7 Surprising Benefits Of Alkaline Foods

Published on: 01 April 2019 Last Updated on: 22 July 2024
Alkaline Foods

When it comes to the workings of these wondrous human bodies of ours, we truly reap what we sow. What we choose to put into our bodies has a profound effect on how it chooses to support us and perform for us. Our modern convenience food diets are riddled with acidic and overly processed foods that are harmful to our health. Things that we may have grown up with—meats, dairy, and coffee—are robbing us of our strength and vitality at every meal.

Dangers of acidic foods:

acidic foods

Our bodies strive to maintain a delicate PH balance throughout the day; this eliminates the acidic ash that can take its toll on bones, tissues, and organs that might otherwise function to support us. A body that is placed in a chronic, highly acidic state is more prone to disease, weight gain, and even a shorter life span.

An alkaline diet rich in fresh, whole, organic foods becomes the very lifeforce of the body as it rebalances the PH and gives the body a chance to heal and regenerate itself. While it may seem at first that making the switch from acidic foods to alkaline foods is going to saddle you with culinary limitations and all sorts of unpleasantness, the feeling you will experience when you give your body a chance to “sigh” will be worth any comfort foods that you will be giving up for this new lifestyle. Whether you have been recently diagnosed with a chronic illness, or you simply want to improve your quality of life you owe it to yourself to give alkaline foods a chance. Here are some ways they can benefit you and your marvelous body:

1. Alkaline foods eliminate fatigue issues:

An excess buildup of acid in the body depletes its natural store of oxygen; as a result, the body feels fatigue and so do you. Cells don’t function as they should, and every system is working harder than ever to dump toxins and breathe once more. Switching to snacks that are alkaline in nature will reduce acidic buildup and release life-giving oxygen back into your system once more.

2. Alkaline foods strengthen the immune system:

immune system

An imbalance in your PH levels weakens your body’s ability to fight off disease and infection. Bacteria and viruses thrive in an anaerobic, or low-oxygen environment. Increasing your intake of alkaline foods brings more oxygen back into the body, battling disease and viruses and strengthening all systems.

3. Alkaline foods reduce inflammation:

An acidic body is an inflamed body; when you have a buildup of acid in your body, you are prone to the development of chronically acidic and diseased states such as heart disease, arthritis, and even cancer. Bringing alkaline rich foods into your diet will reduce your risk for the development of these diseases and bring inflammation under control.

4. Alkaline foods strengthen bones and tissues:

As we age, our bodies naturally pull calcium and other minerals from bone material to balance our body’s PH. As a result, we grow gradually weaker and more prone to illness and injury. Consuming alkaline foods puts much-needed calcium back into our bodies and restores our strength and vitality in natural and healthy ways.

5. Alkaline foods can prevent the occurrence of cancer:

Cancer cells thrive in an anaerobic environment, and by bringing alkaline foods into your diet, you increase the healing properties of vitamins, minerals, and vital oxygen that makes it difficult for cancer cells to multiply and grow. When you give your body the natural tools that it needs, the wonderful self-healing mechanisms present in your makeup go to work on their own, bringing your body into a state of balance once more.

6. Alkaline foods can help you lose weight…and keep it off:

lose weight

Giving your body the vital nutrients it needs through nutritious, whole foods is always preferable to the Standard American Diet, or S.A.D., for short. When you replace high-calorie acidic items like pizza, chips, cookies, and soda with high-quality fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, the equation is so simple. You’ll experience permanent and lasting weight loss and you’ll feel great!

7. Alkaline foods improve your quality of life:

There are the whole brain, whole body benefits to eating alkaline foods–they heal and repair body tissues at a cellular level, they help to flush out harmful toxins that might slow you down, and they provide the energy necessary to lead a healthy and active life well into your later years. Alkaline foods can improve how you look, how you feel, and what you experience as your body gives back to you based on the wonderful, life-giving foods that you feed it with.

Is An Alkaline Diet Right For Me?

No matter what diet you choose to follow, it has to be manageable and sustainable in order for it to work. If you are going to derail yourself two weeks after starting an alkaline diet with a cheeseburger and fries, then perhaps going all in isn’t for you right now. Making small, deliberate changes to your diet and assessing how you feel will help you create healthy habits for long term success. Many people become overwhelmed at the thought of having to replace everything in their diets; finding some tried and true alkaline diet snacks that you can use for a quick and healthy pick me up in between meals is one way to begin establishing new habits that will move you toward better health. Examples of healthy alkaline snacks include:

  • fresh veggie sticks and hummus
  • celery sticks with almond butter
  • avocados with fresh salsa
  • green juices
  • smoothies
  • nuts, seeds, and berries
  • lara bars
  • chia pudding with fresh berries

Once you see how tasty and filling these new foods can be, it will become easier and easier to incorporate healthy, life-giving foods into your diet.

Are you ready?

Get ready! You are about to embark on an exciting journey to delicious food and better health. You’ll experience vibrant energy, improved mood, and you’ll feel better than you have in years. Don’t look at all the things that you “can’t” have on your new journey, focus instead on how much better you’ll look and feel with a few simple changes and a whole new positive outlook on your health. Best of luck to you on your alkaline journey!

