How to Get a Cheap Divorce in Texas

Published on: 28 December 2018 Last Updated on: 06 May 2021
Online Divorce

Did you know that, according to statistics, the average cost of a divorce in the US is almost equal to the average cost of a wedding with all the bells and whistles ($20-25 000)? Sounds impressive, and not much fun, especially taking into consideration the fact that many people on the verge of divorce feel that they have already paid in full. Thus it’s no wonder that some people who don’t need their divorce to be a huge show, are looking for ways to save a little when drafting a divorce, without involving lawyers or mediators. But how to arrange such a cheap divorce? How to save money without missing any significant detail and to settle all the necessary issues in a fair and mutually beneficial way? There are several common conditions and ways of how to get a cheap divorce in Texas – let’s sort it out.

Are you a good candidate for a simplified Texas divorce?

Foremost, we should understand what factors allow to minimize the whole cost of divorce, because, anyway, the main goal is a well-organized divorce without problems and without extra expenses which may arise in the future if you are not sufficiently attentive to the documents, agreement and so on. To understand what is really worth paying, and without what actions and expenses you can easily do, you need to decide on the type of divorce.

When filing for divorce, one of the provided by state law grounds for dissolution must be indicated in the petition. To make divorce easier it’s better to file under the no-fault ground (surely, if the situation is not critical). No-fault divorce in Texas implies that the spouses want to divorce as they have some conflict of interest and just can’t get along anymore. No one is obliged to prove or detail something before the court.

No-fault ground for divorce, in its turn, allows arranging an uncontested divorce, which means that the main terms of the case are decided by the spouses independently, not by the long-term court battles and the court’s decisions.

So, if you feel that you are able to negotiate with your spouse about property division, child custody, and other important issues, you should try an uncontested, or as it’s also known “agreed” divorce. It’s definitely cheaper, even both parties want to hire attorneys, and also, uncontested divorce typically takes less time.

It’s generally considered that not every couple is eligible for an uncontested divorce in Texas. Actually, there are some conditions that are preferred for filing for an uncontested divorce, like:

  • the spouses have no minor children together;
  • the spouses don’t have a lot of property together or retirement benefits to dividing;
  • neither spouse is going to seek alimony;
  • the wish to get a divorce is mutual.

However, if the spouses have minor children they also have the right to file for an uncontested divorce, though it might be a more time-consuming process. The point is that the parties should decide in advance all the controversial issues, make a written agreement and fill out the relevant forms for an uncontested divorce with children.

Anyway, the essence of an agreed divorce is your mutual ability and desire to settle all the differences in a most amicable way, to communicate honestly and directly, and, whenever possible, to arrange a divorce as a non-stressful and inexpensive process. If you and your ex are ready for this, let’s go further.

DIY divorce – when attention to detail is essential

To arrange a cheap divorce in Texas, you can fill out the forms yourself by checking your state’s court website for divorce papers, or contacting the clerk of the family court of your county. Such a procedure is known as do-it-yourself divorce. And surely, there are some features and pitfalls you should definitely know about the topic before taking this step.
First, you need to clearly know what forms are necessary for your divorce circumstances.

The Texas Judicial Branch website provides a self-help guide with a number of recommended and state-approved links which may be useful for the self-represented litigants. You can find examples of filling out forms, useful videos, etc. Get ready for the fact that having a goal to save money, you probably will not always be able to save time. Without the help of specialists, you will have to dive into the legal nuances of uncontested divorce in Texas if you are interested in the best result.

After filling out the divorce forms and filing the Petition with the District Clerk of the county court according to the instructions you should serve your spouse with the copies. Since your desire to get a cheap divorce in Texas is mutual you may save some cost of service.

There is a divorce form called the Notice of Service of Process which usually accompanies the Petition for dissolution. This form is needed to notify the other party (called the Respondent) about the case and to receive his/her answer to the Petition. Speaking of uncontested divorce, it’s assumed that both spouses know about each other intentions, and all the divorce terms outlined in the initial Petition are agreed by them in advance, meaning that they are going to cooperate working on the settlement. So, the Respondent may refuse from the service in writing, filing the special Waiver of service form (notice that even if the general title is the same there are different forms for divorce with or without children, you just need to choose the right set of forms).

