Why Personal Lenders Like SkyCap Financial Provide

Published on: 18 September 2018 Last Updated on: 24 February 2020

A loan may be a helpful resource if you need extra money for a specific purpose. But, there are a number of factors to consider before deciding what type of loan is best for your financial situation. Broadly speaking, you have a choice between personal loans offered by banks and alternative lenders or payday loans, available through smaller retail outlets.

Personal Loans:

Personal loans offered by financial institutions such as banks or credit card companies are usually for large amounts of cash (i.e., $25,000 and over). A credit check is often required before approval and the lenders perform due diligence on the credit history of their applicants.

Personal loans are also often installment-based with regular re-payments made to the lender. A personal loan can serve as a smart option for those with high credit scores looking for a relatively large amount of cash, perhaps to buy a car or to renovate a home.

Relatively new to the Canadian market, personal loans can also be provided through online applications via alternative lenders. Online loans may be an option to choose from if you are seeking a smaller loan amount (under $10,000) and expect to pay back the loan quickly. Main benefits that online lenders provide are speed and convenience. You spend a few minutes completing the online application and the amount is deposited directly into your bank account, often within 24 hours.

Case in point, Kingston, Ontario-based SkyCap Financial is one of the leaders in Canada in providing a quick and easy online loan application process. SkyCap Financial specializes in helping people with low credit or poor credit gain financial assistance, offering short-term loans ranging from $500 to $10,000. The lender bases its lending decisions on credibility, stability and the current income of the applicant and works to provide quick decisions on loan applications.

Payday Loans:

We’ve all seen the stores with the “quick cash” signs. Payday lenders prey upon those who are in desperate situations and in need of quick access to cash. They advertise themselves as a convenient and reliable source for same day funding.

In reality, however, most payday loans come with extremely high interest rates. No due diligence is done and loans are provided solely based on whether the borrower has a job and can show a pay cheque.

“Payday loans are almost always a bad idea as borrowers typically get stuck is what is referred to as the payday loan cycle,” says Loans Canada. This cycle occurs when a borrower needs to keep taking out more and more payday loans just to cover the previous ones.

Bottom Line:

Whatever type of loan you choose, make sure you feel comfortable that you can afford the payments and make sure the loan is structured in a way that you don’t feel trapped. Although you are pretty safe with personal loans through banks and alternative lenders, payday loans are another story, and best avoided, if possible.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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5 Tips For Transport & Logistics Business Owners Before Investing In Insurance

You need to make sure that you have considered how you will buy insurance before you get started managing your company. Most people who run a large business like this think that they just need to get insurance for their vehicles, but you should be a bit more clever with the insurance that you buy. There are some steps below that will make your life much easier, and each of those steps will be easy to follow because you only need to have a look at what your options are when talking to an agent. Let the agent guide you and realize that you have a lot of things that actually need an insurance policy. Insure The Vehicles First When you work with a company such as Connect Business Insurance, you will still insure the vehicles first. You need to have insurance if you plan to send the vehicles on the road. You need to get the vehicles valued and insured properly so that they can be replaced on their own. A lot of companies just own the trucks, and you are hauling someone else’s trailer. Even if you own your trailers, they get their own insurance when you have the policies written up. Insure The Trailers You can insure the trailers with no trouble because they have their own value in and of themselves. When you do not own the trailers, your partner needs to insure their own trailers. They will cover the loss of the trailer in the event of an accident, and you can move on to other types of insurance that will actually pay to replace the items that are in the trailers. Property Loss Insurance You can get property loss insurance that will pay for the loss of anything that was in the trailers in the first place. When you are getting a policy like this, you need to get a general replacement value that could be used for anything that you are hauling. All you need to do is keep track of the things that are in your trailers because that will help you file the claims in the future. You also need to remember that you must have these manifests ready for any insurance claim if the partner is paying for the loss of property. Profit Loss You can take out business insurance that will be used to pay for lost profits. When you need to shut your business or stop using trailers or trucks, you can use insurance to pay for lost profits. This is how a business can afford to stop working when it has an emergency. You also need to remember that these policies have different values based on how much you think a lost day of work is worth. Let the agent value your workday for you so that there is no confusion. Use The Agent Often You should use an agent in all cases because that is the only person who can properly value your policy, write the policy, and offer customer care. Read Also: How To Choose The Best Auto Insurance Company? Have You Paid Enough Attention To Liability Insurance When Launching Your HHA Business?


Buying Stocks for Beginners: A Guide

Investing your money wisely is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your future. It's never too early to start investing your money so that it will grow. Buying stocks for beginners can be scary, but there is plenty of guidance available. This is especially true if you are looking to buy US stocks outside of the United States, in which case you´ll need the help of a broker to access those markets. If you are new to the world of stocks and investing, you will undoubtedly have lots of questions and will need to take the time to learn some basic concepts. Buying Stocks for Beginners: A Guide Check out this guide to buying stocks for beginners. Why Invest? Investing is a way to make your money work for you. Rather than sitting idly in the bank, investing your money in stocks is one way to help achieve your financial goals. Though the stock market may have its ups and downs, it has historically averaged a 9% return on investments. How Much Should You Invest? How much to invest depends on your goals. This is something to discuss with your financial advisor or brokerage firm, but a good rule of thumb is to contribute about 10% of your income to your investment portfolio. Basic Types of Investments: There are many options to invest in, but the basic types of investments include Stocks, Bonds, Cash, Mutual Funds and ETFs. We recommend you consult with a reputable financial advisor for suggestions on how best to distribute your funds. How you choose to invest will boil down to how conservative or aggressive you feel most comfortable regarding your finances. For more information on investments be sure to check out thinkorswim vs tastyworks. Investing Actively or Passively: Active investing means selecting investments that are actively managed by professionals, with a goal of beating the market and achieving greater returns. Whereas passive investing is to simply try to match the market's performance. The choice of whether to invest actively or passively essentially boils down to how much time you want to spend studying the market. Active investing typically requires a potential investor to do extensive research into individual stocks. Choosing the Right Stocks to Invest In: For a beginner, it might be wise to consider certain types of stocks that are good long-term investments. It's important to take your time, learn the basics, and to research into the ways stocks are valued. Another thing to educate yourself on is the difference between investing and speculating. While investing is typically designed for sustained returns over the long haul, speculating is a dangerous way of chasing fast money. Getting Started: Once you understand the basics of buying stocks, you'll want to open a brokerage account. Shop around and study the various brokerages to learn about their services and fees. As a beginner, you will want to find a brokerage with features to guide you through the stock selection process. Buying stocks for beginners can be an exciting process, and watching the return on investment as your money begins to grow can be a source of great satisfaction. Click here to see more great business articles. Read Also : How To Start Trading On The Stock Market And Profit? Investors Agree: Gold And Silver Is The Way To Go

