5 Reasons Why Girls Should propose to boys

Published on: 10 December 2018 Last Updated on: 19 July 2019

Winds swirling, birds humming and butterflies dancing- this is the feeling when two people are in love and cannot wait to make the promise of spending the whole lives with each other. Everyone dreams of finding their perfect partner, their soulmate and their better half. When they do find The One, nobody wants to let go. They just know that they can spend eternity together; laughing, sharing, fighting and loving. A marriage is a symbol of that love. It is a legal bond, uniting the emotional and a spiritual connection between two lovers.

People love to listen to the tales of how did the guy proposed for the marriage. There are tears of joys and lots of ‘awwws’. People drool over and dream of the perfect boy who made this perfect proposal. But there are lots of speculations and judgments when it is another way around. It is unusual for a girl to propose the guy. But when she does, she is judged to be desperate and a bit too much. A girl can break all the norms of the society by proposing to the boy. But why is it such a big deal? Marriage involves the love, trust, and involvement of both the boy and the girl, so why is the burden to propose only on the shoulders of a boy? The world is changing, and so people should evolve as well. In the era where women are most forward in the global domination, it is okay and a normal for a girl to take the initiative. In fact, it must be encouraged. If that is not all, the following are some reasons why girls really should propose to the guy:

1. To break the norms:

Why go along with society when you believe otherwise? There are many women out there who believe in taking initiative in everything, but they hesitate and stop when they think about what the society would say. An Initiative of one woman inspires many women around her to take the step as well. There might be lots of gossiping when a girl bends on one knee to propose, but they all applaud her eventually when they see that the couple is happy. The image and talks of the girl being too desperate to marry will soon fade with time and this trend will take over and transform the thinking pattern of the society.

2. They know what they want:

This fact cannot be ignored that most of the times it is the women who have a very clear direction of what they want. Let us not assume by this statement that men are confused. But yes, they do need a guiding hand to get them through the parts where they need to take strong decisions. They do love their girlfriends very much and want to spend their life with them, but they just need a push to take this life-changing decision. Also, there are some men who are too shy and introvert to make the big move. As an understanding girlfriend and future wife, a girl should respect his nervousness and take the step to the future herself.

3. To share the emotional burden:

Marriage proposals create a lot of burden for the men. Some men are not able to handle this type of burden and expectations, and instead, spoil things in confusion rather than making it special. As life partners, it is the responsibility of both of them to share everything and to be each other’s better halves. When it comes to feelings and emotions, sometimes men are even more sensitive than girls. They can be dreamy and also have expectations. For girls, this is the best opportunity to express their feelings and let their men get head over heels in love with them and say yes to the best and boldest proposal ever.

4. To pamper men:

It is very normal for a guy to pamper his girl with lots of gifts and surprises. But it is very rare that girls make the boys feel special. It is a pure myth that boys are tough and strong hearted and little things like surprises and gifts do not affect them. Because they do. Their muscles and built has nothing to do with their emotions. So girls, make a point to spoil your guy once a while. And what is a better way to make him feel special than to plan a surprise-filled day, full of romance and propose him for marriage? Pick out his best flowers, his favorite music at a location which is special to him, and ask him to marry by showing him the ring. And oh that ring! It needs to be very special and should be chosen with pure love and affection for your love. You can click here to select the best mens diamond rings for your future fiancé make him happy and excited.

5. To break the myth of masculinity:

Other than people judging the girl about her decision to propose the guy, there are people who actually doubt the masculinity of the man. They mock him and call him a coward. This is when the ego hits the guy and begins to question his relationship. This can spoil the most special time of courtship with his fiancé. The guy should, in fact, be supportive and appreciate his girlfriend’s efforts to make him feel special. He should show off to the world about how unique their proposal is, how special their love story is and how strong her fiancé is.

By all means, there is just precaution that you should take. Make sure that your boyfriend is ready for marriage and will not be scared away after your proposal. This can ruin your whole relationship. Women proposing men shows how strong women have become and boosted the idea of women empowerment. This inspires women around you and makes them believe that they can do anything. No society norms and judgments can stop them from taking any type of decisions and they are the queen of their own life.

