Ways to Stay Fit and Healthy in Your Senior Years


18 October 2018

Health & Fitness

Healthy Fit

As you get up there in age it can be even more important to stay active and healthy. The key to a longer life is to keep active and not be sedentary all the time. Eating healthy can be a huge contributor as well. There are simple things you can do to help achieve this that are actually fun too.

Clean Eating

It all starts with your diet. You don’t need to be on some special fade diet. However, you do need to watch what you eat. One of the first things you should do is take in more liquids. Some seniors may have to force themselves to drink more water than usual.

Planning out your meals ahead of time can really help you stay healthy. Most people end up in the fast food trap because they lack planning. When it’s dinner time they simply drive to the nearest drive-thru restaurant. Avoid this and do some meal planning. In the long run, it’s not only healthier it’s cheaper.

Our last healthy eating tip is to reduce the amount of sugar intake. Sure, it can be easy to pull out the ice cream at night and have a bowl or two. But sugar turns into fat and can lead to an increase in health dangers. Instead of that sugary snack replace it with fruit or even a sugar-free snack.

Protein is very important for the body as it gives you the energy and will help you feel fuller throughout the day. Lots of seniors overlook how much protein they take in. Cut down on the carbs and plan out a diet that is higher in protein.  Some of the foods with the highest protein are eggs, chicken, turkey, cottage cheese, steak, beans, and nuts.


Getting on an exercise routine can be hard. Our suggestion is to make it fun and social.  Does your community have a walking group? If so this can be a great way to get outside and make a new friend while doing it.

Some seniors enjoy golf. Some might think riding in a golf cart isn’t much on an exercise but that’s not true. You can’t ride everywhere on a golf course and although it’s not constant you are walking and often times up and down hills. Golf can be an enjoyable game that takes out the fact that you are actually exercising.

Swimming is hands down one of the best exercises you can do. It essentially works the majority of your muscles and gets your heart rate up. The best part about swimming is you can go at your own pace.  Get tired? No problem get out and lay in the sun for a bit. When you are rested up to go back in the water for a few more laps.

Take the grandkids to the park. What kids don’t love going to the park? Grab a basketball or a soccer ball and take the grandkids out. Sure, you might not be running around playing soccer with them the entire time but you can play some. The point is you need to get out of the house and gets some miles under those legs. You don’t have to overdo it but just work on being more active and have some fun doing it.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Eye Mistakes

