A Quick Look At Dog Bite Statistics And Increasing Safety

Published on: 01 July 2023 Last Updated on: 27 July 2023
Dog Bite

Americans, as a whole, love their dogs. Many millions of American households are home to at least one pooch, and many families keep multiple dogs. Dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years. They are generally friendly, and they become productive members of households. Dog bites remain common.

Many of these bites are relatively harmless, resulting in no substantial injury. However, some people do end up needing to seek medical treatment. Sadly, some people pass away from injuries sustained by dog bites, although fatalities are rare.

If you or a loved one have been injured, you should speak with a lawyer. You may receive compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and other things. You can search for a dog bite lawyer in the Detroit area or for a lawyer based nearest you. Curious about dog bite data and increasing safety? Read on!

Looking at the Data Regarding Dog Bites

Data covering dog bites can come from many different sources. Immediately, one clear challenge emerges: data collection is often sporadic, and the methods used by different organizations and by researchers at different times.

 As a result, they may make the data hard to compare. For example, the Centers for Disease Control has conducted various studies over the years. But they need to collect and publish standardized statistics on the issue regularly.

Some of the most commonly cited statistics conclude that 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year. Roughly 800,000 require medical treatment. However, this data comes from a CDC study examining bites from 2001 to 2003.

It’s hard to say if this data still accurately reflects the situation in recent years. On the one hand, dog ownership has increased, so perhaps dog bites are increasing. On the other hand, increased education and efforts to ensure healthier human-dog relationships may result in fewer bites.

Dog Biting Statistics

Moving further away from the dog statistics, the average cost per claim for dog attacks keeps on escalating from the year 2003 to that of 2017. They are driven by the increasing cost of medication and the higher settlements.  

According to a study, around  28000 dog attacks resulted in hospitalization (the figures range between the years 1993 to that of the year 2008). The statistics kept on increasing therefrom. Presently, a dog bite treatment in a hospital (hospital stay) costs around $18200. 

Looking at the number of dog attacks on US postal employees in 2019, one can understand cities notorious for dog bites. They include Chicago, Los Angles, Dallas, Columbus, Philadelphia, Toledo, and others. These figures point out the increasing number of dog bites and also the cost of treatments. The concerns keep mounting high with time. 

The Most Crucial Statistics

Let us know about some of the most crucial statistics on the dog bite. According to statistical figures, almost around 4.5 million people became victims of dog bites. Nearly half of them are children. Around  70% o dog bites are untreated. 

Dog bite accounts for around  46 fatalities, as recorded in 2019. The Pitbull and the Rottweiler are responsible for 77% of dog bites. According to global figures, millions of dog bites occur Annually! These statistical figures call for introspection; therefore, the concerned authorities must be aware of the dog bites. It is important for the sake of awareness.

Keeping Children and Safety in Mind With Canines

Children rank among the most vulnerable to dog bites, and educating them to reduce the risk of bites is important. Since children are not as large or robust as the typical adult, they are more vulnerable to injury. Further, many children don’t understand how to interact with dogs properly. What may seem like innocent rough play may cause a lot of harm to canines. If a child injures a dog, it may be more likely to bite.

It’s important for parents to properly educate children on dogs and how to interact with them. Supervision at home is crucial for households with both kids and dogs. It’s also wise to teach children not to approach strays or unknown dogs. While many dogs are friendly, some may be dangerous.

Also, larger dogs can pose more of a threat. Even if a small dog bites a child or adult, it will likely do less damage. A larger dog, no matter the specific breed, will be able to inflict more damage if it should decide to bite someone. Remember, if you’re looking for a dog for your family.

What If A Dog Bites Your Child

You need to be mindful of health and safety measures when the dog bites your child (especially if it is not your own dog). At the same time, you also need to take your kids to the emergency department.  

Though rate, infections like rabies and others are fatal. Therefore you must not delay at all and take your child to the nearby hospital for treatment. Your doctor will let you know if the child needs stickers or if antibiotics will suffice. Moreover, you can help your doctor by providing some important tips on the risk factors associated with dog bites.

