Must-Have Accessories For The Modern Businessman


20 June 2019


modern businessman

The tech revolution has brought with it a revolution in business dress codes.  No longer does a tailored suit necessarily signify competence.  In fact, were your tech guru to turn up in a shirt, tie and suit you’d probably feel very anxious that this person wasn’t the real deal.  That said, that’s ok in a Silicon Valley boardroom won’t necessarily go down well in the office of a New York financial advisor.  The old dictum that ‘The more you deal with a client’s money, the more conservatively you should be dressed, ’still carries some weight.  Dress codes are crucial, they are subtle, shifting communicators. Get them right and your client will feel confident in your competence, get them wrong and an impeccable pitch may leave your client with niggling doubts.

Accessories are an important part of your appearance and the impression that you make: they have a practical function but are also objects which signify style and quality and reassure your client that you are successful and have good judgment.  Times change and our times change fast and that’s why a touch of tradition is so reassuring.  So, here’s a mix of old and new which will serve you well.

An understated watch of quality

An understated watch of quality

It’s old fashioned technology, but so is the wheel.  You’ve got the time on your phone and your tablet, but a watch remains the most convenient way to track time and when you are running to a tight schedule it is a crucial accessory.  It is of course far more than a practical tool, it’s a stylish and attractive adornment.  The simpler the better, a slim body and a clean face, uncluttered by knobs and dials.  A diver’s watch is great for divers but not for the boardroom.  A watch can also signify affluence, if you are wearing a Rolex, it is a clear indicator of both taste and affluence.  That doesn’t mean that you need to spend thousands on a wristwatch, there plenty of great stylish watches out there for under $200 such as the Daniel Wellington Classic Cornwall or the Skagen Ancher.

A Quality Pen

A Quality Pen

There will be times when a pen is required and when an important document is being signed how could you possibly use anything other than a quality pen.  A fountain pen is a wonderful thing but it’s for personal use and there’s always the risk of ink where you don’t want it, so a quality ball pen is an obvious choice.  The Montblanc is unquestionably the Rolls Royce of pens but there are plenty of other pens which are pleasing to look at and a pleasure to use.

Understated cuff links and a leather belt

Details matter and although these accessories may only be glimpsed by your client, they speak volumes about your style and good taste.

A Leather Bag

A Leather Bag

The rise of veganism might persuade you that you should opt for some alternative fabric but if you are concerned about the environment then a leather bag, which will last a lifetime, is a better choice than synthetic material, full of toxic chemicals, which will need replacing in a few years.  A leather bag is a thing of beauty and a practical and reliable accessory.  A briefcase is unwieldy and outmoded, much better to go for something which allows you to be hands-free, such as the Messenger bags or Satchels from MAHI, both of which are big enough to take your laptop, electronics accessories and paperwork.  A satchel or messenger bag also works well as a weekend bag or cabin bag, so they are great for those short notice trips.

A Business Card

A Business Card

Remember that scene from ‘American Psycho’ where the Christian Bale character reveals his new super stylish business card? Well despite a world of cyber-everything here’s a traditional business accessory that still has its place.  A stylish small card is more memorable than a note on a phone or an email.  There’s an important moment of human interaction when you hand that card over and the fact that it’s a physical experience makes it more memorable.  Do not produce your card from the depths of some scatty, stuffed billfold but from a slim leather wallet.

A Lint Roller

A Lint Roller

Your presentation was outstanding, but all your client noticed were the fibers on your suit.  A lint roller tucked away in that Messenger bag means that you can give yourself a quick once over and feel confident that you are spick and span.

Dopp Kit

In a global marketplace, travel has become part of a businessman’s working life.  Trips abroad are often short and at short notice, so you need to be ready to travel at any time.  A Dopp kit which you keep packed and ready to go means that you’ve only got one object to remember, instead of arriving at your hotel to discover that you haven’t packed a razor.  A Dopp kit enables you to keep all your toiletries in one place and is a compact and convenient storage accessory.

Electronics Organiser

It’s undignified and unprofessional to be seen to be scrabbling about in your bag for a lead or a charger while everyone waits for your presentation.  Make sure that you know where everything is by storing it in an electronics organizer, that way you won’t leave anything behind, and you’ll know exactly where everything is.

Portable Charger

Portable Charger

Flat batteries have put pay to many a promising presentation.  Can you really be trusted with a client’s account if you can’t manage to charge your laptop?  A portable charger can be used on the go and buys you invaluable peace of mind.

Compact Smart Projector

Problem with the projector? Be the one who’s prepared and pick up instant brownie points by plucking a compact smart projector from your bag.  It’ll interface with your phone or tablet and project straight onto a blank wall.  New tech, which you know how to use, and which solves a problem neatly is a great way to convince clients that they are in safe hands.

