4 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Shipping Your Car

Published on: 27 January 2022 Last Updated on: 05 February 2025
Shipping Your Car

Shipping a car can feel like an overwhelming process, especially if you have never had to use this kind of service before.

Shipping your car can be a great way to move your car to your new home a few states away, or you might want to have a car that you have purchased brought to you so that you do not have to drive it from the dealership to your home.

Shipping doesn’t have to be hard if you know more about the kinds of mistakes that often cause issues for those shipping cars. When you know what not to do when looking at shipping your car, you can easily have a good experience with the shipping process.

Having someone else bring your car to you can be a big help when you are moving or when you do not want to have to take the time to go get the new car that you have purchased.

If you are ready to learn more about the common mistakes that people make when shipping their cars, you need to read on!

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Shipping Your Car

1. Prepare Your Car

When the shipping company shows up to load your car onto the trailer, it needs to be ready to be picked up. It is a good idea to have cleaned your car and to have removed anything that is in the backseat or the trunk that could roll around and cause damage to the car or itself.

You will also want to be sure that you have all the documentation that you need to prepare on your end ready for the shipping company.

You might need to provide a valid photo ID for the pickup to be completed and the company will likely ask to see proof that you have the title to the car or the registration for the car.

Make sure that you are ready to allow them to inspect the car as well since they need to note the condition of the vehicle on the bill of lading that will be given to you when the car is delivered.

2. Do Your Research

Shipping Your Car

Many people just pick the lowest quote that is offered to them by a shipping company or they pick the first shipping company that comes up in a search. This can work out all right in the end but you will serve yourself better by taking the time to look at your options more closely.

It is possible to get involved in shipping scams when you go for the cheapest quote and you should also make sure that you are aware of the various shipping options and processes that the company might be offering.

Looking into online reviews and asking for quotes from a few different companies are good ways to be sure that you are working with the right shipping company for your needs.

You should also make sure to ask to see insurance documentation and proof of registry with your state for interstate travel from any company that you are thinking of working with. Taking this step will protect you from scams and help you be sure that the company you are working with is the right one for the job.

3. Not Getting the Bill of Lading

When your car is dropped off at your new address or a shipping terminal location, you will need to ask for the bill of lading to be given to you. You should be required to sign this document stating that the car was delivered in good condition and that it arrived when it was expected.

The bill of lading is your proof that the car was delivered and you can choose not to sign it if you believe that the car was damaged during the trip or if it was not delivered as expected.

When you sign the bill of lading, you are approving the delivery and you will not be able to go back and argue that you were not given the service that you paid for.

Having the bill of lading in your hand, signed or not, is key to being able to take action if you have experienced issues with the shipping job that was done on your behalf.

4. Leaving Personal Items in Your Car

When you leave things that could be stolen or damaged in your car during the shipping process, the company is not liable or responsible for their loss, damage, or theft.

You will want to be sure that you remove anything that could go missing or be damaged from your car before it is put on the car trailer. This can be cameras, dash décor, and more.

Make sure that you sweep your car at least once for things that you do not want to be visible in the car during the trip or loose and rolling around.

This is a key area where many people make mistakes and there will not be any recourse open to you for the replacement of these items under the shipping contract you have signed.

Shipping a Car Can be Easy!

Shipping Your Car

If you have been worried that you will not be able to find the right shipping company for your needs or that you will have a bad experience with the company that you hire, you just need to use these tips and tricks to prevent issues.

You will find that doing your research and making sure that your car is ready for pickup can make a big difference in the kind of experience that you have with a shipping company.

While it can be nerve-wracking to hand your car over to someone that you do not know to be driven across the country, you will be so glad that you did not put that many miles on your vehicle just to relocate it and that you did not have to drive for that many hours yourself.

There are many reasons that car shipping is a great option and you should not be intimidated by the newness of the experience when it is a good choice for your needs.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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Car Rims

What Do You Need To Change Car Rims?

