The Importance of Date Night When You’re a Parent

Published on: 11 July 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Date Night

Nearly all parents will tell you that finding the time to conduct adult conservations are difficult enough, meaning regular dates nights are almost an impossibility!

However, the effect of being unable to dedicate regular time to a relationship is damaging for both men and women.

If you feel that your relationship is lacking in both communication and intimacy, now is the perfect time to take stock and change this.

1. Couples Need to Communicate Regularly :

While many of us may believe that we communicate already, rushed conversations on the way out of the door about who is picking which child up and who needs to get milk are the types of communication that are hardly stimulating!

Adults need to spend time with other adults, and when there are children involved, the possibility of this happening diminishes with each year. However, it’s so easy to fall into that rut whereby you give up communicating with one another and therefore stop talking about what goes on in each other’s life.

This lack of communication, when left to build, means you begin to miss the signs of unhappiness from your other-half and the phrase, my partner just doesn’t understand me anymore is so often the starting point of an extra-marital affair.

The solution is to demand that adult time each day, with a couple of hours spent together out of the family home once a week.

2. Sexual Is an Integral Part of a Couple’s Relationship :

When we become parents, more than likely our sex lives take a back seat for a couple of weeks at least. However, when you combine the demands of parenthood alongside work, household chores and ongoing financial issues, these weeks can ever so quickly turn into months.

Before you realize it, you have difficulty pinpointing the last time you both had any form of sexual contact. Yet, sex in a relationship is vital and should always be given importance to. It’s another form of expressing your love for your partner and once it starts to diminish, so too do those emotional feelings.

Unfortunately, with so much responsibility placed on parent’s shoulders, sexual desires often begin to decrease substantially.

For men, finding a solution for decreased sexual performance isn’t always easy. Additionally, it’s still seen as a somewhat hushed and slightly taboo topic. This doesn’t have to be the case, as there are readily available solutions to combat this temporary problem including cheap male enhancement pills that work, to name but a few.

3. Children Need to Understand That Couple Time Matters :

Many couples will say that their children just don’t allow them the time to behave like adults. While it’s true that trying to snatch a few minutes of couple time throughout the day can be hard with younger children under your feet, that’s not to say it’s impossible.

More importantly, it’s more of a case of educating our children to understand that Mom and Dad are adults who need to be able to spend quality time together as a couple if the family unit is to continue functioning.

The solution is to start with simple things such as highlighting that bedtime means bedtime, that is once the kids have gone to bed, there’s no getting up and merely wondering downstairs into the living room. This is Mom and Dad’s time.

Additionally, if you can emphasize the importance of date night and everyone is aware each week that this is an essential date which will be taking place, whatever happens, that day, you will eventually encourage your kids to view your date night with the respect it deserves.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Memory Care

What Is Memory Care and Its Benefits?

As parents age, their memories can start to fade. As a caregiver for our parents as they age, we need to do everything we can to support them through this process. It can be scary to have your memory fade, but there are support systems in place to guide both you and your parent through this difficult change. Memory care has a lot of benefits that can improve the life of your parent. But what is memory care? Keep reading to get a better understanding of what a memory care facility can do for your parent. What is Memory Care? Memory loss can impact many individuals as they age. In 2020, 5.8 million Americans were living with Alzheimer's, one of the biggest culprits for memory loss. The goal of memory care is to create moments between you and your parent or relative that are real and enjoyable. Memory care facilities help combat cognitive impairment. Reading programs, food programs, and a focus on enrichment help improve the quality of life for your parent. The goal is to help them feel dignified and provide the assistance they need. Benefits of Memory Care General senior living facilities have open areas and staff that come when needed. In contrast, a memory care facility has 24/7 care that is with the patient all the time. Having care available at all times can help prevent falls and accidents. The facility layout is also simpler so your parent can find their way around without confusion. They will receive timed, nutritional meals. With a structured lifestyle inside a safe, calming environment, your parent will be able to enjoy every moment. The staff also has specialized training that provides care for dementia patients. Having a staff with a strong understanding of person-first care gives your parent exactly what they need to thrive. Many facilities will also have a one-to-one patient-to-staff ratio. Memory care facilities that provide this give patients more attentive and specialized care. The Cost of Memory Care The cost of memory care can vary depending on how intensive the care is. It's important to keep in mind that your parent is living there with specialized 24/7 care. Cost also varies by state. On average, it can cost around $6,935 a month depending on where you live. Most insurance will not cover living costs and rent, but they will pay for medical care within the facility. Medicaid can also provide some coverage if the facility accepts it. When is Assisted Living Needed? As someone ages, you need to ask yourself when is assisted living needed? If your parent is more agitated, anxious, having personality changes, or exhibiting more paranoid behavior, it could be a sign that they are developing dementia. You might be able to care for them yourself in the early stages. But as their memory loss progresses, you might begin to feel like you can't provide the care they need. If you are becoming impatient, risking their health, or worried about their safety, it is time to look for a memory care facility. Start Touring Memory Care Facilities Today! Knowing what is memory care, is just the first step in determining what is best for your aging loved one. Touring facilities with your loved one or by yourself is a great way to determine which facility will work best. Start visiting locations today to prepare for the future! When figuring out how to care for loved ones, there's no limit to how much research you can do. Check out the rest of our blog for more caregiving tips. Read Also: How Martial Art Can Help You Stay Fit And Healthy 8 Newborn Baby Care Tips for First-Time Parents


