Some Kinds of Death are Not Covered by Term Life Insurance


25 January 2021


Term Life Insurance

When you think about life insurance, you think about the financial security it will provide your family when you die. What most people don’t think about is the fact that there are certain types of death that are not covered by term life insurance.

Term life insurance is the most common and affordable type of life insurance policy. With term life insurance, you are covered for a specific number of years before the policy expires. You then have the option of renewing it. If you die during the term, however, your insurance will provide death benefits to your beneficiary.

You should know that term life insurance policies have some coverage exceptions – particularly when it comes to the type of death. This is an important consideration as you purchase a life insurance policy, or if you are continuing to manage one.

Deaths Not Covered by Term Life Insurance

There are certain reasons why your term life insurance won’t payout upon your death. These coverage exceptions can be a hassle for beneficiaries and loved ones who rely on your life insurance to cover medical, funeral, or burial expenses. Deaths that may not be covered by your term life insurance policy include:

Fraudulent Deaths

If you commit life insurance fraud or someone lies about the cause of death, your life insurance company may refuse to pay death benefits. It is important, to be honest, and forthcoming when applying for life insurance about any medical conditions or dangerous conditions you are in.

Dangerous Hobby-Related Deaths

If your lifestyle is dangerous or you have dangerous hobbies, these activities may affect your life insurance. For example, certain pilots are required to opt-in for special aviation coverage in order to get life insurance. If they are killed in a flying accident, beneficiaries will not get death benefits. If you regularly engage in dangerous hobbies – bungee jumping, scuba diving, or free-climbing – you need to inform your insurance agent or carrier upfront. You may be required to list these hobbies or opt into additional coverage.

You may also have a higher premium. Be honest, even if it does mean a higher premium. As noted previously, if you lie on your application or about the cause of death, your beneficiaries are the ones who will suffer.


If one of your beneficiaries murders you with the intent of collecting your insurance money, they won’t prevail. The Slayer statute prohibits death benefits from being paid out to anyone who murders or is tied to the murder of the insured. If this happens, death benefits will be distributed to your contingent beneficiaries or your estate.


Most life insurance policies have a “suicide clause”. This clause states that if you commit suicide during the first two years the policy is active, then the policy will not cover the death or pay death benefits. This is designed to prevent individuals from obtaining a policy and then immediately committing suicide.

If the death is possibly suicide, such as a drug overdose, then the insurance company may deny coverage. They will have to prove that the insured committed suicide (the death was deliberate) and not the result of an accident.

Make Sure You Understand Your Life Insurance Policy

As you can see, there are a variety of situations that could result in your life insurance refusing to pay death benefits to your loved ones. You should talk to your insurance agent to find out specifically what is and is not covered by your term life insurance policy. Make sure your insurance agent is up-to-date on any medical conditions you have or any changes in your hobbies or occupation. Doing so can help prevent your loved ones from experiencing the unfortunate scenario that is a life insurance coverage denial.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Does Inflation Determine The Price Of Bitcoins: What You Need To Know

2021 has seen a spike in Bitcoin trading. Unlike investing in traditional currencies, Bitcoin is not issued by the central bank or backed by any governmental organizations. Therefore, the monetary policies and economic growth measurement that typically affect the price evaluation of the fiat currencies don't affect Bitcoin. So, if the price of Bitcoin is not affected by the traditional elements, what affects the price of Bitcoin? This is what we will discuss in this article. Does Inflation Determine The Price Of Bitcoins? Crypto investors often discuss Bitcoin being a hedge against inflation; why? The argument starts with the fact that the process of central bank money printing will eventually lead to the decrease of the value of money over time. But, on the other hand, Bitcoin has no connection with limitless printing. There are a total of almost 21 million Bitcoin that will end up in the market when the reward for Bitcoin Mining reaches Zero. This limited supply allows Bitcoin to resist inflation. Initially, the concept was only in the papers, but it became a proven fact after the pandemic. When the pandemic hit the global finance market, the government hoped for an expansionary monetary policy, whereby central banks started printing money to make the market stable. The crazy amount of money printed during the first twelve months of the pandemic increased the inflation rate. Despite the value of the currency depreciating, the price of Bitcoin keeps on rising, reaching an all-time high of more than $63,000. This further solidifies the argument that inflation does not affect Bitcoin's Prices. What Affects Bitcoin’s Prices? After our conclusion to the argument, one thing is certain: inflation plays no role in influencing Bitcoin’s prices. So then, what factors stimulate Bitcoin's prices? The answer may surprise the investors because of what’s not included: Bitcoin Mining. 1. Demand & Supply Demand and Supply are one of the main factors that affect Bitcoin’s price. The higher the demand and the lower the supply, the higher the price. As we have talked about earlier, unlike the unlimited supply of fiat currencies, Bitcoin is limited. Moreover, over time it gradually slows down. For this reason, there is a possibility that the demand for Bitcoin will increase in the future. Of course, the demand of every Cryptocurrency will vary, but that will depend on several other macro factors. If you are an investor and looking for an opportunity to invest in Bitcoin, the bitcoin equaliser platform might be a better choice. They have experts sitting on the other side of the platform helping new investors understand the new roads of investment. 2. Power Of Media Information regulation also affects Bitcoin’s price. The way the media writes about Cryptocurrencies largely affects the demand curve. If the media talks about the good aspects of Bitcoin, the demand rises, while bad news can cause panic, reducing Bitcoin’s price. 3. Financial Crisis The economic situation of the countries also determines the price in that country. If the traditional financial system starts to collapse, people start looking for other assets to safeguard their money’s monetary value. Therefore, the crisis has a close relationship with the economic status of the nations. 4. Rules & Regulation Another important factor that can be considered equivalent to the demand and supply is the rule and regulation of Bitcoin. Every nation has different rules and regulations that you need to fulfill while trading in Bitcoin or other Cryptocurrencies. When the rules become quite restrictive to take the repression, the price of Bitcoin falls. But, on the other hand, if the rules are friendly to the industry, it acts as a catalyst for a strong price increase. The Bottom Line The factors we have talked about are just the most important ones. There are other factors as well which support the price fluctuation. Therefore, all the investors who are looking to invest in Cryptocurrencies must analyze all the factors. Knowing the factors will help you avoid unwanted risks and increase the chances of profit. Read Also: Shopping for a Personal Tracking Device 8 Things To Consider When Purchasing A Water Tank Online 5 Reasons Why You Should Take A Criminal Lawsuit Seriously

