5 Myths About Horse Racing That You Must Know

Published on: 22 February 2020 Last Updated on: 26 February 2020
Horse Racing

Horse racing is one of the most popular sports around the world and has a huge following from England to Dubai and everywhere in between. But, there are a lot of assumptions made about the sport, so let’s set them straight. Here are the biggest myths people believe about the sport of horse racing.

5 Myths About Horse Racing:

1. Any Old Horse Can Win or Run in a Race

Old Horse

Thoroughbred horse racing is just that, exclusive to thoroughbred horses. These horses have a lineage traced back to one of three stallions and only then are eligible to compete. Not only are races limited to thoroughbreds, but the training required to turn a horse into a winner is second to none, being broken in at around 18-months-old, making these horses the only ones capable of running 1 ¼ mile in two minutes. So, next time you’re placing free bets at the races, you can be assured that it’s in their blood to race.

2. Whipping Hurts Horses

Whips are no longer used in the sport. A soft paddle called a ‘persuader’ is used to lengthen a horse’s stride and has been proven not to cause harm or pain to the animals.

People have used a persuader on a person to prove they are inflicting pain, but the skin of a 1,000 pounds racehorse can withstand more than the average human. The role of the paddle is to remind the horse to stay focused during the long track and not to lose focus throughout the race.

3. Horses Have no Value Once Retired

It is a common misconception that racehorses are sent to the abattoir (slaughterhouse) once they have seen their racing career through. But, again, this is not the case. Retired racehorses are very valuable and are often rehomed for breeding, for pleasure or equestrian use, as they are very athletic and can be trained to be riding horses and opposed to competitors.

4. Horses Do Not Enjoy Racing

Thoroughbreds are raised to race, it is in their blood to compete.

Horses that race weighs an average of 1,000 pounds, I’m sure you can imagine how impossible it would be for a jockey of around 55kg to force an animal of this size to run while on it back. It is not unheard of for a horse to decide they aren’t in the mood during a race; one horse, in particular, decided he didn’t want to jump while competing and planted his feet firmly on the track, refusing to continue; there wasn’t much the jockey could do about it.

Horses cannot be made to run in races due to their dominance of power against their jockeys and so when they do run it is through choice and enjoyment; they are doing what they know.

5. Horses are Mistreated

On average, horse races are sold for around $65,000. Not only are they an investment but they are how some people make a living and choose to spend their time (training, owning, breeding). Simply on that alone, it is hard to believe that they would be poorly cared for.

It is not uncommon for owners to fork out a fortune to transport and provide the best for their horses, often being referred to as living like kings due to their exercise and treatment is unparalleled to any other owned animal.

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Performance Horse Feed: Unleash The Potential Of Your Equine Athlete