You can name the location of the dog’s owners. It will enable the doctor to procure updated data on the vaccinations. It can also help you understand whether or not the dog attacked was provoked or unprovoked. If the attack was unprovoked, let the doctor know if the dog is sick. It might completely affect the treatment decision.

Have You Safely HENDled Them?

Take note of some of the safest ways to handle dogs so that you do not have to be in trouble. Never try to squeeze the dog too tightly as they feel uncomfortable. Also, never tease them by pulling the ears and tail tightly. It is a sensitive organ. 

Do not disturb the dog when they are eating. Dogs give their utmost concentration while they are eating.

If you do it, be prepared to face the heat. Never put your fingers before them, especially when they are eating. These precautions can save you from dog bites. 

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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Waterproof Bed Your Dog Needs

Pawsitively Essential: 10 Justifications For A Waterproof Bed Your Dog Needs

People are eternally grateful for your beloved friends, and as pet owners, you should always put their comfort first. Purchasing a waterproof bed is one important, yet sometimes disregarded, step toward furnishing your dog's room so that it is comfortable and healthy. A Waterproof Dog Bed is convenient; it has several advantages for your pet and your house. This article discusses ten reasons why your dog needs a waterproof bed. 1. Mishaps Occur Dogs can have accidents, just like people do, especially puppies or older incontinent dogs. Water doesn't soak into the mattress since a waterproof bed is a barrier. This is especially helpful in keeping your pet's sleeping space fresh and odor-free. 2. Easy Clean-Up A waterproof bed makes cleanup easier after spills, muddy paws, or unplanned mishaps. Liquids are kept from seeping into the bed's core by the waterproof layer, making spot cleaning simple and avoiding stains and smells. Your pet's living environment becomes cleaner and healthier as regular upkeep becomes easier. 3. Mold And Mildew Prevention Wet conditions can encourage mold formation and mildew, harming people's and pets' health. As a barrier, a waterproof bed keeps moisture from building up inside the mattress. This preventative step guarantees a dry, pleasant sleeping area and protects your dog from future respiratory problems. 4. Sturdiness Of The Mattress Over time, moisture—from spills or accidents—can weaken a dog bed's structural integrity. Waterproof mattresses are engineered to endure the trials presented by submersion in liquid, hence augmenting their longevity. A waterproof option guarantees the bed stays in top shape and offers your pet long-lasting comfort. 5. Control Of Odor Not only does liquid absorb into a dog bed, but it also produces foul smells. Waterproof beds lessen this problem by keeping liquids from seeping through the mattress. This barrier ensures that your dog's sleeping area is clean and welcoming, making cleaning easier and aiding in odor management. 6. Exclusion Of Allergens Like people, dogs may have sensitivity to allergens like mildew and dust mites. A waterproof bed creates an effective barrier against these allergens, giving your pet a healthier place to sleep. Dogs who suffer from allergies or respiratory problems would especially benefit from this as it helps minimize potential triggers. 7. Fitness For Usage Outside A waterproof bed is a great tool if your dog loves being outside or if you take them on frequent travels. It may be used outdoors due to its moisture resistance, giving your dog a cozy and dry place to relax, whether at the beach, camping, or just hanging out in the backyard. 8. Control Of Temperature Temperature-regulating and breathable materials are frequently seen in waterproof beds. This guarantees that your dog is comfortable in all kinds of weather, whether on a sweltering summer day or a freezing winter night. Together with these temperature-regulating qualities, the waterproof feature offers a comprehensive solution for your dog's well-being. 9. Design That Is Cozy And Supportive In addition to being practical, waterproof beds are made with your dog's comfort in mind. Numerous choices have orthopedic and supporting designs that relieve dogs suffering from arthritis or joint problems. These beds are a great option for dogs of all ages and health concerns because of their twin functionality of comfort and waterproofing. 