About CryptoCurrency

5 Awesome Facts About CryptoCurrency

Cryptocurrency has only been around for ten years or so but it is a phenomenon that many people are aware of, even if they have not invested themselves. There is a lot more to cryptocurrency than many people realize. This type of currency has a lot of potential in terms of how it could grow and what it can be used for. This adds to the excitement of what could happen next and a lot of people are now feeling this anticipation. Here are five amazing facts about cryptocurrency that you may not know. 1. No One Knows Who Founded Bitcoin : Bitcoin is perhaps the most well known of all the cryptocurrencies but the person that founded it has always remained anonymous. It is assumed that they have made a lot of money from their invention but they have never made any public announcements about their identity. The name Satoshi Nakamoto is often used but this could be a pseudonym or even the name of a group of people. 2. It Is Very Volatile The value of cryptocurrency can rise and fall very sharply and this makes it a very volatile market. However, it also makes it a good type of currency to trade because people are able to buy when the price is low and sell for a good profit when the price begins to rise. can be a very useful site to visit when you are looking to invest because they have all the information and advice that you will need to make an informed decision about your investment. 3. Cryptocurrency Can Be Broken Down Into Fractions : Almost all types of cryptocurrency can be broken down into fractions when a purchase is being made. This is usually a half or a quarter but can be as low as one-tenth. This means that even when the value of a particular cryptocurrency is quite high, people still have the chance to invest with a low amount by just buying a fraction of the currency. 4. You Cannot Get Any Access To The Currency Without Your Wallet : All of your cryptocurrency will be stored in your wallet and if you lose access to this then you will not be able to get hold of any of your money. However, as long as you take the necessary precautions to keep the details of your wallet safe then you should have nothing to worry about. Digital wallets are incredibly secure so they can be used with confidence. 5. Blockchain Is Essential For A Successful Currency : In order for a cryptocurrency to be successful, the right technology is needed to be able to support it. The system that is used to record and store information about any digital transaction is known as a blockchain and it has several features which help to make cryptocurrency work even better. It is available 24/7 and so people will always have access to their currency when it is needed and there are only going to be more features added to the blockchain in the future. Even though there have been issues with stability when it comes to cryptocurrency it is a trend that is likely to be around for a while. If you are thinking about investing in any type of cryptocurrency then it is always a good idea to do some research first. There is much more to learn about cryptocurrency than just the facts that have been talked about here. Read Also : What You Should Know Before Using ExpertOption Buying Stocks For Beginners: A Guide The Best Stocks To Buy Now That Will Pay Big Later


7 Best Tips To Manage Payroll As A Large Business Owner

You can not say enough about how important it is for businesses, especially big ones, to manage their payroll well. As an essential component, a seamless payroll system ensures that employees are compensated accurately and timely, fostering a content and motivated workforce. However, managing payroll for a large business can often be a Herculean task, with numerous complexities and challenges. In this article, you will explore the seven best tips to help business owners streamline this critical process. 1. Put A Payroll Policy In Place To ensure smooth payroll management, establish a clear and comprehensive payroll policy. This document should outline the payment schedule, overtime rules, deductions, and other relevant policies. By doing this, you create consistency and transparency, reducing confusion among employees and promoting compliance. Further down the line, integrating an automated payroll system can significantly bolster these efforts. Such a system streamlines the execution of the established payroll policy by automating the calculation of deductions, taxes, and overtime, ensuring employees are paid accurately and on time. This integration reinforces the principles of consistency and transparency and alleviates the administrative load, allowing your team to dedicate more time to strategic priorities. 2. Set A Payroll Budget Add up all the costs of paying employees, like salaries, benefits, and taxes, to get a realistic payroll budget. This budget serves as a financial guide, helping you allocate resources effectively. To keep your business's finances stable, review and update the budget regularly to account for changes in staffing or pay. 3. Categorize Employees Categorize your employees based on their roles and responsibilities. Classify them as full-time, part-time, or temporary workers. This categorization is crucial for accurately calculating wages, benefits, and taxes. It also helps in compliance with labor laws and ensures that each employee receives the appropriate compensation and benefits based on their employment status. 4. Develop A Payroll Calendar Creating a payroll calendar is like having a roadmap for paying your employees. It helps you stay organized and ensures that everyone gets paid on time. With that in mind, break down the calendar into clear milestones, such as when to collect employee hours, process payroll, and distribute paychecks. This way, you can avoid last-minute rushes and keep your payroll process smooth. 5. Maintain Proper Compliance Compliance with employment laws is crucial, so stay updated on local, state, and federal payroll, taxes, and employee benefits regulations. This includes understanding minimum wage laws, overtime regulations, and tax withholding requirements. However, regularly review and update your payroll processes to align with any changes in legislation, preventing legal issues and fines. 6. Conduct Regular Audits Audits are like check-ups for your payroll system, so regularly review your financial records, tax filings, and payroll transactions to catch any errors or discrepancies. This helps maintain accuracy and ensures your employees receive the correct compensation. Addressing issues promptly can prevent financial discrepancies and maintain trust with your workforce. 7. Invest In An ESS This tool empowers employees to access their payroll information, update personal details, and view pay stubs independently. Aside from that, this reduces administrative burdens, enhances accuracy, and fosters transparency. Investing in ESS technology streamlines communication, saving time for both your HR department and employees. This modern approach can boost efficiency and employee satisfaction. Have An Effective Management In Payroll  Indeed, mastering the art of payroll management is pivotal for large businesses seeking sustained success and operational efficiency. By implementing the best practices outlined in these tips, you can confidently navigate the complexities of payroll on a larger scale. For specialized support tailored to the unique needs of large enterprises, explore the benefits of professional payroll services for large business. Take charge of your payroll processes and pave the way for a more efficient and successful future. 5+ practical payroll tips and tricks for businesses In case you are effectively managing payroll, several variables must be considered carefully. Below, I will discuss 5+ helpful payroll tips and tricks for businesses. 1) Get An EIN Any business with employees or plans to hire them must have an employee identification number (EIN). The IRS uses an EIN of the companies, through which you can track payroll tax payments and business income taxes. Furthermore, firms can hope to hire workers at some point with the advantage of obtaining an EIN sooner instead of later. One of the fastest ways to get an EIN is by fax, telephone, or mail. The app procedure is usually straightforward, requiring an applicant with a valid taxpayer identification number. 2) Accurately Classify Workers To expand workers properly and capitulate with IRS and other state requirements, you must categorize them correctly. Workers are complicated as employees or independent contractors and their requirements. That is why businesses must comply with the tax contribution along with withholding laws. But not other contractors. 3) Set A Budget This is important to understand clearly what affects payroll expenses. This will depend on your company’s expenses. Above all, businesses must always have enough cash to pay employees in total and timely. Payroll is one of the significant expenses that is often higher than other employers anticipate. For example, employers are legally required to match with Social Security and Medicare withheld from an employee’s pay. Furthermore, companies that offer benefits like health insurance can consider costs. 4) Create A Payroll Schedule You can set a payroll schedule that works with the cash flow of your business required to help discourage cash flow crunches. But it is also essential to comply with other federal and state laws. The pay period should also be consistent regardless of your choice. 5) Keep Policies Simple And Clear The more complicated the payroll regarding policies surrounding attendance and other benefits, the more complex the payroll procedure becomes. The less this is, the more employees can easily understand your policies. After all, establish guidelines that include exactly how and when employees can get paid and several other things. In this case, creating and maintaining a clear and concise payroll policy document and updating information are also necessary. 6) Be Transparent With Your Employees Employees can harm morale if this is due to miscalculated paychecks or confusion regarding how payroll policies are designed. This is also important in how they feel comfortable, and concerning any payroll-related problems with the manager, it will ensure all issues and other possibilities. Beyond damage control, consider transparent payroll policies that explain the payroll procedure. You should also keep the payroll management standardized across the entire information. 7) Keep Through Payroll Records This is a crucial practice if you want to keep the payroll records accurate. After all, this can help businesses get a better picture of several critical pieces of information, such as payroll costs, productivity levels, and tax payments. But certain payroll records are also required legally. Conversely, violations can also result in cost fines levied by the Labor Department and other state agencies. Read Also: CRMDialer: A Zoho Alternative 6 Top CRM For Small Businesses In 2019 Cold Calling Script For Successful Sales Persons