Must-Have Accessories For The Modern Businessman


20 June 2019


modern businessman

The tech revolution has brought with it a revolution in business dress codes.  No longer does a tailored suit necessarily signify competence.  In fact, were your tech guru to turn up in a shirt, tie and suit you’d probably feel very anxious that this person wasn’t the real deal.  That said, that’s ok in a Silicon Valley boardroom won’t necessarily go down well in the office of a New York financial advisor.  The old dictum that ‘The more you deal with a client’s money, the more conservatively you should be dressed, ’still carries some weight.  Dress codes are crucial, they are subtle, shifting communicators. Get them right and your client will feel confident in your competence, get them wrong and an impeccable pitch may leave your client with niggling doubts.

Accessories are an important part of your appearance and the impression that you make: they have a practical function but are also objects which signify style and quality and reassure your client that you are successful and have good judgment.  Times change and our times change fast and that’s why a touch of tradition is so reassuring.  So, here’s a mix of old and new which will serve you well.

An understated watch of quality

An understated watch of quality

It’s old fashioned technology, but so is the wheel.  You’ve got the time on your phone and your tablet, but a watch remains the most convenient way to track time and when you are running to a tight schedule it is a crucial accessory.  It is of course far more than a practical tool, it’s a stylish and attractive adornment.  The simpler the better, a slim body and a clean face, uncluttered by knobs and dials.  A diver’s watch is great for divers but not for the boardroom.  A watch can also signify affluence, if you are wearing a Rolex, it is a clear indicator of both taste and affluence.  That doesn’t mean that you need to spend thousands on a wristwatch, there plenty of great stylish watches out there for under $200 such as the Daniel Wellington Classic Cornwall or the Skagen Ancher.

A Quality Pen

A Quality Pen

There will be times when a pen is required and when an important document is being signed how could you possibly use anything other than a quality pen.  A fountain pen is a wonderful thing but it’s for personal use and there’s always the risk of ink where you don’t want it, so a quality ball pen is an obvious choice.  The Montblanc is unquestionably the Rolls Royce of pens but there are plenty of other pens which are pleasing to look at and a pleasure to use.

Understated cuff links and a leather belt

Details matter and although these accessories may only be glimpsed by your client, they speak volumes about your style and good taste.

A Leather Bag

A Leather Bag

The rise of veganism might persuade you that you should opt for some alternative fabric but if you are concerned about the environment then a leather bag, which will last a lifetime, is a better choice than synthetic material, full of toxic chemicals, which will need replacing in a few years.  A leather bag is a thing of beauty and a practical and reliable accessory.  A briefcase is unwieldy and outmoded, much better to go for something which allows you to be hands-free, such as the Messenger bags or Satchels from MAHI, both of which are big enough to take your laptop, electronics accessories and paperwork.  A satchel or messenger bag also works well as a weekend bag or cabin bag, so they are great for those short notice trips.

A Business Card

A Business Card

Remember that scene from ‘American Psycho’ where the Christian Bale character reveals his new super stylish business card? Well despite a world of cyber-everything here’s a traditional business accessory that still has its place.  A stylish small card is more memorable than a note on a phone or an email.  There’s an important moment of human interaction when you hand that card over and the fact that it’s a physical experience makes it more memorable.  Do not produce your card from the depths of some scatty, stuffed billfold but from a slim leather wallet.

A Lint Roller

A Lint Roller

Your presentation was outstanding, but all your client noticed were the fibers on your suit.  A lint roller tucked away in that Messenger bag means that you can give yourself a quick once over and feel confident that you are spick and span.

Dopp Kit

In a global marketplace, travel has become part of a businessman’s working life.  Trips abroad are often short and at short notice, so you need to be ready to travel at any time.  A Dopp kit which you keep packed and ready to go means that you’ve only got one object to remember, instead of arriving at your hotel to discover that you haven’t packed a razor.  A Dopp kit enables you to keep all your toiletries in one place and is a compact and convenient storage accessory.

Electronics Organiser

It’s undignified and unprofessional to be seen to be scrabbling about in your bag for a lead or a charger while everyone waits for your presentation.  Make sure that you know where everything is by storing it in an electronics organizer, that way you won’t leave anything behind, and you’ll know exactly where everything is.

Portable Charger

Portable Charger

Flat batteries have put pay to many a promising presentation.  Can you really be trusted with a client’s account if you can’t manage to charge your laptop?  A portable charger can be used on the go and buys you invaluable peace of mind.