7 Of The Most Funny, Geeky & Cool Star Wars Gifts For Him

No one would dare refute the fact that Star Wars is akin to an international credit card. There are ardent fans of the franchise everywhere in the world. And, classic films have proven to unite all of us more than the government, more than music, and more than color, race, or creed would ever do. Appeasing a true fanatic for Star Wars is not really an uphill task. There are several cool star wars gifts for adults that are truly exceptional and can please a true Stars Wars fan geek in the fantasy world. Enough with the blabber; here are 7 awesome Star Wars gifts for him. 1.Kylo Ren Voice Changing Mask Kylo Ren Voice Changing Mask remains a true hit at theme parties. It features a Kylo Ren design, which draws inspiration from the Star Wars franchise. With this mask, your real Star Wars male friend can speak and sound like a real Kylo Ren. Furthermore, this voice changing mask is equipped with his most famous phrases derived from Star Wars. Kylo Ren Voice Changing Mask can make a badass Star Wars gift for him. It is an amazing Star Wars gift you must get him as soon as possible. 2. Star Wars Watch How much do you really love your male Star Wars friend? Well, if you truly love him and can certainly put a big astronomical number on it, then getting a Star Wars watch would be an ultimate gift for him. The watch has sufficient bulletproof durability and can effortlessly withstand those galactic conflicts. It is a stainless steel watch featuring diamond-like coating. What’s more, it does charge wirelessly so he (Star Wars aficionado) can feel like a real Jedi. The charge can last up to 2 weeks when full. 3. Remote Control Millennium Falcon Quad Perhaps you are not in a position to purchase a real Star Wars ship for him. But, you can buy him an incredible remote control version that includes authentic sounds and LED lights. This Millennium Falcon copy comes with 4 hidden rotors that can be controlled up to 200 feet away. This remote control can be used for both indoor and outdoor purposes. 4. Star Wars Silk Ties The Star Wars silk ties are awesome gifts that give him the opportunity to showcase his affection for Star Wars in a formal office setting. They are 100% silk ties crafted in Italy, and they come in two diverse designs. The Star Wars silk ties styles may include either Darth Vader or rebel logo design. They also come wrapped in Star Wars gift box, so they can make a perfect Christmas or birthday gift for him. 5. Stormtrooper Backpack The stormtrooper backpack is a practical gift for anyone who has a great love for Star Wars. It comes in a simple yet useful design, hence ideal for different purposes. This backpack is big enough to accommodate a laptop and related tech items. Besides, it does feature a sturdy design and excellent cushioning. 6. Stormtrooper Motorcycle Mask Does he like motorcycles? If yes, this badass motorcycle mask would make him feel like a true Stormtrooper. This Stormtrooper motorcycle mask is made from real leather, so it offers absolute protection against wind and rain. It also features a suede leather and soft foam lining. Sure, this badass mask is an eye-catcher on the road. 7. Imperial Coasters A mug sometimes does get too traditional and unexciting of a gift. Perhaps it is about time you got him these Imperial Coasters which would tempt him to the Dark Side. Imperial Coasters are ideal for whichever special event, including birthday and Christmas. They are made of stainless steel. So they are sturdy, stylish, and super durable. Read more: 5 Awesome Boyfriend Gifts For The Guy Who Has Everything

