Lifting and Rigging Equipment—Your Hardware Guide

Rigging Equipment

Though some individuals think they can do anything, construction workers are not strong enough to lift and monitor heavy loads. That’s where lifting and rigging equipment comes in.

Building construction and transportation of cargo wouldn’t be possible without the correct equipment. Most of the equipment used to load trucks and harness heavy building components are designed to get the job done fast. These heavy machinery components are also there for safety.

So what kind of rigging and lifting equipment can you get & how versatile are they? Go through the following types of rigging and lifting equipment to find out.

Types of Equipment for the Job

Load Measuring

Most of the time when there’s an exceptionally heavy load that needs to be lifted workers will use load monitoring equipment. The monitoring device is used to weigh loads under heavy stress. They are needed with lifts where the friction of the load could result in more strain on the tackle or hoist.

The monitoring device can also be used when loads that need to be lifted are more than 90% of capacity the equipment can handle. Measuring devices are also used to give the exact weight of a load.

Shackle Equipment

Shackles are manufactured with anchor and chain formations to be used for rigging projects. Typically shackles come with safety bolts, screw pins, and round pins. An anchor shackle has a rounded eye which makes it suitable for attaching multiple slings and hooks.

A Chain Shackle features a straight eye and they’re designed to connect to a single lifting device.


There are two types of eyebolts; the shouldered or unshouldered eyebolt.

  • Shouldered eyebolts: Used for angular and vertical lifts. When used for angular lifts the shouldered eyebolt should only be used for lifting angles of less than 45°.
  • Unshouldered eyebolts: These components can only be used for vertical lifts as angular lifts will bend the threaded shaft.

The eyebolt is used to firmly attach a securing eye to a structure. They feature self-locking nuts for safety and security.

Usually, the minimum thread connection between an eyebolt and tapped hold is 1.5 times the diameter of the thread engagement. Minimum thread engagement must be maintained for safety purposes.

Hooking Equipment

A hook is typically attached to a hoist and it’s used to lift heavy loads off the ground. Hooks are known to be the weakest component to lifting equipment. They tend to bend if there’s an overload of material being hoisted. To avoid bending, always use a safe working load.

Loads are centralized with full capacity when combining shackles with multiple sling eyes and integrating them onto a hook. Hooks should also feature a safety latch to bridge the throat opening which prevents the release of load lines.

Wire Load Clips

Wire load clips are used to make an eye on a wire rope. You get three different types of load clips:

  • U-bolt
  • Fist grip
  • Collet connection clip

Load clips are never used more than once for an application. They may not have the same torque if they’re used for the second time.

Ring Components

Forged steel rings are not made by welding the rings together. They’re solid rings that are standard in lifting operations. Rings should not be welded closed as they’re susceptible to snapping. Rings should always be inspected for openings, cracks or twists before they’re used for lifting heavy loads.


A turnbuckle is used to adjust the tension and length of ropes, tie rods & cables. Typically turnbuckles consist of two threaded eye bolts. For durability and safety turnbuckles should always be forged using alloy steel.

Turnbuckles are rarely used in rigging systems but when they are they should be secured to a frame with lock pins or wires to prevent them from loosening.


A hoist is a mechanical lifting device that moves heavy objects vertically and they support hanging loads. You’re able to evenly distribute weight by using pulley systems or gears. Hoists can be a fixed or they can be mobile. They’re designed for:

  • Construction work
  • To lift engines out of heavy trucks or buses
  • Logging
  • Mining
  • Automotive removal

Hooks are incorporated onto a fixed end. The rope or cable is connected to a crane and the hook is used to engage the load.

Manual Hoist

Manual hoists are operated without electricity. A manual hoist uses two different chains called the hand chain and the load chain. The hand chain is used to control the lifting and the lowering of materials. The load chain is used to support the materials being lifted.

Powered Hoists

You get three different types of powered hoists:

  • Electrical
  • Air/Pneumatic
  • Hydraulic

The lifting speed of a powered hoist is a lot faster. Usually, scales can be integrated into powered hoists to measure the weight of a load.

What is Lifting and Rigging Equipment Used For?

If you’re not sure if this article is for you, what we’ve discussed can be used to lift and maneuver heavy objects safely, such as:

  • Hoisting heavy pillars
  • Loading cargo onto trucks
  • Lifting heavy machinery
  • Securing components to a machine
  • Securing cargo
  • Monitoring the weight of heavy loads

Final Thoughts

There are many safety measures construction workers have to adhere to when working with heavy machinery. Always check your construction equipment for any cracks, dents or weak points before working on a site.

When buying equipment always exam hoists, hooks and any connection links to make sure they’ resecure & sturdy. Someone’s life could depend on it.