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Speech Therapists

Speech Therapists Unlocking The Power Of Communication

In a world dominated by words, the ability to communicate effectively is paramount. Speech therapists, often referred to as speech-language pathologists, are unsung heroes who play a crucial role in helping individuals overcome communication challenges. In this article, we will delve into the world of speech therapists, exploring their role, the conditions they treat, and the incredible impact they have on people's lives. What Is A Speech Therapist? Speech therapists are healthcare professionals trained to diagnose and treat communication disorders, speech disorders, and language disorders. They are equipped with the knowledge and skills to assess, diagnose, and develop personalized treatment plans for individuals of all ages, from children with developmental delays to adults recovering from strokes. Communication is the ultimate foundation of manly interactions. Not only does it give us the freedom to express our emotions and thoughts, but it also connects us with others interpersonally. Unfortunately, there are individuals who have to deal with speech-related concerns, and due to this, they cannot speak their hearts out. Consequently, speech professionals have been introduced to help such individuals.  The Role Of A Speech Therapist Therapists or even speech-language pathologists tend to play a crucial role in enhancing communication skills. It is the ultimate encouragement for an individual. They already have a lot on their plate. Given below are a few ways in which speech therapists function and make life easier for their patients:  Assessment and Diagnosis One of the primary responsibilities of a speech therapist near me is to conduct thorough assessments to identify communication disorders. This involves evaluating speech clarity, language comprehension, and overall communication abilities. The process of assessment uses the ICF framework, including body function evaluation along with participation and activity. Treatment Planning Once a diagnosis is made, speech psychologists create customized treatment plans tailored to the individual’s needs. These plans often involve a combination of exercises, techniques, and strategies to improve communication skills. Treatment planning ultimately offers several benefits, such as offering linguistically and culturally precise solutions and integrating academic goals and materials into treatment.  Speech Sound Disorders Speech therapists specialize in addressing speech sound disorders, such as articulation problems and phonological disorders. They work with clients to improve pronunciation and intelligibility. In order to deal with speech sound disorders effectively, they mostly collaborate with other experts to deliver the best service.  Language Disorders Language disorders can affect both children and adults. Speech psychologists help individuals with language disorders develop their vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension skills. Sound production, articulation, and other exercises can help in breaking down language barriers. Professionals deal with different age groups in different ways to bring out the most effective results.  Conditions Treated By Speech Therapists Both speech and language professionals function together with families, kids, and adults to carry out planned assessments. Furthermore, they come with personalized therapy programs that can make the condition better. To be a bit more specific, I have listed down a few conditions where speech psychologists function:  Stuttering Stuttering is a speech disorder characterized by interruptions in the flow of speech. This specific fluency disorder impacts the speed, rhythm, and flow of speech. Both cluttering and stuttering refer to fluency disorders and result in interrupted and blocked communication. Therapists use various techniques to help individuals overcome stuttering and speak fluently. Aphasia Aphasia is a language disorder often caused by brain injuries, such as strokes. In this acquired disorder, a person loses all the ability to talk and understand. In severe cases, it also hinders reading and writing competency. Speech therapists assist individuals in regaining language and communication abilities. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Children with ASD may face challenges in social communication. Vocal therapists work with them to enhance their social and communication skills. Sometimes, it is considered less a speech disability and more a behavioral disorder. Autism Spectrum Disorder is something that must be dealt with in a completely different way. Receptive Dysfunction Individuals dealing with receptive language disorder experience toruble in comprehending and processing other people’s speech. This ultimately results in becoming uninterested while the other person is talking. There are troubles in following directions and making sense. Again, psychologists help patients with this condition by following out regular speech exercises. The Impact Of Speech Therapy Speech therapy can be life-changing. It not only improves communication but also boosts self-confidence and enhances overall quality of life. Individuals who once struggled to express themselves can gain the confidence to engage in social interactions, pursue their education, and excel in their careers. Here are a few ways in which vocal therapy changes the life of a person: Visible improvement in the ability to talk, express thoughts, and understand other people’s feelings and ideas. Inhibits intelligible speech in kids so that others can understand them. Enhances swallowing mechanisms and safety. Develops pre-literacy abilities. The Speech Therapist's Toolkit Vocal therapists employ a variety of tools and techniques to achieve their goals, including: Articulation Therapy: Focusing on speech sound production, articulation therapy helps an individual practice making specific sounds. There are lip exercises, tongue twisters, and sound games involved in this one.  Language Intervention: Enhancing vocabulary and comprehension. In language intervention, speech professionals use different objects like books, pictures, and toys. Fluency Shaping: With the optimization of video technology, fluency shaping works towards reducing stuttering. It eventually helps a patient with the rhythm and rate of their speech. The Bottom Line Speech therapists are professionals who help individuals find their voice and express themselves confidently. Their work transcends the realm of words as they empower people to connect, share, and thrive. If you or a loved one is facing communication challenges, consider seeking the expertise of a speech therapist. Unlock the power of communication and embrace a world where every word matters. So, that was all about it. If you or someone you know is experiencing speech-related difficulties, consult a therapist right away. Take the help of this article and consider the necessary factors before opting for one. Thank you for reading till the end!  Read Also: What Is Mental Health Counseling, And What Kind Of Mental Health Issues Can It Address Seizure Disorders: How To Recognize, Respond, And Provide Help Navigating The NDIS In Parramatta: A Comprehensive Guide  

