You Need to Avoid These Foods for Breakfast

Published on: 05 April 2019 Last Updated on: 08 May 2021

Although breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it does not mean you can eat anything you want. Yes, you are burning what you eat early during the day, but the food could still end up as stored fats that are not good for your health. These are some of the foods you need to avoid in the morning.

Breakfast cereals

When you were young, you thought that breakfast meant cereal. It was easy to prepare, and your mom probably had the same meal for you when you woke up. The truth is that even if the labels suggest that cereals contain whole grains, they are not necessarily the healthiest option for you. Even if some brands may contain nutrients your body needs, most of them hold a whole lot of sugar. Even granola and oats contain loads of sugar you need to avoid.

Pancakes and waffles

Again, when you were young, you were excited when you had pancakes and waffles on the table. The essential ingredients are sugar, milk, and eggs. They might be okay for breakfast, but the amount of refined flour present in making them is not good for your health. Add to that the toppings that you have like maple syrup, butter, or honey. They contain too much sugar that is unhealthy.

Toast with margarine

When you think about toast with margarine, you might feel even more excited about eating breakfast. Unfortunately, margarine is a terrible choice. It does not contain any significant nutrients, plus it has saturated fat and sugar. The bread is essentially refined carbs that will make the sugar in your blood spike quickly. Elevated blood sugar levels could lead to weight gain.


Muffins have a reputation for being healthy, but they are not. They are technically cakes that contain lots of refined flour and sugar. Apart from eggs, nothing else is healthy in a muffin. If you buy the muffin mix in a box, it may contain more sugar and flour than the ones you prepare at home. The added sugar for flavors like chocolate chips and dried fruits make muffins even worse.

Fruit juice

You think that fruit juices are okay, but they are terrible for your health. The juices you purchase typically contain very little juice, and more fructose or corn syrup. They are the reason why you have increased sugar levels in your blood. They could also increase your chances of putting on weight. Unless you prepare the juice at home with real fruits and nothing else, you cannot have fruit juice in the morning, or at all.

Given these reasons, you need to evaluate what you are eating in the morning. If you eat the right food for breakfast, you can have steak at night if you wish. You can check out upper west side restaurants for the best meals available. When you are careful with what you eat during the day, you will not mind eating a lot at night.

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Healthy Protein

Healthy Protein Alternatives for Grandpa and Grandma

Our body necessarily needs protein. However, older adults need fewer amounts of protein without totally eliminating it from their diet. Without protein, our bodies will not function well. Besides meat, there are plant-based food alternatives. Protein is essential for our health and useful for people who do workouts and even those who are in recovery. This kind of diet is helpful for vegans, health enthusiasts, and seniors alike who are avoiding meats in their diets. Here is a list of some food that could be your alternative for meat. Say hello to healthy living. Seitan Seitan or commonly known as wheat gluten, which is composed of 75% protein. With a 100g serving, your daily protein requirement is completed already. This healthy food is very low in fat and packed with nutrients like being low in sodium and carbohydrates. It can be a good source of calcium and also high in iron. Seitan is indeed a wonder for diet programs to increase the protein intake without cholesterol and added fat. The only downside of this food is it is not gluten-free as it made from gluten. Seitan can be cooked like meat - grilled, braised and broiled. You can substitute seitan for chicken or turkey. Lentils The next one on our list is lentils. It contains tons of fibers that give you 26 grams of protein each day. It also contains iron, potassium, and magnesium. Lentils also are high in folate, contains antioxidants, low in sodium and fat and are cholesterol-free. Eating lentils on a regular basis could add up some proteins and can be beneficial to your diet. There are two varieties of lentils which are green and red. They are part of the legume family and are versatile that can be used in different meals. You can add lentils in your stews, veggie burgers or even a substitute for chicken breast. Just don’t overuse the serving of lentils as they can cause severe gout in seniors who have trouble in processing protein. Quinoa Quinoa, a tiny seed that is full of protein, provides nine essential amino acids that our body can't produce itself, including lysine that is necessary for tissue repair and growth. It contains fiber, irons, magnesium, and manganese. With just a cup of quinoa, your body is served with 8g of protein. Cook it like how rice is cooked. It can also be a great substitute for pasta and rice. Eggs Eggs are an excellent substitute for meat if you are not vegan. A large egg contains at least 6g of protein. Eggs are one of the staple food in every house's pantry, which make it the perfect substitute. It contains tons of vitamins and minerals plus amino acids that your body needs. Boiled, fried or scrambled, eggs are versatile. It's up to you how you'll eat at least two eggs a day. Tofu Tofu is a popular choice for meat alternative and as used in numerous vegetarian cuisine. Though tofu can't compare with seitan or quinoa regarding filling in for the protein loss, relatively, tofu can be a good substitute as it is healthy and beneficial as well. It can be substituted for fish, chicken or pork, can be grilled, fried, steamed, sauteed, etc. Takeaway  Eating healthy food can be difficult and giving staple food can make it harder. Knowing and learning alternative food that you can eat without compromising the nutrients that our body needs make it better. The list is a guide to the food that could be a great option to substitute with meat, and that would give the same amount of nutrients or even more. Read More : Meals That Matter: The Best Foods And The Ways They Make You Fit Top 5 Foods For Healthier And Thicker Hair The Mouthwatering Foodie Tour To Mumbai   Christina Ellis is a writer and a blogger who loves writing about topics that revolve around health and medicine. She is an aspiring nurse which is why Christina loves assisting elderly patients and writing about properly taking care of them. When not writing or volunteering at their local clinic, Christina plays volleyball and goes to the gym.

