How Your Pet Will Change Your Life

Published on: 19 January 2019 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019

All those who have watched “Marley and Me” know exactly what I am talking about when I mention pet parents and how a lot of couples think of being a pet parents before they become parents. Having a pet, whether you live with your family, with your spouse, or you live alone, can change your life in so many ways. Apart from the fact that your family has a new totally adorable and definitely the most photogenic member in your family that would make you want to shop for amenities and accessories from petsho, we have decided to work out ways in which having a pet can change your life and why you should definitely adopt one if you haven’t already.

1. For Practicing Parents:

Practicing Parents

Having a pet is parenting a child for as long as your pet lives. No pet ever grows up, and this is especially true for dogs. They will most definitely grow old, and there will come a time when they wouldn’t be able to jump about like they did when they were younger, when their eyesights will grow weaker, but they will always be your little child, only bigger in size. It is not an easy job to be a parent to your pet for all the years that they live, but every pet parents will tell you without a doubt that those years will forever be the best years of their lives. From toilet training to training your pet for food, everything involves not only ample mistakes that will remind you of all the good times you shared with somebody who loved you selflessly. Apart from helping you learn to be patient till your child grows up, having pets also give your child a constant friend in every little thing they do.

2. Pets as Therapets:

It is a well-known fact that pets have often been trained as therapy support for patients suffering from depression, autism, Alzheimer’s among the few issues people grapple with. They are known to not only help people de-stress, but also provide constant support and alert people if they are about to have a seizure.

3. Becoming More Active:

Having a pet will completely change your daily routine. Your day will revolve around that furry little family member who is now a major part of your home. There will be someone who will love you right from the moment you step onto the threshold of your house, someone impatiently waiting for your return. Your priorities will begin to change and you won’t regret any of it, because this won’t be a responsibility anymore. The unconditional love that your pets will have for you will make you value them and their presence. It is also the best way to adopt a very healthy lifestyle owing to the ways you might have to adapt to keep your pet healthy and fit. Apart from being trained as therapists, pets, in general, improve your health by their mere presence and the infectious energy they carry with them.

4. A Boon for Introverts:

Unlike those who are naturally outgoing and can easily socialize or often become the life of the party, having a pet can help you create a bond or a connection without the need for any verbal communication. It can also be a great way to socialize with people if you are naturally drawn to animals more than human beings, yet you want to hone your socializing skills. Having a pet makes it easier to begin any conversation.

5. Your Child’s Best Friend:

Child’s Best Friend

As mentioned earlier, pets often become great company for your children. Often, pets react differently around a new family member, especially if it’s a baby, where most of the attention gets diverted and irrationally divided. However, this can be the best opportunity for you to help your pet befriend your child. Having a pet not only will help boost your child’s immune system but will also be their forever lifeguard helping them around or protecting them and communicating in their own forms of gibberish.

6. Your Trip Companion:

This option comes with a lot of terms and conditions applied because unfortunately, not every place whether a cafe or a tourist spot is animal-friendly. However, there are a lot of locations and a lot of eateries that allow you to visit and spend some quality time with your loved ones and also introduce them to other people’s pets. A solo trip can often become a lot more fun, interesting and adventurous if you can take your pet along.

Having said all of these, it is true how wonderful and how drastically your life will change once you adopt a pet. However, it is also important to remember that this is a responsibility. It is always a good idea to weigh out the odds against keeping a pet before you decide to adopt one. They look forward to being a part of your family and more often than not, these pets are traumatized once they are abandoned. Always choose adoption over the purchase of a pet.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Animal Shelter