If you’re a regular car user, changing your car rims is something that you might only do if they either get scratched by a pavement, or they get completely worn out.  For car enthusiasts though, this is a completely different story. Car lovers are known to tweak certain things about their cars just to make things look, sound or even feel better. Most of them do it as a hobby and are even prepared to spend top dollar in their quest to alter or improve the condition of their cars. If you think that this is a hobby that you could easily take to, then one of the parts of your car that could be easier, to begin with, is your car rims. For those that are completely clueless about cars, a rim is the cylindrical outer edge of a wheel that supports and holds the tire to it. They are definitely among the most noticeable parts of a car. For any true car enthusiast, having a set of rims that complement the car’s aesthetic appeal is very important. You might choose to have them off-the-shelf or get customized diamond-cut alloys. In fact, you can opt to design and personalize your own from scratch thanks to modern-day technology. Wheels vary in size and style, and this can adversely affect the type of car rims. Bigger wheels are considered sportier and are ranked higher, but they also come with their fair share of cons. Be ready to experience a change in fuel consumption, steering performance, speedometer reading, and quick tire wear if this is what you’d like to go for. A good rim is one that fits well in the tire. As it rotates around the tire nods, the contact that occurs produces friction that helps the wheel turn. You don’t want to have a set that interferes with your wheel turns, so it is advisable to seek help from a rim professional before purchasing any set. This will ensure that you get the most worthy set for your car. When it comes to types of rims, the steel rims are more affordable and are usually covered by a hubcap to make them more appealing. They are also heavier than other rim materials. The aluminum rims are stylish and durable, while the carbon-fibered ones are newer, durable and light-weighted. This helps a lot in the conservation of fuel. Simple steps to guide you when replacing your car rims: Installing new rims isn’t hard, but it requires careful execution and the right set of tools to make sure it’s done correctly. Be sure to follow these simple steps to guide you when replacing your car rims at home. 1. Select and buy New Rims The whole rim replacement process begins by purchasing a new set. You can do this by visiting various local auto parts dealers in your area. You can also opt to check online from a well-known shop that offers stylish yet durable rims. You’ll also have to give a bit of thought into the color. Red rims tend to provide a more personalized look while chrome rims give your car a nice and noticeable shine. Black rims tend to be more popular within the younger generation as it gives the vehicle a darker curbside appeal. Don’t forget to check the weight of the rim as this affects your vehicle’s overall performance. Also, be sure to match your new rims to your current tires. The diameters of the new and old set should be equal. You’ll also need to check whether the bolt patterns and bore circle diameter are similar in order to perfectly fit. Collision might occur if the rims aren’t fitting. 2. Make sure the Vehicle is Stable. Ensure you have a flat and level spot to park. For automatic cars, be sure that the car is in the park and the emergency brake is secured. We don’t want the car to accidentally roll forward or backward. Instances where the vehicle rolls are very common. This is especially when you end up rushing the process without paying much attention. This often happens to people who are removing a wheel for the very first time. You can use a piece of wood, a rock, brick or any other firm item that is a few inches high to support the wheel. 3. Lift the car and Remove the Wheel You’ll need to start off by removing the hubcap using a screwdriver. Similar to changing a tire, look for notches or grooves under the car where you can safely place the car jack. Take the car jack and use it to slowly raise the wheel until a bit of the weight has been taken off the wheel. Slightly raising prevents the whole wheel from turning as you loosen up the nuts. Apply force while removing the lug nuts as they’re usually tightened up pretty good. Before you loosen the nuts all the way, pump the jack and completely lift the wheel off the ground, but do not overly suspend it in the air. Then, use a socket wrench to turn the nuts counterclockwise. Make sure not to lose the bolts as they will be used with the new rims. Remove the wheel and lay it flat on the ground. 4. Remove the Old Rim Let the air out of the tire because it’s harder to remove the rim with all of it still in there as it will require more effort and take more time. Insert a tire lever on various points of the wheel; be careful not to damage the tube. Once done, go ahead and pry the old rim off the tire. You can also apply oil around the edges of the rim to make it easier for it to pop out. Make sure to do it evenly so as to prevent the rim from bending. Cheaper rims tend to bend easily and this makes them unable to be re-used once damaged. 5. Attach the New Rim Be sure to remove any dust from the side tubes and tires by using a wire brush. This will provide a clean and even mounting surface. After attaching the new rim, re-inflate the tire by using an air compressor. Carefully place the tire back on the hub and align the rim with the car’s wheel bolts. You can use your hands to screw in the nuts before you pick up the torque wrench. It is important to note that each vehicle has different torque specifications that are set by the manufacturer. So before you purchase one, make sure you look for one that is compatible with your car. They are a bit pricey and if you want a quality wrench you might have to spend close to $100. The car jack is used to apply a specific force to a bolt and prevent over-tightening. They make sure the wheel nuts are neither too tight nor too loose. These torque wrenches come in four styles; dual beam, bending beam, digital beam, and the click style. For the clicker, you’ll hear a click sound from the wrench once the required torque is attained. After you’re done be sure to reset the wrench to zero. This will help keep it calibrated for longer, but in case you happen to damage it, you can get it repaired by taking it to your nearest auto dealer shop. 6. Carefully Lower the Car to the Ground After you’re sure that everything is well in place, slowly lower the car to the ground until the tires have taken back the vehicle’s weight.  Afterward, proceed to gently remove the jack. Once done, attach the hubcap and repeat these steps on the rest of the wheels. When all the rims have been replaced, you’ll need to check the alignment of each wheel. You can do this through a test drive to be sure that the rims won’t pop off. Try and keep a low speed as you do so. In case the vehicle isn’t stable, you can go to your nearest shop and have a professional fix the issue. For all automobiles, the right set of rims is important.  This is because they contribute towards whether your ride will be smooth or rough. Comfort and durability come first for many drivers.  As you might have seen from the outlined steps, replacing an old rim isn’t necessarily difficult. Yes, it might take time, but the final result will be worth it. Be careful not to damage the rims or puncture your tires during the whole process as this will end up costing you, instead of saving your coins. If you still feel like you can’t manage the rim change on your own, remember, asking for help is always an option. Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance from people who are more familiar with such situations. It’s better to have it done well and ensure the durability of the car rims. Cars can say a lot about their owners. What does your car say about you? Read Also :  Useful Tips About Mobile Car Detailing To Avoid Any Costly Maintenance And Repair Issues Washing Your Car: 7 Dos And Don’ts

