How New User Do Online Registration at LIC Portal

Published on: 07 May 2018 Last Updated on: 18 September 2019
LIC Portal

Life Insurance Corporation of India has been one of the most trusted names since its incorporation in the year 1956. This state-owned insurance company is also the largest insurance company in India- have been by the years and still gaining customers patronage with quality products and ease and simplicity of operations.

To bring about a simpler access to their policies by the customers, LIC has recently introduced LIC e-Services which would enable LIC customers to get an access to their policies and every other thing related to it get done online such as paying monthly premiums, keeping track of the policy status, keeping track of premium dues and more such stuff online without having to approach any branch office. It is to the utmost benefit of the customer that they can have a transparent view of the policies and plans that they have opted for and get things done with just a click avoiding long queues in the branch office.

While availing e-Services might seem like an amazing idea, some people are surely yet to figure out how to get themselves availing these services. If you be among them, worry not.

Here we have for you a complete guideline on what exactly LIC e-Services are like and how to get yourself registered on the LIC login portal if you are a new user. All you have to do is to stick to the article until the end.

How New User Do Online Registration at LIC Portal:

What is LIC e-Services?

LIC e-Services is the recently launched online service provided by LIC to its customers. LIC with integration with all the latest digital initiatives comes with its own e-Services to enable wider access to unlimited policy-related information to its customer with utmost simplicity and ease. There is a myriad facility one can derive from availing these e-Services. These benefits include:

  • Online Payment Facility
  • Policy Status
  • Bonus Status
  • Loan Status
  • Claim Status
  • Premium Due Calendar
  • Revival Quotations
  • Premium Paid Certificate
  • Claim History
  • Policy Bond
  • Various devices and online forms available
  • Locators and FAQs

Who Are Eligible For Availing LIC e-Services?

Of course, anyone who is a policyholder with LIC can avail the benefits of LIC e-Services. For the same one has to register themselves at the online portal. The ones who have already had their registrations done can just simply register the policies held by them in the portal to get all the information and updates on the respective policies.

How To Register For LIC e-Services?

Now, that you have already had an idea about LIC e-Services and the benefits that you can avail from it, you need to know how to register yourself at the portal for availing the same. The process is rather simple, definitely for the ones who have already had their registrations done and also for the new users who are yet to get themselves and their policies registered.

If you are already registered at the portal, all you need to do is click on e-Services. You will find the button somewhere to the right of the official  LIC webpage. Click on Registered User button and log in with your User ID and password.

Then you need to fill-up the form provided so as to register your policies at the portal.

Take a print out of the form, sign it and upload the scanned copy of the form. Also upload the scanned image your Aadhaar Card, PAN card or Passport.

The officials would take some time to verify the same and after the verification process has been completed you will receive an SMS or an email stating that you are prepared to use the e-Services.

For the Ones Not Yet Registered at the Online LIC Portal:

In case you be among the ones who have not registered already at the Online LIC portal, go through the registration process which is very simple to get through. All you have to do is to click on the New User button on the right of the official LIC web page and select your User ID and password. On the completion of the simple process, you are a registered portal user.

You need to register your policies in the portal and therefore all you need to do is to click on e-Services and log in with your User ID and password. For the registration of your policies, you need to fill in the form provided with all the necessary details. Print the form, put down your signature and upload the scanned image of the same. Note that the size should not be below 100 KB. Also, you need to upload the scanned image of the Aadhaar Card or Passport or PAN card or any other equivalent document that works as your official ID proof.

Once you are done with the process you need to leave it to the officials to verify it. Once your application is duly verified, you will receive an email or an SMS dating that you are good to go with availing the e-Services at the LIC portal.