8 High-Need Animal Shelter Donations

Every year, there are more than 6 million animals all across the country that end up in animal shelters. Most of these shelters are staffed by volunteers who rely on the donations of others to keep the shelters up and running. Without these animal shelter donations, the volunteers wouldn't be able to do their jobs and care for the animals that come through their front doors. Do you want to donate items that could potentially make a huge difference and allow shelters to give animals the TLC they need? If so, animal shelters have a long list of items they need on a regular basis. Here are 8 animal shelter donations you should consider dropping off at the shelter in your area. 1. Pet Food : This might be one of the more obvious animal shelter donations. But it's still worth mentioning because shelters simply can't have enough extra food hanging around. There are new dogs and cats coming into the average shelter every day. And from the moment they arrive, they have to be fed regularly so that they get the right nutrition. If you have extra dog food lying around in your home and it hasn't expired yet, you should consider calling your local animal shelter to see if they have a need for it. Just make sure the food hasn't been opened. Shelters won't be able to use opened bags or cans of food. 2. Dog Beds : In addition to providing dogs and cats with food upon their arrival, they also need to provide them with a place to sleep. Many dogs and cats that are turned into animal shelters haven't gotten a good night's rest in quite some time. Therefore, you should consider making animal shelter donations that include dog beds and beds for cats. They will really come in handy when dogs and cats are set up at animal shelters for days, weeks, or months at a time. 3. Litter : Kitty litter is one of the other items that animal shelters are always on the lookout for. From the moment cats step foot inside of a shelter, they need to have access to clean litter to handle their business. If possible, you should make sure your animal shelter donations include clumping litter that will be easy for shelter volunteers to clean up. You should also consider adding a litter box to the mix if your shelter needs one. It's a good idea to get in touch with a shelter ahead of time to see if they have a specific litter they prefer to use. Animal shelters will be ecstatic if you're able to provide them with fresh litter for their feline friends. 4. Blankets and Towels : Blankets and towels are a necessity whenever you're caring for animals at a shelter. They can be used for cleaning up messes or setting up a quiet space for the animals to rest. Either way, shelter volunteers will definitely find good uses for your blankets and towels. They don't have to be new, either! In fact, you're better off donating older blankets and towels to animal shelters that you don't need anymore. These items often don't have much value when you donate them elsewhere. But at an animal shelter, they'll come in handy in a variety of different ways. 5. Zip-Lock Bags : One of the keys to running a successful animal shelter is keeping everything organized. From food to treats to toys, you want to keep items where they belong. Zip-lock bags will help your local shelter do just that. So if you have a bunch of Zip-lock bags sitting in your house right now, you should donate them to a shelter. Shelter volunteers will be able to keep everything straight when they have places to put the things they use on a regular basis. 6. Pill Pockets : The Humane Society and other organizations insist on shelter animals receiving the best medical care possible at shelters. Often times, this means that dogs and cats have to take medications during their shelter stays. The problem, of course, is that many of them won't willingly take these medications. Pill pockets make it possible for shelter volunteers to give dogs and cats their medications without a problem. One box of pill pockets can last for a long time and make it easier than ever for animals to get the medications they need. 7. Kongs : As you can probably imagine, dogs that are placed in animal shelters can get very bored over time. They can, as a result, get themselves into trouble by chewing on things they shouldn't. Kongs are a great solution to this problem. Shelter volunteers can place treats into Kongs and provide dogs with hours and hours of fun. Shelters are always looking for large Kongs since they usually have a lot of larger dogs in their care. When you donate even just one Kong, you'll provide a dog with the entertainment it needs in a shelter. 8. Cleaning Supplies : Keeping an animal shelter clean is of the utmost importance. Shelters usually fly through cleaning supplies on a daily basis. You can make things easier on them by donating: Disinfectant wipes Bleach Powdered laundry detergent Dish soap Paper towels And more If you're not sure about which cleaning supplies would be best for your local animal shelter, give them a call and ask. They would probably be more than happy to let you know which supplies they use most often. You can help keep your local shelter a lot cleaner by setting them up with the supplies they need. Make Your Animal Shelter Donations Today : When you make animal shelter donations, you'll be helping both the animals in the shelters as well as the volunteers who give up their time to work in them. You'll feel great about yourself and know that you did what you could to help the animals even if you couldn't adopt them. Animal shelters rely on people like you to allow them to assist as many animals as possible. Check out our blog for other lifestyle tips that will help you become a better person.

Squid and Octopus

Are There any Differences Between Squid and Octopus?

