All you need to know about kashkaval cheese

Published on: 16 December 2019 Last Updated on: 18 December 2019
kashkaval cheese

Particularly popular in the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe region, kashkaval is a semi-hard yellow cheese. It derives its name from the Italian cheese “Caciocavolla”. Kashkaval cheese is made from cow’s milk or ewe’s milk. The version made from cow’s milk is called Kashkaval Vitosha. The one made from ewe’s milk is called kashkaval Balkan. There is also a variety that uses a mixture of both of these types of milk. The cheese made from the mixture of these two kinds of milk is called kashkaval Preslav.

The different names of kashkaval:

Kashkaval is very popular in countries such as Romania, Bulgaria, and Macedonia. This variety of kashkaval cheese is also to be found widely in countries such as Turkey, Hungary, and Croatia. Each country has a different name for this variety of cheese though. While the Turkish refer to this cheese as “Kasra”, the Greeks call it “Kasseri”. The Romanians, on the other hand, call it “Cascaval”.

Kashkaval belongs to the pasta filata cheeses. This means that the curd is given a hot bath during the production process. This semi-hard yellow cheese or Kashkaval cheese is allowed to age for a good six months. This lends it a piquant and spicy flavor on the one hand and salty flavor on the other. In taste, it is very similar to the cheddar cheese that is widely popular in the United Kingdom. The Kashkaval cheese is also famously referred to as “the cheddar cheese of the Balkans”.

Popular kashkaval recipes:

kashkaval recipes

The slightly hard texture of this yellow cheese makes it perfect for grilling and grating. It is thus generously used in salads, pizzas, appetizers, and lasagna. One of the famous Eastern European street food made with the kashkaval cheese is kashkaval pane. It is favored for its portability and thus preferred as an appetizer or served in clubs and bars.

It is essentially fried cheese made with simple and easy to find ingredients such as flour, breadcrumbs, and eggs apart from the kashkaval cheese itself. Served hot right off the pan it is known for its crunchy, melty goodness! Another popular Bulgarian recipe made with Kashkaval cheese made in Eastern European homes is the Bulgarian cheese banitza or banitsa that is also served as an appetizer. It is can also be served in the main course alongside other dishes.

It is similar to a Greek cheese pie or a Serbian burek. To make this you will need two cups of crumbled kashkaval, 2 eggs beaten, 16 sheets of filo dough, 6 tablespoons of plain yogurt, two sticks of unsalted butter and chopped green onions and sea salt for garnishing. To make this recipe, you will need to combine the cheese, yogurt, and eggs in a large bowl and beat them until they are smooth.

The next thing to do is fold one filo sheet in half and brush it with melted butter. Portion out the filling in the sheets making either a cigar-shaped roll or an S-shaped scroll. Remember to fold up the bottom edge first and then roll it up until you are looking at a tight cylindrical shape. Repeat the process with the remaining sheets. Sprinkle with chopped green onions and sea salt if desired and place on a parchment-lined pan.

The next thing to do is bake these goodies in a pre-heated oven for about 20 minutes until they are brown and crisp. Serve hot with your favorite wine and your recipe is bound to be a hit among your guests in gathering or with your family when you are gearing up for a fun evening with food and wine! The bottom line is kashkaval is a popular cheese and can be replaced with cheddar for a slightly exotic dish or simply whipped up in an omelet!

