Common Misconceptions About Medication Assisted Treatment Programs

Misconceptions About Medication Assisted Treatment Programs

If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse, you may have heard about medication assisted treatment programs as a potential tool for recovery. However, many misconceptions and myths surrounding these programs can prevent people from seeking the help they need.

Moreover, this blog post will address some of the most common misconceptions about medication-assisted treatment programs and provide evidence-based information to help set the record straight.

What Are Medication Assisted Treatment Programs?

Medication Assisted Treatment Programs

First, let’s define what we mean by “medication-assisted treatment program.” Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is a holistic addiction treatment. It uses medications, counseling, and behavioral therapies to help people with substance use disorders (SUDs) achieve and maintain recovery.

The medications used in MAT are approved by the FDA. These medications are safe and effective for treating substance use disorders. Some medications commonly used in MAT include methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone.

MAT is a proven, effective medication assisted treatment for addiction. However, many people don’t have access to quality care. Confidant Health is changing that. Confidant provides expert help for medication assisted treatment through our confidential and discreet app.

Now, let’s address some of the common misconceptions about MAT programs. Before searching for medication assisted treatment near me, it will be better to see which are the best nearby locations from your place.

Misconception 1: Medication-Assisted Treatment Programs Are Just Substituting One Addiction For Another

One of the most persistent misconceptions about medication-assisted treatment programs is that they substitute one addiction. The idea is that medications like methadone and buprenorphine replace one drug with another, and people who use them are not “sober.”

FACT: This is a misunderstanding of how medication-assisted treatment programs work. The medications used in medication assisted treatment are carefully prescribed and monitored by trained healthcare professionals. They help manage withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings, which can be powerful triggers for relapse.

Additionally, the medications used in MAT are designed to be long-acting. This means they do not produce the same “high” that people experience when using drugs like heroin or prescription opioids. This makes it less likely that people will misuse the medications or become addicted to them.

Research has consistently shown that medication-assisted treatment programs effectively reduce drug use and improve outcomes for people in recovery. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) notes that MAT “can help sustain recovery.”

Misconception 2: Medication-Assisted Treatment Programs Are Not Effective

Addiction Medicine

Another common misconception about medication-assisted treatment programs is that they are not effective. Some people believe that medications are just a “band-aid” solution that does not address the underlying issues contributing to addiction.

FACT: Studies have shown that medication-assisted treatment programs can significantly improve outcomes for people with opioid use disorders. For example, a 2018 study published in the Journal of Addiction Medicine found that people who received medication assisted treatments were more likely to remain on the treatment and achieve abstinence from opioids than those who did not receive any treatment and medication.

Moreover, opioid use disorder medication is often used with counseling and behavioral therapies, which can help people address the underlying issues that contribute to addiction. Medication-assisted treatment programs can help people achieve and maintain recovery by providing a more holistic approach to treatment.

Misconception 3: Medication-Assisted Treatment Programs Are Just A Way For Drug Companies To Make Money

Another common misconception about medication-assisted treatment programs is that they are just a way for drug companies to make money. Some people believe that the medications used in medication assisted treatment are overpriced and that the programs are being promoted by pharmaceutical companies solely for profit.

FACT: This is not an accurate portrayal of medication-assisted treatment programs like the 15-minute4me test. While it is true that pharmaceutical companies manufacture the medications used in MAT, they are not exclusively used for addiction treatment. Many medications used in MAT also have other medical uses.

Furthermore, the cost of medication-assisted treatment programs can be offset because they are often less expensive than other types of addiction treatment. For example, inpatient rehab programs can be costly, whereas medication-assisted treatment can be provided on an outpatient basis, which can be more affordable.

Misconception 4: Medication-Assisted Treatment Programs Are Just A Way To Get High Legally

Some people believe that medication assisted treatment programs are just a way to get high legally. They may think that the medications used in MAT produce a similar euphoric effect as illegal drugs and that people are just using them to continue their addiction in a more socially acceptable way.