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property management

Services Offered By A Property Management Service

Property management is the oversight and control of estate management. It deals with the monitoring and management of the property. Property can be estates, tools, capital, or equipment. Property managers deal with the acquisition of ownership, maintenance, accountability, control, and utilization of properties. When one hires a property management company, their work will involve screening applicants, leasing the property, tenant inspection, and payment collection. What do Property Management Agencies do? The role of the property management agency may involve managing estate finances or handling tenant’s litigation with insurance companies. Litigation is, at times, not included in the property management and sale services. Attorneys mainly handle this kind of work. There are times where you will find attorneys working as property management agents; in such cases, they offer Litigation services. Property management agents evaluate the estate or property in question and determine the rent that should be paid. They provide documentation of the exterior and the interior of the house. They suggest the type of improvements and repairs that the house requires. They also do extensive research on the locality of your property to find out the rent rates. They compare houses with similar designs, sizes and conditions, and their rent charges. They then discuss with the property owner the amount of rent that tenants should pay. They also advise the property owners on tenants’ policies such as pet and smoke rules. How can Property Management Agencies help you sell your property? Property management and sales companies or agents market the property for the set rental rate. They prepare the rooms for tenants; hire cleaning services, and decorate the house to make it more appealing. They then advertise your property to the public. Advertising is mainly done via rental websites, print publications, and fliers. The agents may involve other realtors to help them find tenants for your property. They provide potential tenants with details and information about the property. The agents meet with the tenants and show them the property in question. They then provide them with the application forms, which are supposed to follow the housing rules of the region. The agents then collect the forms from the applicants. Agencies also act as Rent Collection Bodies for Landlords Before they can allow one to rent a house, they first have to run a background check. They look for tenant credibility, their income, and rental history. They do this to ensure that the tenant is able to pay the set rent amount and in time. They grade the tenants and inform the property owner about the selected and rejected applicants. When the tenants move in, they draw the leasing agreement. The agents mark the dates each tenant moves in. The agents inspect the property while the tenants provide a report on the conditions available. The agency then collects the first-month payment. The managers are responsible for rent collection and evictions. They handle the cases of those who are unable to pay rent in time. They make agreements with the tenants on when to make the payment. The agents can also take the tenants to court for the failure of paying the rent. They handle the eviction of uncooperative tenants ensuring to abide by the relevant state laws. They also handle disputes among the tenants. They can also advise the property owner on the proper measures to take in the case of a dispute. Read Also: Beginners Guide To Choosing The Right Property 7 Tips To Purchase A Prime Real Estate Property


Why Are Lenders Moving Towards Automated Mortgage Processing?

Accelerating the loan application and approval procedure has always been the top aim for both applicants and lenders. Until lately, the only way to disburse loans was through manual processing. The rise of automation and sophisticated software solutions from vendors like BankPoint has ushered in a new era of tech-driven processes. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and machine learning (ML) technologies assist fintech organizations in gathering client information and creating proposed conditions automatically and within a matter of seconds. So here’s a look at why lenders are moving towards automated loan processing:  1. Cut back on the cost of loan processing Lenders can save money by automating the mortgage loan process. They can reduce the number of employees needed to process loans. They also save time, money, and resources by not having to spend them on training because the system does the bulk of the work for them. Lenders don't have to pay for additional staff to provide 24-hour customer service to borrowers. It also works 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and does not ask for a raise or a bonus because of its amazing performance. 2. Detect fraudulent practice Loss origination systems (LOS) now allow lenders to understand borrower risk before disbursing funds. It makes use of sophisticated predictive analytics to determine which types of funding necessitate additional fraud investigation. Due to the ever-increasing number of fraudulent activities, RPA is essential for all lenders and customers. When compared to human beings, they act swiftly to stop hacking attempts and minimize damage.  3. Improve the reorientation of the mortgage process When it comes to lending, lenders are increasingly relying on cutting-edge tools like artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI). People can now easily capture and streamline mortgage procedures thanks to this new way of doing things. Analyze unstructured data Sync data with standard formats to facilitate file tracking Improve the mortgage systems to meet your company's needs. The process can be tracked using digital and robotic labor. 4. Brokers benefit from transparency and insights. When it comes to generating leads, real estate agents and mortgage businesses will want to have faith in the process. Mortgage processing automation provides such trust, creating motivation to accomplish more. It gives them a better understanding of how their mutual customers are treated. Furthermore, the brokers do not miss a beat when loans progress and close as expected. As a result, people can better forecast what they will receive as a return for their work. 5. Make it less likely that humans will make mistakes Manual loan processing is prone to error because of the variety of tasks involved. To fix them, you'll have to invest money and time. Even if you train to address this problem, it will always be there. With tools and solutions, you can: Get rid of mistakes. Make your lending portfolio more foolproof. Reduce borrower risks. With mortgage automation, your system can adhere to your standards and complete an error-free job quickly. Besides, the lender saves time and money by not having to constantly train and retrain the system. Final Thoughts As new mortgage industry demands emerge, you require a more robust solution that will keep you one step ahead of your competitors. A mortgage automation platform will help you close more loans, faster, and at a reduced cost. Capturing leads, engaging with them, finalizing loans, and other critical mortgage sector processes will no longer be labor-intensive and tiresome. Read Also: 4 Benefits Of Taking North Carolina Real Estate License Classes Online! Finding the Best Mortgage Lenders to Buy Your Dream House Federal Government and the Subprime Mortgage Crisis They Created