6 Eye Mistakes That Can Make Your Vision Worse

You're staring at a computer screen all day, and you think you're taking good care of your eyes. Your eyes feel fine, after all. And when it comes to proper eye care, you get regular checkups from NewVision Clinics - Eye Specialist in Melbourne and take the right steps to keep your vision in top shape. If you're not careful, however, you could be making a few eye mistakes that might be hurting your vision. How To Identify The Eye Problems? If your eyes are dry and irritated, there's a good chance you're overdoing it with eye drops. That's because many of these drops contain chemicals that get your eyes producing more tears than normal — but only for a short period of time. But once the effect wears off, your body compensates by producing even fewer tears than before. You can become dependent on eyedrops just to see clearly for a few minutes at a time. This is why using artificial tears for more than two or three days in a row is generally not recommended.  Instead, use preservative-free eye drops sparingly (usually no more than four times per day). Our eyes are the only pair we've got, and many of us don't take proper care of them. Whether it's sleeping in our makeup or not wearing sunglasses on a sunny day, there are many ways we can hurt our eyes on a daily basis. Here are three eye mistakes that could be making your vision worse — and what to do about them. 6 Common Eye Mistakes Which Makes Your Vision Worse You are making many eye mistakes throughout life, from wrong power eyeglass wearing to applying bad eye drops. But apart from these, many more common mistakes hamper your eye's vision. Here are six mistakes that have an adverse effect on your eyesight. 1. You're Skipping The Sunglasses When you're walking around in bright conditions, like snow or bright sky during the summer, it's important to wear sunglasses. Not only is this a good idea for your general health-protecting your eyes from UV rays — but it can also help keep you from blinking. Going out without proper protective sunglasses is one of the common eye mistakes. But it can happen at any time. So it is better to take the tap and remember to wear sunglasses. Constant squinting can lead to the development of crow's feet, which are fine lines around the eyes that can make you look older than you really are. If that isn't enough reason to wear them, consider this: According to a study published in JAMA Ophthalmology, long-term exposure to UV radiation has been linked with cataracts in middle-aged adults. And if you're worried about how they look on you, check out these five tips to find the perfect pair of sunglasses for your face shape. 2. Not Eating Right A healthy diet is good for your whole body, including your eyes. "There are certain nutrients — carotenoids, vitamins C and E and omega-3 fatty acids — that have beneficial effects on our eyes," Dr. Ritterband says.  Improper diet maintenance is solid eye mistakes. You probably do not know the right nutrition, which is keeping your eyes healthy. But the fish and green vegetables have the right vitamin A and D sources, which are eye boosters. 3. Not Wearing Sunglasses Outside It’s easy to think that sunglasses are just another fashion accessory, but they’re really an essential tool for protecting your eyes from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation (UVR). Exposure to UV light can cause cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, two of the leading causes of blindness in older adults. UVR also can damage the skin around the eyes, which can increase your risk of developing basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, two common types of skin cancer. Wear sunglasses labeled with “UV 400” or “100% UVA/UVB protection” every time you go outdoors — even on cloudy days — to protect your eyes from damaging UVR. 4. Using Antibiotics Too Much "There is a fear that if you have an inflamed cornea, people worry that it might get infected," Melmed said. "In most cases, it doesn't get infected." Antibiotics have eye mistakes effects; they can cause allergic reactions and sometimes even bacterial resistance, he said. 5. Not Getting Regular Eye Exams It's important to see an ophthalmologist every year, Melmed said. During the exam, he or she will check for early signs of glaucoma and macular degeneration, which can be treated if caught early enough. Avoiding the scheduled eye check-ups are eye mistakes.  Try to avoid it consciously. We all know going for the regular check-up is a little time taking process. But to maintain eye health, you have to do it. 6. Using Artificial Tears The reason many people have dry eyes is not that their tear glands aren't producing enough tears. Rather, it's because their blink reflex doesn't work properly, and their tears evaporate too quickly from the surface of their eyes.  In this case, artificial tears only worsen the situation by drying out the surface of your eyes even more. Instead of using over-the-counter artificial tears, try to blink more often and learn how to massage your eyelids properly in order to improve the blink reflex (you can find instructions in my Natural Vision Improvement Kit). Conclusion: All of these six eye mistakes are common. But on your regular days, you are making these mistakes without knowing them. So it is better to tap on and avoid making mistakes. If you are facing troubled vision. First, identify the problem systems and then ask the consults from the eye doctor. Read Also: 3 Top Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy How To Care For Your Eye In 5 Medically Proven Ways How To Buy Glasses With Vision Direct Contacts vs Glasses: Which of These Two Eyesight Improving Methods