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Protein Coconut Bar

Great Health Benefits You Get From A Protein Coconut Bar

Have you ever eaten a protein-based coconut bar and tasted just how satisfying they are? Offering flavors that take your mind to the sun-drenched beaches of the Caribbean, coconut products like these get your mouth watering when you know you’re about to take one out of your day bag and eat it. It’s one of life’s little pleasures. As a low-carb, high-fiber snack, it’s great for bedding down your hunger, but did you know that the humble coconut offers a bunch of health benefits? Well, they do, and by reading on, you’ll understand just what a wise move including them in your diet really is. The fruit of the palm tree is cultivated around the planet, being used in many different types of cooking and health-food products. As we’ll see in a moment. However, the range of body support this natural food source provides is surprisingly extensive. Ways The Coconut Bar Helps The Body  So, aside from the delicious taste, what exactly do coconut products like these do for your health? We’re glad you asked, and here are five ways that they assist… 1 - Bacteria-Fighting Power One of the first great things about your average coconut bar is that it’s able to prevent the growth of particular strains of bacteria. Studies have shown that coconut is particularly helpful as oil, at the same time stemming the growth of bacteria like Streptococcus. Since coconuts are naturally antiviral and antibacterial, they can actually help you safeguard your immune system. A hefty immune system is critical for helping you prevent diseases as well as illnesses.  2 - Packed With Nutrition Coconut is different from many other types of fruit in that they contain mostly fat and not carbs. They are also known to contain a range of vital minerals, as well as B vitamins. Also on offer is manganese - something that’s great for supporting your bones. Copper and iron also exist in coconut, boosting the health of your blood vessels. A coconut bar is packed with satiating fiber as well as digestion-friendly ingredients. It never fails to provide minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium, copper, and manganese. 3 - Blood Sugar Stabilizing Being low in terms of carbohydrates means that coconut does not cause those blood sugar spikes you get after a typical candy bar. As such, they help to keep your blood sugar levels nice and stable, and the fruit is even thought to be beneficial in preventing insulin resistance - a problem that causes misery for many. A study found that HDL cholesterol levels improve significantly on consuming coconut oil for 8 straight weeks. It also enhances triglyceride levels and ultimately reduces blood sugar.  4 - Free Radical-Busting Free radicals are elements in our environment that cause cell damage. We’re talking about things like pollution and stress, and again, coconut comes to the rescue with its innate antioxidant compounds that hold them at bay. Battling them in this way helps to keep you looking younger and feeling great. Coconut, in any form, has hydrating properties. Electrolytes in it help to hydrate and regulate the fluid balance in our body. Moreover, they also help regulate muscle contraction and blood pressure.  How To Choose The Right Coconut Protein Bar?  Protein bars are not just snacks, they are the prime energy sources for fitness freaks. While choosing the right one might be daunting, the process should never go unnoticed. Thus, the last thing you would want is to select the wrong coconut protein bar for yourself. Here are some tips to opt for the right protein bar enriched with the goodness of coconut.   Check The Protein  A coconut bar offering 10 grams of protein, at least, in every serving might just be the right one for you. Proteins help the body to build muscles extensively and also recover after rigorous exercise. Further, it enables the stomach to remain full in the middle of meals and fulfills cravings.  The Carbohydrate Factor  A coconut bar offering carbohydrates of less than 10 grams is excellent for your health. If that amount exceeds, chances are you will have an increased fat amount in the body. This further results in more carb cravings which are not good for your fitness.  Sugar A coconut protein bar offering more than 6-8 grams of sugar on each serving is fine. Manufacturing companies usually add sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners to enhance the taste. But these added sugars take a toll on your health. In a coconut protein bar, avoid sugar alcohols such as mannitol, erythritol, and sorbitol, to name a few.  Cut Down Fats Search for coconut protein bars that have increased healthy fats and reduced saturated fats. If your bar has trans fats, it is best to avoid it. Healthy fats present in protein bars consist of nuts, coconut oil, seeds, and nut butter. Always search for a coconut bar that has no trans fat, as it can affect your health significantly.  Calories Last but not least, you will have to consider the calorie factor of your coconut protein bar. For men, a protein bar must consist of calories between 170 to 250 per serving. On the other hand, a coconut bar should have 140 to 200 calories in each serving. Considering this might help you reap significant health benefits.  A Regular Coconut Bar Is A Great Way To Stay Healthy! So, as we can see, the coconut is a bit of a hero when it comes to human health. Busting free radicals, stabilizing your blood sugar, fighting bacteria, and supplying you with essential minerals and vitamins, it’s one of the best types of snacks you can put in your body. One thing is for sure, you don’t get this kind of body support from a candy bar, so why not consider switching to something that’s no less tasty but so much better for you in the long run? Like the sound of something sweet without the guilt? It would seem coconut protein bars might just be the answer! Read Also :  The Top 10 Best Foods To Eat In Early Pregnancy Foods To Eat On A Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet


Only the Best Membrane Protein from Calixar

There are not many people around the world who have heard about the name of Calixar. Yes, this company is not one of those big companies with a great name all over the world, but the things that they made s totally amazing. This company is working on the isolation process of the membrane protein isolation, making sure that all of the people around the world can get the highest possibility for the isolated membrane protein. This kind of thing might not be important for some people, but if you know how great this thing is, especially in the world of the pharmaceutical industry, you will be glad that Calixar can make something this amazing. Calixar is not a big company since there are not many people working for this company. Even so, you can be sure that this company is one of the best in its field because there are at least nine PhDs that are working every single thing on this company. For your information, the isolation process for the membrane protein cannot be considered as an easy thing. Of course, doing the isolation process of the membrane protein is not that hard too since there are a lot of companies that are doing a similar thing. However, in order to get the best form or the best result is not the same as doing the isolation process itself. That is because, in order to get the purest result of the isolation, you need to make sure that the isolation process is done with no mutation and deletion. By doing this, you can surely get the purest result with the high purity of isolated membrane protein. This is one thing that will help those companies who need the isolated membrane protein for their further products. Only the Best Membrane Protein from Calixar As one of the best in this field, Calixar is not only doing the common things that they do to isolate the membrane protein to get the purest result. That is because they are also creating and inventing new ways and methods that they can develop in the future to make sure that the isolation process is done without any trouble at all. Because of that reason, they are not only doing one or two methods of the membrane protein isolation, but more than that and the GPCR technology is just one of those that can be considered as a masterpiece. The Final Thoughts: The last but not least, you might want to know that the isolated membrane protein is totally helpful in the world of pharmaceuticals. That is because many companies in this kind of field are using the isolated membrane protein to make the new antibody, medicine, and vaccine that can help many lives all around the world. Therefore, if those companies are not using the best materials, the high purity membrane protein, you can be sure that the vaccines and antibodies are not going to work that well. Because of that reason, Calixar tries to give the purest isolation result of the membrane protein that all of those pharmaceutical companies need Read More : Best Whey Protein for Women. 5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental Health.


