10 Things to Do Before You Move Out of State

Published on: 08 July 2019 Last Updated on: 24 August 2021

Relocating to a new state can be a lot of things—crazy, exciting, and stressful, to name a few. The good news is that with a little intentionality, you can mold your move into a positive, enjoyable life transition. Here are ten tips to consider before you pack your bags.

1. Make a bucket list:

bucket list

Life is busy. Chances are, there are places to see, food to eat, and things to do in your current state that you never got around to seeing, eating, or doing. Make a bucket list of a few of the things you think you’d regret if you moved away without experiencing. And then, make plans to make it happen.

2. Plan to say goodbye:

Moving is stressful, and it can be easy to get up in the frenzy of your to-do list. But, to have a healthy sense of closure and positive feelings when you look back on a period in your life, it’s essential to make an effort to wrap things up well. And, relationships are the most crucial piece of the wrap-up puzzle. In addition to great friends, you’ve developed relationships with all kinds of others—e.g., your neighbors, your children’s teachers, and your yoga instructor. Make a list of these folks, and plan to say goodbye. A handwritten note might suit your style, or perhaps you’d prefer to throw a colossal bbq and invite everyone. Whatever feels right to you is the best way to say goodbye and honor the people who have played a part in your experience.

3. Make a list of wrap-up logistics:

The best way to get your head around a million moving logistics is to make a good old-fashioned list. There are a million moving checklists online to get you started. Then, you can open a notebook or your laptop and make your custom list. We recommend a master task list with deadlines to keep you on track toward your big move.

4. Make moving arrangements:

When are you leaving? Where are you going? How will you get your stuff there? These seem like obvious questions, but we recommend sitting down and thinking through every detail. Once you have your plan on paper (or screen), the actual moving will feel much less daunting.

5. Clutter clear:

Moving states is not just a geographical location change; it’s a significant life transition. And, an excellent opportunity to assess the stuff you have and decide what you want to keep and what to leave behind. A good question to ask yourself when you look at an item in your house is, “Do I want to carry this into the future? Or, do I want to leave it in the past.” If your answer is yes to the former, pack it up. If it’s yes to the latter, donate it before you go.

6. Plan to make some changes:

In addition to this time being an excellent opportunity to clutter clear your physical space, it’s also a time to make any necessary changes to your lifestyle. Think about any bad habits you want to “leave behind” and new ones that you want to have with you when you arrive at your new home. Relocating to a new state is a rare fresh start. It can give you an opportunity to reinvent yourself, and if you want to make the change even more seriously, you could even change your name. If you’re relocating to California, there are services that allow you to legally change your name with no problems. However, you should do research on the laws of your state before undergoing this kind of process.

7. Learn about your soon-to-be new home:

It can be fun to start learning about your new city early, so you can hit the ground running when you arrive. Think about what’s most important to your lifestyle and virtually explore the offerings near your new home. Whether you’re typing the words “Brisbane best butcher” or “hot yoga in Denver” into the search bar, you’ll be on your way to finding cool new spots to frequent in your new digs.

8. Make a new bucket list:

Earlier, we mentioned that many of us get busy and forget to partake in all the unique experiences offered by a particular city or state. Avoid that by starting your bucket list early! Every time you get a restaurant suggestion or learn about a historical landmark that’s a must-visit, write it down! Then, you can refer back and never feel short of cool things to do.

9. Experience the honeymoon:


Much like with new relationships, many of us experience a “honeymoon” period when we move to a new place. The possibilities are endless, and the future is bright. New experiences are making new chemicals flow, and you feel good. Plan to take advantage of this good energy and explore your surroundings. You’ll be setting a beautiful foundation for your time in your new city.

10. Remember to enjoy the ride:

Above all, enjoy! Moving out of state marks an exciting time in your life—take full advantage of it.