HRT for men

The Ultimate Guide To HRT For Men

As men age, their levels of testosterone decrease. This decrease in testosterone leads to a body that doesn't perform quite as well as it once did. Not only is the ability to gain muscle stifled, but the bones begin to lose their strength as well. HRT means "Hormone Replacement Therapy". Fortunately, there are treatments available to help restore lost testosterone in men. Undergoing these treatments can not only make you feel younger, but it can also allow you to perform as if you are younger. Thinking about undergoing HRT for men? This guide will provide you with everything you need to know. What are the Benefits of HRT for Men? It's important to note that, while reduced hormone levels can negatively impact the overall performance of your body, they are not actively harmful to your body in any way. You can live comfortably with low testosterone levels. However, by opting for hormone therapy for men, you'll be opening yourself up to a number of benefits. Muscle Building:   Perhaps the primary reason that men undergo hormone therapy is that they're looking to sustain their ability to build and maintain muscle. As you may know, the more testosterone a person possesses, the more muscle that person is capable of building. Studies have shown that men who undergo this therapy are capable of building around 2.5 pounds of muscle in a year. Sexual Performance:   Many men find that, as they age, their libido begins to slow down. In many cases, this has to do with their diminishing testosterone levels. By replacing lost testosterone through therapy, these men are able to sexually perform in the way that they once did. Reproduction: Are you and your partner struggling to conceive a child? If so, it could be because your sperm count is low. Low testosterone is directly correlated to a low sperm count, meaning that low testosterone could be at the root of the problem. By having your testosterone restored, your sperm count will increase, making it easier for you to conceive a child. Bone Density:   Studies have shown that men with low testosterone often also suffer from low bone density. In fact, it has been shown that low testosterone is one of the biggest causes of osteoporosis in men. Having your testosterone restored to previous levels can do a lot to keep your bones healthy and strong. Increasing Red Blood Cell Count:   Your red blood cell count is directly correlated to the level of testosterone in your body. Therefore, when your testosterone is low, your red blood cell count will also below. This can lead to anemia, a condition that results in shortness of breath, arthritis, kidney disease, and other serious conditions. Having your testosterone restored can up your red blood cell count, preventing anemia from occurring in your body. Are There Any Risks Associated with HRT for Men? While there are most certainly benefits of undergoing hormone therapy, the therapy is not without its risks. By undergoing such a procedure, you open yourself up to the following risks: Excessive Urination:   Often times, after men undergo hormone replacement therapy, they find that their urination becomes excessive. Instead of having to urinate once every 2 hours, they start urinating once every hour, or every 30 minutes. In some cases, this excessive urination begins because diabetes becomes present in the patients. Cholesterol Issues:   There is some evidence out there that shows that testosterone restoration can reduce the levels of HDL in your body. HDL is the good cholesterol in your body, responsible for staving off heart disease. At the same time, testosterone restoration can increase the levels of the bad cholesterol in your body, LDL. Acne: Another side effect you might notice after undergoing hormone replacement therapy is an increase in acne on your body. While this acne is not detrimental to your health, it can be detrimental to your appearance. Fertility Problems:   While testosterone therapy can often help to improve fertility in men, there is also a chance that it will actually worsen a man's ability to father children. The results of the procedure vary when it comes to the subject of fertility. For more information about alternative treatments, visit fertilityplus.org.uk. For this reason, it's often wise for patients to store some of their sperm prior to undergoing the therapy. High Red Blood Cell Count: Though testosterone therapy can be used to increase red blood cell count in a successful manner, there is also a chance that it can increase this count to the point of being too high. Having too high of a red blood cell count can result in a condition known as polycythemia. This condition causes impaired vision, faintness, and enlarged organs. What Types of Hormone Therapies are There? In general, there are three different types of HRT for men. Each type of therapy is completed over weeks of treatment. They are as follows: Injections: One way to administer HRT for men is through injections. Those who choose to undergo this type of treatment will receive several shots in the buttocks nearly every 2 weeks. This type of treatment typically takes months to be completed but is generally very successful. Patches: Just like there are nicotine patches available to help you stop smoking, there are testosterone patches available to help you restore your testosterone. By applying these patches to different parts of your body on a regular basis (abdomen, limbs, back, buttocks), you can raise the amount of testosterone that your body produces. Gel: One last type of HRT for men is a gel therapy that takes place on a consistent basis over months of treatment. When you're undergoing this treatment, you will have the gel applied each and every day. Most typically, it will be applied to your abdomen, shoulders, and limbs. Have More Questions About Your Health? Do you have more questions about your health? Are you interested in learning about other medical procedures? If so, ContentRally has what you're looking for. Whether you're looking to improve your diet, garner information on different types of treatments, find a pharmaceutical provider, or otherwise, our site has what you need. Browse our health-related articles right now! Read Also : 11 Effective Ways To Improve Testosterone Levels In Your Body Testosterone Replacement Therapy What To Expect What’s It Like In A Drug Recovery Center? All That You Must Know About Prenatal Vitamins Choosing A Diet Based On Your Personality Type

