Warding In League Of Legends? Image Source To improve at moving up the rankings in League of Legends, you must study hundreds of different mechanics. However, warding is probably among its most ignored concepts, other than understanding what laning is and how to employ each and every character. You may use a variety of wards in League of Legends to see the map. Have a glance at the map if you plan to play this game. The majority of the map's terrain is obscured by fog, as you can see. It is referred to as the Fog of War. You or a teammate must be present in these places to acquire sight of the nearby adversaries. As an alternative, you may also position wards in key locations to guarantee that you can see a certain region. In the absence of your team, you can still acquire map views thanks to this. This is why it's critical to develop your League of Legends warding skills. What Are The Different Types Of League Of Legends Wards? Image Source In League of Legends, there are several ward kinds with various effects. Nevertheless, you can only choose one kind of ward to keep in your arsenal for complimentary when the game first starts. They are: Totem Ward: This gives 900 units around it eyesight and full vision. They stay on the battlefield for around 2 minutes or until they are obliterated by adversaries. Three of these wards can be placed at once by your squad. eliminates the war's haze and makes close foes visible on the minimap. Control Ward: This ward disables hostile wards in range in addition to having the same functions as a totem ward. In addition, each control ward that your team places on the map lasts eternally or until it is destroyed by adversaries. But, if it exposes any of their wards, adversaries can see this ward. Stealth Ward: The advantages of a totem ward are shared by the stealth ward, which has the additional advantage of hiding from adversaries. Moreover, it lasts 150 seconds. Farsight Ward: This ward has a visual range of 500 units and lasts forever (or so until destroyed). Why Is Warding Important In League Of Legends? Image Source Being a team-based game, League of Legends, cooperation is essential to success. Yet, experts like Faker also consider the information at hand. You may choose wisely about the enemy's tactics if you have accurate knowledge of their placements and ambushes. To win the informational battle, it is crucial to learn how to ward league of legends. Knowledge is power, as the saying goes! How To Get Better At Warding League Of Legends? To learn how to get better at warding league of legends, read this section to get some of the best pro tips: Early Game Warding Image Source Warding in the early stages of the game is crucial for LMAO Support and LOL Jungle champions. This is because surprise ambushes are most likely to occur in the jungle region of the game and in the bottom lane. Because of this, hostile junglers will infiltrate your jungle to eat your jungle camps and seize the initiative. As opponents hide there, it is crucial to position your wards close to the Midway River and shrubs in your lanes. The jungler clearing jungle camps and attacking the marksman in the bottom lane is a typical early-game strategy. Place your wards deftly to receive earlier notification of jungler attacks. You can also put these wards close to the Rift Herald and the dragons. These are typical early-game goals that teams will aim for. Mid To Late Game Warding Image Source Based on the manner in which the game is progressing, warding changes substantially from mid- to late-game. In order to turn this match in your favour, you must increase whatever early-game leads you may have. On the other hand, it's more beneficial to act conservatively to protect objectives when you're getting pummeled by attackers. Your jungler and assassins should level up and ambush adversaries from every angle if you're in the lead. Attempt to position wards close to opposing camps, as well as close to Dragons and Barons. You can attempt to push into their jungle in this manner and stop their jungler from harvesting. By doing this, you may stop the enemy from levelling up and level up quickly. On the other side, the finest defence is needed in order to avoid losing the game. Consider yourself on the losing team's side after reading the aforementioned point. What steps will you take to stop the enemy from invading your jungle? Yes, you set the wards! This level is critical because you need to actively guard your farm and jungle. You've already lost a couple towers if you were the losing team at this point in the game. Enemies will also actively gank and enter your jungle. So cooperate to protect your forest here. Go for one-on-one exchanges and try to discover adversary locations. Best Warding Spots League Of Legends Image Source The most preferred League of legends warding spots are: Mid River: The finest warding location is by far Middle River, the river that divides the map in half. This is due to the fact that it split the jungle in half and is home to the Rift Herald, the Dragons, and the strong Baron Nashor. So, throughout the middle and endgame, keeping an eye on them is essential to preventing foes from stealing them. Jungle Camps: Assassins and junglers enjoy sneaking into and destroying opponent camps to obtain a beneficial boost. In order to keep an eye out for cunning junglers, attempt to position your wards along the lanes between both the riverbank and the camps. Bushes Near Lanes: Now since your towers begin to collapse one by one, adversaries will ambush you by hiding in the bushes. Put wards there to stop such horrible humiliations from occurring, which typically occur in the middle to late stages of games. Believe In Your Ward! To get visibility on opponents in League of Legends, it's critical to understand how to get better at warding League. You'll learn more about the enemy's lanes and their tactics as a result of this. Moreover, it will shield you against surprise attacks and guard your jungler from enemy farming. Read Also: This Month’s Playstation Games Popular Two-Player Board Games for Date Night Index Of Game Of Thrones – What You Need To Know How To Download Game Of Thrones Putlocker Online For Free?

