How Long Does it Take to Get a Divorce in the UK?

Published on: 01 February 2019 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019

This is a question that most people in the initial stages of the divorce process will ask. The best answer is; it depends on your particular situation. But in this post, we will take a look at how long the process should take and what you can do to speed it up brought to you by Goodman Ray.

The Myths vs. Reality:

58% of people polled think that it takes years to complete a divorce. But this is normally far from the truth. It is realistically possible to complete the process in as little as four to six months. Uncontested divorces, in particular, don’t take too long to complete since it is often only a matter of filing the paperwork correctly.

It is, however, important to note that while the process of ending a marriage can be completed quickly, other processes can take longer. This is true if the couple struggles to resolve matters like finances and matters pertaining to their children.


Dedicated Divorce Centers:

In the past, divorce petitions were filed at the local county courts and checked by district judges, which was time-consuming. To streamline the process and allocate resources more effectively, this system was recently replaced. Now there are 11 dedicated regional divorce centers whose main task is to process these legal separations. Therefore, if the toy is petitioning for a divorce, you ate required to send your documents to the nearest divorce center. Here, the documents will be processed by legal advisers instead of judges.

This new system is aimed at speeding up the first two stages of the divorce process. It is, however, worth noting that you’ll still have to wait 6 weeks and a day to get the decree nisi.

How to Speed Up the Divorce Process:

Despite the fact that the time it takes to get a divorce can vary, there are several things you can do to speed up the process. The following are just some of the best;

  • If possible, try to get an agreement from your spouse on the reason for filing the divorce petition. If they don’t agree and decide to contest the divorce, the process could take longer than you want.
  • It is also very important to make sure that you file the paperwork on time. This is true for both the respondent and the petitioner. This helps to minimize the wasted time that could add unnecessary time to the process.
  • Also, ensure that you don’t make any mistakes when filling the paperwork. Mistakes can also cause significant delays of anything from 6 t0 8 weeks. This is because you may have to redo the paperwork. It is advisable to get legal help when completing the form to ensure there are minimal errors.

Getting Started:

The biggest delay in the divorce process often comes at the very beginning of the process, even before either party has filed the petition. This is because most couples, about 76% try to solve the problems in the marriage rather than seek a legal separation. The average couple will spend up to 18 months trying to keep their marriage from breaking down.

Getting a divorce is no doubt one of the biggest decisions you’ll have to make and it does require bravery. A survey found that 11% of people will hold back from getting divorced because of the stigma around it. The average person may take up to 2 years thinking about getting a divorce rather than just taking the first step.

Finances and Arrangements for the Children:

Even after you have your decree absolute, the divorce process itself may not be over. Certain matters including finances and arrangements for the children can complicate the process. Choosing to go to court to resolve these issues can cost you a lot of time and money. It is often a good idea to seek other means of resolving them such as mediation and collaborative law. A prenuptial or a postnuptial agreement can also help.