Estate Planning

5 Mistakes To Avoid In Estate Planning

Estate planning is a vital process of wealth management that ensures your assets are distributed according to your wishes after your passing. It is a process that involves careful consideration, documentation, and, often, professional guidance.  While everyone’s estate planning needs are unique, there are common mistakes that can derail even the most well-intentioned efforts. To ensure you have a seamless process, our wealth management advisors at Whittier Trust have compiled a list of five common mistakes to avoid in estate planning. Why Real Estate Planning Is Important?  Gone are the days when real estate planning was just a source of high net worth. Nowadays, everyone from a middle-class family to a luxurious background must come with efficient estate planning. It is true that there are various sources to invest your money. But the importance of property planning is truly unparalleled.  Estate strategizing is all about keeping your loved ones protected, at least from the IRS. Under the Internal Revenue Service, it is integral to transfer your assets to heirs with the aim of creating the least possible tax burden on them. The right estate plan also saves families from falling apart. Just like a will, estate planning helps you choose your assets and finances in the right way possible. Finally, it can be said that estate planning safeguards beneficiaries. If you are the sole breadwinner of the family, there is nothing to worry about, even if something happens to you. But for that, you will first have to curate a properly structured and evenly distributed estate plan.  What 5 Mistakes Must Be Avoided In Estate Planning?  It is good that you have come up with an exclusive strategy. But is that all to make things work? After all, you are risking your entire life’s savings in this endeavor. So, here I am listing down 5 mistakes that one must be devoid of at the time of estate planning:  1. Procrastination: One of the most common estate planning mistakes is simply procrastinating. It is easy to put off creating a comprehensive estate plan, especially when you are focused on the present. Life can bring unexpected twists, and a thoughtfully crafted estate plan can offer you and your loved ones a comforting sense of security.  It is never too early to start estate planning, so regardless of age, taking action now ensures that your assets are protected, and your intentions are clear. A well-structured estate plan can alleviate the cloud of uncertainty about the future of your assets and the well-being of your loved ones.  2. Neglecting Regular Updates: Estate planning is not a one-and-done process. Life is constantly changing, and your estate plan should reflect those changes. Failing to update your plan can lead to unintended consequences. Major life events such as marriage, divorce, the birth of children, the acquisition of new assets, or changes in financial circumstances all warrant a review and, if necessary, an update to your estate plan. Without consistent evaluation, your assets may not be distributed as you intended. You update things like your phone, car, and closet without hesitation. Why neglect something as valuable to you and your family as your estate?  3. Inadequate Consideration of Taxes:  Failing to incorporate tax sensitivity into all areas of your wealth management strategy will inevitably diminish the impact of your estate and the eventual assets available for your intended beneficiaries.  Consulting with a knowledgeable wealth management advisor can help you navigate the complexities of tax planning and ensure that your estate is as tax-efficient as possible. It’s also important to consider what state you’re establishing trust in. For example, Nevada is one of the most trust-friendly states. It offers strong tax benefits, asset protection, trust longevity, and flexible decanting provisions.   4. Overlooking Beneficiary Designations: Many assets, such as retirement accounts, life insurance policies, and bank accounts, allow you to designate beneficiaries. These designations supersede instructions in your trust. It is crucial to review and update these beneficiary designations regularly to ensure they align with your current intentions. Failing to do so can lead to unintended consequences, such as assets going to a former spouse or someone you no longer wish to benefit.  Oftentimes, emotions get roped into our decision-making processes, leading to impulse decisions or skewed perceptions. It is also important to think about the long-term effects of your beneficiary designations, considering every possible scenario. Having a third party like a wealth management firm help you with this process can prove to be extremely advantageous. The third-party can either serve as your trustee or help advise the trustee to make objective decisions and look after the estate and family. In either scenario, a wealth management company helps create a neutral, mutually beneficial relationship in the estate planning process. 5. DIY Estate Planning: Assembling a personalized wealth management team by handpicking lawyers, investment professionals, and other specialists may appear to offer a tailored approach to estate management. However, the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of this DIY approach are often outweighed by the advantages of partnering with a multifamily office.  While individual experts bring their own strengths, a multifamily office excels in curating a team personalized to your needs and capable of seamless collaboration, ensuring that your financial objectives are pursued with synergy and precision.  Multifamily offices are usually more cost-effective and time-saving as well, even providing family office services to help stay on top of the day-to-day expenses, documentation, and management for an estate. However, a good wealth management firm is also capable of working with outside experts, whether to account for a non-traditional area of need or comfort with a longtime and trusted source of counsel to prioritize your peace of mind. Conclusion Estate planning is a critical process that should not be overlooked or delayed. Avoiding common mistakes can help you create a robust estate plan that protects your assets and provides for your loved ones as you intend.  Trust services, like those provided at Whittier Trust, are committed to assisting individuals and families in developing comprehensive estate plans tailored to their specific needs and goals. You are not in this alone. The right wealth management advisors are ready to help you create and maintain an estate plan that is designed just for you. Read Also: How Many Jobs Are Available In Real Estate Investment Trusts? Using Direct Mail To Build Trust With Real Estate Prospects How To Invest In Real Estate Business Dubai