Compact Smart Projector

Problem with the projector? Be the one who’s prepared and pick up instant brownie points by plucking a compact smart projector from your bag.  It’ll interface with your phone or tablet and project straight onto a blank wall.  New tech, which you know how to use, and which solves a problem neatly is a great way to convince clients that they are in safe hands.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Customer Loyalty

Three Essential Techniques To Form Lasting Customer Loyalty

A great product and/or service may be the foundation of a company, but customer loyalty is the key to success. Customers don’t come with a guarantee to stick by you just because they’ve purchased something: loyalty and repeat business must be earned and enticed. The standard adages and techniques apply: put the customer first, reward their continued business, and create a valuable experience beyond your product. How can these things be effectively achieved? Review the following key areas and tailor them to your business. Different Ways To Maintain Customer Loyalty   There are multiple ways you can maintain customer loyalty. You have to understand the ways that can work well for you in the best possible manner. Access customer relationship management tools: In the same realm as enterprise resource management tools, there are digital solutions to assist with practically managing and improving relationships and dealings with customers. These systems provide easy, streamlined access to data and customer information anywhere, with cloud capabilities. Manage sales, customer support, marketing, and more. Collect the right data from customers and learn how to utilize it to your advantage. Employees are empowered with accurate reporting tools to manage and forecast effectively. Marketing programs are automated, and campaigns can be tracked, analyzed, and altered. Customers have tools to help themselves in addition to enhanced customer care and satisfaction applications. Expert consultants can offer professional Sage software help to better customize a CRM solution to fit your organization. Go beyond offering incentivizing rewards: Rewards programs, like earning points to spend, or free products based on milestones, are common because they work. Customers are indeed drawn to return to companies that add extra value to their repeat business. But, because these perks are standard, and many businesses offer them, so too do your competitors. You need to go beyond a rewards program. Encourage people to spend time on your site with entertaining and informative content. This could be blog articles that enhance your product or service with tips for usage, getting the most out of their purchases, how to improve their lives in the same general subject area. Videos are another great way to deliver this information and encourage engagement. Promote a sense of community among your customers. Send newsletters that treat everyone like members of a team with common interests and goals. Create social media channels suited to your brand where people can interact and potentially help and add value to each other’s lives. The plan sponsored events and opportunities in the community. Develop a branded app to for additional functionality and connection. Provide authentic customer care: Open communication channels to offer feedback and ask questions. Let customers know they not only have a forum, but that it is being read, considered, and responded to. Allow other members of the community to aid your efforts through offering their assistance and tips on a digital platform like a message board or social media. Allow your loyal customers to help your company make decisions and steer you in new directions. Provide surveys that go beyond asking ‘How Did We Do?’ by asking for and valuing their opinions on new offerings, designs, and customizations. Allowing for multiple aesthetic and functional options to choose from when buying to better personalize your offerings makes your product or service suit the individual better and sets you apart. If customizations aren’t feasible, instead of better inform customers on how to make the most of their purchase with proper instructions, additional materials, and tips. Read Also: 30 Things Your Customers Do Not Dare To Tell You Why Your Business Should Care About Social Responsibility

Office Organization

5 Office Organization Tips Every New Business Owners Must Know

Office organization is very important particularly if you are a new business owner. It requires conscious effort but it helps you to reach on top of the game. You must remember that staying organized is not a one-size-fits-all thing, what works for one may not work for you. However, one thing is for certain – organization requires consistency. Clean Out: Too much clutter, mess, and dirt in your office will distract you and can add up to your stress every day. Clutter happens because you are too afraid of throwing anything out, thinking that everything is important for your day to day life. Cleaning out your office from any unnecessary and outdated things is your best foot forward when starting out with your business. Of course, there will always be pictures, your favorite vacation memorabilia, and the likes. However, it is not always healthy for the eyes to see stacks and stacks of obsolete documents on your desk. It is outright distracting and while others are fascinated by chaos, a successful business will always be organized and free from office distraction. Search for new decoration and organization ideas which are available via Simply Maid to keep your office in tip-top condition. Only keep the important things on your desk like notepads, calendar organizer, computer, and some pens or pencils then set everything else you don’t need aside or organize them in a box and stash them in your storage room if you don’t feel comfortable throwing them out. Sort out Documents: According to research, an average person wastes at least four hours in a week searching for the document, they need from their filing cabinets or stacks on the table. If you are a new business owner, make sure your filing cabinets do not have any documents that are not relevant to your current operation. Anything that’s more than a year old will no longer currently apply – most especially if the notes are hand-me-down notes from the previous owner of the business. Throw them out if you think these outdated files will not help your current business. Paper receipts aren’t really necessary in the digital era. Throw all paper receipts within the first months of your operation especially when you’ve audited them already. Alternatively, you can also scan these receipts for documentation purposes or take a picture of them on your smartphone. Take Advantage of the Cloud System: A cloud is an online storage system where you can keep your digital files. This means you don’t have to keep hard copies – soft copies nowadays will suffice. For instance, there are free cloud drives which you can use such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box. If you upload your soft copies of important documents on the drive, you are protecting these files from getting lost and at the same time be able to access them anywhere, anytime. Take Care of Legal Issues: It is a must that you have trusted tax advisor, bookkeeper, and even attorney. When you’re a new business owner, taking charge of your own operation is a requisite but you won’t be able to handle this on your own. You need the help of others – advisors or otherwise. Any legal issues that will arise in the future can become your worst nightmare if you did not tie these loose ends ahead of time. Finally, give yourself a lot of space where you can think with utmost clarity with your mind. It is only then that you are truly organized that will pave your way to success. Read Also: 5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Lawyer Necessary Spaces To Include In Building Your Office 9 Cool Things Every Marketer Should Have In Their Office Staying Safe In The Office: 8 Workplace Safety Tips Everyone Should Know Resolutions To Help The Small Business Owners To Avoid Being Bankrupt