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Passenger Rights

Along for the Ride: Passenger Rights in Vehicle Accidents

Although we are aware of the risks, driving is just a routine activity many of us do automatically, like brushing our teeth or grabbing a cup of coffee. We climb in the car intent on the destination or lost in thought, which is why automobile accidents are so jarring. Even a mild fender bender seems to stop everything in its tracks, instantly negating the importance of everything we were thinking or saying. Whether the situation results in serious injuries or none at all, it demands immediate attention. Passersby jockey to catch a glimpse of something interesting; police officers fill out reports; tow trucks haul away damaged cars. Sometimes, there aren’t even minor injuries, but, obviously, not everyone is so lucky. Trusting ourselves is one thing. Trusting someone else is entirely different. Every time someone gets into a passenger seat or the back seat, they're trusting that the driver will get to the destination safely. Some passengers are happy not to have the responsibility of driving; others have a hard time giving up control. Regardless of your feelings, where does that leave you if you're injured in a vehicle accident? The accident certainly wasn't your fault, so what exactly are your rights as a passenger? Recovering for injuries suffered as a passenger in a car, truck, or motorcycle accident is really a claim against an insurance company rather than against the driver himself. Passengers can file a claim under the bodily injury or liability insurance coverage of the driver or owner of any vehicle responsible for causing the accident. If that is insufficient, there may be coverage available under uninsured motorist or underinsured motorist policies. Injured passengers are also allowed to file a claim under their own Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and/or Medical ­Payments (Med Pay) policies. With all these funding possibilities, passengers should be able to secure compensation for their damages, though in no instance are they allowed to collect any more than the total value of their claim. Many passengers are initially reluctant to seek compensation for damages because the driver is a close friend. It’s important to note that in most situations, the driver will not even know of the claim because it will be settled by lawyers and insurance companies before it gets to trial. The strain on any personal relationships should be minimal unless the insurance company does not act in good faith to resolve the claim and it must be litigated instead. Even at that time and although the driver will be named in the lawsuit, the true conflict is between the driver’s insurance company and the passenger. There are special rules that apply when the passenger is related to the driver and shares the same household. In most of these cases, the passenger is barred from collecting under the driver’s liability policy because he or she is an “insured person” and such persons are not permitted to file a liability claim against their own liability policy. A claim can still be brought against other drivers who are at fault for the accident. Read also: TIPS TO KEEP YOUR KIDS SAFE IN A CAR The seat next to the driver has a reputation for being the most dangerous one in the car, even having been referred to as “the death seat.” Of course, it is more common to have one passenger than several, so the front seat is occupied more frequently than the rear seats. There is also some truth to the idea that in a crash a front seat passenger has nothing to stop him or her from being ejected through the window, whereas the driver has the steering wheel. Or, at least, that used to be the prevailing line of thought. The last few decades have brought about major advances in safety that have reduced the probability of being seriously injured while riding in the front seat. Seat belts, airbags, and crumple zones equally benefit drivers and front-seat riders. According to a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, adults over age 55 were more likely to die in a crash while seated in the back than in the front – even if they were wearing seat belts. The study found that adults in the rear were more likely than adults in the front to sustain chest injuries, and there was some evidence of an elevated risk of head and neck injuries for restrained women seated in the rear compared with the front. The IIHS also recently performed front-overlap crash tests of seven small SUVs and found that certain models may have a big gap in safety between drivers and their passengers. The seven models received good ratings after the front driver's side corner of the vehicle hit a barrier at 40 miles per hour, but only one model – the 2016 Hyundai Tucson -- rated as good when the same test was performed on the front passenger side. While three models received acceptable ratings and two models received marginal ratings, the 2015 Toyota RAV4 was rated as poor. The IIHS suspected that the difference was partly due to a greater emphasis on the vehicle frame and structure for the driver's side, but there is no excuse for inferior passenger protection. Read also: How To Shop For A Car With Your Teen Driver? If you were a passenger in a vehicle involved in a collision and were seriously injured as a result, or if you lost someone you love in such an accident, you should contact an experienced personal injury lawyer who can examine the circumstances of your case and advise you of your rights. Personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, which means you don’t pay them unless there is a settlement or verdict in your favor. Passengers with serious injuries are entitled to appropriate and thorough medical care for their physical, emotional, and psychological injuries suffered as a result of the accident, as well as full compensation for their pain and suffering, mental anguish, property damage, and lost wages. It is also critical that you at least consult with an attorney before speaking with an insurance company investigator or adjuster. Their job is to spend as little money as possible while quickly settling a large number of claims, and they are well-trained in the fine art of getting you to make statements that can come back to haunt you later. Since you are bound by what you say, it is often wise to let an attorney speak for you.