car shakes at idle but smooths out while driving

Car Shakes At Idle But Smooths Out While Driving – How To Fix This Problem?

You might have noticed some irregularities with your car, like how it’s vibrating more than usual, even while idle. This can happen due to many reasons. Therefore, people should know the reasons behind why their car shakes at idle but smooths out while driving. If you are looking for the answer to this question, then you have clicked on the correct link. In this post, you will learn why the above effect happens and what needs to be done to solve it. Why Does Car Shakes At Idle But Smooths Out While Driving And How To Fix This Issue? If you wish to know why your car shaking while idle, then there can be various reasons for this issue. Therefore, here are some of the most common reasons why your car shakes when idle: 1. The Motor Mounts Are Weak Image Source: foxrunauto.com As you already know, your engine is stored in the car's engine compartment. This is done with the help of motor mounts that are attached to the engine to keep it in place. When these mounts become weak, they might fall off one by one. This can create a situation where your car vibrates when idle. You can notice this the most when your car is in neutral. If it does so, then you better go to a mechanic to get it checked and fixed immediately. 2. Damaged Spark Plugs Image Source: cfx-wp-images.imgix.net Spark plugs are connected to your engine and are responsible for igniting the fuel that goes in it. However, after lots of use, these spark plugs can become greasy due to the accumulation of residue from burnt oil. This can cause the engine to misfire. Therefore, it's best to keep in mind that your spark plugs are best replaced after every 20,000 to 30,000 miles. However, if you have a car that has a diesel engine, then there’s no need to worry about this since diesel engines don't have spark plugs. 3. The Camshaft Timing Chain Is Loose Image Source: carparts.com Many cars have a camshaft timing chain, which helps all the camshafts stay attached to your engine valves and pistons. This can create a problem for you if the timing chain for your camshaft has a loose chain tensioner. If you don't get all the hoses of your engine inspected by a mechanic, then your complaint about your car shaking when idle will never cease. This is because it can cause an engine vacuum leak, increasing the pressure inside its cylinders and vibrating your car.  4. Battery Cables Are Loose Image Source: autochimps.com Another common reason why your car shakes at idle but smooths out while driving is because of loose battery cables. If you see your car wont start after getting gas, then this might be one of the reasons why. This can happen if you recently changed your car battery. It can happen if the battery is not correctly connected to the battery cables. After driving around town, there is a chance that your battery cables might become loose, which leads to vibrating cars. 5. The Sensors Are Dirty Or Worn Out Image Source: protectmycar.com Two primary sensors in your car that are essential for starting it up are - the throttle position and oxygen sensors. Since they are located so close to the engine, they get greased up over time, making them malfunction. Adjusting the throttle cable a bit too tightly might cause the car to turn even while idle. Also, it makes things rough while driving as your car might speed up irrationally at times. In the same vein, a dysfunctional oxygen sensor can lead to exhaust malfunctions. This can also be another reason why your car shakes while idle. 6. Faulty Ignition Control Module Image Source: pixfeeds.com Your car’s idleness can be disturbed if there are faults in the ignition control module. Here, your engine might not start since the control module wrongly sends a signal that makes your engine misfire the compression from your cylinders. You can quickly diagnose this problem if you see your car vibrating on idle, even when you are not pressing the accelerator while in gear. 7. The Gas Cap Is Loose Image Source: carparts.com One of the most common causes of your car shaking on idle is a loose gas cap. If the gas cap is loose, then air can leak inside, pressuring and vacuuming the engine even more. This increase in pressure can cause your engine to shake, even while the car is idle. Therefore, try checking your fuel cap. Open it yourself and then put it back. If you see the cap is loose, then you have found the main culprit. 8. Malfunctions In The Fuel Intake System Image Source: themotorguy.com If you see your car shaking when idle, then there is a high chance that the problem probably lies in your fuel intake system. The more you drive your vehicle, the more wear and tear your fuel intake system suffers, leading to blockages and malfunctions. Obstructions in your fuel intake valves can lead to less fuel going to your engine, which fails to start the engine properly. This leads to vibrations in your engine, which makes your car shake even while idle. Therefore, ask your mechanic and allow them to implement the use of an OBD2 scanner to find car engine malfunctions. This scanner will quickly pick up any obstructions in the fuel intake system. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Here are the answers to some questions that people ask alongside why is my car shaking when idle: Q1. How Do You Diagnose Engine Vibration? Ans: To diagnose the reason why your engine is vibrating, you can do the following:First, place your car in a neutral state.Slowly start increasing the engine speed to an RPM which makes it vibrate. Q2. What Reduces Engine Vibration? Ans: To reduce the vibration of your engine, you can try making the coupling more flexible than before. Here, changing the spring and the damper will work wonders. Q3. Does Changing Engine Oil Reduce Vibration? Ans: Yes, changing the engine oil can indeed reduce your engine and car vibration. This will be most noticeable if the engine has not been changed for some time. In addition, this is more prominent in two-wheelers than in four-wheelers. Conclusion There are various reasons why your car shakes at idle but smooths out while driving. It can be due to iffy motor mounts, gas caps, damaged spark plugs, and battery cables. In addition, your ignition control system might be faulty as well, alongside worn-out sensors. In case you faced a similar situation, let me know in the comments below what you did! Read Also: How Car Detailing Can Keep Your Vehicle in Top Shape 7 Ways to Find the Best Auto Repair Shop for Your Vehicle How To Choose The Best Wheels And Tires For Your Vehicle