Are you looking to maximize the performance and potential of your equine athlete? Look no further than performance horse feed. Proper nutrition is the foundation for any successful athlete, and horses are no exception. Understanding the nutritional needs of your horse is key to unlocking its full potential. Choosing the right performance horse feed is crucial. It should not only provide the necessary energy, but also support endurance, muscle development, joint health, and overall well-being. By fueling your horse with the right nutrients, you can enhance their stamina, promote muscle recovery, and ensure their joints stay strong and healthy. Performance horse feed is designed to meet the specific needs of athletic horses, providing them with the optimal balance of proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. This specialized feed is formulated to support their high-energy demands and help them perform at their best. With the right performance horse feed, you can unleash the full potential of your equine athlete and take their performance to the next level. Understanding Equine Nutritional Needs You won't believe how understanding your equine athlete's nutritional needs can unlock their full potential. Equine digestion is a complex process that involves the breakdown of food and the absorption of nutrients. Horses have a unique digestive system that is designed to efficiently extract nutrients from a forage-based diet. The first step in the digestion process occurs in the mouth, where the horse chews and mixes saliva with the food. From there, the food travels to the stomach where it is further broken down by stomach acid. The small intestine is where most of the nutrient absorption takes place. This is where carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are broken down and absorbed into the bloodstream. It is important to provide your performance horse with a balanced diet that meets their specific nutritional needs to ensure optimal performance and overall health. Choosing The Right Performance Horse Feed Discover the perfect fuel to maximize your horse's performance and achieve unprecedented results in the arena. When choosing the right performance horse feed, it is crucial to evaluate the nutritional content and compare feed brands. Look for feeds that provide a balanced ratio of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to meet your horse's energy needs. Consider the specific requirements of your equine athlete, such as their breed, age, and activity level. Consult with a veterinarian or equine nutritionist to determine the optimal feed for your horse. Additionally, read the labels carefully and compare the ingredients and guaranteed analysis of different feed brands. Look for feeds that contain high-quality ingredients and are free from harmful additives or fillers. By carefully evaluating the nutritional content and comparing feed brands, you can ensure that your horse receives the best fuel to unleash their full potential in the arena. Achieve unparalleled results in the arena by fueling your Fueling Optimal Performance horse's performance with the perfect blend of nutrition and energy. Providing your horse with the right fuel is essential for optimal performance. Horse nutrition plays a crucial role in performance enhancement. To support your equine athlete, choose a performance horse feed that is specifically designed to meet their unique nutritional needs. Look for a feed that includes high-quality protein sources to support muscle development and repair. Essential amino acids, such as lysine and methionine, are also important for building and maintaining lean muscle mass. Additionally, a feed that contains a balance of carbohydrates and fats will provide the energy necessary for endurance and speed. By fueling your horse with the right nutrients, you can help them reach their full potential and excel in the arena. Enhancing Endurance And Stamina Boost your horse's endurance and stamina by providing them with the perfect blend of nutrition and energy. Improving speed and building cardiovascular strength are key factors in enhancing endurance and stamina in performance horses. To achieve this, it is essential to provide a balanced diet that meets their energy requirements and supports their cardiovascular system. Start by feeding a high-quality performance horse feed that is specifically formulated to meet the demands of athletic horses. Look for ingredients such as beet pulp and vegetable oils, which provide easily digestible energy sources. Additionally, incorporating supplements like omega-3 fatty acids can aid in improving cardiovascular health and reducing inflammation. Regular exercise and conditioning programs are also crucial in building endurance and stamina. By combining proper nutrition with a consistent training regimen, you can help your equine athlete reach their full potential and excel in their performances. Promoting Muscle Development And Recovery To promote muscle development and aid in recovery, it's important to provide your horse with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Muscle building requires the right combination of nutrients, including protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Protein is crucial for muscle growth and repair, while carbohydrates provide the energy needed for intense workouts. Fats, on the other hand, help with hormone production and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Post-workout nutrition is also essential for muscle recovery. After a strenuous session, your horse needs a combination of protein and carbohydrates to replenish glycogen stores and repair damaged muscle tissues. Supplements such as amino acids and antioxidants can also support muscle recovery and reduce inflammation. Remember, muscle development and recovery are a gradual process, so consistency in diet and exercise is key to maximizing your horse's potential. Read Also: The Importance of the Domestication of Horses Supporting Joint Health And Overall Well-Being Take care of your horse's joints and overall well-being by providing them with the proper nutrition and exercise they need to stay healthy and happy. Supporting joint health is crucial in maintaining your horse's performance and preventing injuries. Incorporating joint supplements into their diet can help to promote joint function and reduce the risk of injury. These supplements often contain ingredients such as glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid, which have been shown to support joint health and reduce inflammation. Additionally, regular exercise and conditioning can help to strengthen the muscles surrounding the joints, providing added support and stability. By prioritizing joint health and overall well-being, you can ensure that your equine athlete is performing at their best and enjoying a long, successful career. Conclusion In conclusion, choosing the right performance horse feed is crucial in unleashing the full potential of your equine athlete. By understanding their nutritional needs and fueling them with the right nutrients, you can enhance their endurance, promote muscle development, and support their joint health. A well-balanced diet that includes the necessary vitamins, minerals, and protein will not only improve their overall well-being but also aid in their recovery after intense workouts. Invest in their nutrition, and watch your horse reach new heights of performance and success. Additionals: Horse Riding As a Hobby How Much are Horse Riding Lessons? How to Train Your Kids for Horseback Riding

Dog Bite

A Quick Look At Dog Bite Statistics And Increasing Safety

Americans, as a whole, love their dogs. Many millions of American households are home to at least one pooch, and many families keep multiple dogs. Dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years. They are generally friendly, and they become productive members of households. Dog bites remain common. Many of these bites are relatively harmless, resulting in no substantial injury. However, some people do end up needing to seek medical treatment. Sadly, some people pass away from injuries sustained by dog bites, although fatalities are rare. If you or a loved one have been injured, you should speak with a lawyer. You may receive compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and other things. You can search for a dog bite lawyer in the Detroit area or for a lawyer based nearest you. Curious about dog bite data and increasing safety? Read on! Looking at the Data Regarding Dog Bites Data covering dog bites can come from many different sources. Immediately, one clear challenge emerges: data collection is often sporadic, and the methods used by different organizations and by researchers at different times.  As a result, they may make the data hard to compare. For example, the Centers for Disease Control has conducted various studies over the years. But they need to collect and publish standardized statistics on the issue regularly. Some of the most commonly cited statistics conclude that 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year. Roughly 800,000 require medical treatment. However, this data comes from a CDC study examining bites from 2001 to 2003. It’s hard to say if this data still accurately reflects the situation in recent years. On the one hand, dog ownership has increased, so perhaps dog bites are increasing. On the other hand, increased education and efforts to ensure healthier human-dog relationships may result in fewer bites. Dog Biting Statistics Moving further away from the dog statistics, the average cost per claim for dog attacks keeps on escalating from the year 2003 to that of 2017. They are driven by the increasing cost of medication and the higher settlements.   According to a study, around  28000 dog attacks resulted in hospitalization (the figures range between the years 1993 to that of the year 2008). The statistics kept on increasing therefrom. Presently, a dog bite treatment in a hospital (hospital stay) costs around $18200.  Looking at the number of dog attacks on US postal employees in 2019, one can understand cities notorious for dog bites. They include Chicago, Los Angles, Dallas, Columbus, Philadelphia, Toledo, and others. These figures point out the increasing number of dog bites and also the cost of treatments. The concerns keep mounting high with time.  The Most Crucial Statistics Let us know about some of the most crucial statistics on the dog bite. According to statistical figures, almost around 4.5 million people became victims of dog bites. Nearly half of them are children. Around  70% o dog bites are untreated.  Dog bite accounts for around  46 fatalities, as recorded in 2019. The Pitbull and the Rottweiler are responsible for 77% of dog bites. According to global figures, millions of dog bites occur Annually! These statistical figures call for introspection; therefore, the concerned authorities must be aware of the dog bites. It is important for the sake of awareness. Keeping Children and Safety in Mind With Canines Children rank among the most vulnerable to dog bites, and educating them to reduce the risk of bites is important. Since children are not as large or robust as the typical adult, they are more vulnerable to injury. Further, many children don’t understand how to interact with dogs properly. What may seem like innocent rough play may cause a lot of harm to canines. If a child injures a dog, it may be more likely to bite. It’s important for parents to properly educate children on dogs and how to interact with them. Supervision at home is crucial for households with both kids and dogs. It’s also wise to teach children not to approach strays or unknown dogs. While many dogs are friendly, some may be dangerous. Also, larger dogs can pose more of a threat. Even if a small dog bites a child or adult, it will likely do less damage. A larger dog, no matter the specific breed, will be able to inflict more damage if it should decide to bite someone. Remember, if you’re looking for a dog for your family. What If A Dog Bites Your Child You need to be mindful of health and safety measures when the dog bites your child (especially if it is not your own dog). At the same time, you also need to take your kids to the emergency department.   Though rate, infections like rabies and others are fatal. Therefore you must not delay at all and take your child to the nearby hospital for treatment. Your doctor will let you know if the child needs stickers or if antibiotics will suffice. Moreover, you can help your doctor by providing some important tips on the risk factors associated with dog bites. You can name the location of the dog’s owners. It will enable the doctor to procure updated data on the vaccinations. It can also help you understand whether or not the dog attacked was provoked or unprovoked. If the attack was unprovoked, let the doctor know if the dog is sick. It might completely affect the treatment decision. Have You Safely HENDled Them? Take note of some of the safest ways to handle dogs so that you do not have to be in trouble. Never try to squeeze the dog too tightly as they feel uncomfortable. Also, never tease them by pulling the ears and tail tightly. It is a sensitive organ.  Do not disturb the dog when they are eating. Dogs give their utmost concentration while they are eating. If you do it, be prepared to face the heat. Never put your fingers before them, especially when they are eating. These precautions can save you from dog bites.  Read Also: When Every (Dog) Year Counts: The Pros and Cons of Adopting a Puppy vs. An Older Dog 4 Cool Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Service Dogs What Can You Do When Bitten By a Dog?