10. Pet Owners' Peace Of Mind And lastly, pet owners may rest easy knowing their bed is waterproof. You can unwind and spend quality time with your dog, knowing their sleeping area is guarded against spills and accidents. It also reduces anxiety about possible harm to your house, so you and your pet may live together harmoniously. The Sensible And Conscientious Option For Waterproof Dog Beds Purchasing a waterproof dog bed is a wise and advantageous choice that extends beyond ease of use. The numerous benefits include reducing the risk of accidents and making cleanup easier, encouraging a healthy sleeping environment, and guaranteeing the bed's longevity. A waterproof bed is a considerate investment in your dog's comfort and well-being and a useful addition. You are improving your pet's quality of life and strengthening your relationship with your cherished dog friend by giving them a dry, clean, and comfortable place to sleep. Top 6 Benefits Of A Waterproof Dog Bed While you are buying the best bed for your pooch, every pet parent will want the best dog products across the market. Below, I will discuss the top 6 benefits of the waterproof dog bed. 1) Materials And Features Of Waterproof Dog Beds  Before diving into several other benefits of a waterproof dog bed, let's look at what these are all about. Essentially, these are two types of waterproof dog beds. In this case, some enhance the waterproof lining, which wraps around the outermost shell of the bed. This is an ideal option to prevent liquids such as urine or water dripping from a wet dog from penetrating the interior filling of the bed. 2) Water Resistant Dog Beds One of the most confusing elements of purchasing a dog bed is whether you can trust the high moisture or the wet environments. Undoubtedly, there are substantial differences between water-resistant and waterproof dog beds. It is also essential to know them before committing to the purchase. Above all, waterproof dog beds will prevent any liquid from penetrating the fillings of the bed. Conversely, water-repellent and water-resistant materials will help you control the limitations of small quantities of water. 3) Waterproof Dog Beds, Hygienic  Since water, bacteria, and urine will have a more challenging time penetrating via the outer lining. In this case, you can be sure that the bed's bed will stay clean and hygienic for a longer time. Of course, cleaning a stained and dirty waterproof lining is incredibly easy. In this case, you can only use the hose or throw the washing machine. If the waterproof lining becomes destroyed beyond repair, this is easier to replace. You will only be able to do so by just buying a new cover instead of the entire bed. 4) Waterproof Dog Beds Are Odor-Resistant  When your dog comes back from a mud and wet place, it lies on the dog bed and smells very bad. That is why a waterproof dog bed is odor-resistant. In this case, there is no doubt that an odor is not just one of the most valuable but also a little pricey for having the mushy dog all around. Therefore, odor-resistant bedding will help you manage an issue without much effort. 5) Waterproof Dog Beds Are Long-Lasting  If you are buying any non-durable waterproof dog bed, it would be hard to be durable. Dogs are experts in replacing bed sheets and other cotton cotton-relatable. That is why I suggest you buy a waterproof dog bed with memory foam filling and synthetic fabrics to easily pick this up for many years. However, waterproofing has to compromise comfort in waterproof dog bedding. Read Also: Gift For Dog Lovers Asobubottle.Com: Best Pet Water Bottles In 2023! 6) Dog Waterproof Beds Can Easily Be Used Both Indoors And Outdoor  Dogs usually love to spend more time outdoors and also always love to run on grassy fields and beaches. As the summer season approaches, dogs should be kept indoors for a very long time to avoid any health threat. You can only can't use them indoors for softer or even more delicate materials. Indeed, multiple natural elements such as sun and rain can severely impact the structure, health, and look of your dog's dog. If you want to spend a little fortune, there are better ways to take care of your investment. Additionals: 5 Reasons Why Your Child Needs a Dog The Best Dog Breeds For Fitness Fanatics Food Allergies in Dogs and How You Can Prevent it? Can Dogs Make the Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better?