The Chinese Have The Best Diet In The World – Here’s Why

Fad diets are always trying to do something new, promising to improve your health the way no diet ever has before. Often, if these diets aren’t just trying to sell you something, their principles are based on ‘bro science’ or common nutrition myths. The truth is that we don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Many cultures around the world have been eating well for millennia, striking the right balance between all the necessary components of a good diet.  Today, we’re looking at China's approach to food, which has captured the attention of both food enthusiasts and health experts globally. And with nearly half of Americans actively trying to lose weight, according to this study by ValuePenguin, the timing couldn’t be better. Let’s delve into why the Chinese diet is celebrated as one of the healthiest in the world. A Balanced Approach At the heart of the Chinese diet lies a profound emphasis on equilibrium. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the belief in harmonizing the body's yin and yang energies is at the core of well-being. This holistic philosophy extends gracefully to the realm of cuisine, where achieving balance in one's diet is regarded as a bedrock principle. Chinese culinary traditions beautifully exemplify this equilibrium, artfully integrating a spectrum of tastes, textures, and culinary techniques. The result is a culinary experience that engages all five essential flavors – sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and umami. Staples of the Chinese Diet Every good meal needs a healthy foundation, and this is something the Chinese have been nailing forever. Rice or wheat is usually the most common base of nutritious meals. Furthermore, these grains provide a steady source of carbohydrates, ensuring sustained energy throughout the day. Unlike processed and refined grains, Chinese cuisine favors whole grains, preserving essential nutrients and fiber. In addition to grains, vegetables play a central role in Chinese cooking. A variety of leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, and seasonal produce brighten up Chinese dinner tables, offering a wealth of vitamins and minerals. These vegetables are often gently cooked or stir-fried, preserving their nutritional value. The inclusion of vegetables also ensures a high fiber content in the diet, supporting digestive health and promoting a sense of fullness. Fish, poultry, tofu, and legumes are common in Chinese cuisine, with these protein options often being preferred over red meat. Fish, in particular, provides valuable omega-3 fatty acids, renowned for their heart-protective properties. This combination of protein and veggies has helped China claim the top spot in this Compare the Market study of the world’s healthiest diets. Embracing Seasonal and Local Ingredients The Chinese diet's healthiness shines through its emphasis on using locally sourced, seasonal ingredients, aligning with traditional beliefs of harmony with nature. Seasonal foods offer peak flavor and nutrition while reducing the need for preservatives and long transportation. Furthermore, the Chinese diet integrates traditional wisdom into its culinary practices. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) introduces the idea of food as medicine, with specific ingredients chosen for their restorative and strengthening effects. For instance, ginger helps to combat colds and enhance digestion. On the other hand, goji berries have the power to boost the immune system. This blend of ancient knowledge with food choices contributes to the diet's reputation as one of the healthiest globally. Portion Control and Mindful Eating In addition to the quality and variety of foods, portion control and mindful eating practices are integral to the Chinese diet. Usually, meals are nothing less than family-style, with multiple dishes in the center of the table. This communal dining style encourages moderation and mindful consumption. By serving food in smaller portions and sharing, it becomes easier to control calorie intake and prevent overeating. Furthermore, the Chinese approach to eating is full of mindfulness. Eating slowly, savoring each bite, and paying attention to the flavors and textures of food are common practices. This not only enhances the dining experience but also allows the body to register satiety more accurately. Mindful eating promotes a deeper connection between the mind and body, reducing the risk of overindulgence and promoting overall well-being. If you’d like to try it yourself, Headspace has this free useful guide you can read. The Changing Approach Towards Chinese Diet The Chinese have a reputation for consuming a lower aggregate diet, which eventually impacts their later development. People belonging to some of the rural civilizations think it might be unfair to ask people to give up on meat completely. In countries like Brazil and China, the consumption of meat is a sign of economic as well as social progress.  There is an increasing demand for vegan food as well. A maximum of the total population wants to switch to a healthier alternative, keeping health concerns in mind. This has continued to have a positive impact on both their physical and mental well-being. Fat-free beverages, green vegetables, and more fruits and beans are now included in a traditional Chinese diet.  As a result, there is an increase in the number of healthy babies produced every year. Individuals tend to have better immunizations against diseases, and they typically live longer. Health experts say while this might not be the result of health consumption solely, food certainly has an enhanced effect on overall well-being.  Wrap-Up The Chinese diet, with its emphasis on balance, staple foods, seasonal and local ingredients, and mindful eating, serves as a model for optimal health. Its diverse array of flavors, ingredients, and deep-rooted wisdom makes it a blueprint for healthy eating practices.  By embracing the principles of the Chinese diet, from moderation to variety, and the incorporation of fresh, individuals worldwide can take strides toward improving their health. Unprocessed ingredients are the key to remaining healthy and strong.  While no single diet is a magic solution, the Chinese approach to food offers valuable insights into maintaining a nutritious and balanced lifestyle that contributes to longevity and vitality. If you are diet-conscious, ensure to integrate the aforementioned tips to make your lifestyle better and healthier. 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