10 Tactics To Maintain Clear Windows

Published on: 23 July 2019 Last Updated on: 19 January 2022
Maintain Clear Windows

There is nothing as wonderful as sunshine to perk up your mood, create a sense of calm, or rejuvenate your spirit after considerable hard work. After all, hotel advertising utilizes actresses and actors walking out into the sun and smiling to instill a sense of relaxation, but scientific studies have shown that sunshine helps boost serotonin levels in your brain (the chemical that boosts your mood).

But, in our busy lives, it isn’t always possible to step outside for a dose of sunshine, leaving the majority of people to rely on their windows. And if that sunlight has to fight through dirt, smudges, and everything else that the weather (or children) have smeared over it, there just isn’t as much of that mood-lifting light reaching you. Ideally, you should wash your windows twice a year, and despite the clear benefit, that is a daunting task. Here are 10 tactics to clean and maintain your windows.

10 Tactics To Maintain Clear Windows:

1. Gather Your Materials:

It is important to have the right materials to clean your windows. Using the wrong ones will leave you with dirt and smudges regardless of your vigorous scrubbing. A squeegee is a superior choice over a rag, which will move the dirt from one part of the window to another. With a squeegee, you can pull all the dirt to the bottom without transferring a single spec. For small-paned windows, you may require a sponge instead of the squeegee to fit in tight spaces. And lastly, you will need several clean rags for sills, sashes, and drips.

2. Cleaning Solution:

Next, you will need the right cleaning solution, two gallons of water mixed with 1 teaspoon of dish soap or equal parts water and vinegar. This amount of soap creates fewer suds and thus less soap residue to smear a clean window.

3. Pick the Right Day:

Windows should not be cleaned on any day. It may seem sensible to pick a warm sunny one (after all, a little sunshine is beneficial), but the sun will dry up the cleaning solution before it can be wiped away. Therefore, a cloudy day will give you enough time to spray and wipe down your windows without any streaks.

4. Wash the windows:

With a sponge or spray bottle, wet the windows with the cleaning solution. For tall windows, or windows on the second story, you may want a ladder, or you can attach the sponge to a long handle or broom.

5. Dry Immediately:

And then dry the window with the rag or squeegee. For smaller windows, pull the squeegee straight down, but with larger ones pull the squeegee from side to side to clear off all dirt and cleaning solution. Make sure to wipe all drips as it is important to remove the water before the window dries to prevent streaks.

6. Clean the Rest of the Window:

Make sure the clean the sills and sashes as well. They have taken just as much or a beating from the weather (and children) as the glass and deserve a little TLC.

7. Stubborn Stains:

Occasionally, dirt takes a little extra work to clean off, but that doesn’t necessarily mean scrubbing. Apply either straight vinegar and let it sit for 5 minutes or gently rub the stain with a mineral deposit remover before cleaning normally.

8. Saving Time:

If all of this sounds like your whole afternoon, an afternoon that could be spent more enjoyably at the pool or more productively at the office, consider a window cleaning service such as Thistle Perth Window Cleaning. Let someone else do the difficult part for you, while you enjoy all the sunshine benefits.

9. Keeping Windows Clean:

With all the strenuous work and cash spent on cleaning windows, maintain them by vacuuming blinds and window sills inside to keep dust from accumulating.

10. Enjoy:

Now you can enjoy all the mood enhancements that sunshine brings. It is time to relax and enjoy the room. Or, if you are feeling an energy boost with the newfound light, perhaps it’s time to conquer that junk drawer.