Can Dogs Safely Take Aspirin? Discover A Safer Alternative With CBD

When your furry companions experience pain or inflammation, you naturally want to provide them with relief. Aspirin is a common over-the-counter pain reliever humans use, leading pet owners to wonder if it is safe for their dogs. Read on to discover "Can dogs take aspirin?" and how CBD can relieve pain for your beloved canine companion. The Potential Risks of Aspirin for Dogs Aspirin belongs to a class of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). While it can be safe and effective for humans, dogs have different physiology that can make them more susceptible to the adverse effects of aspirin. Here are some risks associated with administering aspirin to dogs: 1. Gastrointestinal Upset Dogs are more prone to developing stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding from NSAIDs, including aspirin. The delicate balance of their digestive system can be disrupted, leading to vomiting, diarrhea, and even more severe complications. 2. Kidney and Liver Damage Aspirin can place significant strain on a dog’s kidneys and liver. Over time, prolonged use or excessive dosages may lead to kidney or liver dysfunction, potentially causing long-term health issues. Reduced blood flow- often caused by aspiring might damage not only the liver of your favorite pet but also its kidney.  3. Blood Clotting One of the potential benefits of aspirin for humans is its blood-thinning properties. However, this can be dangerous for dogs, as it may increase the risk of internal bleeding, especially if they have underlying conditions or are taking other medications. 4. Reverse Healing While aspirin can help your animal overcome pain, it might harm other bodily operations. The reason is prostaglandins have certain positive impacts on their body. Hence, when prostaglandins are exhibited from aspirin, there might be some reverse healing consequences. 5. Might Lead To Bleeding Since aspirin works like a blood thinner, it might help in stopping blood clots when the dog is bleeding. Dogs having the disease of Von Willebrand should never consume aspirin. This disease lasts lifelong, and the blood never clots. The Safer Alternative: CBD for Dogs CBD is a non-psychoactive compound obtained from hemp. It has gained popularity recently for its potential therapeutic benefits, including pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties. Here's why CBD is a safer alternative to aspirin for dogs: Natural Pain Relief CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system in dogs, which helps regulate pain perception. It can provide relief for various types of pain, such as joint discomfort, arthritis, and post-surgical pain, without the potential risks associated with aspirin. Anti-Inflammatory Effects Inflammation is a common source of pain for dogs, and CBD has shown promising anti-inflammatory properties. CBD can help alleviate discomfort and improve mobility in dogs suffering from osteoarthritis or autoimmune disorders by reducing inflammation. A classic example of anti-inflammatory effects includes aspirin, which helps in the reduction of ulcers.  Reduces Convulsions & Seizures CBD has recently become a new alternative when it comes to treating seizures and convulsions in dogs. Without many possibilities of a side-effect, most dog owners prefer CBD oil instead of aspirin. CBD for dogs might be available in various convenient forms, including extracts from a dropper bottle or in addition to the food. Minimal Side Effects Unlike aspirin, CBD is generally well-tolerated by dogs. It has a favorable safety profile, with minimal side effects reported, such as drowsiness or dry mouth. However, it's essential to consult with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate dosage for your dog's specific needs. Gastrointestinal Support The infamous CBD oil is popular for relaxing and calming the intestinal lining of your dog. Ultimately, it reduces unnecessary pain that is caused when muscles are tensed in and around the stomach. The ingredients in CBD oil promote a healthy digestive system in your pet’s body. Depending on the health needs of your pet, you might upgrade to higher-potency CBD. Choosing the Right CBD Product for Your Dog Choosing a high-quality product specifically formulated for dogs is crucial when considering CBD as an alternative to aspirin. Here are some key factors to consider: Organic and Lab-Tested Opt for CBD products made from organic hemp and undergo third-party lab testing. This ensures the absence of harmful chemicals, pesticides, and contaminants, guaranteeing the purity and safety of the product for your furry friend. Your pets, especially dogs, need careful attention. Hence, you must always opt for an organic CBD oil.  Transparency There are so many ways in which a company can offer you lofty promises of being top quality. But in order to buy the best CBD for your dog, you must always look for a brand that is transparent with its consumers. The CBD oil must be tested through a neutral third-party lab in order to reach the doors of your house. Full Spectrum vs. Isolate Full-spectrum CBD products contain a wide range of beneficial compounds in hemp, including trace amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). While THC is typically present in very low concentrations, choose CBD isolate products if you prefer a THC-free option. Proper Dosage Determining your dog's CBD dosage can be challenging. Factors such as their weight, age, and the severity of their condition play a role. Consulting with a veterinarian experienced in CBD use for pets is essential to ensure you administer the correct dosage. Check The Quality Your pet is no different than your other family members. You might want to provide them with the best care. Look for qualities like the following in CBD oil:  Rich in antioxidants USDA Certified Organic Solvent, pesticide, herbicide and mycotoxin-free Human grade Without additives Conclusion While many pet owners may wonder, "Can dogs take aspirin?" it's important to recognize the potential risks and adverse effects of giving this medication to your canine companions. Instead, CBD offers a safer alternative for managing pain and inflammation in dogs. With its natural properties and minimal side effects, CBD can be a valuable tool in improving your dog's well-being without the potential dangers of aspirin. Before introducing CBD into your dog's healthcare routine, remember to consult with your veterinarian and choose a reputable CBD product specifically formulated for dogs. 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Food Allergies