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Leadership Skills

5 key Leadership Skills for Entrepreneurs

Making the business grow is the dream of every entrepreneur and they always try the best methods to make their business grow in the right direction. Besides hiring the best and talented team for his business, it is very much important that he should have some skills that can be leadership skills, and today in this blog we will make you aware of all those skills. So, let’s check for the information which is beneficial for you if you are running a business. Must be supportive: Whether you are running a small scale business or the large one you should be supportive of your employees. By doing so, your team can boost their confidence level and this helps them in feeling motivated. You should make your employees learn from their mistakes. You should have a meeting with your employees and make them share their problems along with you for the better of the company and to make the company achieve success. Must have great communication skills: Having great communication is very much important in every field of life. Having great communication skills is helpful in reducing all the barriers between the clients and your business. In this case, when you will have poor communication skills, then there can be a misunderstanding between you and your clients. Additionally, if your position requires you to frequently communicate with the media, that can make things even more difficult. Consider attending executive media training workshops to make sure you're always communicating in the best way possible. Must be learning: For being a successful leader, you should skill on a timely basis. Sometimes, you have to learn from your employees and you should never hesitate from learning from them. You should create a learning environment for your employees so, that they can also enhance their knowledge for the benefit of your company. You should encourage your employees to learn more and more so, that their skills can benefit the company. Must be honest: Honesty is the best that a company owner must have, as this helps them in becoming an exceptional leader and a better entrepreneur. They must be honest, as this can only help them in gaining the trust of their employees. Employees always love to work in those companies where there is trust among the employees and the company owner. You should be honest with your employees and you should share positive as well as negative feedback among your employees. Must share success stories: Sharing the success story or the previous history among the employees of the company can help the employees in boosting their confidence level. In case if the company gets success due to any employee of the company, then you should mention his or her among the other working professionals of the company. So, that they will feel motivated in making the company feel proud. By following all these skills you can make your employees love your company and they always love working for you. So, attain all these skills for making your company better and the best than the others. You can also follow some successful business Leaders like Adam Arviv. Adam Arviv Toronto is an Entrepreneur & Investor from Canada and President at Will-Power Management Inc. Read Also: Ten Tips For Getting Your Business Too High Ranks 7 Startup Essentials Entrepreneurs Should Know About

Customer Service

7 Tips To Improve Personalized Customer Service

Communicating with customers by their first name is a well-known good practice in personalizing interactions. This gives them the sense of being more than just an income-giving entity. However, personalizing the customer service experience is beyond that. Generic automated responses especially if it does not answer the specific question of the customer can be put offing. Moreover, customers can recognize insincere words or sugarcoated phrases. Checkout Seven Prime Steps Help You To Improve Personalized Customer Service: Here are some pointers for a more personal approach to customer service. 1. Gather as much information as available There are several ways to gather information from the customer these days. Social media, surveys, and web tracking are a few examples. Social media is easy as most people post their lifestyle over it. If their profile is public then their information is more accessible information already. Surveys and feedback forms are powerful tools, too. It can be very specific to the product improvement or service enhancement your customer wants. The downside is that the customer may not have the time or willingness to fill out those sheets. Web tracking analytics offer more juice. This is done mostly by your website. Ensure to give them choices on the cookies being collected though. It shows customers that you respect what they want to share or not. 2. Find a good CRM Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is a powerful business tool. There is a wide variety of it available in the market. Acquire the one that best suits your enterprise. CRM helps you streamline your business processes. Additionally, these platforms make it easy to follow a customer’s history that is otherwise scattered across various digital spaces. In turn, you have a better understanding of the customer. 3. Consolidate each team’s interactions CRM enhances collaboration as well. However, there are other contact management apps, such as Shared Contacts for Gmail, that do the job. Moreover, these apps are not as pricey as CRMs.  Contact management apps are avenues that allow your team to collaborate regarding a customer. These programs can be an avenue where anyone in your organization can share their interactions with the customer. The information gathered on personal interactions with the client is vital. It reflects how the customer specifically feels about your product or service. The more data gathered the better insight can be concluded in order to close the sale. 4. Emphasize privacy permissions As mentioned earlier, web tracking analytics should be clear with the customers. Yes, it is important to gather as much data as possible. But, the manner of collecting them matters, too. Be clear to your website visitors as to what type of cookies you use. This gives them a sense of respect for their privacy. In turn, they’ll know that you are not abusing the data you have gathered from them. 5. Reasonable response time Responding immediately may sound spammy. Responding too long can project inattentiveness. Furthermore, you may give the impression that you didn’t receive their queries, hence customers will find another vendor. Responding within an hour or two is reasonable enough. Albeit the reply within 24 hours is fair. If you cannot respond promptly, send a note saying you will respond when you can do so in detail. 6. Reward loyal customers Your best salespeople are your loyal customers. They recommend your goods to people and you don’t have to pay them. They leave positive comments on your social media. Additionally, they may even answer prospective customers’ questions. Hence, it is just fair to compensate for their brand loyalty. You can do so by offering your devoted customers special discounts and freebies. Another way is to give them early access to new products. You may also invite them to events like product launches or sponsored concerts. 7. Take care of your customer service personnel If you are employing people to do customer service, you must make sure they are loyal to the company as well. If your customer service people are not happy with their job, it would reflect in their tone of voice. As mentioned earlier, customers can sense if the words are hollow. Therefore, create a good workplace atmosphere for your employees so that they can project it to your customers. It also helps you have a high employee retention rate, meaning no need for constant training and adjustments to the team dynamics. Takeaway: Providing personalized customer service is achievable through various tools in data gathering and customer relationship management. Enhancing the customer service experience also requires bettering not only external approaches but also internal processes as well. Read Also: Is Consumer Services A Good Career Path?Customer Service Gripes Revealed In New SurveyHow Customer Service Is Impacting Your Business In 2022!