People are often confused with octopus and squid, for most of the individual they are classified as cephalopods. They might resemble with one another, however, there is a difference between the two and unique hunting methods got used to catching them. So, what is the major difference between squid and octopus? It is clearly stated below in this article. Are There Any Differences Between Squid and Octopus? Yes there exists the difference between the Squid and Octopus that you need to know. Squid vs octopus: In order to assist you to understand octopuses and squid better, here we have described some of the similarities as well as the difference when it comes to anatomy, habitat, size, biological classification, and hunting behavior. Biological classification- both octopuses and squid are cephalopods, that means they have head-footed and it has no real feet or head as the most prominent feature. They are both mollusks and invertebrates and they contain eight arms. Unlike other mollusks, they neither have a shell. Anatomy: The octopuses and squids are built similarly and this is how one can tell they are entirely different creatures just by the appearance. The octopus might have eight arms and a round head that radiate like spokes of any wheel. The squid also contains eight arms and a triangular head with extra long tentacles. The body is long and it contains a bony plate known as a pen which is a vestigial remnant of its shell. You will notice that the squid also has two fins over their head however the octopus has none fins. The dumbo octopus has an ear like a fin over their head that might resemble as a large floppy ear of the elephant. Both octopus and squids have a sucker over their arms and it has two extra tentacles that got equipped with a special sucker ring and hooks with teeth attached. Interestingly, they both have a squirt copper and ink in their blood. The copper helps in oxygen transportation within the animal’s bodies. Size: Most of the people believe that squids are smaller kind however the squid normally grow under 60 cm to 20 meters long. However, the smallest squid species is just an inch long. On the other hand, octopuses grow anywhere under 1 centimeter – 9 meters. Lifespan- another key difference both squid and octopuses have is life expectancy. Both the species have a decent lifespan if their size is considered. The lifespan of squid is between nine months to five years however the octopuses can live anywhere between one to three years. Habitat- The squid can be easily found out in several areas of sea, even from a darker depth of the ocean to shallower water. On the other hand, the octopuses prefer to live under the seafloor level whether it could be deep water or shallow waters. In fact, it is said that octopuses live in rubbish that can be easily sunk to the bottom of the floor. Hunting behavior: Due to the anatomical differences, the hunting techniques might vary. The squid has a habit of swimming over the open ocean in small groups and it can make use of their extra tentacles along with sucker rings in order to give them extra reach. It helps them to catch shrimp and fish then it can be easily eaten up. On the other hand, the octopus stays over the seafloor and it eats bottom crustaceans because the soft bodies will make them vulnerable. They pierce, grab and inject poison into the body of prey and it will paralyze it. This then dissolves as well as loosens the prey through the usage of saliva before ripping it into parts. The observation on the octopuses demonstrates that it is a solitary creature. They don’t like to live in groups thus prefer a lifestyle as “hermit”. The squid species are solitary and they travel the ocean. The way the squids, as well as octopuses, eat and catch is different. The squid usually hunts for fish through swimming crustaceans like shrimp and it catches them with its tentacles. The prey is then consumed using the structure that is beak-like known as radula to cut into prey at their mouth. Multiple rows radula has in form of “teeth” that would help squid in grinding the prey before ingesting it. Most of the squid will hunt in coordinate and group their movement so as to maximize all the catches. The octopuses are solitary hunters and they catch the prey over the ocean floor along with arms. They inject venom into the prey that paralyzes it. Digestive enzymes also introduce catch which softens for ingestion by octopuses. How do squid and octopuses move? The squid and octopus can swim in any of the direction and it can easily alter the course quickly. The squids make use of the fins that are located over their head that can be used to propel themselves when it swims. It can move at low speeds.  The fins can easily stabilize and steer the squid when they move slowly and it wraps the body all around when it has to move quickly. Most of the octopuses don’t any fins. Do the squid and octopuses live in schools? Since solitary animals like octopuses, they live alone as den and squids live in schools. The young squids become more solitary in the future. Additional information: Taste- octopuses have more taste receptors over their body as much as ten to a thousand times in comparison to humans. Touch- the octopuses are sensitive to touch however you cannot discriminate between the light and heavy objects. Sight- the squid and octopuses have excellent vision however they might be color blind. It has 360-degree vision range with eyes Smell- the squid and octopuses can register smell in pits that are located over the beneath eyes. How they protect themselves? Coloration- they can create or change color in intricate patterns on bodies so as to blend with surroundings Ink- the squid and octopus can expel copper ink that is dark. This can be used to confuse the predators thus giving off octopuses and squid time to escape This is all about the major difference between the octopuses and squids, you can know additional information on the internet. Read Also: Forever Young: Natural Ways To Live A Longer Life Best Deer Hunting Trail Camera Tips For Scouting Wildlife

