The Importance of the Domestication of Horses

Published on: 28 January 2019 Last Updated on: 28 November 2023
Domestication of Horses

Owning a pet horse to have adventures with is a common wish on every little girl’s mind. You can experience their wonder in popular classic novels like Black Beauty and in pop culture with the reboot of shows such as My Little Pony. Mythical creatures like unicorns and the pegasus can be found all over stores, bringing a bit of magic into playtime. And of course, no western is complete without the hero riding off into the sunset on his trusty equine companion.

Whether they have wings, a horn, or even both, horses have found themselves at the top of well-loved pets and animals. But this doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of their importance. Thanks to horses, we have found ourselves at the forefront of adaptation and evolution. The following discusses how and why the domestication of the horse has helped make us human.

Why horses?

There are a few songs you may recall describing wild horses in some way or another. Yet today in 2019, you couldn’t find many of these in the wild. The majority of horses now are domesticated either for sport, farm work or as the family pet. Over five thousand years ago, horses were domesticated for a variety of reasons. Horses were, and in some parts of the world still are, a food source. Before modern technology of cars, these animals were the fastest way people could travel over any distance. Horses were a common choice over other animals because they were better suited for colder weather. These animals also had the muscle to perform long and tireless tasks such as pulling heavy farm equipment. They can withstand weight up to twenty percent of their own body mass, making them the prime choice to haul people, carriages, and large wagons. Besides utilizing horses for everyday tasks, they have also become the main attraction in sports such as racing, polo, and horse shows. These competitions display a horse’s beauty and brawn, typically consisting of jumping, agility courses, and obstacle courses. Check out to know more about the origins of horses.

Horses as pets and companions:

Even though these creatures have a history of running wild, keeping horses requires lots of care. This care consists of lots of time, energy, and money. You can find a variety of resources online such as Finish Line horse products that give information for products and horse care. For example pain relief, hoof care, and supplements to give your horse the best quality of life. In fact, horses can be used as animal companions such as a seeing-eye dog, however, smaller horses are utilized in the same manner. Miniature horses show great intelligence and cognitive skills and respond greatly to verbal commands. When properly trained, they can help the blind avoid obstacles to keep their human counterpart safe. There is also no need to keep them outside like larger horses; this companion stands about 30 inches tall and can be housebroken. However, horse fencing enables the separation of horses when necessary, preventing conflicts or injuries in group settings.

Helping us be human:

The domestication of horses has been shown to have had a great impact on us humans. Horses have been used to help soldiers injured during the 5th century. Physical fitness has utilized riding horses to improve your muscles such as the core, legs, and back. You need to be mentally aware of your horse and respectful. They are larger and incredibly strong, so when riding one, you have to be aware of your surroundings and body. Thanks to this strength, horses helped us to carry heavy loads to build houses and other structures, in addition to carrying food across distances to keep people fed. People also rode horses to gain speed on their prey for hunting. These animals were also used in warfare, helping people create and maintain civilizations and populations.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Food Allergies

Food Allergies in Dog and How You can Prevent it?

Is your dog itching and shaking like hell? Does he suffer from a recurring ear infection? The symptoms point towards food allergy and a visit to the vet might be in order. Allergies, be it skin or food, can be devastating and frustrating for you as well as your fluffy-friend. The non-stop scratching of ear, face, and paws can drive him crazy. Make sure you are covered with dog insurance if you want to be prepared for these situations. Now, you must be wondering where did these allergies come from when your pet is vaccinated regularly and eats healthy? Really! Is your pet really having a healthy diet?  Ponder-upon! Unlike humans, a dog’s food is different. You could be taking your pet toward distress if you are feeding him food he is allergic to. For many dog owners, dog allergies related to food are a rising concern. As a dog owner, it’s important to know that food allergy and food intolerance both are different. While food intolerance leads to poor digestion, food allergies are the result of your dog’s immune system’s response to an invading problem. How do you know he is suffering from a food allergy? If your dog is showing the following symptoms, he/she might be suffering from a food allergy: Itching Paw biting Obsessive licking Poor coat quality Chronic ear inflammation Some other symptoms of food allergy in dogs are: Skin Rashes Chronic diarrhea Itchy rear end Vomiting Chronic gas Nausea Hives Now, if your dog is showing the above symptoms and is diagnosed with a food allergy make sure you keep him away from foods like: Dairy: Some dogs are dairy intolerant and have problems digesting lactose. This further can lead to problems like diarrhea, vomiting, and gas which a dog suffers from.  A dairy allergic dog may also have skin itchiness or paw itching. Wheat:  People have so many misconceptions about carbohydrate-containing foods such as grains that are made for dogs.  Some dogs show an allergic reaction to wheat, so if your pet is one of them, consult a vet and treat your loving fluffy pet. Eggs: Egg allergy in dogs means your dog’s immune system is overreacting to the protein which presents in the egg yolk.  However, for this allergy, you don’t have to visit a vet, just avoid giving them and your monster will be fine. Beef: Dogs mostly suffer from protein allergies. Also, if you are feeding the same food over and over, the chances are that your dog will develop an intolerance or allergy to those foods. And food like beef is one such. However, to avoid this, don’t repeat the same food over and over. Instead, run the repeat cycle after 4-5 days. Chicken: Like beef, offering your dog only chicken over and over will make them intolerant to that. Lamb: Since many dog foods are made from chicken or beef, lamb can be a healthy option for your pet. However, some pets still experience allergies to this meal. But you can try sweet potato, rice or mix with some other food to avoid allergies. Soy: Offering soy to dog’s can cause various health issues that are beyond allergies. Your pet may face problems like thyroid, liver disease, and much more. Which Breads are More Prone To Allergies? Although no specific breed is prone to allergies, some of the most common breeds are: Collie Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier Boxer Cocker Spaniel Springer Spaniel West Highland White Terrier Shar-Pei Dachshund and much more Although it’s overwhelming to have a cute, cuddly monster at home, taking good care of them is a job that needs attention and dedication. Following a proper diet can keep allergies at bay, but in case if your pooch does catch one, Benadryl is a good OTC drug that you can also give to your dog. CertaPet features a very detailed article covering everything you need to know about Benadryl for dogs – make sure you read it. Read More: The Best Dog Breeds For Fitness Fanatics 5 Reasons Why Your Child Needs a Dog Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress?