1989 taylor's version

1989 Taylor’s Version Is Out: Why Is Taylor Swift Re-releasing Her Old Albums?

Taylor Swift has released 1989 Taylor’s Version, her fourth re-recorded album to hit the audience from her extensive catalog. She released her first re-recorded album in 2021, starting with Fearless (Taylor’s Version). After which, Red (Taylor’s Version) followed, and Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) subsequently. In 2019, Scooter Braun bought the music label Big Machine Records. He is popular for discovering Justin Bieber. Swift signed with them from 2006 to 2018. Everyone may not be familiar with the Anti-Hero songstress’s career. And it can be hard to understand why the 33-year-old is going back to remaking old songs. There is a backstory. 1989 Taylor’s Version Re-released: Why Though? Image Source Scooter Braun gained the rights to Taylor’s master recordings of all the music she ever made. This happened while she was still with the label. Her six albums are in the bunch, namely Taylor Swift (2006), Fearless (2008), Speak Now (2010), Red (2012), 1989 (2014), and Reputation (2017). This means that anyone wanting to license Swift’s songs for movies or TV Shows would have to get Braun’s permission. They would also pay him in the process. On her Tumblr, Swift wrote in July 2019, “For years I asked, pleaded for a chance to own my work. Instead, I was given an opportunity to sign back up to Big Machine Records and ‘earn’ one album back at a time, one for every new one I turned in. I walked away because I knew once I signed that contract, Scott Borchetta [CEO of Big Machine Records] would sell the label, thereby selling me and my future.” She further added, “I had to make the excruciating choice to leave behind my past. Music I wrote on my bedroom floor and videos I dreamed up and paid for from the money I earned playing in bars, then clubs, then arenas, then stadiums.” How It Started? Image Source In short, Taylor Swift left Big Machine Records, and then Scooter Braun acquired them. This means that now he owns all her songs. Neither of the parties seem to agree on the details, though. After the first shot Taylor fired at Braun in July 2019, Kelly Clarkson advised Swift through Twitter, saying, “I had to make the excruciating choice to leave behind my past. Music I wrote on my bedroom floor and videos I dreamed up and paid for from the money I earned playing in bars, then clubs, then arenas, then stadiums.” In August of the same year, Taylor took Kelly’s advice and announced that she would re-record her albums. She said this while appearing on Good Morning America. She said, "Yeah, that's true. It's something that I'm very excited about doing because my current contract says that starting November 2020—so next year—I can record albums one through five all over again. I'm very excited about it because I think that artists deserve to own their work. I just feel very passionately about that." How It Went? Image Source Things got dirtier with time When Swift posted again on Tumblr. She slammed Scooter as well as Big Machine Records CEO Scott Borchetta at the 2019 AMAs. Swift went after them for preventing her from performing her old songs. She wrote, “Guys—it’s been announced recently that the American Music Awards will be honoring me with the Artist of the Decade Award at this year’s ceremony. “I’ve been planning to perform a medley of my hits throughout the decade on the show. Scott Borchetta and Scooter Braun have now said that I’m not allowed to perform my old songs on television because they claim that would be rerecording my music before I’m allowed to next year.” The only way he could have access to her old songs was if she stopped talking about them and making re-records. Swift spoke of this event in the following words: “I feel very strongly that sharing what is happening to me could change the awareness level for other artists and potentially help them avoid a similar fate,” Taylor said. “The message being sent to me is very clear. Basically, be a good little girl and shut up. Or you’ll be punished. This is WRONG. Neither of these men had a hand in the writing of those songs. They did nothing to create the relationship I have with my fans. So this is where I’m asking for your help.” Taylor asked her fans to “let Scott Borchetta and Scooter Braun know how you feel about this.” This meant that they could depend on the other artists that Scooter manages. How It’s Going? Image Source Taylor Swift urged, “I’m hoping that maybe they can talk some sense into the men who are exercising tyrannical control over someone who just wants to play the music she wrote,” Taylor said, later adding, “I just want to be able to perform MY OWN music. That’s it. I’ve tried to work this out privately through my team but have not been able to resolve anything. Right now, my performance at the AMAs, the Netflix documentary, and any other recorded events I am planning to play until November of 2020 are a question mark.” In 2021, Taylor Swift re-released Fearless and Red to roaring success. She ensured that her fans knew why she was re-recording her albums. She not only dropped Fearless (Taylor’s Version) and Red (Taylor’s Version), but she also released new singles previously unreleased “from the vault.” Then she did it in a bid to attract her fans to her re-recordings. When she was promoting Red (Taylor’s Version) on Late Night With Seth Meyers, she told fans, "So, when something says '(Taylor's Version)' next to it, that means I own it, which is exciting!" Since this mess, Ariana Grande and Demi Lovato have parted ways from Scooter as their manager. We do not know the details yet. Justin Bieber, too, is on the list, looking for new management. Taylor dropped Folklore as a surprise in 2020, and many of her songs called out Scooter and Scott. Songs like "Mad Woman," "My Tears Ricochet," and "The Lakes" apparently referenced her feud with Braun and Borchetta. In her October 2022 release of Midnights, her single Vigilante Shit, she sings all about getting her revenge while Karma promises to visit those that deserve it. Her release of 1989 Taylor’s Version adds just that much to the iconic position Taylor holds. Wrapping Up "I'm takin' my time / Takin' my time / 'Cause you took everything from me / Watchin' you climb / Watchin' you climb / Over people like me." Swift's "new" work stands out because of the intention behind it and the developments that brought her to this point. Every musician is essentially doing business. It is a startup with limited equity available for division among labels, publishers, and other stakeholders. As the business grows, the musician's share of the pie becomes smaller and smaller. The desire for greater equity motivated Swift's change in label. It would also guarantee that everyone who contributed to the art would benefit from their work. In her own words, "ensuring that profits from the future sale of Spotify shares would be returned to artists" was the most important condition for her. This financial detail may seem out of place for a singer-songwriter who performs in a cottage-like set in a fairy-tale forest. Swift is far savvier than her persona suggests. She has always been aware that even artists with strong brands like hers are vulnerable to exploitation. After building an empire by writing deeply personal songs, should she really sell her story so cheap? Have you heard 1989 Taylor’s Version? Did you like it? If you have thoughts to share or questions to ask, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you! Learn More About: Why ‘Breaking Bad’ Is The Best Ever TV Shows? 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