After the Petition is filed and the service is waived, an uncontested divorce is officially started. However, in Texas, there is a mandatory 60-day waiting period, before the expiration of which the divorce cannot be granted by the court, even if the case is simple and uncontested. For those who decide to organize a DIY divorce, these days may be spent working out a final agreement regarding property, alimony, custody of children, and other issues that seem to be important in a particular situation. The mutual desire of the spouses to complete the divorce as soon as possible and without disputes is very important, but it still doesn’t guarantee that judicial intervention won’t be required. Anyway, the settlement agreement must be submitted to the court and the judge must confirm that it is fair – namely, that the property is divided in a just way, that the child custody and support arrangement meets the best interest of the kid(s). So, if the spouses do not have claims against each other but their agreement is considered insufficient in the eye of the court (or it doesn’t comply with state laws) the divorce will be probably delayed. Also, the spouses may be ordered to attend divorce mediation sessions to deal with their agreement. Although mediators’ fees are still much cheaper than lawyers’ fees, yet it’s expenses. And if your case is simple enough your chance to get a really cheap divorce depends a lot on your sense of responsibility, and close attention to all the details. You shouldn’t panic or rush, just keep calm and encourage your ex to take the work on an agreement seriously as well. As for uncontested divorce, a successful marital settlement agreement defines a character of a post-divorce life a lot, especially if the couple has kids and some kind of communication between the former spouses is still implied.

Online divorce – the helping hand

So, the cheapest way to get a divorce in Texas is a purely DIY divorce. At its best, the cost of a do-it-yourself divorce may be limited to the filing fee. Nevertheless, DIY divorce doesn’t fit every couple, and all these court sites can be pretty tricky, while nowadays we are totally “spoiled” by developers who pay much attention to the ergonomics of apps and websites, so you know, there may be some difficulties with all that online bureaucracy… Also, different forms can be required within different states as well as fees, which are in addition to fees for document preparation. So, a lot of busy people seek a kind of middle way between, they want an inexpensive divorce to be fast, and so that they could use some help but without hiring an attorney.

Basing on all these conditions, online divorce companies are becoming an even more popular way for couples to terminate their marriage, speaking of uncontested divorce, of course.

Such websites prepare forms for you based on the information you provide. There is no specific package of services; you can choose the most suitable option. Thus some companies are the do-it-yourself type where you fill out the forms yourself, and others prepare your documents, many of the top sites will review the forms. Usually, they have attorneys or divorce paralegals who also can explain and provide detailed information on your divorce process.

What’s really good, is that these divorce documents are customized to your county’s rules, your children, your income, assets, and other factors in your case, and you don’t need to seek all the information and nuances by yourself. You receive the prepared, ready to print, and sign divorce forms after a short online interview, without long completion or delivery periods. If time is money – we should use it well.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Family Reunion

Tips For Throwing a Family Reunion People Will Remember for Years

Summer is a popular time to put together a family reunion. Most people book their holiday's during the warm months and the kids are out of school. it's a lot of work trying to sync up everyone's schedules. You also need to plan activities. Kids need to be entertained and teenagers need to be engaged, as well. it's not an easy undertaking, but here are some steps to make it easier. Help Planning Your Family Reunion Planning ahead and getting help from your family will make your reunion the event of the summer. Get a HeadCount: You need to know how many people to expect. Make sure you begin early. Leave a bit of wiggle room for new boyfriends, deaths and last minute cancelations. This is important for booking a space, be it a hall, a campground or hotel rooms. It's also important regarding food. Location: Not everyone will live close and count on someone being upset they have to travel. Plan around the elderly folks, new moms or those who may have trouble getting there due to cost or a lot of people to transport. Food: This will depend on location and the final count of people. Potluck is often a great way to make sure everyone gets fed and there is enough food. Get it down in writing who will bring what to keep the repeats to a minimum and make sure everyone gets fed. Keep in mind people's allergies and special diets, like vegetarians. If you are meeting in a park or campground, you can cook outside and use the park tabes. If it's indoors, you can consider having it catered. Who's Who: If it's a large affair, there will people who have grown, changed and there will be new kids and partners. Having name tags made up will help with the awkwardness of not knowing certain members. You can have tags made up to explain who people are, to help sort out everyone. Make an ID card that says who each person is, "Wendy's Husband" or "Kevin's daughter" This will help to identify those people you haven't seen in a long time or newer members. Entertainment: The little ones will need to be entertained. You can have a variety of games for them to play, outdoor games are the best. If there is a park, then bring your own outdoor games to keep them from getting bored. Teenagers will just spend their time staring at their phones and Uncle Mike will get out his banjo and sing all those colorful songs that embarrass Aunt Julie. RSVP Family reunions are a great chance to see everyone and catch up. Take advantage of the time to repair relationships, talk to your elders and learn about your history. Take lots of pictures, reconnect with old family and make friends with the new ones. If you plan on having the reunion at your home, good luck and keep reading for some tips for getting your home and yard ready for company.   Read More: Fundaments of Happy Family. Tackle Your Shredding This Family Day. Planning a Family Vacation as the Kids Grow Up.      