Paralegals And Legal Assistants

Difference Of Opinions About Paralegals And Legal Assistants

Working in law is not an easy endeavor. Multiple roles and designations keep this sector afloat. While lawyers and judges are primarily associated with law, you can't ignore the importance of paralegals and legal assistants who ensure that the court system can do its job. Even though you are working for a lawyer as an assistant and paralegal, these are not the same job professions. Here's how both career paths differentiate from each other: What Do They Do? Understanding what their jobs entail is an excellent place to start to build your knowledge on what a paralegal does compare to a legal assistant, and here's how: Paralegal: As a paralegal, you are helping a lawyer with their cases. That means you conduct all relevant research work on laws and draft legal documents with the best supporting evidence for a lawyer to be used in court. They also assist a lawyer prepare trail reports and file appeals with the opposing counsel. Since paralegals also specialize in criminal law, real estate law, and immigration policies, they have the legal rights to bill clients for their work. However, legal assistants cannot do the same. Legal Assistants: As a legal assistant, your job is more on the administrative side than regular work. You will help a lawyer prepare legal documents such as subpoenas and take their phone calls for them. You're also critical in reminding the lawyer about their court appearances and helping them schedule their appointments and workload. You will also be vital in greeting clients and ensuring all emails get a response. Your work will include organizing all the relevant paperwork a lawyer may need, such as statements and evidence, and file them appropriately. Finally, you prepare bills for a lawyer's clients, but you cannot bill them for your services. However, suppose you wish to try your hand as in law and work your way from a paralegal to an independent lawyer. In that case, there are many exciting and well-structured online programs for you, such as an online criminal justice degree. This degree is not only the first stepping stone into your promising career. Still, it provides you with the necessary resources to do well as a legal practitioner. Where Do These Fields Differ? When you are aware of what a legal assistant's and a paralegal's job entails, it is easy to dive deeper and study their differences more comprehensively: 1. Skills: As a paralegal, you may find yourself sharing certain skill sets with a legal assistant. However, since your job requires you to work within the legal framework, you should know how to take legal actions known as litigation charges organization breach of contract. You will need to know how to use Microsoft Office or any equivalent word processor to prepare your documents. Also, learn how to compile a proper document that follows standard documentation format. You will need to know how to carry out research and make use of the evidence you have. You will need to schedule meetings and remind the lawyer to attend all-important court appearances and meetings. You should know the basic law framework and know-how to enter all relevant data. 2. Experience: Most law firms ask for paralegals who have some experience of working in law. Most ask for at least a minimum of three to five years of work experience. Suppose you go with only entry-level expertise with no experience to only two years of experience. Chances are you may not get a job as a paralegal and given the competition in this sector alone. You trim down your options further if you don't take advantage of every opportunity before applying for a job. As a legal assistant, your job experience is not under heavy scrutiny. Whether you're new to the job or have been working for a while, you can quickly secure a job yourself. It is not unheard of for paralegals to start as legal assistants and interns before applying for higher employment opportunities till they're eligible to work as a paralegal. 3. Salary: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, most paralegals can earn $49,500, while a legal assistant can earn $44,180. However, these wages can go higher, and in 2019, they had crossed the $50,000th mark. Your salaries mainly depend on your employer. If you choose to work in a private setting than a non-profit, you have higher chances of earning more. 4. Education: As a paralegal, you will need to have solid formal education to find employment. You will need to attend a bachelor's program in legal studies or paralegal studies. Then appear for your examinations. You will also need to intern while you study. And getting work right after your bachelor's may become problematic if you choose to skip out on all opportunities and directly apply to a law firm. As a legal assistant, you may need to look into a bachelor's degree and get a certificate in paralegal studies. However, you may start your job right away after you graduate as a legal assistant. You don't need to do many internships, but it helps to walk in with some experience. Wrap Up: If you are looking for a law career, becoming a paralegal or a legal assistant is a good start. These two professions are just as important as the lawyer itself. Without the proper help, a lawyer may struggle in staying on top of their cases and not know how to make compelling cases. As a paralegal, your job will be working with the lawyer and their clients, especially for the legal system. As a legal assistant, you will make sure all appointments happen on time. All relevant documents are in the system. Read Also: Keys to Become a Successful Lawyer 5 Top Tips to Help You Hire The Perfect Attorney