Husky and Pomeranian mix: character

Pomsky – A Mixture Of Husky And Spitz

Recently, a cross between a Pomeranian and a husky has been specially bred - Pomsky (the word combines the names "Pomeranian", "husky"). Hybrids combine the most valuable properties of these breeds. In the USA and European countries, they have become a fashionable trend, while in Russia and the CIS, they have just begun to gain popularity, for this reason, experts recommend purchasing designer pets. Husky with a Spitz breed: the appearance of a Pomsky They are slender dogs with fluffy, pleasant-to-the-touch coats. The coat consists of two layers - a waterproof undercoat and a longer guard hair. There are white specimens with a gray "mask", a kind of calling card of the Siberian breed, or all sorts of markings, completely white, black, gray, red, brown. Half Spitz, half Husky turned out thanks to artificial insemination, moreover, a larger breed is most often chosen as a female, although it happens the other way around. Features of appearance are determined by a combination of signs of both breeds, but the pomsky dog breed eyes were inherited precisely from the ancestors of the riding breed. The color of the iris of animals differs in a variety of shades and can be: blue; green; nutty; Complete and partial heterochromia is quite common: Eye pigmentation, if this feature is present, has many options: Coloring "harlequin", when the eyes have a different color, for example, one blue, one brown. Marbled eyes. It is characterized by the presence of spots of other shades on top of the main color of the iris. The difference in shades of individual segments of the iris. Subsequent generations resulting from the crossing of two individuals may have unpredictable external data. To a greater extent, this applies to height and body weight. The parameters are determined by the sex of the puppy (boys grow larger), the weight and height of its parents. The spread in body mass indicators is significant and is in the range of 4-13 kilograms. The bodyweight of an adult dog will be approximately equal to the sum of the parents' weight indicators, halved. Husky and Pomeranian mix: character They are funny, affectionate, and curious pets, wonderful companions. They are distinguished by their calmness and friendliness and are well suited for families with small children. Such a dog will never harm a child and will make friends with any pets, with the exception of rodents. Polski is energetic and restless, they definitely need space to play. They are loyal to the owner, but quite independent dogs. They tolerate loneliness well enough and feel good both in a large family and with one person. These four-legged animals may well learn to bark only on command. You can only achieve results with the help of praise and rewarding treats. Physical punishment cannot be applied to the Pomsky. The Husky / Spitz hybrid has a developed intelligence inherited from both breeds. He perfectly masters commands, is quick-witted, loves rewards. In the future, a cross between a Pomeranian and a husky can establish itself as a guide or lifeguard. Husky with Pomeranian Pomsky breed Metis Husky and Spitz feel good both in the city and in a country house, but this is not a yard breed at all. Nevertheless, he must walk and play a significant part of the time in order to spend the accumulated energy. Moderate molting occurs twice a year. During this period, the following recommendations should be observed: Wash your pet less often. Brush out more often. Especially carefully you need to comb the hair near the muzzle, where it is thicker and can cake. There is no need to trim the coat, only trimming around the fingers is allowed. Just like felines, they can lick themselves. The diet is not much different from the usual dog menu. It must contain a sufficient amount of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. Prohibited products: raw meat and fish; fatty; smoked; sweets; pickles; spice; bakery products. It is better to give preference to home or mixed feeding. If there is not enough time to prepare food, a balanced dry food will do. With this type of food, you should always ensure that there is enough fresh water in the drinker. The mixture of husky and spitz has not yet been fully studied, it is impossible to say for sure which diseases these animals are most vulnerable to. According to breeders, hybrids have a strong and healthy organism, failures rarely appear, and there are no hereditary diseases at all. Puppies must be vaccinated. To figure out what possible diseases a half-Pomeranian half-husky can be susceptible to, information about the more often Pomeranian and husky are sick. Periodically, you should visit a veterinarian in order to conduct routine preventive examinations. To know more about other dog breeds, visit Read Also: Smaller Sized Meal Portions for Dogs Amazing Facts You Need To Know About Corgis 4 Cool Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Service Dogs