Speech Therapists

Speech Therapists Unlocking The Power Of Communication

In a world dominated by words, the ability to communicate effectively is paramount. Speech therapists, often referred to as speech-language pathologists, are unsung heroes who play a crucial role in helping individuals overcome communication challenges. In this article, we will delve into the world of speech therapists, exploring their role, the conditions they treat, and the incredible impact they have on people's lives. What Is A Speech Therapist? Speech therapists are healthcare professionals trained to diagnose and treat communication disorders, speech disorders, and language disorders. They are equipped with the knowledge and skills to assess, diagnose, and develop personalized treatment plans for individuals of all ages, from children with developmental delays to adults recovering from strokes. Communication is the ultimate foundation of manly interactions. Not only does it give us the freedom to express our emotions and thoughts, but it also connects us with others interpersonally. Unfortunately, there are individuals who have to deal with speech-related concerns, and due to this, they cannot speak their hearts out. Consequently, speech professionals have been introduced to help such individuals.  The Role Of A Speech Therapist Therapists or even speech-language pathologists tend to play a crucial role in enhancing communication skills. It is the ultimate encouragement for an individual. They already have a lot on their plate. Given below are a few ways in which speech therapists function and make life easier for their patients:  Assessment and Diagnosis One of the primary responsibilities of a speech therapist near me is to conduct thorough assessments to identify communication disorders. This involves evaluating speech clarity, language comprehension, and overall communication abilities. The process of assessment uses the ICF framework, including body function evaluation along with participation and activity. Treatment Planning Once a diagnosis is made, speech psychologists create customized treatment plans tailored to the individual’s needs. These plans often involve a combination of exercises, techniques, and strategies to improve communication skills. Treatment planning ultimately offers several benefits, such as offering linguistically and culturally precise solutions and integrating academic goals and materials into treatment.  Speech Sound Disorders Speech therapists specialize in addressing speech sound disorders, such as articulation problems and phonological disorders. They work with clients to improve pronunciation and intelligibility. In order to deal with speech sound disorders effectively, they mostly collaborate with other experts to deliver the best service.  Language Disorders Language disorders can affect both children and adults. Speech psychologists help individuals with language disorders develop their vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension skills. Sound production, articulation, and other exercises can help in breaking down language barriers. Professionals deal with different age groups in different ways to bring out the most effective results.  Conditions Treated By Speech Therapists Both speech and language professionals function together with families, kids, and adults to carry out planned assessments. Furthermore, they come with personalized therapy programs that can make the condition better. To be a bit more specific, I have listed down a few conditions where speech psychologists function:  Stuttering Stuttering is a speech disorder characterized by interruptions in the flow of speech. This specific fluency disorder impacts the speed, rhythm, and flow of speech. Both cluttering and stuttering refer to fluency disorders and result in interrupted and blocked communication. Therapists use various techniques to help individuals overcome stuttering and speak fluently. Aphasia Aphasia is a language disorder often caused by brain injuries, such as strokes. In this acquired disorder, a person loses all the ability to talk and understand. In severe cases, it also hinders reading and writing competency. Speech therapists assist individuals in regaining language and communication abilities. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Children with ASD may face challenges in social communication. Vocal therapists work with them to enhance their social and communication skills. Sometimes, it is considered less a speech disability and more a behavioral disorder. Autism Spectrum Disorder is something that must be dealt with in a completely different way. Receptive Dysfunction Individuals dealing with receptive language disorder experience toruble in comprehending and processing other people’s speech. This ultimately results in becoming uninterested while the other person is talking. There are troubles in following directions and making sense. Again, psychologists help patients with this condition by following out regular speech exercises. The Impact Of Speech Therapy Speech therapy can be life-changing. It not only improves communication but also boosts self-confidence and enhances overall quality of life. Individuals who once struggled to express themselves can gain the confidence to engage in social interactions, pursue their education, and excel in their careers. Here are a few ways in which vocal therapy changes the life of a person: Visible improvement in the ability to talk, express thoughts, and understand other people’s feelings and ideas. Inhibits intelligible speech in kids so that others can understand them. Enhances swallowing mechanisms and safety. Develops pre-literacy abilities. The Speech Therapist's Toolkit Vocal therapists employ a variety of tools and techniques to achieve their goals, including: Articulation Therapy: Focusing on speech sound production, articulation therapy helps an individual practice making specific sounds. There are lip exercises, tongue twisters, and sound games involved in this one.  Language Intervention: Enhancing vocabulary and comprehension. In language intervention, speech professionals use different objects like books, pictures, and toys. Fluency Shaping: With the optimization of video technology, fluency shaping works towards reducing stuttering. It eventually helps a patient with the rhythm and rate of their speech. The Bottom Line Speech therapists are professionals who help individuals find their voice and express themselves confidently. Their work transcends the realm of words as they empower people to connect, share, and thrive. If you or a loved one is facing communication challenges, consider seeking the expertise of a speech therapist. Unlock the power of communication and embrace a world where every word matters. So, that was all about it. If you or someone you know is experiencing speech-related difficulties, consult a therapist right away. Take the help of this article and consider the necessary factors before opting for one. Thank you for reading till the end!  Read Also: What Is Mental Health Counseling, And What Kind Of Mental Health Issues Can It Address Seizure Disorders: How To Recognize, Respond, And Provide Help Navigating The NDIS In Parramatta: A Comprehensive Guide  