Long-Term Fostering

Are You Better Suited To Short-Term Fostering Or Long-Term Fostering?

If you are considering becoming a foster carer, one of the first decisions you’ll need to make is whether short-term or long-term fostering better suits your situation and preferences. Both short and long-term fostering play vital roles for children in need but require different levels of commitment and have different rewards and challenges. This article will explore the key differences to help you determine which option may be the better fit for you.  Providing Immediate Support with Short-term Fostering Short-term fostering, also referred to as emergency or respite fostering, involves temporarily caring for a child or sibling group for anywhere from one night up to two years. Reasons children may need short-term care include: Their regular foster home is not available for a period   A permanent placement option is being sought for the child by the fostering agency The child’s home situation is unsafe, and care is urgently needed while next steps are determined As a short-term carer, you would provide stability, comfort and reassurance while the child’s longer-term placement is finalized. It can be extremely rewarding to know you are providing vital immediate support at a time of uncertainty and crisis. However, saying goodbye can also be emotionally difficult. Short-term fostering also requires high flexibility as placements may be made urgently. It suits those whose work and personal life enable them to adapt plans at short notice when placements come up. Providing a Consistent Loving Home with Long-term Fostering Those who become long-term foster carers take on more responsibility for consistency and continuity in the child's development. Reasons a child may need long-term care include:   Court orders preventing them from safely returning to their birth family   Their parents agree that fostering is best for the child’s stability  Efforts towards adoption or placement with relatives are being explored   As a long-term carer, you support the child to feel safe, secure, and cared for despite the uncertainty around where they will ultimately live as an adult. You attend school events, and medical appointments and participate in hobbies alongside them. The aim is to reduce the amount of change and upheaval the child must cope with. This care helps them develop securely. Saying goodbye when an adoptive family or relatives are found can be extremely difficult emotionally. However, some long-term foster carers maintain contact which eases the transition. Assessing Your Suitability When weighing up short versus long-term fostering, reflect honestly on questions such as: Could you grow attached to a child knowing care would not be permanent?   Would you feel comfortable looking after children with little advance notice?    Do you have space in your life for extensive long-term commitments? How might foster impact others in your household? Seeking guidance from fostering agencies on what each role involves day-to-day is crucial. Be open about any apprehensions you may have too. Exploring the pros and cons in an honest, self-reflective way empowers you to know which option is the best match. Whilst all foster care has emotional highs and lows, understanding what you feel able to manage realistically is key to being the support these children truly need. Reflecting on whether emergency or routine care suits your situation better clarifies if short or long-term fostering is your calling. Most importantly, follow your instincts as you consider this life-changing, highly commendable commitment. Read Also: 30+ Fathers Day Gift Ideas: It’s More Than Gifts  Speech Therapists Unlocking The Power Of Communication The Art of Being a Great Mom: 10 Simple Tips for Modern Moms

Teach Your Child The Value Of Money When They Want A New Wardrobe

How To Teach Your Child The Value Of Money When They Want A New Wardrobe?