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Car Loan

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What is a car title loan? A car title loan is an advance for a little measure of money and for a brief timeframe. To get a car credit, you give the advance specialist the title to your vehicle - for instance, your car, truck or bike. It can be extremely costly. On the off chance that you can't reimburse the cash you owe, the bank can take your vehicle. What are some different approaches to acquiring cash? You may acquire money from: Family or companions A bank or credit union Credit card How do car title advances function? You can get a car advance on the web or at a store. This is the way they work: You demonstrate the moneylender: your application, your car, title to your car, your photo ID If the moneylender supports your credit, he gives you the money and keeps the title to your auto. When the time has come to reimburse the credit - more often than not in 30 days - you pay the credit specialist the sum you acquired - in addition to a month to month charge. Read also: How To Shop For A Car With Your Teen Driver? What amount does an auto title credit cost? Advance specialists charge a month to month expense. This charge can be a ton - once in a while as much as 25% of the sum you acquire. What happens on the off chance that I can't reimburse the loan specialist when the cash is expected? You might not have the capacity to pay the credit specialist when the money is expected. The bank may give you a chance to obtain the cash for an additional 30 days. This is known as a "rollover," or "rolling over" the advance. To move over the advance, you will pay another month to month charge. What happens in the event that I can never repay the lender? In the event that you can't pay the advance specialist the money you owe, he might take your auto. This is called repossession. The loan specialist may offer your vehicle and keep the cash. What would it be advisable for me to do before I get an auto advance? Before you get an auto advance, consider different decisions: Can I get an advance from a bank or credit union? Can I get more opportunity to pay my bills by chatting with credit bosses or a credit instructor? Do I have any money spared that I can utilize? Can I get cash from family or companions? Can I utilize a credit card? Read also: Credit Card Fraud & The Holiday Season: Things To Consider For Next Year Compose the responses to these inquiries. Choose which decision is best for you. I choose to get an auto title credit. What would it be advisable for me to do? Request that the moneylender reveal to you the amount it will cost in dollars Request that the loan specialist disclose to you the APR Acquire just what you can reimburse by the date the credit is expected Read More: Invest In A New Car, Without A Financial Liability How To Get An Auto Loan At A Low Interest Rate Fred Loya Insurance Company

Role in Disability

8 Factors That Play a Role in How Long-Term Disability Premium Is Calculated

Even if you know how beneficial long-term disability insurance can be, you may not know what to expect as far as rates are concerned. It’s not easy to just throw out a few figures; rates vary from one person to another, and they depend on various factors. Below, we’ll explain some of these factors in greater detail. 1. Your Age As we age, we’re more likely to suffer a long-term disability. Because of that unfortunate fact, insurance rates increase with age. Keep in mind that your cost for long-term disability insurance will never be as low as it is today, and consider purchasing a policy as soon as possible. 2. Your Income In the long-term disability insurance niche, the terminology is a bit misleading; it should really be known as ‘income insurance’. Because it is designed to protect or replace your income, it pays more if you make more. Therefore, rates are higher for those with elevated incomes. In most cases, long-term coverage costs from one to three per cent of your gross yearly income. 3. Whether You Smoke Those who smoke are more likely to become disabled in the future. Not only do they pay more for health and life insurance, but they also pay more for disability coverage as well. If you smoke, consider quitting; if you don’t smoke, don’t start. 4. Your Job As a worker, your long-term disability insurance rate is determined based on your job’s risks or physical demands. For instance, if you’re an office worker, you may pay less than a manual labourer would pay. 5. The Definition of a ‘Disability’ Every policy has a unique definition of the term ‘disability’. Most question whether you can do your previous job, or whether you’re unable to do any work at all. The looser the definition, the more you’ll pay for coverage. A policy covering ‘own occupation’ disabilities will pay out if you can’t do the same work, even if you could hold a different type of job. However, a policy covering the ‘loss of earnings’ will bridge the gap between your pre- and post-disability income. Finally, an ‘any occupation’ policy will only pay out if you cannot perform any type of work. By considering this from Darras Law, you will get the help needed to encourage your insurer to fulfil its obligations.  6. The Potential Payout While your policy’s cost will, of course, depend on your income, not all long-term disability policies pay 100% of what you make. Some pay just a fraction of that amount; the closer the policy comes to a 100% payout, the higher the rate you’ll pay. 7. Elimination Period Length A policy’s elimination period is sometimes referred to as a waiting period. It’s the time that has to pass between the onset of your disability and when the policy starts paying out. A policy may come with a 30-, 60-, or 90-day elimination period, and those with shorter periods will cost more. 8. The Benefit Period A disability insurance policy’s benefit period is the length of time it will pay out following the waiting period. Two- and five-year policies are common, as are lifetime policies and those that pay out until retirement age. The longer the benefit period, the more the policy will cost. In Conclusion Now that you’ve gained an understanding of the factors affecting your long-term disability insurance rates, your next step should be to determine how much coverage you need. While an insurance agent can help you find a new policy, a local disability attorney will help you get the benefits to which you’re already entitled. Read Also:  4 Expert Tips For Finding The Cheapest Insurance For You Your Simple Guide To GAP Insurance Tips For Breaking Into Finance And Banking