Fathers Day Gift Ideas

30+ Fathers Day Gift Ideas: It’s More Than Gifts 

Are you searching for some of the best Fathers Day gift ideas for this year? If yes, then you have reached the right place! As we all know, 18 June 2023 is Father’s Day. And that means there is very little time to pan something. And if you are still looking for ideas to get your daddy dearest something this year, then you have a friend in me! Keep reading this article till the end to learn about the best and most unique father’s day gift ideas that you can try this year! Fathers Day Gift Ideas: Thoughtful And Unique Ideas!   Father's Day is a special day dedicated to honoring and celebrating fathers and father figures. It is a time to show appreciation, love, and gratitude for the contributions and sacrifices that fathers make in the lives of their children and families. And if that is what you are trying to do and are looking for some of the best gift ideas for Father's Day this year, then you will find this blog to be of help. In this article, I have listed down the top 25 best gift ideas for Father’s day. So, without further ado, let us get right into it! 1. Personalized Engraved Watch   The first on the list of the best Fathers Day gift ideas is getting your daddy dearest a personalized watch. You can engrave a message, a specific date, or even a name on the watch, giving it a special meaning and personalized touch. 2. Portable Grill Set   Image Source If your father is into cooking and has a great knack for the outdoors, then getting him a portable grill set is the ideal gift this Father’s Day. make him know that you love what he loves, that you care for what he loves, that you respect his passion. And to be fair, this is a win-win situation if you like to eat what your dad cooks! 3. Bluetooth Speaker   The next thing that you can give your father on Fathers Day is a Bluetooth speaker. The world is changing. Technology is evolving at a very fast pace. So why not move ahead with it? Getting him a Bluetooth speaker will help him put on some music and stay groovy! 4. Leather Wallet   Now this one never gets old! Legend says that a man can never have too many wallets. Get your old man a great quality leather wallet. Make sure that all the things that he needs are able to fit inside the wallet, including his cards and all the extra thing that he likes to carry around. 5. Craft Beer Brewing Kit   Image Source Making beer at home is a popular hobby for many aged men who are in their 40’s. If your father is into beers, then it is a great idea to get him a craft beer brewing kit this year. There are several options available online, so check them out before it is time! 6. Smart Home Device   As I have already said, technology is evolving at a massive speed. Thus, to make it turn into your assistance, it is a great idea to get his house all smart! The best thing that you can do is to get him several smart home devices like Google Nest and Amazon Echo. 7. Fitness Tracker Or Smartwatch   Whether your papa is into fitness, or you are trying to get him into it to make him healthy, it is a good cause. So, why not try to make it even better with a fitness tracker. These are extremely helpful and come in a variety of price ranges. 8. BBQ Tool Set   Image Source Similar to the already-stated grill set, which is portable, this one is a BBQ tool set. It is ideal for those men who like to cook their hearts out and take center stage in family gatherings because of their culinary skills, these sets come with literally each and every item that you are searching for. 9. Personalized Photo Album Or Frame   We all like to take a look back, and walk down memory lane— don’t we? So, how amazing f a gift will it be for your father to give him a customized photo frame with all the memories that you have made together? That is exactly what you need to do this Father’s Day. And, it is easy on the budget too! 10. Whiskey Stones Or Glasses Set   Image Source If your father likes to have a drink or two, it is a great idea to give him a whiskey stone or a glass set. This will not only make you two become better friends but also make him understand that you are not a little child anymore (you get what I mean?) 11. Drone With