Sales Training

Top 9 Reasons Your Sales Training Isn’t Working  

Every year, companies spend millions of dollars on training their sales team. Unfortunately, not all sales training programs are successful, and not all of them bring the desired results and real value to businesses. If you have invested money in sales training, and it is not working, there might be numerous reasons. Let's have a look at the top 9 reasons your sales training is failing, from the experts at Sales Plug Training: In-Short: The problem is misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at allThere is too much information in the trainingThe training program is not engagingThere is not enough practiceThe training is not customized to your businessYour salespeople are not drivenYou do not have a follow-up planYou are not holding your employees accountable for the results of the trainingYour expectations are unrealistic 1. The problem is misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all Often, organizations make the same mistake: they conduct a sales training program without a clear definition of the problem that the training is supposed to solve. Therefore, in order to make the training successful, you need to identify the existing issues first and the outcomes you want to achieve with the help of the training. 2. There is too much information in the training If the purpose of your training is to teach your sales team as many sales techniques as possible, it can be a huge mistake. Due to information overload, your salesforce may quickly forget what they have learned shortly after the training. Therefore, it might be a better and more effective idea to pick just one sales technique and center the entire training session on teaching and improving it. 3. The training program is not engaging One of the main purposes of sales training is to motivate people. For this reason, it should be interesting and engaging. Therefore, it is better to avoid standard lectures and presentations and use interactive teaching methods focused on developing the communication, leadership, and interpersonal skills of your sales team. 4. There is not enough practice You can convert knowledge into correct actions only when the knowledge is practiced repeatedly. For example, professional athletes dedicate more time to practicing rather than playing. For this reason, a good sales training program requires time, practice, and a coach. If you miss any of that, your sales training might fail. 5. The training is not customized to your business One of the most common disadvantages of many sales training programs is that they use a one-size-fits-all approach. However, unless the program is customized to the specific and individual needs of your business, it is not going to be successful and will not bring you the results you need. Therefore, when choosing sales training for your company and your employees, you should make sure that its case studies, terminology, and skill application resonate with the mission and philosophy of your business. 6. Your salespeople are not driven If you have invested money in great sales training, and your salespeople are not showing any good results, they may not be driven. If they are not, that means that they are not high-performing professionals and do not have the potential to achieve top sales results. The only thing you can do in this situation is to improve your hiring practices so that you can hire the right people next time. 7. You do not have a follow-up plan Your salespeople need to know what they are expected to achieve as a result of the training. You should provide them with a plan of action, so they remain more motivated to continue learning and more focused on achieving positive results. Also, you should always make sure that you are checking in with your team constantly while they are in training in order to find out if anyone is struggling or needs additional training. 8. You are not holding your employees accountable for the results of the training If the best and most effective training will not bring any results, the participants of the training are not held accountable for their actions after the training is over. You should let your salespeople know that you want to compare their results before and after the training. It is also important to understand that you also need to be accountable for making sure that the methods used in the training are helpful for your employees. 9. Your expectations are unrealistic If you think that your sales training is failing, analyze your expectations. Are they even realistic? You cannot expect your salespeople to start immediately changing their behavior. For most people, it takes practice, falling, reinforcement, and time to learn new skills and use them in practice. Maybe you just need to give your salespeople a little bit more time. Additional Resource: 13 Things To Consider When Choosing Fonts For Sales PostsHistory and How to Increase Sales in Your Confectionery ShopTop User Tips For Getting Started With SalesforceAvoiding Sales And Operations Planning Mistakes