Why You Should Use Quality Wiper Blades

When it comes to almost every product, especially wiper blades, expensive doesn’t always mean better quality. Even though we all like to buy products that our friends or family recommend to us, the best way to find out if a product is what you are looking for, is to try it out yourself. We often forget about wiper blades, even when we clean the car. Only when we end up with dirty windshields, heavy rain or snow blinding our sight that is the time when we wish we changed our wiper blades for better ones. They are a safety feature of the car after all, and we should pay more attention to what kind of product we are buying. Many accidents are the result of poor visibility, caused by low performance of the wiper blades or because we forgot to maintain them and clean them every once in a while. This is the main reason why you should always use quality wiper blades. Read also: Will Self-Driving Cars Replace Human Error? What kind of wiper blades you should be looking for? If you have already tried a lot of products and you are not satisfied with any of them, you must be dealing with wiper blades that lose their performance in a short time. This way you are not only losing your money by changing the product too often, but it can also damage your windshield in the long run. However, the most important - having blades that are not performing well can be very dangerous. Life of Windshield Blades Whatever blades you buy for the windshield of your car, they will all work great at the beginning. Many expensive wiper blades will provide excellent performance, but after only a few months of regular use, there is a possibility that they will degrade, almost fast as cheaper ones. Wiper blades that lose their performance quick enough will first start leaving lines of water behind, then comes the smearing of the water or missed areas of wiping. This is a sign that you are not dealing with a quality product. However, if you leave the blades dirty or you don’t clean them good every once in a while, it will cause the wiper blades to wear out quickly. Also make sure you keep your windshield clean, preventing the blades from having to run over a rough surface and wear out soon enough. When it comes to wiper blades, the goal is to find ones that will perform with quality but for a long period of time. However, it doesn’t mean that you should overuse them. It is recommended to change your wiper blades at least once a year, preferably twice – maybe at the beginning of the winter and then again for the summer. Value worth it If you can’t decide between a few wiper blades, take the one that you think you can rely on. Wiper blades that can perform perfectly in harsh conditions are worth every dollar. Dirt and road grime abrades wipers over time and sunlight because the rubber edges to break down faster. You must remember that if the blades scratch your windshield, your insurance will not cover the damage as it is your fault. Therefore, in the end, you will appreciate having the blades that can resist all the harsh weather, especially if they don’t trust easily and give you a safe driving experience. Read also: How To Shop For A Car With Your Teen Driver Image source: Featured image: dupont.com