Intermittent Fasting: How Does It Work and Crucial Things to Consider?

Published on: 09 July 2020 Last Updated on: 02 July 2021
Intermittent Fasting

Most of us would prefer to lose a few KGs or pounds quickly before going on a summer vacation. However, it is difficult for anyone to change his/her life-long eating habits. Because most diets that follow a predetermined diet or exclude whole food groups are never really a long-term solution. In fact, you can lose weight noticeably in a very short time through diet cures. As soon as the cure is over, you gain weight again just as quickly. Even worse, nutritionists warn that lightning diets can even cause additional weight gain.

However, fasting has been rediscovered in recent years. While diets usually harm health, fasting is said to have numerous health-promoting effects. In particular, the intermittent fasting is to prove the support fat loss, to lower blood pressure and inhibit inflammation. We have summarized for you how interval fasting works and how it can be combined with taking natural hemp oil.

What Is Intermittent Fasting and Why It Is Practiced

Intermittent Fasting

Fasting is understood as voluntary withholding of food for spiritual, health, or other reasons. You must not be underweighted and have enough fat reserves that can supply the body with energy during the period.

In most of human history, fasting was part of everyday life. Because hunters and gatherers could not keep their food for long without freezers. Whatever was found or captured had to be eaten quickly. That’s why nutritionists are convinced that fasting regularly is more natural than snacking all day long. This change in our eating habits could have made obesity more common than ever.

Several individuals fast for many days or even weeks. However, this method is unsuitable for most of us. There comes interval fasting (or intermittent fasting) into play. In contrast to conventional diets, it does not require tiny portions and no omission of favorite foods. In other words, it is not like a traditional diet. Rather, it is a planned eating behavior, in which one limits the food intake to a certain period of the day or the week.

How Does Therapeutic Fasting Affect the Body?

Therapeutic Fasting

There are many different reasons why fasting is practiced. In the past, it was more often a religious or cultural tradition. But so-called therapeutic fasting has also been practiced for a long time for medical purposes. The term therapeutic fasting refers to the practice of fasting to promote health and well-being.

Further studies have recognized the positive effects of fasting for rheumatism, high blood pressure, and high levels of fat and sugar in the blood. Another health benefit of fasting is the onset of autophagy after 16 hours without food. This is a vital process that some describe as the body’s “recycling program.” This is because cells that are damaged or are no longer needed are disassembled and recycled. With this form of cell cleaning, autophagy ensures that we have healthy body cells and a strong immune system.

How Long Should You Fast?

There are two popular and best methods:

16:8 – Meals are scheduled so that there are 16 hours between the last meal the day before and the first meal the day after. The first meal of the day starts an 8-hour period in which you eat. After that, a fasting period of 16 hours begins again.

5:2 – This method divides the week into fasting days and non-fasting days. On 5 days you can eat normally, on 2 days you fast.

Since this reduces calorie intake, both methods should lead to weight loss. Just make sure that you continue to eat normal servings. Otherwise, despite fasting, you might consume as many calories as you normally would.

What to Pay Attention To?

It is recommended to start with a shorter fast. For instance, you can get used to not eating anything after 6 in the evening. If you then have breakfast at 7 in the morning, it is already 13 hours in which you have had no food. From here you can slowly feel for long periods.

The 16:8 method is the best long-term option for most. It is very easy to follow to them by adjusting your daily routine. Some skip breakfast, others dinner. Over time, the body gets used to it and the “diet” becomes a lifestyle. During this, apart from food, calorie drinks are also avoided. You should only drink a lot of water. Unsweetened tea or a bowl of thin vegetable soup can also be enjoyed.

There should always be a break of at least 4 hours between each meal. Take a little walk right afterward, because exercise is good for digestion. During this time, it is also important not to eat snacks. When the blood sugar rises, the body begins to release insulin, and the fat loss stops. In some cases, this can even lead to food cravings.