Food Allergies in Dog and How You can Prevent it?

Is your dog itching and shaking like hell? Does he suffer from a recurring ear infection? The symptoms point towards food allergy and a visit to the vet might be in order. Allergies, be it skin or food, can be devastating and frustrating for you as well as your fluffy-friend. The non-stop scratching of ear, face, and paws can drive him crazy. Make sure you are covered with dog insurance if you want to be prepared for these situations. Now, you must be wondering where did these allergies come from when your pet is vaccinated regularly and eats healthy? Really! Is your pet really having a healthy diet?  Ponder-upon! Unlike humans, a dog’s food is different. You could be taking your pet toward distress if you are feeding him food he is allergic to. For many dog owners, dog allergies related to food are a rising concern. As a dog owner, it’s important to know that food allergy and food intolerance both are different. While food intolerance leads to poor digestion, food allergies are the result of your dog’s immune system’s response to an invading problem. How do you know he is suffering from a food allergy? If your dog is showing the following symptoms, he/she might be suffering from a food allergy: Itching Paw biting Obsessive licking Poor coat quality Chronic ear inflammation Some other symptoms of food allergy in dogs are: Skin Rashes Chronic diarrhea Itchy rear end Vomiting Chronic gas Nausea Hives Now, if your dog is showing the above symptoms and is diagnosed with a food allergy make sure you keep him away from foods like: Dairy: Some dogs are dairy intolerant and have problems digesting lactose. This further can lead to problems like diarrhea, vomiting, and gas which a dog suffers from.  A dairy allergic dog may also have skin itchiness or paw itching. Wheat:  People have so many misconceptions about carbohydrate-containing foods such as grains that are made for dogs.  Some dogs show an allergic reaction to wheat, so if your pet is one of them, consult a vet and treat your loving fluffy pet. Eggs: Egg allergy in dogs means your dog’s immune system is overreacting to the protein which presents in the egg yolk.  However, for this allergy, you don’t have to visit a vet, just avoid giving them and your monster will be fine. Beef: Dogs mostly suffer from protein allergies. Also, if you are feeding the same food over and over, the chances are that your dog will develop an intolerance or allergy to those foods. And food like beef is one such. However, to avoid this, don’t repeat the same food over and over. Instead, run the repeat cycle after 4-5 days. Chicken: Like beef, offering your dog only chicken over and over will make them intolerant to that. Lamb: Since many dog foods are made from chicken or beef, lamb can be a healthy option for your pet. However, some pets still experience allergies to this meal. But you can try sweet potato, rice or mix with some other food to avoid allergies. Soy: Offering soy to dog’s can cause various health issues that are beyond allergies. Your pet may face problems like thyroid, liver disease, and much more. Which Breads are More Prone To Allergies? Although no specific breed is prone to allergies, some of the most common breeds are: Collie Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier Boxer Cocker Spaniel Springer Spaniel West Highland White Terrier Shar-Pei Dachshund and much more Although it’s overwhelming to have a cute, cuddly monster at home, taking good care of them is a job that needs attention and dedication. Following a proper diet can keep allergies at bay, but in case if your pooch does catch one, Benadryl is a good OTC drug that you can also give to your dog. CertaPet features a very detailed article covering everything you need to know about Benadryl for dogs – make sure you read it. Read More: The Best Dog Breeds For Fitness Fanatics 5 Reasons Why Your Child Needs a Dog Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress?