8 Reasons to Have a Pre-employment Background Check in Facility

Published on: 20 September 2018 Last Updated on: 25 June 2021
Background Check

It is risky to entrust your business to a total stranger who is seeking a job in your organization. For your business or organization to reap maximum benefits, it is important to make sure that you have a team of employees who you can trust. You don’t have to entirely depend on contract terms as the primary basis for the trust! Make sure that you have background knowledge of the employees before even employing them.

8 Reasons to Have a Pre-employment Background Check in Facility

The following are the reasons why you need to have a pre-employment background check facility in your organization.

1. Keep away from criminals:

Having criminals in your organization is very risky. They can steal from you, tarnish the name of your organization or cause scandals which can even lead to permanent closure. To make sure that you are not employing criminals, it is important to have a background check before hiring any employee.

It is vital to make the job seeker to provide the relevant criminal records or what is commonly referred to as “Certificate of Good Conduct”. By doing this, you will be sure that you are not employing a convict and your organization is safe.

2. Scrutinize documents for authenticity:

Some of the people seeking jobs may forge documents to make their resumes look impressive. If the employer is not keen, underqualified staff may be hired! Having underperforming staff has detrimental effects on the organization’s profits and operations. It is important to make sure that the documents provided by the prospective employees are authentic and verifiable.

You can call the particular institutions indicated to verify the information. In this modern age, it is possible for a high school drop-out to possess a degree! Go through the paperwork to ensure that every detail provided is correct and true.

3. To ensure the proper social conduct:

Many companies or organizations spend a lot of money to brand their image. It is very important that the image is upheld to the highest standards to make sure that it remains trustworthy in the eyes of investors and the public. To safeguard the organization’s image, it is necessary to have a background check of the employees to ensure that their social conduct doesn’t compromise what the organization stands for.

You can go through their social media accounts and see what they post. If you find that a particular employment seeker has consistent ideologies that compromise the organization’s image, drop him/her.

4. To employ sober people:

Most organizations today carry out pre-employment drug tests. The organizations require sober and productive employees, not drug addicts! Drug users normally underperform their duties and cause many workplace accidents. The accidents not only result in physical harm but also huge losses which become difficult to recover from.

Furthermore, the insurance cost increases due to such accidents. Your business or organization does not have to go through such risks if you are able to avoid them. Have the employment seekers to take a drug test for the illegal drugs. You can employ a urine drug test, blood test, hair follicle or even a saliva drug test.

5. To ensure physical and medical fitness:

Most jobs require the physical and medical fitness for maximum productivity. Certain medical conditions can only be worsened by the type of work being done. Example, a construction company may avoid people with respiratory conditions like asthma. It is important to ask for a medical report for particular tests to ensure that the employees are fully fit to carry out different tasks without taking medical leaves.

6. To check past employment records and reasons for being laid off:

Research has shown that a person’s behavioral character is likely to remain the same under similar authority or conditions. Before offering employment, make sure that you have checked the employment records of the job seeker.

You can do so by going through the recommendation letters provided or calling the organizations indicated. You don’t need to employ a person who was fired for coming to work late, stealing or even insubordination. There is a likelihood for your organization to suffer from the same!

7. To make sure that the employee is legally eligible to work in the country:

It is against the law to hire illegal immigrants or underage people. To make sure that none of these happen, make sure that you have a proper pre-employment background test facility in your organization. For non-citizens, ask for work visas and all the legal documents. Make sure that you ask for the national identity cards for the citizens. You don’t want your organization to be on the wrong side of the law!

8. To ensure a high level of responsibility:

A job seeker might possess the sufficient education and skills for the job but is irresponsible when it comes to filing taxes (tax-noncompliance) or repaying loans. It might seem to be a non-issue until the same predicaments hit your organization. In your background check facility, make sure you inquire about tax certificates and loan statements. You need to employ people who show some degree of responsibility even in the small matters!

It is always better to be safe than sorry. Make sure that you have a fully functional pre-employment background test facility in your organization!

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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5 Places to Get Fast Cash

Cash loans today from loan companies are one of the fastest means to get your hands on extra cash. Fast cash from such companies is a welcome relief when you need extra funds for emergencies or when a sudden and pressing expense suddenly comes up. For example, the computer that you use to work from home breaks down. You’ll need cash for this as soon as possible, or you won’t be able to generate any income. While cash loans are a good way to resolve such issues, there are other ways to earn fast cash, and you may want to try them out before borrowing cash from a loan company. Established lenders like Fast Cash UK recommend that borrowers explore other possible opportunities to raise fast cash before applying for instant loans. Here are five places where you can get fast cash. Different Places From Where You Can Get The Fast Cash In 2022  There are multiple places are there from where you can get the fast cash in 2022 to make things happen in your favor. 1. Your Family or Friends: Your family and friends are very likely your most accessible and dependable support system. Asking them for a boost, therefore, is a no-brainer. However, it is a good idea to treat the transaction just like regular cash loans wherein you discuss and lay down the terms of the loan and sign an IOU to complete it. This serves as extra protection for both the money and your relationship with the lender. 2. Your Closet and Drawers: Apart from the few coins that you may find, you can rummage through your stuff for things that you no longer use or need like old college books, toys, and electronics. You can sell your old books online via Amazon or other online booksellers and your other items using eBay or another auction site. Clothes that no longer fit you as well as those vintage clothes gathering dust in the attic are still a hit in thrift shops so that you can sell them for a few bucks. 3. Your Neighborhood: You can take on gigs within your neighborhood to earn fast cash. You can offer your services as a babysitter, dog walker, landscaper or house cleaner. If you have the skills, you can also do some carpentry work, plumbing or computer repair. Print out a few flyers to distribute in your neighborhood, and then wait for the calls to come. 4. Your Vehicle: If you own a decent vehicle, sign up for a ride-hailing transportation service. It usually takes Lyft and Uber up to two weeks to approve applications. There are other ways to use your vehicle to make money as well, including package and food delivery and advertising other businesses 5. Online Loan Companies: If all else fails or your need is immediate, then applying for a cash loan is one of your best options. Some refer to cash loans as instant loans, and you can get the cash within the same day or even in a few hours. Online loan companies can even process and approve your application in minutes as long as you can provide the requirements to be eligible for a loan. Loan companies require borrowers to be at least 18 years old, hold a part-time or full-time job and have a working bank account. There are several more considerations when applying for a loan, and these include choosing the right loan company, opting for the right loan product and selecting a repayment schedule that you can handle. Remember to keep up with your monthly repayments because this will not only improve your credit score but also make it easier for you to be approved for your next loan. Read Also: Benefits Of NBFC Business Loans Top Tips For 2018: Student Loan Hacks

Singles In Their 20s To Get Life Insurance

Why It Is Important For Singles In Their 20s To Get Life Insurance?