Investment in Gold

What Investors Should Know about Investment in Gold and Silver Assets

The stock market is one of the investment platforms that readily come to mind when (especially) new investors think about investing. The truth is that this investment platform promises a lot. This is the reason many people take this investment route. Be that as it may, you need to know that this investment platform has its few downsides. However, they are few enough to have caused many people financial wrecks in the past. The point is not to discourage you from investing in the stock market. Trading commodities can be a great decision if you are looking to diversify your portfolio. Historically, precious metals like gold and silver have been tried-and-tested safe investment options as far as traders are concerned. You can get in touch with a leading gold trading broker to evaluate your options and then proceed accordingly by trading these commodities. However, it is about opening your eyes to some of its dark sides and making sure you see the need to diversify your investments. This way you can make the most of many investment platforms or make sure you are not completely at a loss if the stock market has problems. For those that need to better understand the possibility of the stock market crashing, you can visit: https://en.wikipedia.org/ You would discover that regardless of where they are situated, no stock market is completely immune from a crash. Investors in places like the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Brazil, EU Nations, Dubai, Japan, South Korea, and many other places have had this experience. It is for this reason we all need to equally consider investing in other profitable assets as well. On this note, this article will shed some light on gold and silver investment. The ways this can play out and a few other things will be explained here. The information here is very important and so you are advised to keep reading. You should also pay rapt attention as you do so. Gold or Silver – Which Should You Invest in? For the record, both precious metals are not the only options that can be considered by those hoping to make the most of the precious metal market. However, both are unarguably the most common options for precious metal investors. Other than this, some of the details discussed concerning both precious metal assets are equally applicable to others. Having established this, the million-dollar question on many people’s minds is “should I invest in gold or silver?” There are many things you need to consider to make the proper decision in this regard. One of them is something known as the gold-silver ratio. This is about using the value difference between both precious metal assets to make informed decisions as an investor. Fortunately, there is always a clear figure of this ratio to help people make the right choice. You need to make your decisions based on this ratio amongst other things. This is so that: You choose precious metals based on their prospects You get your assets at a market valuation that is fair Your assets will not be undervalued when it is time to liquidate the assets These are some of the basic reasons you should take this ratio seriously as there are a few other reasons. Against this backdrop, you should also make sure you are working with real-time information. This is to be certain that your investment decisions are well informed. If you would like to know more about the gold-silver ratio (especially how it is calculated), you can read this article. Investing in Gold and Silver Some similarities come with investment in gold and/or silver. One of them is that they share the same investment methods for the most part. So, this is valuable information for those planning to invest in silver, gold, both precious metals, and even a few other precious metals. Having established this, some of the methods that can be considered include: 1. Bullion Purchase There are a few precious metal forms that would pass as bullion. However, the underlying factor here is that the precious metals are gotten, sold, and valued based on their weight. This is unlike what is obtainable with collectibles and special precious metal coins. Speaking of bullion, they would either be offered as bullion coins or bars. The latter usually weighs one ounce and its valuation is based on this. On the other hand, the former weighs a lot more. This is no less than 400 ounces. To invest in gold and silver using this method, you have to work with a precious metal exchange company. Many service providers are in this business. Some of the very common ones include Money Metals, JM Bullion, Vaulted, and a host of others. It is very important that your chosen precious metal exchange company ticks all the right boxes. This is in terms of credibility, impressive track record, and a long list of other important things. You are advised to get a full review from a credible review platform(s) to make the right choice. 2. Gold IRA The Internal Revenue Service is heavily involved in formulating tax laws and seeing to it that they are implemented in this country. This is especially at the federal level. You should also know that this body is also actively involved in regulating the IRA scheme. The IRA scheme offers a lot of tax benefits to account holders and the good news is that there is an IRA plan that allows people to invest in precious metals. The truth is that there are only 4 precious metal assets that the system allows account holders to invest in. These are gold, silver, platinum, and palladium. You are advised to understand the rules set by the IRS as regards investing in precious metal assets. These are especially rules that center on withdrawal of precious metal assets, storage, eligible forms of precious metals, approved purchase techniques, and so on. 3. ETFs This is an investment option that is quite popular. This is especially as it concerns investment in the stock market. The good news is that the Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) system is not restricted to the stock market. You can also make the most of the precious metal market using this system. Other than the bullion purchase method discussed above, this one would not require handling the assets physically. Frankly, this is one of the advantages of this silver and gold investment method. For more on this subject, you can visit: https://www.businesstoday.in/commodities/story Conclusion We have discussed a few things you need to know as someone hoping or planning to invest in silver or gold. You should also know that some of the information here will help you invest in other precious metal assets properly. So, you are advised to make the most of these details going forward. 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