Nevertheless, be careful not to eat larger portions than usual. It is also recommended to eat healthy sources of protein and plenty of vegetables. This way you will be full for much longer and fasting will be easier. But people with any medical conditions should consult a doctor before starting this fasting.

CBD Oil in Combination with Intermittent Fasting

CBD users who would like to start with intermittent fasting and those who want to make fasting easier with CBD often ask themselves whether one can and should safely combine the two. Fasters already know that MCT oil is a suggested supplement when you are on interval fasting. It is an extract from coconut oil that is often touted as a “keto booster.” Slowly body begins burning reserved fat and it is called Ketosis This can only happen if no carbohydrates are available. The result is straightforward – we lose body fat and weight. Exactly this principle also works with interval fasting.

Another dietary supplement that is being used more and more by fasting people is CBD oil which can be bought from online dispensary Canada. Due to its effect on the endocannabinoid system, which affects many important body processes, CBD can support interval fasting in various ways. A study showed that it can encourage metabolism. It is therefore considered by experts as a potential means of treating and preventing obesity.

There is also evidence that it can inhibit appetite. The well-known cravings of marijuana do not come from CBD, but from THC which can, you get from stashclub. For example, while high-THC medicinal cannabis is used by cancer patients to stimulate appetite, CBD can do just the opposite for many users.

Can CBD Oil Break Fasting?

Most people do without any calories when fasting. Since CBD oil is made with a carrier oil such as hemp seed oil, coconut oil, or olive oil, every drop has calories. Technically speaking, it could, so to speak, interrupt fasting. Intermittent fasting can be avoided by simply consuming the CBD product of your choice during the period in which you eat.

Another recommendation from fasters is to use an MCT-based CBD oil because the combination of these two agents most effectively supports ketosis during fasting. Many fasters swear by CBD and therefore take it to help them get by without food and to prevent food cravings. For example, even if you tend to eat from stress and anxiety, it could help you to be successful in fasting.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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Neurofeedback Therapy Is Shaping The Future Remotely

Neurofeedback Therapy: Reimagining Mental Health Remotely

A pioneering approach has emerged in the quest for enhanced mental well-being, bringing fresh hope to those grappling with mental health challenges. This innovative avenue, known as Neurofeedback Therapy, is rapidly reshaping the landscape of mental healthcare. Through the integration of technology and neuroscience, this therapy is paving the way for a future where mental well-being can be nurtured remotely. Navigating The Neurofeedback Therapy Process: Remote Connectivity: This remote neurofeedback therapy revolves around an intriguing process that hinges on the connection between technology and the human brain. In this therapeutic journey, individuals are seamlessly linked to specialized equipment capable of capturing their brainwave activity. Skilled professionals then meticulously analyse this real-time data, allowing for a deep understanding of individual brain patterns. Observing these patterns remotely will enable individuals to engage in brain exercises to regulate their brain waves toward healthier patterns. This iterative process of self-regulation is at the core of this therapy's transformative potential. Unveiling The Benefits Of The Therapy: The benefits of this healing procedure are manifold, offering a glimpse into a future where mental health support can be accessed from a distance. Anxiety, a prevalent mental health concern, finds a potential remedy remotely. Individuals grappling with anxious feelings can embark on a journey of self-regulation as they learn to modulate brainwave patterns associated with anxiety, fostering resilience in the face of stressors. This also holds promise in managing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This common neurodevelopmental disorder often disrupts focus and impulse control. However, with the guidance of professionals, individuals, particularly children, can remotely engage in brain exercises that contribute to improved concentration and impulse management. The impact of this therapy extends to the realm of sleep disorders as well. Insomnia, a prevalent concern in today's fast-paced world, can be addressed through targeted brainwave training. Individuals may find relief from sleepless nights by remotely engaging in exercises that encourage the brain to enter states conducive to restful sleep. Furthermore, this therapy's potential for remote assistance shines brightly for those on the autism spectrum. It can facilitate the development of emotional regulation and communication skills, enriching social interactions and fostering a sense of connection. Embracing The Future: The Therapy's Promise: As technology continues its rapid evolution, the prospects for this therapy become even more promising. The fusion of technology, neuroscience, and remote accessibility could lead to an era where individuals can actively participate in their mental well-being journeys from the comfort of their own spaces. The potential for remote therapy applications, accessible through digital platforms, could democratize mental health support, making it available to a broader range of individuals regardless of geographical constraints. Summing It Up: A Future Redefined: The emergence of remote neurofeedback therapy underscores the evolution of mental health support. Individuals can embark on a transformative journey toward enhanced mental well-being through the synergy of technology and neuroscience. The process, rooted in remote connectivity, offers a means to self-regulate brainwave patterns and attain a more balanced mental state. With benefits spanning anxiety management, ADHD support, sleep disorder alleviation, and autism assistance, the therapy paves the way for a future where mental well-being can be nurtured remotely. As technology paves the way, a new era dawns, redefining the possibilities of mental health enhancement and accessibility. Read Also: 10 healthy Habits to improve your health How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health Living Healthily | Six Crucial Lifestyle Tips for College Freshmen