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help for kids with homework

10 Effective Homework Tips for Your Kids

It has been already been proven how important the role of a parent is in a kid’s performance in school. If a parent takes an active interest in their child’s studies, it makes them realize the value in what they are doing. This is especially true with homework, which is one of the areas where kids struggle in the most. These are ten of the ways for kids to be more encouraged to do their homework: 1. Set A Good Example : Before anyone else, the parent is the first role model kids will look up to. With this logic, it is important for parents to show that they value learning. Giving advice is not enough. You can start by showing them that you are reading a book while they are making their homework. It will help a lot because you are helping set behavioral expectations for the child. 2. Leave Them To Do Their Work : One of the basic things parents always forget is that they should leave the child to learn on their own. Let them finish their own homework. Never mind that they make mistakes. Making mistakes is part of learning. Of course, as a parent, you still get to make suggestions and help out. But the majority of the task must be carried out by your kid. 3. Make Your Home Conducive To Homework Making : There must be an area in your house that will be used for making assignments. This place must be well-lit and comfortable enough for the child. It is also a must for the area to be filled with the right supplies so that it will be easy to finish homework. This includes scissors, pencils, papers, glue, and others. 4. Minimize Distractions : One of your biggest enemies as a parent in getting your kids to do their homework is the distraction that external factors provide. This can affect the focus that the child is putting on their school work. As much as possible, there should be no devices when doing homework. This means no television, computers, smartphones or tablets. Even loud music may have to be banned. 5. Assist Them In Making Plans : Proper planning makes conquering homework more manageable for the child. Parents can help out in teaching their child planning to achieve this. As an example, it would be smart for your child to divide their homework into portions that will be easier to tackle. Also, teach them to take into account possible breaks. Fifteen-minute breaks may be enough. These breaks should be incorporated into the schedule they set for making their homework. 6. Schedule Regular Study Time : The key to the kids being used to doing homework is by doing it regularly. There is no cookie-cutter approach to scheduling regular study time. What parents need to understand is that what works for others may not work for your child. Just because study time after dinner is best for another child does not mean that afternoon study breaks are inappropriate. 7. Meet Up With Their Teachers : Parents should have a strong relationship with their children's teachers. Both parents and teachers have certain expectations as to how the kid must perform. As your child's second parents, it is important for both parties to have a dialogue to ensure the academic success of your child. 8. Motivate And Monitor : Parents must be monitors and motivators. Encourage them to study and finish their homework on time. Ask them about their day at school and if there is anything that they should know about their school work. Exhibit some control over their studying without being too repressive. 9. Do Not Forget To Praise Them : Children will be more motivated if you praise them. If they do well on an exam, compliment them and post their exam results for everyone to see. If relatives visit your home, do not forget to mention their achievements. 10. Get Help : If the parent has done everything they can to improve the homework habits of their child, they need to seek help. Start by talking to the teacher so you can get another perspective. If they exhibit learning or attention problems, you may also have to visit a child psychologist. Conclusion : Apart from applying these useful tips, you can introduce various learning and education apps to your kids if they are capable of learning things themselves with the help of apps. Say, for example, the top tutoring app can be a perfect solution to all the study related problems of your kids. If you are an android user, this has this Google Play study app on your phone and give your kids access to this app. If you are an iPhone user, this cool learning English iTunes app can be a great fit. Read Also : Transform Portals Of Learning What Is Somatic Psychology And How Does It Work? English As A Second Language: Ways To Find Great Teaching Materials On A Budget