Pet Store

Online Pet Store: A Better Source of Pet Supplies for Pet Owners

There are many costs and lots of hard work involved in owning a pet, from vaccinations to house training and everything in between. But if you ask any of the pet owners, they do not mind at all. To them, a pet is not just a pet, but more like family. A loyal companion, people would love to groom, clothe, feed, and dote on at any and all cost. Fortunately, you can go to an online pet store and get all the pet supplies you possibly need with a simple click of a button. But does this ability mean that it’s better to buy online than go to the nearest pet store? The growing sales of pet supplies online would seem to suggest so. Online Pet Store: A Better Source of Pet Supplies for Pet Owners More Choices, More Savings One distinct advantage an online pet store has over a brick and mortar shop is variety. While the wares that can be displayed and sold in a physical store is limited by its space, online stores can offer virtually any pet supply you can think of, and in any brand. Aside from the freedom of choice, an online pet store has no overhead expenses from renting a shop or paying employees, which means they can offer their products at a lower price. In addition, the sheer number of products competing online means pet owners almost always have access to cheaper pet supplies. And with the money you would be able to save from not burning fuel due to frequent trips to a pet store, it’s safe to say that buying online would cost you less in more ways than one. The Convenience of Buying in Bulk Another advantage of purchasing pet supplies online is the ability to buy in bulk, which is difficult or inconvenient to do in a physical store. With online pet stores, you can buy pet supplies in bulk and have them delivered right at your doorstep. This saves you not only money from additional discounts but the energy in carrying and transporting the pet supplies from the store to your home. Most importantly, you will save time from not making trips to the pet shop. This means more chances to bond with your furry friend. Advantage of Auto-Shipping Taking convenience one step further, you can avail of auto-shipping service, especially for dog food. This means you get reliable dog food delivery at an even more discounted price than usual. You can request a delivery schedule that can match the eating habits of your dogs to ensure you don’t get too much or run out either. If you’re away on vacation without your pets, you can arrange for the supplies to be delivered from the online pet store to wherever or whomever you entrusted your pets with. More people are beginning to see the benefit of having animals for companions. A 32% increase in registration of licensed dogs alone, has been reported by the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority in just under a decade. Along with an increase in the number of vet clinics, the number of stores supplying pet care products is increasing, whether online or not. This is a good thing for pet owners who would need all the help they can get from both online and brick and mortar stores to give their pets the total care that they need. Read Also: Celebrities and Their Pets: 5 Reasons Why They Love to Take Pictures With Them Is CBD Oil & Edible Treats Safe for Pets – Dogs & Cats

Meal Portions for Dogs

Smaller Sized Meal Portions for Dogs

Most dog owners over-feed their pets on a daily basis. It is easily done considering a dog’s stomach will never be full and they will eat everything we put in front of them. But this is why it can be potentially dangerous to overfeed your dogs. There are a lot of issues that can come from overfeeding your dogs, including: Obesity Skin disorders Some forms of cancer Cushing’s disease Heart failure Musculoskeletal problems One of the best ways to keep your dog in good health is to give them smaller meal portions during the day. Smaller Sized Meal Portions for Dogs: How Much Food Does Your Dog Actually Need? It can be quite difficult to find out exactly how much food your dog actually needs, but it is likely that they will benefit from smaller sized meals throughout the day. To determine the correct meal portions for your dog, you need to consider: The breed of dog you have The size of your dog Their metabolic rate and speed How active they are You also need to consider the kind of food they are eating and how often they are fed during the day. If you want some more information about the meal portion sizes your dog needs, take some time to read the label on their food. Most dog food companies have a guide on the back of their products to show you roughly how much food is required. These guides will be based on the size and weight of your dog. Although this isn’t a precise measurement for your dog, it is a good place to start if you are struggling with meal portions. However, you should note that these measurements are normally given for a 24 hour period. It is likely that the recommendations from the dog food company will be a lot smaller than you’d expect because your dog doesn’t need as much food as you think. Consider The Lifestyle: It is also very important that you consider the lifestyle of your dog in order to determine how much food they really need. If you have a very active dog who gets plenty of exercises, then it is likely that their meal portions will need to be quite large. The breed of your dog is very important in this regard, as it will determine the kind of lifestyle they have. For example, a pug will need less food than a hyperactive border collie due to the lifestyles they lead. You should also consider whether your dog gains weight easily or whether it is already overweight. Happy And Healthy: We all want our dogs to be happy and healthy. Overfeeding will get you nowhere. It can be very easy to overfeed your dog, as they will eat anything. However, this can cause a lot of health issues for them. Try giving your dog smaller sized meal portions for dogs throughout the day to improve their health and wellbeing. Also, make sure they are getting regular exercise and lots of water. Read Also: 10 Reasons Why Your Dog Can Breathe Fast? 5 Reasons Why Your Child Needs A Dog Food Allergies In Dog And How You Can Prevent It? 4 Cool Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Service Dogs