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Wood Flooring

How to Protect Your Wood Flooring in a Busy Household

A busy household is one with a lot of love. Whether it is a lot of people all living together in one home or just neighbors and friends dropping by at all hours of the day and night, keeping up with a barrage of feet across your floors can be difficult. A stylish wood flooring might be exactly what you need in terms of aesthetics but what can you do in terms of protection? Keep reading to find out. Choose the Right Floor: Protecting the floor actually begins a long time before it is even laid. One of the most crucial decisions you can make when it comes to choosing the right flooring comes from which wood you pick. If you opt for a design which has been treated to be resistant then you know it will be a little longer lasting than something else you could choose. You should also choose something on the neutral side so it will always be in style no matter how much you change the rest of the room about. The right color will blend in with everything and can even help to disguise stains depending on what you choose. Enforce “Shoes Off” Yes, you might have to be one of those households which enforces a shoes-off rule. If you want to maintain clean floors as often as possible, you need to ensure that no-one is trekking mud and dirt through your home on the soles of their shoes. Some people only like to use this rule when they have carpets, but it can also be used when you have wood flooring you want to keep pristine. Keep a collection of slippers just for guests if they aren’t comfortable walking around in just socks. Use Protector Pads on Furniture: Head to any hardware store or even your local supermarket, and you will be able to find a square of felt which you can cut up and used to cushion the feet of your furniture. This can be bought either in the pre-cut shapes or you can do it yourself. If you have furniture like chairs which frequently get dragged along your floor, this felt will help to protect the floor. Long scores and other damage on the floor can be extremely difficult to fix and you should instead try to focus on preventing such damage. Put the pads on any furniture will be resting on the floor even if it will not be moved often. It might not be the most convenient for you to try to place the pads on your heavy dresser, but it will be worth it if it means your floor won’t be damaged. Just the natural shift of people walking around the house might be enough to cause it to move and damage your floors. Wipe up Spillages ASAP: Wood floors are great as they do not require that much in the way of maintenance but there is one thing you must be exceptionally vigilant about. This is spillages from liquids; something which might happen quite a lot in households with a lot of people. From drinks being dropped to vases getting knocked over, there is plenty of scope for things being spilled on your beautiful wooden floor. If this spillage is left unattended, you can risk the wood warping and become irrevocably damaged. There is not really any way to correct wood once it has warped so it is easier to just be vigilant and clean up the spills as they happen instead. If you have young children, make sure that you instill in them the knowledge that spilling on the floor is not wrong if it is an accident, but it must be cleaned up as soon as possible. Gentle, Regular Cleaning: A wood floor can look beautiful, but you need to be very careful about what you use to clean it if you want it to remain as good as possible for the longest amount of time. First of all, a regular sweep will work wonders. Build one into your routine. If you do a daily clean down or tidy of the room with the wood floor just to keep things nice and neat, running around with a broom is not a massive addition to your cleaning routine. When it comes to something a little more, all you need is a good microfibre mop. These are brilliant as you can really wring them out to ensure that they are merely damp as opposed to wet. You should not want to use anything too wet to avoid the warping problem mentioned above. A damp microfibre mop and a suitable cleaner which can be used on wood flooring are all you need to ensure that the wood is left sparkling clean. Read more: Use Floor Polishing For Keeping Your Flooring Looking New A Stylish Rug or Two: If your wood floor is in somewhere with a lot of traffic, for example, a hallway or the kitchen, then you might want to take an extra precaution to protect the floor through the use of a rug. This will protect your floor from some additional wear and tear and can help to prevent those tell-tale marks which slowly appear from lots of feet trailing through the same area. What’s more, it is incredibly easy to find rugs to match whatever style you might have in a room. With a load of different textures and designs to choose from, you can very easily find the perfect rug to match your room and rest knowing that the floor underneath will stay protected that little bit longer. Find the Right Floor for You Today: If you have been holding back on installing a wood floor because you think your household is too busy for it, you need to correct that mistake now. There are plenty of options for you even if you have a house bursting at the seams with loved ones! With the tips mentioned above, there is no reason why you cannot have a beautiful wood floor in your home even if you have visitors at all hours of the day and night. 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Updating the Driveway on Summer Time: What You Need To Know