Philanthropy and Entrepreneurs

How Philanthropy and Entrepreneurs Are Changing The World

If you have been following the news and are tuned to social media, you might have come across billionaires pledging sizable fortunes to charity. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and others have pledged to donate more than half their wealth to improving the condition of the less fortunate in society. You will know about how Philanthropy and Entrepreneurs are changing the world in this article. Entrepreneurship is not only about working hard and earning millions, but it is also about feeling good about doing something valuable. Yes, you might get satisfaction from buying supercars and private yachts. However, beyond a point, all those things fail to excite you. In this article, we will look at what entrepreneurs are doing to change their society, one step at a time. We will also discuss some lesser-known entrepreneurs who are silently engaging in meaningful philanthropy. Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy: Relationship The trend of entrepreneurs giving back to society is not a new phenomenon. America’s old billionaires like Rockefeller and Carnegie were famous for donating huge fortunes to uplift the deprived sections of society. Owning and distributing is one of the key tenets of philanthropy. Entrepreneurs know that they have benefitted greatly from the society that has allowed them to succeed. They also realize that giving back to society has a spiritual and otherworldly connotation to existence. You might see some of the top CEOs and Founders talk about meditating early morning and believing in things like ‘Karma’. In simplistic terms, it might be about feeling good about yourself. It can also be about not feeling guilty about enjoying some of the best things that money can buy. Most of the entrepreneurs are not from lineage. They are first-generation success stories. They have seen their parents struggle when it comes to food, health, education, and other middle-class challenges. Their sense of social responsibility to philanthropy stems from their humble background and origin stories. According to Forbes, philanthropy is about solving social problems that can help establish large enterprises. It needs disruptive ideation, innovative insights and a real zeal to engineer change. Entrepreneurs are famous for exhibiting the just-mentioned qualities. Entrepreneurs making a real difference to Philanthropy: While news stories about Philanthropy and Entrepreneurs doing the rounds usually concern themselves with big billionaires, many others are doing just as much. In recent years, entrepreneurs like Matt Redhawk are trying to benefit society in multiple ways. Matt Redhawk dons many hats. He is a writer, entrepreneur, producer, writer, and mentor. He is also a philanthropist who likes staying away from all the publicity. His publication, ‘Drought and Dreams: Stories of Resilience During America’s Darkest Time’ provides fascinating insights about American families and their struggles during periods like depression. However, the best thing about people like Matt Redhawk is the way they are inspiring similar entrepreneurs to follow a similar path. Conclusion Entrepreneurship and philanthropy should be considered as a journey, rather than a destination. Rather than considering it as a goal in itself, people should think of it as a continuous process. With so much strive, struggle and destitution, everyone should definitely do their bit in alleviating the situation in their immediate society. In this article, we looked at the intricate and varied relationships between Philanthropy and Entrepreneurs. We also looked at how entrepreneurs like Matt Redhawk are trying to change the world, one small step at a time. If you know of similar entrepreneurs, pleas mention them in the comments section below, You can also email this article to your entrepreneur friends to inspire them to take up the path of giving. Read Also: 7 Startup Ideas For Young Entrepreneurs Courses For Entrepreneurs Are Worth It – Here’s Why Green Business Opportunities For Eco-Entrepreneurs