Camera   Image Source Well, this one is the next on the best fathers day gift ideas and another addition to the list of the best father’s day gifts that is related to the evolving technology. Drones are nothing new anymore. But if your father does not have it yet and likes to capture great aerial views, maybe it is a great idea to give him this one! 12. Golf Accessories   Is your father into sports? And specifically the most sophisticated of them all— gift? If yes, then it will be thoughtful of you to get him all the golf accessories. These sets include golf balls, Rangefinder, as well as a club set. You can also buy them separately and club them into one! 13. Portable Power Bank   This one might be nothing new for you, but maybe your dad needs one. Having a portable charger is nothing less than a blessing these days. Get him one that can charge almost all kinds of gadgets, from phones to laptops. 14. Customized Grilling Apron   Image Source Does your father already have a grilling set? No worries, maybe you can get him a customized apron for the same. Write anything on it, whatever you like to call your father, or a line from a song that he likes the most. Trust me when I say this— he will be happy each time he puts it on! 15. Wireless Headphones   Image Source Wireless headphones are the talk of the town for some time now. And if you think your father does not have it yet, then it is time for you to get him one of these. There are a number of great headphones that are available online. Check the specifications and read the review before you buy one! 16. Camping Gear   Image Source If your father is someone who loves camping every now and then, it is a great idea if you get him camping gear this year. There should be almost everything in it that he will need for a great camping experience. These gears can include a sleeping bag, a tent, and even a camping stove. 17. Virtual Reality Headset   There is yet another addition to the technological gift ideas for your father this year. You must have heard about the VR headset that is going viral these days. Well, what better way to help your dad take a step into this world of Virtual reality than gifting him a VR headset. But be careful as you might fall in love with one too! 18. Premium Coffee Maker   Do you and your father love coffee? If yes, then giving him a premium coffee maker this year on father’s day is not a bad idea at all! There are tons of these available online. So just go through them and get ready for a steaming mug of coffee. 19. Personalized Cufflinks   Cufflinks are not only something of the past. These are still worn and styled as needed. Give your father a handcrafted and customized pair of cufflinks this year. You can carve anything on it, from a quote to a date that is dear to both of you! Trust me, he will love it. 20. Outdoor Hammock   Image Source What a great way it is to spend the evening sipping a cup of tea on the back porch resting on your hammock. Well if that is something that you think your father would like, then it is a great way to turn this thought into a reality. Get him some of the best and most durable outdoor hammocks this father’s day. 21. Engraved Flask   Image Source Engraving and customizing items that you think will make your father happy is never a bad idea. And this is something that you can do even on a flask. If your father likes to carry a flask around wherever he leaves the house, get him a customized flask. You can also engrave a picture of the two of you to make it extra special. 22. Bluetooth Earbuds   Does he like to listen to music? Is it a hassle for him to manage and detangle the earphones everytime? If so, then help him get rid of it by giving him bluetooth earbuds. These are not only easy to carry, but also extremely efficient. 23. Customized Puzzle With A Family Photo   Image Source The next one on the list of the best father’s day gift ideas this year is getting him a customized puzzle set where he has to solve the puzzle and make the family photo complete. If he likes to do things that are challenging, then he is bound to like this! 24. Fishing Gear   Does your father like to go fishing every now and then? If yes, then it might be a great idea to give him fishing gear. This set should have all the essential items that one needs when they go fishing, like a fishing rod, a tackle box, and other fishing accessories. 