Folic Acid Deficiency Symptoms

Folic Acid Deficiency Symptoms: Supplement the Deficiency Before It’s Too Late

The human body needs to continuously take supplements in order to function optimally as not all vitamins and minerals are taken in recommended daily amounts. One such very important vitamin is folate or vitamin B9 or folic acid. In order to prevent further complications brought about by the lack of certain vitamins, it is wise to be proactive and identify folic acid deficiency symptoms at early onset. Folic acid vs. folate Both folic acid and folate are forms of the water-soluble vitamin B. Folate, otherwise known as vitamin B9, naturally occurs in foods, while folic acid is the synthetic folate compound that is used in vitamin supplements because of its increased stability. Folate has been named after "folium," Latin for "leaves," because they were first isolated from spinach. Also, folate is the generic term used for both the naturally occurring folate that is found in foods and the synthetic form, folic acid. The vitamin B complex nutrients are needed by the body in small amounts in order to function and stay healthy. In fact, according to recent medical journals, folate is involved in a number of intracellular reactions as a cofactor. Deficiency potential Research has found that the potential for folate deficiency is high or very common. In fact, it can be a serious problem if left untreated. In a 2006 USDA analysis of obtained data, most people in the US obtained adequate amounts of vitamin B9. But there is still a risk for some groups obtaining insufficient amounts. Because folic acid is water-soluble, excess amounts of the vitamin in the body is excreted via human urine. This means that the human body needs a constant supply of this vitamin because the body cannot store it. And the recommended daily dose of folate is 0.4mg/d, which has been established for 20 years. Read More:  Zinc Deficiency Uses of vitamin B9 in the body Vitamin B9 is vital for synthesis and repair of DNA and RNA, the body's genetic material. These vitamins also aid in the rapid cell division and growth and are important in the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow. But folate is particularly important for pregnant women to avoid major birth defects in the baby's brain or spines, such as neural tube defects, including Spina Bifida and anencephaly. Combined with vitamin B12, it controls the blood levels of the amino acid homocysteine, which is associated with certain chronic conditions such as heart disease. Folate is also used to prevent eye disease age-related macular degeneration (AMD), to reduce signs of aging, to treat sleep problems, depression, AIDS, and inherited disease called Fragile-X syndrome. It is also used for age-related hearing loss, Alzheimer's disease, and memory loss. Folic acid deficiency symptoms It is widely known that prevention is better than cure. So in order to avoid any further complication due to the lack of vitamin B9 in the body, here are the most common folic acid deficiency symptoms to watch out for, however subtle they may be: Poor immune function, which includes frequently getting sick Chronic fatigue/low energy; also include chronic fatigue syndrome Poor digestion, including bloating, IBS, and constipation Early appearance of gray hair Pale skin Mouth sores and tender, swollen tongue Developmental problems during pregnancy and infancy, consisting of stunted growth Mood change often, such as irritability Anemia (severe cases) Causes of folic acid deficiency Diet. One of the most common causes is poor diet. Folate naturally occurs in a wide array of foods, and among its richest sources include dark green leafy vegetables (such as spinach, asparagus, and broccoli), beef liver and kidney, yeast, and beans. Among other sources are eggs, beet, milk and other dairy products, and whole wheat bread. Eating overcooked fruits and vegetables. Folate is easily destroyed by heat. Diseases such as severe kidney problems requiring dialysis, certain types of cancers, celiac disease, and Crohn's disease affect the absorption of the vitamin in the GI tract Too much alcohol consumption increases folate excretion via the urine During pregnancy, a lot of folic acids are used up by the growing baby Side effects of medication, which includes phenytoin (Dilantin), trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, methotrexate, and sulfasalazine Diagnosis There are exams and tests taken to confirm folate deficiency in an individual. One of these is a blood test, to check the number of red blood cells and whether the body has enough vitamin B9. This is most common among pregnant women during their prenatal check-ups. But the most common procedure is the doctor checking the patient's history and current health condition. 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Your Breath