bed bugs

What laundry detergent kills bed bugs?

Dealing with bed bugs by yourself is a tricky yet not entirely impossible thing to do. Those hitchhiking pests can often "ride" on your clothing and bedding textile - that is the primary way they spread and infect new areas. Certified pest control Croydon specialists are today giving out a piece of valuable advice on killing bed bugs by simply doing your laundry smartly and appropriately. What detergents to use? Regular, budget-friendly soaps and detergents are part of many bed bug treatment solutions, as they are capable of killing bed bugs under certain conditions. Actually, your success story will not be heavily influenced by the kind of detergent you use but rather by the combination of actions taken to exterminate bed bugs from your clothing and textiles. Bed bugs generally do not tolerate water Water is not a part of bed bugs' usual habitat - they cannot swim and will simply drown when having to stay in the water for more than a few minutes. There is some good news and some bad news about this. The good news is that soaking your clothes in water for about 24 hours will kill most of the adults and nymphs of bed bugs. The bad news is that their eggs will survive, hatch, and keep the infestation going. Low-temperature washing won't always work. Many studies suggest that doing your laundry at 30-40 degrees Celsius for 30-40 minutes will kill 100% of adult bed bugs and also 100% of their nymphs. Anyway, your problem will not be solved in the long run since about 75% of the bed bug eggs will survive and make the problem sooner or later reappear. High-temperature washing and hot air drying are a game-changer Washing your textiles at 60 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes or more is proven to exterminate 100% of the bed bugs in all life stages. On the other hand, though, that might not be appropriate for certain sensitive clothing types, so you should always check the label for the washing instructions, temperatures including. Dry Cleaning can reduce the growth of bugs  Dry cleaning is also proven to eliminate all bed bugs successfully. This is the only suitable type of bed bug treatment for temperature-sensitive and delicate fabrics such as cotton, wool, and linen, for example. Every certified dry cleaner out there will offer consultation and guarantee 100% bed bud removal. Seek professional advisory and assistance You can easily handle bed bug infestation on your textiles by merely doing your laundry right. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for your mattress, pillows, carpets, and furnishings, which had also been invaded by bed bugs. For greater and more widespread infestations, calling a professional bed bug exterminator might be your only chance to swiftly, intelligently, and successfully handle the situation. You can always check in with an expert to seek advice, schedule an on-site evaluation, and receive valuable information tailored to the specifics of your case. Top Home Cleaning Tips Home Maintenance Plans And Cleaning Tips During Covid-19 Clearabee Makes Rubbish Removal Fast and Easy