25. Relaxation Gift Set   Image Source Last but not the least on the list of the best fathers day gift ideas is a relaxation gift set. Your father, like all other dads around the world, goes through a lot of problems that he keeps to himself most of the time. He tries to act tough so that we can feel safe and protected. It is a great idea to give him some time when he can feel relaxed as well. And that is the reason why I have kept the best for the last! Plan a spa day for him, make him destress, make him relax, and make this day all about him! Things To Do With Your Father On Father’s Day!   If you are searching for some of the best things that you can do with your father on this special occasion, then there is a list for that too! There are many meaningful activities you can do with your father on Father's Day to celebrate and spend quality time together. Here are some ideas: 1. Cook Or Prepare A Special Meal Together   Plan a menu and cook your father's favorite dishes together. It's a great opportunity to bond and create memories in the kitchen. 2. Have A Picnic   Pack a delicious lunch or snacks, grab a blanket, and head to a nearby park or a scenic outdoor spot for a relaxed picnic. Enjoy the fresh air and each other's company. 3. Take A Hike Or Nature Walk   Explore the great outdoors by going on a hike or nature walk together. Choose a trail that suits your father's fitness level and enjoy the beauty of nature while engaging in conversation. 4. Play Sports Or Games   If your father enjoys sports, organize a friendly match of his favorite game, such as basketball, soccer, or golf. Alternatively, play board games or card games indoors for some fun and laughter. 5. Watch A Movie Or Binge-Watch A TV Series   Spend a cozy day at home watching your father's favorite movies or TV shows. Prepare some popcorn, snacks, and drinks to make it a full-on movie night experience. 6. Visit A Museum Or Exhibition   If your father has an interest in art, history, or science, take him to a museum or exhibition that aligns with his interests. It can be a fascinating and educational outing. 7. Plan A DIY Project   Engage in a do-it-yourself project together, such as building a piece of furniture, working on a home improvement task, or even starting a garden. It allows you to bond while accomplishing something tangible. 8. Go Fishing   If your father enjoys fishing, plan a fishing trip together. Spend the day by the water, enjoying the tranquility and trying to catch some fish. It's a relaxing and peaceful activity that allows for conversation and reflection. 9. Take A Road Trip   Plan a mini road trip to a nearby town or city that your father has always wanted to visit. Explore new places, try local cuisine, and enjoy the adventure of traveling together. 10. Share Stories And Memories   Take the time to sit down with your father and have meaningful conversations. Ask him about his life experiences, childhood memories, and any advice he may have. It's an opportunity to strengthen your bond and learn from his wisdom. Remember, the most important thing is to spend quality time together and show your love and appreciation for your father on Father's Day. Choose activities that align with his interests and preferences to make the day truly special. Wrapping It Up!   Remember, there is no better gift on father’s day than sheer love and respect that can make your papa feel all blessed and happy. However, it is never a bad idea to really make more effort and give him something that he will cherish. In case you were looking for some of the best fathers day gift ideas, I hope that this blog has been of help to you. If there are any other queries related to the blog, please feel free to reach out. Scroll down till you reach the comment box at the bottom of the page. Then leave your queries and suggestions there. And I will be there to answer them all for you! More Resources: 10 Things to Do Before You Move Out of State 8 Things Every Parent Should Do To Keep Kids Safe Online 7 Of The Most Funny, Geeky & Cool Star Wars Gifts For Him