Pegnency yoga

Yoga For Pregnant Women

You’re expecting? Congratulations! Well, it is the most welcoming yet challenging period in a woman’s life. Practice prenatal yoga to deal with changing body and mood swings. Pregnancy is the most pleasing time in a woman’s life. For years, a woman dreams about this day to embrace the pleasure of being a mother. When finally the day arrives, it brings along a lot of challenges, especially for the first time mothers to be. During this period, woman battles with morning sickness, mood swings at varying levels, deal with cramps, fatigue and much more. Due to the various body and emotional changes a woman undergoes during the gestation period, many perceive it as a complication. If you are going through the same and looking for ways to relax, de-stress and stay fit during this life-changing journey, then consider practicing prenatal yoga. The practice of yoga asanas and breathing techniques provides relief from backache, eases morning sickness and much more, ensuring a better gestation period and hassle-free delivery. The aim of yoga is to lessen the labor pains, help the mother bring the unborn child into the world with minimal complications and, to ensure the wellbeing of the mother and the baby both. In addition to this, it provides numerous physical and mental benefits to the mother, like increasing the endurance and strength of muscles required for natural childbirth, improving the balance as body undergoes rapid changes, helping you to focus on your  breathing that can  be applied during labor pain, developing maternal bond with the child and so many wonderful benefits.  A pregnant woman undergoes several body changes. Yoga can be the ideal way to keep the mom-to-be in shape. Those beginners who do not follow a regular yoga regime are advised not to rush into the practice without medical consent. Keeping in mind all the precautions and health considerations, here is a list of yoga asanas for the mothers-to-be: 1. Butterfly or baddha konasana: Sit straight on the floor and stretch your legs fully. Bend your knees and try to bring your feet as close as possible. Join them in namaste position. Keep the hands-on thighs and knees. Take deep breaths. Upon exhalation, press the thighs and knees towards the floor by pressing the elbows over the knees. Hold the pose for as long as you are comfortable. Strengthen pelvis and inner thighs. 2. Mountain Pose or Tadasana: Stand with feet hip distance apart. Keep your spine upright and arms resting by either side. Now, stretch your arms overhead to join them in Namaskar Mudra. Tilt your head backward and fix your gaze at the fingertips. Keep breathing in and out. Hold the pose for few seconds. Strengthens spine and relieves back pain. 3. Cat Pose or Marjariasana: Come onto your fours with knees under your hips and hands under the shoulders. Take a deep breath, lift your chin up and slightly push back your head. Hold the pose for 30 seconds. Exhale and bring your chin close to your chest. Relax your hips and hold the pose for 10 seconds. Slowly release the pose. It improves blood circulation level in the body. Triangle Pose or Trikonasana: Stand with a straight back on the yoga mat. Spread your feet wide about 3-4 feet. Make sure the toes of both the feet are parallel to each other and heels are aligned. Lift your hands up with palms facing downwards. Align them with your shoulders. Bend towards your left side. At the same time, lift your right hand up towards the sky. Turn your head to the left and fix your gaze on the fingertips of the right hand. Hold the pose for 10-20 seconds. The pose improves hip flexibility and eases pregnancy-related digestive issues. Child Pose or Balasana: Kneel on your fours. Keep your knees wide apart about 3-4 feet. Rest your hips on your heels. On an exhalation, bend forward draping your torso between your thighs. Tuck your chin close to your chest and forehead on the ground. Keep your arms extended. Remain in the pose for 5-6 slow breaths. It provides relief from nausea and stress. Corpse Pose or Savasana: Lie down on your back on the floor. Rest your hands by your side and keep your eyes closed. Relax your body and mind. Release all your tensions and think about the life growing inside you. Stand up and cover your face with your hands. Take ten breaths and massage your face. It relaxes your whole body. Practice prenatal yoga to be at your healthiest during your pregnancy period. Read More : Follow These 5 Yoga Poses To Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat 9 Tips For Staying Fit And Healthy During Pregnancy What Are Popular Mind And Body Exercises Available At A Gym? Why Jumping On Trampolines Is More Beneficial Than Running Or Jogging? Bed Time Yoga To Sleep Well