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Featured Image: istockphoto.com

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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What Spoon To Use For Caviar?

When preparing starters, salads, and other dishes using delicacies, it is necessary to remember the taste qualities and the rules of serving and etiquette. The rules of the caviar club https://bestercaviarstore.com/pages/caviar-club state that it is crucial to choose the right spoon so as not to spoil the taste of the exquisite dish. It is necessary to take into account the material of the tableware. For example, metal items have a characteristic flavor that spoils the delicacy. Bester Caviar experts will recommend the best caviar spoon material, considering all the features. Why avoid using a metal spoon to eat caviar? It is better to refuse such utensils because they will interfere with the taste of caviar. Especially when it comes to a device made of one material. There are often spoons with a high concentration of the following metals: nickel; silver; bronze; aluminum. All of them are not suitable for specialty products. For example, cookware made of alloys will not affect the taste. However, there are more suitable materials for such products. The main problem with caviar metal spoons is oxidation. As a result, there is a change in the structure of the product on a chemical level. A delicacy is a very sensitive ingredient. Such transformations will have a negative impact not only on the taste but also on the structure. That is why tasters never use silverware. Types of Caviar Spoons to Use Even the most expensive silverware is not suitable for tasting. Furthermore, using such utensils when serving delicacies is considered a violation of etiquette. Therefore, it is better to opt for appropriate kitchen utensils: The turtle shell is an exclusive material that is considered very scarce. It cannot be bought in a regular cookware store. In many countries, the sale of such items is considered a violation of the law. However, such utensils were used by monarchs in the organization of receptions. Many manufacturers make analogs, creating with the help of plastic and biomaterials something similar to a tortoise shell; bullhorn is another option, inspired by the traditions of past times. It was very often used for serving the festive table, on which many delicacies appeared. The material has a discreet color has maximum durability. It is distinguished by its environmental friendliness and is considered an excellent analog of mother-of-pearl utensils; wood is a less popular option for aesthetic reasons. Wood makes the delicacies visually cheaper but does not affect their taste. Such products quickly absorb moisture. The wood is stained beforehand. Before serving the dish, it is better to oil the cutlery in caviar oil; glass – the aesthetics of this material has always attracted the attention of gourmets with its smoothness and fragility. The structure is excessively delicate, which is more of a disadvantage than an advantage. Many people are deterred from this option by the transparency of the glass; Gold is the only metal that is used when serving delicacies. This serving will allow the host to emphasize his status. Caviar will color the spoon’s surface green, indicating the original origin of the precious metal. However, there are other options. A. Mother-of-pearl Such kitchen utensils appear on the table in movies and TV shows when a table with caviar appears in the scene. It is an original material that combines two opposites – organic and inorganic. Pearl spoon caviar is made from clam shells.  The creation of a vivid contrast is another unique feature. The spoon shimmers when the grainy delicacy appears on it. Despite its smoothness, the product is characterized by maximum durability and reliability. Such cutlery will not affect the taste of the treat. B. Plastic This option may seem too cheap to many people, especially in the context of serving with caviar. However, disposable plastic spoons are used quite often, not only in everyday life but also in expensive restaurants. First, plastic utensils are very cheap, and it is possible to give each visitor a separate spoon. After use, they are disposed of, which is quite hygienic. Secondly, plastic in no way affects the taste of the delicacy. Conclusion Caviar dishes are interesting not only for their gastronomic properties. The popularity of this delicacy testifies to the continuity of generations and respect for traditions. But, of course, everyone wants to plunge into luxury. The exquisite dish will help, but only if the table is laid correctly. Unfortunately, metal cutlery demonstrates bad taste when serving a delicacy. Read Also: Tools to Turn Unruly Seafood Into Dinner What dressings Are Good For Vegans – Mimi’s Laphet 5 Best Vegetables You Should Try Growing In Your Garden

kashkaval cheese

All you need to know about kashkaval cheese

Particularly popular in the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe region, kashkaval is a semi-hard yellow cheese. It derives its name from the Italian cheese “Caciocavolla”. Kashkaval cheese is made from cow’s milk or ewe’s milk. The version made from cow’s milk is called Kashkaval Vitosha. The one made from ewe’s milk is called kashkaval Balkan. There is also a variety that uses a mixture of both of these types of milk. The cheese made from the mixture of these two kinds of milk is called kashkaval Preslav. The different names of kashkaval: Kashkaval is very popular in countries such as Romania, Bulgaria, and Macedonia. This variety of kashkaval cheese is also to be found widely in countries such as Turkey, Hungary, and Croatia. Each country has a different name for this variety of cheese though. While the Turkish refer to this cheese as “Kasra”, the Greeks call it “Kasseri”. The Romanians, on the other hand, call it “Cascaval”. Kashkaval belongs to the pasta filata cheeses. This means that the curd is given a hot bath during the production process. This semi-hard yellow cheese or Kashkaval cheese is allowed to age for a good six months. This lends it a piquant and spicy flavor on the one hand and salty flavor on the other. In taste, it is very similar to the cheddar cheese that is widely popular in the United Kingdom. The Kashkaval cheese is also famously referred to as “the cheddar cheese of the Balkans”. Popular kashkaval recipes: The slightly hard texture of this yellow cheese makes it perfect for grilling and grating. It is thus generously used in salads, pizzas, appetizers, and lasagna. One of the famous Eastern European street food made with the kashkaval cheese is kashkaval pane. It is favored for its portability and thus preferred as an appetizer or served in clubs and bars. It is essentially fried cheese made with simple and easy to find ingredients such as flour, breadcrumbs, and eggs apart from the kashkaval cheese itself. Served hot right off the pan it is known for its crunchy, melty goodness! Another popular Bulgarian recipe made with Kashkaval cheese made in Eastern European homes is the Bulgarian cheese banitza or banitsa that is also served as an appetizer. It is can also be served in the main course alongside other dishes. It is similar to a Greek cheese pie or a Serbian burek. To make this you will need two cups of crumbled kashkaval, 2 eggs beaten, 16 sheets of filo dough, 6 tablespoons of plain yogurt, two sticks of unsalted butter and chopped green onions and sea salt for garnishing. To make this recipe, you will need to combine the cheese, yogurt, and eggs in a large bowl and beat them until they are smooth. The next thing to do is fold one filo sheet in half and brush it with melted butter. Portion out the filling in the sheets making either a cigar-shaped roll or an S-shaped scroll. Remember to fold up the bottom edge first and then roll it up until you are looking at a tight cylindrical shape. Repeat the process with the remaining sheets. Sprinkle with chopped green onions and sea salt if desired and place on a parchment-lined pan. The next thing to do is bake these goodies in a pre-heated oven for about 20 minutes until they are brown and crisp. Serve hot with your favorite wine and your recipe is bound to be a hit among your guests in gathering or with your family when you are gearing up for a fun evening with food and wine! The bottom line is kashkaval is a popular cheese and can be replaced with cheddar for a slightly exotic dish or simply whipped up in an omelet! Read Also: Easy Breakfast Ideas for Type 2 Diabetes Please Pass the Cheese! 7 Awesome Benefits of Cheese

Going Gluten-Free

More Than Just a Fad: The Benefits of Going Gluten-Free

Going gluten-free has become a popular trend. More and more gluten-free products are taking up space on the shelves in grocery stores, yet at the same one, many people remain in the dark when it comes to the benefits of a gluten-free diet. Let's begin to address that by describing what gluten is and what it actually does. Gluten is a protein found in such foods as wheat, cereal, and certain grains. One of its main purposes is to retain the elasticity in foods during fermentation. It makes bread chewable and prevents certain foods from having a doughy-like, sticky texture. Worldwide attention: With an increase in people being diagnosed with gluten sensitivity and celiac disease, gluten-free diets have received a lot of attention from physicians from all over the nutritional spectrum, including dieticians, bariatric physicians, and weight loss physicians. There's a good reason for that. There are a number of health benefits which can be had from a gluten-free diet for anyone who has a gluten intolerance, such as improving energy levels, better digestive health, and decreasing cholesterol levels. Moreover, going gluten-free, even if it's for a little while, can help detox your body from wheat and processed carbs in general, too. Restaurants, too: It isn't just grocery stores that are helping their customers go gluten-free. There's little point in eliminating gluten from your shopping list if you're feasting on it when eating out or ordering in. Although those two options are becoming increasingly seamless with services such as Deliveroo continually adding more gluten-free restaurants to its platform. Celiac-friendly eateries available to order from include Uncle Pete's, with a customizable pizza on the menu, so going gluten-free doesn't mean that you can no longer enjoy the foods you love. Whether buying from a shopping list or ordering from a restaurant, if you decide to embark upon a gluten-free diet, you’d only be eliminating foods from your diet that are unhealthy, anyway. For example, most fried food would be immediately off-limits, due to the breading. The same would be true of many desserts. Reducing health risks: By eliminating gluten from your diet, you’re reducing the risk of health-related conditions, such as certain cancers, and heart disease. It can also help you to fend off germs and viruses, as many of the foods you will eat contain essential mineral and vitamins, as well as antioxidants. This will also mean minimising your intake of processed foods. Many processed foods that can be bought off the shelves contain high amounts of gluten, which is unhealthy, due to the fact that they contain artificial flavors and chemicals. Weight loss, too: Most foods on a gluten-free diet can help with weight loss, especially if you have a healthy balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. If you combine a gluten-free approach with the right proportions and combinations, however, and choosing gluten-free starches like quinoa, sweet potatoes, and brown rice, you’ll be eating healthier and more likely to lose weight. Bear in mind that you’ll need to exercise caution when it comes to reading food labels. Many packages state that their food is gluten-free when it may not be the case. There will always be replacements in unhealthy goods that contain gluten with other unhealthy gluten-free varieties. That’s especially true of high-carb foods, such as bread. So just be sure to go in with your eyes open. Read Also: Tips To Lose Weight Naturally Stay Away From These Foods To Remain Healthy Source: Max Pixel