FACT: As we mentioned earlier, the medications used in MAT are designed to be long-acting and do not produce the same “high” as drugs like heroin or prescription opioids. While it’s true that some people may misuse their medications or use them in ways that are not prescribed, this is not the norm.

Additionally, healthcare professionals will closely monitor people participating in medication-assisted treatment programs. They can detect any misuse or diversion of medications. If someone misuses their medications, they may be tapered off or removed from the program.

Dispelling Misconceptions About Medication-Assisted Treatment Programs: Why They Are a Valuable Tool for Substance Abuse Recovery

Medication assisted treatment programs are a valuable option for addressing substance abuse. It can help people achieve and maintain recovery from this debilitating condition. Unfortunately, there are misconceptions and stigmas surrounding these programs. These misbeliefs can prevent individuals from seeking the appropriate help they need.

However, we can help break down these barriers by understanding the facts about MAT programs. We’ll be able to ensure that everyone who needs help for substance abuse can access the right care. Remember, medication-assisted treatment programs are an evidence-based approach to addiction treatment. It is a science-backed treatment option that can help improve outcomes and save many lives.

Medication-assisted treatment programs are valuable for addressing substance abuse. And helping people achieve and maintain recovery. Unfortunately, many misconceptions and myths surrounding these programs can prevent people from seeking the help they need.


By understanding the facts about medication assisted treatment programs, we can help break down these barriers and ensure that everyone who needs help for substance abuse can access the care they need. Remember, medication-assisted treatment programs are an evidence-based approach to addiction treatment that can help improve outcomes and save lives.


Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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PayPal & Kratom