What are the types of debt that can be discharged in bankruptcy?

When it comes to unmanageable debts, it is common to think for a bankruptcy to avoid further issues. The law gives us the opportunity to discharge our debts through bankruptcy in order to recover our financial status. In this article, we are going to talk about the types of debt that can be discharged in bankruptcy. Some of the debts cannot be discharged, but they can be restructured to allow you to pay them easily. Others can be completely eliminated, which will give you the opportunity to keep most of your belongings, rather than selling them to pay off. How does it work? There are two main types of bankruptcy that can be found in Chapter 7 and 13. “Chapter 7 allows you to clean a great variety of debts in a short period of time, while the later Chapter is used to keep your assets in touch.” says Bankruptcy Lawyer Boca Raton With some cases, you’ll have to sell some of your property to pay off creditors. However, if you don’t own much property, you might be qualified as a “no asset” case, which would save you a lot of headaches. Debts that can be forgiven by Chapter 7 include the following: Personal loans Medical Bills Credit card debt Utility bills Repossession deficiency balances Auto accident claims Lease debts Student loans Attorney fees Civil court judgments. With Chapter 13, you can reorganize and consolidate your payments to prevent having any penalties. This way, you can pay most of your debt in a period of three to five years. Upon completion of the repayment plan, you will be discharged by most of the debts that remain. This Chapter is suitable for individuals who wish to keep their assets and those whose income is too high to classify for Chapter 7. To apply for Chapter 13, you must have a solid source of income and enough money left to add them towards your new payment plan. Debts cleaned by Chapter 13: Unsecured Debts Medical Bills Personal Loans Credit card debt utility bills lawsuit judgments income tax obligations The chances are that you’re going to repay some of the amounts through the repayment plan, but the remaining will be discharged. 1. Secured Debts : This chapter allows you to remove debts such as a second mortgage through lien stripping. This way, it will be marked as a non-priority unsecured debt It is important to check all of your debts whether they can be split up. For example, you can split your car loan into two parts - secured & unsecured. Obviously, the secured portion must be paid, while the other one will disappear after the repayment plan is completed. Debts discharged ONLY by chapter 13 Debts accumulated through a property settlement agreement in a divorce Retirement account loans Fines & Penalties owed to the government Condominium Fees Debts from previous bankruptcy that were denied for discharge Debts from malicious damage to a property What Bankruptcy can’t discharge Of course, you can’t discharge all debts using these two Chapters. By using the first one, you will still have to repay the debts after discharge. While using the second, the debts will remain after the repayment plan is completed. Furthermore, if you’d like to keep your personal belongings such as a house or a car, you can’t omit payments Non-dischargeable debts: Debts accumulated due to a personal injury caused by driving under the influence. Student loans Fines and penalties for violating laws Child & Family support Income tax debts within the past three years. If your creditor is against your request to discharge the following debts, they might be classified as non-dischargeable. Debts from willingly causing an injury to a person or property Debts owed due to a divorce settlement Debts due to fraudulent activity Credit purchases for luxury goods within the last two months. Bankruptcy will surely not solve your financial problems, but it will ease your situation, allowing you to make timely payments and recover quickly. Read Also : Debunking 7 Notorious Bankruptcy Myths Major Financial Problems That Can Affect A New Business What Are The Benefits Associated With Crowdfunding For Businesses?