Does your driveway look worn out? Or is it starting to fade and crack? If that’s the case, you should note that your driveway can affect the curb appeal of your property. Sadly, most people hold on to repairing their driveways until they start noticing major issues like water drainage problems and potholes. However, this should be the case. You should always schedule periodical driveway upgrades—especially during the summertime. Generally, summertime is the perfect period to update your driveway and address some of these issues. With that said, let’s look at some of the things to keep in mind when upgrading your driveway. Paving material The first thing you need to consider is the paving material. While concrete comes in various options, it can be quite difficult for you to find a pre-fab material that perfectly matches your budget. Here are some of the most common materials used when upgrading driveways: Asphalt pavement - This paving material tends to be less expensive than other types. However, asphalt can fill up with water rather easily, leading to drainage problems down the road. On the upside, asphalt pavements come in various textures and designs, allowing you to choose a layout that best fits your property. Pea gravel - Though this option is slightly more expensive than asphalt pavements, it’s far more durable. However, it also tends to be less aesthetically appealing. Concrete pavement - This paving material is typically the most expensive and durable choice for your driveway—especially since you can customize the layout and design as you like. On top of that, concrete comes in a wide range of textures and colors—so it’s easier to find something that perfectly matches your property. Drainage solutions If there are no major drainage issues on your property, then you’re all set to begin work on updating your driveway. However, before you start this process, it’s important that you first mark where each water outlet is located—such as drains and downspouts. This step isn’t 100% necessary; however, it makes sense because it can help prevent any work from happening near these areas—which could ultimately cause damage to both outlets and the new surface of your driveway. Also, note that if there’s stagnant water anywhere on your property after setting up temporary markers, then this means that there are some drainage issues on your property. Lastly, if you’re experiencing major issues with water drainage on the property—such as pooling or puddles—after completing updating your driveway, then it may be time to get in contact with a professional who will help encourage the proper flow of water throughout your property. Even though there are ways to fix these drainage problems on your own, it is best to leave these issues up to a professional. This is because they usually have more advanced tools at their disposal—which can make solving these types of problems much easier for them from the very beginning. Sealer Once you have marked the location of all necessary outlets, it’s time for you to mark off where new layers will be placed—which includes marking off where any new edges need to be placed around your driveway. Also, you should use spray paint or chalk to draw out how much space is required between each layer—this step helps ensure that you don’t accidentally apply any materials on top of one another during this part of the process. Then after applying the sealer, it needs at least 24 hours to dry up before applying any additional layers of paint. Add layers As mentioned before, you should create some space between each layer as you apply them on top of your existing driveway. If anything overlaps, then this could cause issues with both texture and color—and may even lead to added expense if extra materials need to be purchased for re-applying the materials properly onto the surface of your driveway. This is the main reason why you must use a large enough tarp to ensure that all materials are applied at a safe distance from one another. Once everything is dry or completely hardened, it’s time to add additional material around the edges of your property—this step helps ensure that water doesn’t run off the sides of your driveway when it rains. To make this part of the process easier, you should use a garden hose to help draw out where the edges will be placed to learn how much materials are needed. Then once that’s finished, it needs at least 24 hours (ideally longer) for everything to completely dry up before applying any sealer. There’s one more thing you need to know about updating your driveway. If there was ever a time when you experienced foundation damage on your property from natural elements—such as water, weeds, or vegetation—then get rid of all grass and weeds near the affected area before adding any new surface layers on top of paint on its own. The reason being is that these things will probably grow out of control on top of your driveway, which can lead to additional maintenance problems. Bottom Line According to the Florida asphalt paving experts from ABC Paving, upgrading your driveway around summertime doesn’t always need to cost a lot of money. Sometimes, it can be as simple as making sure you use the proper materials for protecting your existing driveway before adding new layers on top. Suppose there are any issues with drainage or standing water after doing so. In that case, getting in contact with a professional is usually the best solution—and this also applies regardless of whether you live in an urban area or rural location because everyone will benefit anyway. Read Also: Asphalt Pavement Maintenance Tips Floor Cutting Using Diamond Saw: What You Need To Know All You Need To Know About Concrete Repair Solutions And Services

Roofing Service

What Are The Services Offered By Roofing Companies?

Homeowners and businesses trust the best roofing companies to offer them local roofing services. The services such companies offer include installations, repairs, and replacements of roofing systems. They offer high-quality and cost-effective services. Leading commercial roofing contractors provide unmatched services in the local roofing industry. They ensure roofs are in top shape to protect the value of businesses and homes. Exceptional roofers stand out from their competitors regarding technology in use and craftsmen hired to get the job done. The two major services that are offered by infinityenergy.com are the following: Residential And Commercial Roofing  1. Residential Roofing: A roof is an important security aspect of any home. Roofers use innovative solutions to solve common problems their customers often encounter. Services offered to residential clients include installing, repairing, and replacing roofing systems. Roofs are the crown of homes and thus can’t be entrusted to just any roofing company. Professional roofers are specialized in using various types of roofing materials. They help protect residential homes from environmental elements and improve their efficiency. Windows make the exterior of homes beautiful and increase energy efficiency around them to save on energy costs. Doors make stunning entryways to complement homes perfectly. In addition to working on roofing systems, roofers can also offer quick repair of doors and windows of residential homes. 2. Commercial Roofing: Professional roofers also offer commercial roofing services to local businesses. They can handle roofing systems of all sizes because they’re experienced in the same. Therefore, they’re able to offer cost-effective services to clients. The purpose of the best roofing companies in Cincinnati OH is to help save money long-term. They have correct roofing materials in place to ensure commercial roofs are installed to last many years. The services can also help businesses increase energy efficiency. High-quality work offered drives business growth. Properly installed commercial roofs improve the exterior appearance of such structures, making them look beautiful. How Roofing Companies Help Build Homes A roof is a top barrier between the exterior and interior of a structure, protecting it from harsh weather elements in the exterior environment. Even the slightest hole on a roof can expose homeowners to outside elements. Such damage on the roof exposes homes and businesses to diseases and pests. A real roofing company can ensure roofing systems are weather-proof. An outstanding roofing company offers flexible estimates, top-notch services and has qualified roofing technicians with proper training and working experience to handle roofing jobs. They also use top-grade, weather-resistant materials to roof buildings and focus on providing guaranteed customer satisfaction. Conclusion: A roofing company must have certifications and licenses provided by relevant local authorities. It should be in a position to provide manual and automated estimates. Due to the steps involved in hiring roofing companies and fixing roofing systems, it’s important for the estimates to be free. If working the DIY-way, no prior experience is required except to follow some general Do-It-Yourself steps. Contact us to get a free cost estimate on any of our cost-effective local roofing services. Read  Also: Professional Roofing Services And Different Decorating Styles 5 Myths About Roofing Services To Avoid How Can You Choose An Efficient Waterproofing Contractor?