PayPal & Kratom: Things Every Buyer Should Know

Over the last few years, there has been a noticeable increase in the popularity of buying Kratom. This natural herb is derived from the Mitragyna Speciosa plant and has been traditionally used in Southeast Asia for its unique properties. However, despite its growing popularity, many payment processing platforms like PayPal have been hesitant to allow transactions related to this product. Many people search for “is PayPal against kratom” due to this restriction. Some experts speculate that this may be due to regulatory concerns or pressure from government agencies. Regardless of this issue, the demand for this product among users looking for a natural product remains strong. As individuals continue to discover and advocate for the benefits of this plant, it's likely that the trend of buying and using this product will only continue to grow. 4 Things To Know About Paypal & Kratom 1. Consumers Can Charge Paypal For Fraud As more consumers turn to natural products like Kratom, the risk of fraudulent suppliers increases. Thankfully, Paypal offers a way for consumers to protect themselves against these deceitful practices by enabling them to charge a supplier for fraud. With this service, consumers have the peace of mind of knowing they can call out unscrupulous vendors and get their money back. It's a reassuring safety net in an industry that sometimes lacks transparency – and a clear reminder that consumers can hold businesses accountable. 2. Paypal Restrict Kratom Sale On Their Platform According to the new guidelines, vendors cannot use Paypal as a means of payment for their Kratom sales. This news has caused a stir in the community, with some vendors worried about its impact on their business. Some argue that the move by Paypal is unfair and unnecessary, while others believe it is a logical step to ensure the safety and well-being of consumers. Despite the controversy, it is clear that Paypal is taking a stance on sales, and it remains to be seen how this will affect the industry. 3. Sellers Disguise Products Kratom has long been a controversial substance. This product has been banned in several states, and payment platforms like PayPal have rules against buying and selling it. Nevertheless, some vendors have found a way around those rules: they disguise the product by giving it a different name or categorizing it as something else. This way, they can sell this product without drawing attention to what it is. While this might seem like a clever workaround, it's still illegal and puts consumers at risk. Without proper regulation, the quality and safety of these products are unknown, and users have no way of knowing what they're consuming. 4. Restriction Due To Legality PayPal, the popular online payment system, has recently enacted restrictions on the sale of this product due to legal factors. Due to ongoing legal battles and uncertainty surrounding the legality of Kratom, PayPal has decided to limit transactions involving the sale of this product. While this may be disappointing for those who relied on PayPal for purchases, the company needs to adhere to laws and regulations. Can You Buy Kratom Products From Paypal Even After The Restriction? The enthusiasts were left in dismay when PayPal announced its restrictions on selling these products. However, despite this, Kratom products can still be purchased through PayPal. The only caveat is that some sellers may no longer accept PayPal, but some vendors still do. It is essential to note that this product falls under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and there are currently no quality control or dosage regulations. Therefore, consumers should be cautious when purchasing products online and ensure that the seller is reputable. What To Do If You Get Scammed By The Kratom Vendors On The Paypal Platform? There is always the risk of running into unscrupulous vendors who may scam you. Before you hit that 'buy' button, you must do your homework and ensure the vendor you are dealing with is legit. One of the best ways to do this is to check out their reviews and ratings on reputable sites. If, unfortunately, you still get scammed, don't worry; there are a few things that you can do. First, contact PayPal to report the fraud and try to initiate a refund. Keep all your communication with the vendor, including emails, screenshots, and receipts. Lastly, you can always consider reporting the incident to the relevant authorities in your area. Always be vigilant and cautious when buying from unknown vendors, especially natural products like Kratom online. What Are The Options To Pay For Kratom Online? Kratom, a natural product known for its energizing and calming effects, is becoming increasingly popular among people seeking alternative forms of holistic healing. As the demand for this product grows, one might wonder about the options available for purchasing it online. Fortunately, several payment methods exist, including credit cards, debit cards, e-wallets, and cryptocurrencies. Some online vendors offer cash on delivery and direct bank transfers as payment options. Remembering that payment options can vary from one vendor to another is essential, and buyers must research before making any purchases. Additionally, it's crucial to note that this product is still partially or wholly banned in some states, and online buyers should check their local laws before buying Kratom online. Wrapping Up As the use of this product continues to gain popularity, buyers are becoming more wary of their payment methods. One of the preferred payment methods for this product purchase is PayPal. With its user-friendly interface and customer protection policies, it's no wonder why enthusiasts use PayPal for their purchases. However, it's important to note that PayPal prohibits the sale of Kratom on their platform, and some sellers may not be completely transparent about the payment method used. As with any online purchase, it's crucial to research and ensure your payment method is secure and trustworthy. Despite its potential risks, it's evident that many Kratom buyers still choose to use PayPal for their convenience and security. Read Also :  13 Best Herbs That Boost Your Metabolism 10 Best Protein Shake Recipes For Weight Loss

Psychedelic Therapy

Psychedelic Therapy for Mental Health Conditions

Psychedelic therapy refers to using hallucinogenic plants and their compounds as a treatment for mental health problems. These include anxiety, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and depression. The Treatment Compounds doctors use most frequently for this kind of treatment include lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), psilocybin or magic mushrooms, and mescaline or peyote. Proper research into psychedelic treatment for mental health issues is relatively new. However, studies suggest that psychedelics have the potential to help people suffering from mental health illnesses. The Problem Researchers have yet to get a clear grasp on exactly why or how these psychedelics work. Some say that they give the brain a reset through alterations of neurotransmitter levels to induce new life perspectives. It is arguably why most users claim the substance provides a new way of thinking and mystical experiences. Some investigations claim psychedelics make users more open to suggestions, making them open-minded to ideas discussed during therapy. The question that remains is how treatments like using magic mushrooms for microdosing can improve one’s mental health. The Studies Many researchers are looking into different psychedelic treatments for mental health problems. Here are significant studies on the two most common mental health problems today--anxiety and depression. Anxiety A review conducted in 2020 reported on 24 previous studies concerning treating anxiety symptoms using psychedelic drugs. It claimed that 65% of the studies revealed reduced anxiety levels with psychedelic drugs. However, these studies were minuscule and had some flaws in methodology. In 2021, a study asked 164 people with psychedelic experiences to elaborate on their mental health symptoms. These individuals reported decreased anxiety, stress, and depression levels after the psychedelic experience. Further analysis showed that the participants were more compassionate and less susceptible to ruminating. It was, however, difficult for the study to reveal any conclusive evidence linking mental health improvements to psychedelic drugs. That is mainly due to the self-reporting nature of the study. Instead, the study suggests a system that psychedelic drugs can improve mental health by appealing to more positive emotional responses. In this case, it resulted in feelings of greater compassion and a decrease in obsessions over negative thoughts. Depression In 2017, an investigation looked into individuals with depression who were resistant to treatment. Researchers provided twenty individuals mainly suffering from severe depression with two psilocybin doses seven days apart with six-month follow-ups. Their findings were a significant decrease in symptoms for the first month and five days after treatment. Nine participants were responsive to treatment, and four went into remission from their depression after five weeks. One important note is the likelihood of improving their depression symptoms hinged on the quality of their psychedelic experiences. Psychedelics can incite powerful and almost instant psychological changes in an individual. Some studies imply the persistence of these changes for the long term, which offers much hope for the mentally unstable. Unfortunately, psychedelic therapy is still in the experimental stage and is unlikely to be available at your doctor’s office. However, as the research on the subject increases, so does mainstream acceptance. Only time will tell if psychedelic drugs will be the future of mental health. Additionals: 5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental HealthHow Does Children’s Health Impact Parental Lifestyle?Four Easy Ways To Take Back Control Of Your Health This SummerWhen Will Social Media Addiction Be Considered a Mental Health Condition?

Astral Projection

Astral Projection: Is It Real?

Humans have practised astral projection for thousands of years. However, few people truly understand what it is, how it works, and how it can be harnessed and utilized to improve our lives. In this article, we take a deep dive into astral projection and discuss its history, how it works, and how you can achieve it. However, first, we need to answer a question that scientists have been studying for centuries. Is astral projection real? Find out below. Astral Projection: What Is It? Astral projection is the process of deliberately inducing an out-of-body experience. Practitioners can separate their physical bodies and their spiritual bodies, allowing the spiritual side to explore the world freely while leaving the physical vessel safely behind. In doing so, the spirit can enter other beings, explore different places, or simply look back at the physical body and observe. Astral projection can be a powerful and moving experience; it’s a method of seeing the world from a new perspective and can lead to profound and life-changing epiphanies. Is it Real? Astral projection might sound like magic, which leads many people to assume that it’s not real and is the stuff of fairy tales. Scientists have long worked to confirm or deny the existence of astral projection, but thus far have failed to reach any concrete conclusions. There’s no denying that out-of-body experiences are a real thing. They’ve been reported throughout much of human history, even among people who wouldn’t necessarily believe in something like astral projection. While some out-of-body experiences can be caused by trauma or medical conditions, astral projection is the act of inducing these experiences and retaining full control of the situation. Astral Projection Throughout History The idea of astral projection has been present throughout thousands of years of human history, since as far back as ancient Egypt. It’s not confined to one region or group of people either, instead, the practice spans civilisations and cultures across the world. Originally, astral projection was practised by holy figures, mystics, and shamans, who were believed to hold the power required to project their spiritual beings. Today, everyone and anyone can get involved in astral projection, and we’re seeing a significant increase in the number of people exploring and experimenting with the phenomenon. How To Astral Project If you want to master astral projection, you must first learn how to reach a state of total mental peace and calm. The best way to do this is through meditation, or through a practice like yoga. Once you are able to completely clear your mind and enter a zen state, you can focus on separating your spirit body from your physical body. This uncoupling is how astral projection begins and is the key to unlocking its power and potential. However, this takes practice. Don’t expect to be able to do it right away. You need to dedicate yourself and truly focus if you want to see results. Conclusion Astral projection is certainly real, but the way in which it works is still not fully understood. Read Also: 1. Easy Ways To Live A Healthier Lifestyle. 10 Tips On How To Ditch The Stress And Start Living A Peaceful Life.