Date Night

The Importance of Date Night When You’re a Parent

Nearly all parents will tell you that finding the time to conduct adult conservations are difficult enough, meaning regular dates nights are almost an impossibility! However, the effect of being unable to dedicate regular time to a relationship is damaging for both men and women. If you feel that your relationship is lacking in both communication and intimacy, now is the perfect time to take stock and change this. 1. Couples Need to Communicate Regularly : While many of us may believe that we communicate already, rushed conversations on the way out of the door about who is picking which child up and who needs to get milk are the types of communication that are hardly stimulating! Adults need to spend time with other adults, and when there are children involved, the possibility of this happening diminishes with each year. However, it’s so easy to fall into that rut whereby you give up communicating with one another and therefore stop talking about what goes on in each other’s life. This lack of communication, when left to build, means you begin to miss the signs of unhappiness from your other-half and the phrase, my partner just doesn’t understand me anymore is so often the starting point of an extra-marital affair. The solution is to demand that adult time each day, with a couple of hours spent together out of the family home once a week. 2. Sexual Is an Integral Part of a Couple’s Relationship : When we become parents, more than likely our sex lives take a back seat for a couple of weeks at least. However, when you combine the demands of parenthood alongside work, household chores and ongoing financial issues, these weeks can ever so quickly turn into months. Before you realize it, you have difficulty pinpointing the last time you both had any form of sexual contact. Yet, sex in a relationship is vital and should always be given importance to. It’s another form of expressing your love for your partner and once it starts to diminish, so too do those emotional feelings. Unfortunately, with so much responsibility placed on parent’s shoulders, sexual desires often begin to decrease substantially. For men, finding a solution for decreased sexual performance isn’t always easy. Additionally, it’s still seen as a somewhat hushed and slightly taboo topic. This doesn’t have to be the case, as there are readily available solutions to combat this temporary problem including cheap male enhancement pills that work, to name but a few. 3. Children Need to Understand That Couple Time Matters : Many couples will say that their children just don’t allow them the time to behave like adults. While it’s true that trying to snatch a few minutes of couple time throughout the day can be hard with younger children under your feet, that’s not to say it’s impossible. More importantly, it’s more of a case of educating our children to understand that Mom and Dad are adults who need to be able to spend quality time together as a couple if the family unit is to continue functioning. The solution is to start with simple things such as highlighting that bedtime means bedtime, that is once the kids have gone to bed, there’s no getting up and merely wondering downstairs into the living room. This is Mom and Dad’s time. Additionally, if you can emphasize the importance of date night and everyone is aware each week that this is an essential date which will be taking place, whatever happens, that day, you will eventually encourage your kids to view your date night with the respect it deserves. Read Also : Golden Pregnancy Care Tips For All Expectant Women Smooth Discharge Before Period 10 Effective Homework Tips For Your Kids


Golden Pregnancy Care Tips for all Expectant Women

As a human being, you will find yourself getting angry at some point. Some of the common causes of anger include annoyance, harassment, disappointment, betrayal, and frustrations just to name a few. Even though it is normal for human beings to get angry, the situation is more rampart among pregnant women. Scientific research informs us that the baby will experience the world through the mom. You need to understand that the developing baby feels the emotions of the mother. When a pregnant woman gets angry, her heart rate increases which cause the body to release and pass certain chemicals to the developing child via the placenta. A rise in the blood pressure also causes an increase in the energy level. The body ends up releasing epinephrine and adrenaline and this enhances the amount of tension in the uterus. This will constrict the blood vessels and reduce the supply of oxygen in the uterus which is dangerous to your baby. Therefore, angriness during pregnancy affects both the mother and the unborn child. However, we cannot understand how to control anger during pregnancy without looking at the common causes of anger during pregnancy. What Causes Anger During Pregnancy? Hormonal Changes During pregnancy, the human body releases several hormones that are hard to cope with. Therefore, understanding hormonal imbalances during pregnancy falls among the tips of having a healthy baby. These strange hormones cause the pregnant woman to have swing moods. You may find the woman getting angry over anything. The same thing that brings joy to the woman may be a source of anger the following minute. These hormones trigger anger even from your past experiences especially from your partner, family members and colleagues at work. Lack of Comfort Lack of comfort is a major source of anger during pregnancy. It is quite disturbing to see everyone stare at you as you walk down the street. The truth of the matter is that you are telling the world that you had sex a few months ago. Morning sickness and the vomiting that comes with it also makes some pregnant women develop anger. Finally, carrying an extra load in the womb is not an easy task. Inequality Pregnancy should be a source of joy but this does not happen on the ground. One challenge that most women face is discrimination during pregnancy especially at the place of work. Some bosses even delay to give the expectant women maternity reliefs. The truth of the matter is that you may not be able to do all your tasks at work while pregnant. The challenge with some bosses is that they think you are looking for special attention. The goodness is that most partners step in to assist with the household tasks. It is stressful to do some tasks when no one is willing to assist. Fear As an expectant woman, you will always have the fear of experiencing labor. The worst experience is when you hear of stories of women who died during labor. Some women fear that they may give birth to a child who has defects. In summary, any expectant woman has so much to worry about. Consequences of Anger During Pregnancy Underweight Babies Premature Babies Hyperactive Babies How to Avoid Being Angry During Pregnancy Don’t worry so much Be positive Lead a healthy lifestyle Relax This article presents several tips during pregnancy to have a fair baby. What most women don’t understand is that anger during pregnancy affects both the mother and the unborn child. These pregnancy care tips will assist you to manage anger during pregnancy. If you find this information to be useful, you are free to share it with another person.