Life insurance is a product that may not seem a cause for concern as a single in the early 20s. However, postponing it to a later date or several years ahead might cost you more than you expected. We must buy life insurance early to manage unforeseen commitments and pursue long-term goals with ease. Financial planning with life insurance will assure you benefits, especially low premium rates, extensive cover for your family, and financial security for the entire family. Here are some of the best reasons for singles to opt for life insurance early in the 20s. Reasons to buy life insurance in your 20s: When you are single and being in your 20s, you may be the only earning member of the family - your parents might become your dependents. They survive and manage expenses based on your income. However, as you get older, your commitments start increasing with marriage and children. The income will be increasing but not in tune with the rising liabilities. In case of an unfortunate event like your death, the whole family will suffer. If you have a life insurance cover, the life cover payout will ensure financial security for the family in your absence. In the early 20s, the insurer will provide insurance plans with a lower premium rate. This is primarily because you are healthy and fit at that age, and the risk involved is comparatively less. When you opt for term insurance with a higher sum assured, medical tests are mandatory. At a younger age, you won’t have any pre-existing ailments. So, the application gets approved for a minimal premium rate. And during a claim, it will not get rejected due to the submission of a healthy medical test report initially. Even being single, you have to plan your financial commitments way ahead. Life insurance comes with additional benefits like riders, guaranteed returns, savings plans, and other investment solutions for any individual. With guaranteed returns, you can pursue your long-term goals, and with investment plans like ULIP, you can get insured and invest for growth. There are also guaranteed savings plans that will provide life cover and regular income after a set period of time. The early you invest with the best life insurance, the higher is the sum assured. There are also high possibilities that you may have an educational loan. If the installment is fairly higher, then the payout from guaranteed returns plans can help you pay off a majority of the loan. In case of your unfortunate demise, your family members can pay off the debts with the lump sum assured. Having realized the advantages of life insurance of taking up life insurance as an individual at an early age, you must put the plan into action. It will encourage you to start your life with a disciplined approach to secure your life. Before choosing the right plan: Spend some time analyzing your financial position, career goal, long-term plans, and financial commitments. Research through the variety of plans available and select the best with expert advice. Comprehensive Insurance Cover for your 20s: Comprehensive life insurance plans are the perfect life cover to buy when you start your insurance journey. These plans combine affordable savings-cum-insurance cover and health-based riders. Thus, true to their name, they offer comprehensive protection - life, health, and savings! You can buy a comprehensive life insurance plan to secure your family’s future and ensure a lump sum payout so that they can lead a financially independent life. The guaranteed returns from the savings component help you fulfill your dreams and financial goals. Finally, the health-based riders assure protection and financial support during medical emergencies, especially on the diagnosis of critical and terminal illnesses. In conclusion: The avenues for insurance and investments are increasing every day. You can purchase life insurance online and get the necessary assistance at ease. In your 20s, before you start spending money on luxuries, allocate it for insurance and investments to stay financially independent in the present and later during the future. Keep in mind, the early you get insured, the better are your prospects, and the safest is your loved ones! Read Also: How Private Hire Insurance Takes You Out from Problems? Four Different Types of Insurance Everyone Needs How to Get Low-Cost Life Insurance for Seniors

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How To Choose A Great Managed Fund

Managed funds are a popular choice among investors who want to grow their wealth while minimizing the time and effort they need to spend on investment decisions. With a managed fund, you entrust your money to a professional investment manager, who is responsible for investing your money in a portfolio of assets, such as stocks, bonds, or real estate, to generate returns. However, with so many managed funds to choose from, how do you select a great one? Here are some tips to help you choose a managed fund that is right for you. Consider your investment goals The first step in choosing a managed fund is to identify your investment goals. Are you saving for a down payment on a home, retirement, or another major purchase? How much risk are you willing to take on to achieve your goals? Do you need your investment to generate regular income, or are you comfortable with a long-term investment? Answering these questions will help you determine which type of managed fund is best for you. Check the investment management company's track record The investment management company behind the managed fund is just as important as the fund itself. A well-established investment management company with a long history of success and a solid track record is a good sign that the managed fund is well-run and has a good chance of generating returns. Before investing, research the investment management company and its track record, including its past performance, assets under management, and any regulatory actions or penalties. Look at the fund's investment strategy It is essential to understand the investment strategy of the managed fund you are considering. What types of assets does it invest in? What is its investment philosophy, and how does it generate returns? Understanding the fund's investment strategy will give you a better idea of the risks and potential rewards associated with the fund. Consider the fees Managed funds charge fees, which can eat into your returns over time. Before investing, review the fee structure of the managed fund and compare it to similar funds. Some managed funds charge a management fee, which covers the cost of running the fund, and others may charge a performance fee, which is based on the returns generated by the fund. Consider the total cost of the fund, including both the management fee and any performance fees, and make sure you are comfortable with the level of fees before investing. Review the fund's performance history Finally, take a close look at the managed fund's performance history. A fund's past performance is not a guarantee of future success, but it can provide insight into how the fund has performed over time. Look at the fund's returns over the past few years and compare them to similar funds. Consider factors such as the fund's volatility, consistency, and risk-adjusted returns. In conclusion, choosing a great managed fund requires careful consideration of your investment goals, the investment management company's track record, the fund's investment strategy, fees, and performance history. By taking the time to research and understand these factors, you can increase your chances of selecting a managed fund that meets your needs and helps you achieve your investment goals. Additional: Managed IT Support vs Technical Support 6 Benefits Of Hyperconverged Infrastructure How Digital Advisors have Transformed the Investment Sector Mutual Funds Vs Stocks: Which One Is The Best Option For You