Support Family

Seven ways to Support Family and Friends with Special Needs

When parents decide to start their journey of parenthood, they hope that they will get and bring up a perfectly healthy child. However, many are the times when genetic defects, birth complications, injuries, and other problems get in the way, and differently gifted children are born. Not many people take the time needed to understand people with disabilities, and even fewer people are willing to go out of their way to offer them support. If you have family or friends with special needs, here are a few ways in which you can make them feel your love and support. 1. Talk to them: Not many people know this but whether it is at work, school, at home and in other social setups, the productivity of people with disabilities and those close to them depends a lot on the attitude of the general community towards them. If the community around a disabled person has formed a negative attitude and barriers to their inclusion, they end up withdrawing and doubting their capabilities. On the other hand, when they are made to feel included and accepted they blossomed. Parents of children who have disabilities admit that they like it when a stranger walks up to them in a park and shows genuine interest to learn about their child’s condition. What people appreciate the most are people who take time to ask specific questions. For instance, ask how the child’s physical therapy is going as opposed to asking something general or offering that supportive smiles. At times you will find that people with disabilities need a listening ear, and they appreciate it when you take time and pay attention to details about their lives. 2. Be aware of personal space: People with disabilities often use mobility aids such as wheelchairs, walkers, canes and other items. What most people do not understand is that most view these aides as part of their personal space. When interacting with disabled people, you always have to respect their personal space. If for instance, you want to assist them in pushing their wheelchair, do not just grab and start pushing at it, ask them if it is okay to help them move from one point to the other, you can push the chair when they agree. The same applies to when you feel they need you to support them in standing up, sitting down or other movements. You can start by saying something like, “Here, let me help you,” and then wait for their consent. If they feel that you are patronizing them or treating them like they are completely helpless, they will push back and reject your help. 3. Be thoughtful: There is nothing that whispers support to a disabled person more than knowing that you thought about them before you made the plans that you have made. It means that if for instance, you planned a meeting, you made sure that the room was accessible via wheelchair and there are ramps and other relevant accessibility and support features. It is also important to always inform them about all the plans which you have made for the meetings and other get-together arrangements so they can prepare well in advance. 4. Treat them normally: One of the most difficult corners to navigate when dealing with people who have disabilities is learning how to interact with them without making them feel abnormal. Most people think that being sensitive to these people is about hiding the achievement of their normal kids and clapping when the disabled kid does something that is simple and normal. When interacting with disabled people, do not minimize yourself or your child’s achievements. Learn that the disabled kid might not do things like regular kids, but they still get things done, eventually. Treat them like just any other kid, and they will respond positively to this. 5. Do not try too much: Another mistake people make when interacting with disabled people is the need to know what to say and what to do at all times. The truth is that disabled people are just like everyone else. It is okay to have a slip of the tongue when interacting with them. It is alright to listen to them when they are telling you about their complications and tell them that you honestly do not know what to say. If you have no idea how to help them when they are at their weakest, it is still okay to sit with them and listen. Your presence is reassuring enough for them. 6. Go an extra mile in the extreme seasons: Disabled people tend to struggle a lot more than everyone else in. They have to cope with inaccessible sidewalks, flare-ups which are triggered by the low temperatures, chronic pain and other issues that result from being stuck at home too long. These are the things you can do to ease their discomfort during this season: Take food to them-it is possible that they will not access grocery stores and farmers markets Visit them and spend the time to end the feeling of loneliness and depression. Send them a message and genuinely ask how they are faring Help them around the house and help them shovel and salt their driveways. 7. Support their dreams: There is nothing that says love to a disabled person than when you genuinely support their work. People with disability wake up in the morning because they believe they can rise against the odds and make a difference. The least that you can do to make their world a little easier to manage is to support their dreams and their work. When they tell you they are having a talent show, be present and cheer them on. Buy their art, shop from their outlets and all other small gestures which will make them feel appreciated. These are just a few of the things that you could do to help people with disabilities. In case you interact with them and realize they may need counseling from professionals, you can reach out to Regional & Rural Toowoomba Psychologists. They are well equipped to offer the support needed to make the lives of people with disabilities simple. Read Also: Practical Ways To Help Your Elderly Parents 7 Interesting Gifts For Your Best Friends Ways To Emotionally Deal With Chronic Illness Tips For Throwing A Family Reunion People Will Remember For Years 8 Family Friendly Careers That Offer Great Pay And Work-Life Balance