How To Eliminate The Smell Of Garlic And Onion From Your Breath

As delicious as garlic bread is, it does leave a tangy aroma that follows you around for a while. If you love nothing more than fresh spring onions with your salad, people would certainly know what you’ve been eating! Your breath deserves freshness and overeating garlic and onion can spoil your breath. As we approach another Christmas and New Year, you can expect to be enjoying some spicy food. Here are a few tips for fresh breath after consuming garlic or onions. 1. Apple & Fresh Mint - No one knows exactly why apples and mint leave work as well as they do at removing the pungent smell of garlic and onions. If you have some crispy apples, eat one after your meal; this will effectively null the smell. Cooked apple is also effective at dispersing the aroma of onion and garlic from your breath. 2. Antiseptic Mouthwash - The longer you swill with antiseptic mouthwash, the better. Some people carry a little hip flask, which isn’t filled with whisky, and that allows you to swill when out and about. As soon as you have finished your food, go for swill and that will have a positive impact on your breath. 3. Essential Oils - Adding a tiny amount of essential oil to an alcohol-based mouthwash will certainly aid in the fight to kill bad breath, while these amazing essences are also healthy in many other ways. If you are in need of a dental check-up, try one of the dentists North Shore, Sydney has or a dental clinic in your location. 4. Tongue Cleaning - Some of the garlic or onion residue will be present on the tongue and a session with a tongue scraper is advised. The correct way to use such an implement is to start at the back and scrape forward gently, which should result in some white residue. You can rinse and repeat until there is no more residue. 5. Green Tea - A cup of hot green tea after eating pungent food is a very effective way to eliminate bad breath; of course, you could drink it cold, which many people prefer, especially in the hot summer months. A long tea glass with a sprig of fresh mint is a cool idea; after hot dogs and onions, this will be refreshing. 6. Spearmint Gum - Some say that chewing spearmint gum is the most effective way of dealing with bad breath, which is why so many people chew gum during their day. This is also an effective way to stop oral bacteria from gaining a foothold and with sugar-free products, you are not damaging your teeth. 7. The Importance Of Hydration - You might think that a lack of water has nothing to do with bad breath. However, you would be mistaken; a dry mouth is a perfect environment for oral bacteria to chow down. Drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day is considered normal. We are certainly not saying you shouldn’t indulge in garlic and onions, as they offer many health benefits. With the above tips, we hope that you can mask the smell until the next time! Read Also: Understanding Dentures And How To Take Care Of Them At Home or At the Dental Clinic: What Canadians Should Know About Teeth Whitening The 3-Step Guide To Getting Your Very Own Custom Night Guard