Personal Injury Claims

5 Common Types Of Personal Injury Cases

Personal injury is usually a legal term referring to a variety of injuries to the person’s body, emotion, or reputation. According to the common law jurisdictions, personal injury is used to refer to a type of tort lawsuit where the victim can claim a lawsuit for an inflicted injury.  The person who has suffered a significant amount of personal harm can claim a lawsuit against the perpetrator. The lawsuit proceeds against the perpetrator who has been careless enough to cause such personal injury or harm to the victim. The defendant can be strictly liable regardless of any intention.  Five Types of Personal Injury Claims  Personal injury claims can be bodily injuries or non-bodily injuries. Bodily injuries are mostly caused by accidents or inflicted accidents, and non-bodily injuries are harm caused by psychological factors like emotional distress, false accusation, defamation, and more.  1. Automobile Injuries  According to the data provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), almost 9,560 people suffered automobile injuries in the first quarter of 2022.  The ratio of automobile injuries has increased to almost 7% from the amount of data produced in 2021.  The victims of crime injury claim compensation for the injury they have succumbed to.  Once you have suffered an injury from an accident, you must contact a lawyer regardless of any situation. You are advised to contact a lawyer regardless of the nature of the accident.  In most cases, it becomes hard to prove a defendant is guilty of drunk driving or speeding; in such a scenario, you need a well-experienced personal injury attorney to support you.  Expert personal injury attorneys or crime victim attorneys can easily negotiate through trials and provide detailed evidence and leverages to establish the case against the defendant.  2. Medical Malpractice   Medical malpractice is another personal injury case where doctors take advantage of patients with a lack of knowledge. According to the National Practitioner’s Data Bank (NPDB), there are more than 60,000 cases of medical malpractice inflicted on patients in the U.S.  Doctors responsible for imposing medical malpractice on patients can cause permanent damage to the patient’s body. Medical malpractice has also led to severe cases of death. In this case, the accused doctors can be held responsible and liable for practicing unlawful activity.  If your doctor is responsible for misdiagnosis, medication errors, anesthesia errors, surgical errors, and childbirth-related complications, then they can be held liable on legal grounds.  3. Workplace-Related Injuries According to the data in the United States, almost 4,764 and 5,333 people succumbed to fatal workplace-related injuries, respectively, in 2020 and 2019.  Workers from the lower economic section undergo insecure workplace structures.  Most often, businesses hiring labor from the socio-economically lower section of society do not completely ensure a safety blanket for the employees, such as laborers working the window cleaning job on high-rise buildings or skyscrapers, wall painters, mechanics, and more.  If you are suffering an injury due to the workplace environment, then it is advisable to seek personal injury attorneys or crime victim attorneys as soon as possible. It is advisable to create a layout of the unsafe practices with detailed information along with your co-worker who might have also suffered an injury.  4. Assault Cases Personal injuries are not always related to bodily factors sometimes, they can also be psychologically inflicted. In case of assaults or harassment, victims can go through a tremendous amount of pain due to the disruption of their mental stability.   Assault cases can result in harming both mental and physical stability. According to data in the United States, there were almost 246.8 assault cases per 100,000 population in 2018. It is advisable that you reach out to the crime victim attorneys as soon as possible once you’ve been assaulted.  Sometimes, assault cases inflicting mental trauma are hard to prove in court. That’s why detailing all the information about the assault, and cooperating with the victim's attorney is highly preferable.  5. Products Liability  Suppose you’ve bought a product and you find that the product has manufacturing errors or is damaged, then you can claim product liability. This includes manufacturing defects of the component parts, assembling errors, and fraud of the wholesaler or store owner.  A defective product can harm a consumer's economy, and thus they can claim a product liability suit. Crime victim attorneys can settle a product liability case on the basis of negligence, warranty breach, data breach, and parts removal.  The United States Department of Commerce established the Model Uniform Product Liability Act and has been handling the product liability charges since there is no federal product liability law functioning in the United States.  Conclusion   An experienced attorney can help you deal with legal advice and support you throughout your legal proceedings.  A professional attorney has a kind of negotiation skills from several trial experiences which will ensure your win against the perpetrator in court.  Thus, it is important for you to choose an attorney on the basis of their previous experience dealing with personal injury claims. Additionals: What’s Liability In A Personal Injury Case?Personal Injury Laws And Statutory Rules In UtahRed Flags To Avoid When Hiring A Personal Injury LawyerFiling A Personal Injury Lawsuit In South Carolina: Here Are 7 Things You Should Know