Eat Vegetables

5 Tricks to Get Kids to Eat Vegetables

Almost all the parents face the problem of getting some vegetables down the system of their little ones. Children are quite adaptive and they change easily if it is introduced in a healthy manner.  All you need to do is understand the psychology of your little ones and make it exciting for them. Kids love to do anything when it is fun. Read also: 9 Magical Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet Here are a few amazing tricks using which you can turn the intake of veggies into a fun activity and get your kids to eat them without any force. So, read through and thank me later! Ignore Sometimes Kids tend to repeat those actions on which they get the most attention. When they do not want to eat vegetables, the parents immediately shift all their focus towards the kid. That’s when they start to repel even further. In order to let your child figure out the taste themselves and feel that it is normal to eat veggies on the dinner table like everybody else, just ignore them sometimes. Be the Role-Model Children look up to their parents and imitate their actions. In order to develop healthy habits like eating vegetables or the like, make sure you follow them too. If you are going to eat vegetables at the dinner table, they will not have an excuse to say ‘no’ to the veggies. In fact, they might even be more interested to give the veggies a try after seeing you eat. Make sure you discuss the health benefits of vegetables and give more awareness to kids while being on the table or an hour or two beforehand. Ask for Help If you ask for a hand in the kitchen while you prepare the meal, the kids will be much more interested to eat that dish. Make them believe that they are cooking it. Make them add a few spices or cut a few veggies so that they get excited to try the dish. This way you will not have to force them to take a bite or two as they will definitely take one by themselves. However, they may need some motivation to finish the plate. Do not force them to finish it and let them eat as much as they can. Note that, forcing things on to kids only makes them repel even further. Decorate the Plate Kids get attracted to food that looks very colorful and tempting. Therefore, make sure you garnish their plate and make shapes like a smiley or a tree using the veggies. Then, play with your child by asking them to eat the tree like a giant dinosaur. You can also make a story for them in order to help them finish their plate. This way their attention would be divided and they will continue eating without much fuss. Make the Dips We all know how kids love ketchup, cheese, and other sauces. In order to make the vegetables exciting for kids, prepare different delicious dips made of cheese, cream, butter or whatever your kids love. Tell them that the dish is called vegetable nachos and it may help them eat the clean solid veggies while imagining nachos. Smart, isn’t it? Read also: Can We Grow Carrots All Year Around? How to Stay Healthy and Fit Despite a Hectic Schedule Meals That Matter: The Best Foods And The Ways They Make You Fit

Black Coffee

The Health Benefits of Drinking Black Coffee

Have you ever heard about black coffee for weight loss? Well, it helps in weight loss because it contains natural antioxidants that help in the reduction of excess fat cells. This means you don’t have to invest in fat-burning supplements. Besides, it has many other health benefits, especially for those who are suffering from osteoporosis. So, here are some benefits of consuming black coffee. May prevent cancer & enhance liver function The major health benefits of coffee include the prevention of cancer, helping in preventing heart disease, slowing down the aging process, and preventing dementia. However, the most outstanding side effect of Black coffee is its ability to increase the normal functioning of the liver. In simple words, if your liver functions properly, it will help in burning fats and calories which results in a decrease in weight loss. So, drinking two cups of Black coffee a day can help in enhancing liver functions which significantly helps in weight loss. Improves digestive health Another great benefit of black coffee is that it aids in digestion. When making black coffee, the caffeine content increases the speed of the metabolism in our body which consequently enables our body to burn more fats faster. If you prefer drinking a cup of black coffee with some hot milk, you can add a dash of natural sugar to taste and enjoy the healthy benefits of caffeine. Good source of antioxidants Black coffee is loaded with antioxidants. The antioxidant content of black coffee is 20 times higher than that of green or decaffeinated coffee. Including a cup of hot black coffee in your diet can do wonders for your health. It also works as a detoxifier and speeds up the metabolism which aids in losing weight. Burns excess calories When you are dieting, you should reduce the number of calories you take in a day. The main benefit of drinking coffee is it burns off excess calories quickly. Thus, the consumption of black coffee can help you in reducing your calorie intake while you are following a diet regimen. However, you should ensure that you do not increase the number of calories you take in when you switch over to black coffee. This will result in increasing the number of calories you consume later in the day resulting in gaining weight. Detoxifies digestive system In addition, black coffee helps in detoxifying the digestive system. As a result of its healthy and natural ingredients, it helps in cleansing the digestive tract. It cleanses the stomach of toxins which eventually results in improving your digestion and decreasing the risk of digestive diseases. Constipation and indigestion are common problems that affect millions of people across the globe. Black coffee provides an effective solution to both of these problems by helping you to relieve the symptoms and prevent future indigestion. May elevate mood Apart from the healthy properties, drinking black coffee may also be good for your mental health. The caffeine content in this beverage acts as a mood elevator and provides a pleasant state of relaxation. However, excessive use of this beverage may lead to insomnia and may adversely affect your mental health. Conclusion Black coffee beans without adding any sugar help in retaining the flavor of the original blend. You will get a delicious and rich taste by drinking black coffee. However, it should be noted that too much use of black coffee may result in a sour taste in your mouth. It has been seen that excessive use of caffeine leads to the weakening of the teeth' enamel. Therefore, people with weak teeth should avoid drinking this beverage or consult their dentist before they start using this product. So, make sure to have coffee at the recommended dosage. How do you prefer to have your black coffee? Feel free to share with us in the comments section below. Read Also: 10 Best Coffee Places in the US How You Can Create a Coffee House Experience in Your Own Home 7 Fantastically Unusual Uses Of Old Coffee Beans Monthly Best Coffee Subscription