As children grow, their desire for the latest fashions and trendy clothes often outpaces their understanding of the value of money. This situation can be particularly challenging for parents and foster carers, who must strike a delicate balance between nurturing their child's interests and instilling crucial financial literacy skills. Whether you're a parent or foster carer, teaching your child the value of money in the context of wanting a new wardrobe can be a valuable life lesson that extends far beyond clothing choices. Set A Clothing Budget One of the most effective ways to teach children the value of money is by involving them in the budgeting process. Sit down with your child and discuss a reasonable clothing budget for the year or a specific period. Explain the various expenses your household faces, such as rent, utilities, and food, and help them understand that money is a finite resource that must be allocated wisely. Once you've established a clothing budget, encourage your child to prioritize their wants and needs. This exercise not only teaches them to make informed choices but also instills a sense of responsibility and appreciation for the cost of items they desire. Encourage Saving And Earning Although you will receive an allowance to go towards the costs of caring for a child if you are long-term fostering, this won’t always cover keeping up with the latest trends! Instead of immediately fulfilling your child's desire for a new wardrobe, suggest that they contribute to their clothing fund. For this purpose, they might save a portion of their allowance or earn money through age-appropriate chores or tasks. This approach reinforces the concept that money is earned through hard work and that achieving certain goals requires patience and discipline. You could even create a visual representation, such as a jar or a chart, to track their progress toward their clothing goal. Celebrate small milestones along the way to keep them motivated and engaged in the process. Teach Wise Shopping Habits Once your child has saved enough money for their desired wardrobe, it's an excellent opportunity to teach them wise shopping habits. Accompany them to the stores and demonstrate how to compare prices, look for sales and discounts, and distinguish between wants and needs. Encourage them to consider the longevity and versatility of the items they choose rather than impulse purchases driven solely by trends. This lesson not only promotes financial responsibility but also fosters sustainable consumption habits that can benefit the environment in the long run. Reinforce Gratitude And Appreciation As your child acquires their new wardrobe, take the time to reinforce the value of gratitude and appreciation. Remind them of the effort and sacrifices made to obtain these items, whether it was your financial contribution or their hard-earned savings. Encourage them to care for their clothing properly, ensuring it lasts as long as possible. This practice not only instills a sense of respect for material possessions but also teaches them the importance of responsible consumption and reducing waste. Teaching your child the value of money when they want a new wardrobe is a valuable life lesson that extends far beyond fashion choices. By using these tips, you will equip them with essential financial literacy skills that will serve them well throughout their lives. Read Also: From Gym To Workplace: A Complete Guide To Lead A Healthy Lifestyle Why Is It Important To Teach Your Kids Valuable Money Lessons?  Children grow quickly; in the blink of an eye, they start to understand everything. Nowadays, kids have started to learn about money from a very young age. Here are some reasons why you should maintain transparent communication with them and teach valuable lessons when they are shopping a lot. 1. Make Them Accustomed To Financial Conversations Growing kids is not easy to tackle. They ask so many questions, not just about money but about so many things. So, to start, you have to make them acquainted with the entire discussion. What is money, why is it so important in life, and how can we save it more? They must know the difference between relentless shopping and meaningful buying. Don’t make things complicated by teaching them about investments because they are too young to understand them. 2. They Start Learning To Make Decisions This is the very first time you need to let go of the leash. They get the freedom to make decisions about their life, at least money-wise. Make them understand that if you do not need clothes now and then, you should not keep buying them unnecessarily. Instead, they can just save the money and use it when it starts to pour. Not literally, though; unprecedented situations can occur at any point in life. And they must be better prepared for it. Making decisions is fine unless they are not going on a different track. 3. Life Is Tough Than It Appears It’s so hard to break it to them that the world is not as strawberry and vanilla as it appears in movies and books. Financial help is never expected from a stranger because who knows what it might lead to. Instead, teach them that every penny counts when it comes to surviving the world alone. Young kids have no worries about financial decisions, but a good habit goes a long way. With small responsibilities at a young age, they will continue to grow more responsible as they age. The Bottom Line It is common for kids to have desires about worldly leisures. As parents, we try to give the best to our children. Along with that, they should also understand the difficult side of life and learn how to make financial decisions. This is the key importance of teaching them valuable financial lessons. Wow, we made it to the end of the article. I hope you like it. If you did, do not forget to share your comments below. Also, tell us what we have missed in the list so that we can add them later. Thank you for reading! Read Also: 8 Awesome Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate Ways To Balance Your Life With Healthy Hearing The Diet To Follow For A Healthy Gut